
Confirmation of Vanguard’s fake dollars inthe Ukraine?

"The company [Kaspersky Lab] has been investigating a $1 billion attack on financial institutions by a sophisticated hacking group…. Russian cyber-security company Kaspersky Lab was invited to look into the matter, after an ATM in the Ukrainian capital Kiev started giving out cash randomly without anyone inserting a card or touching any buttons in late 2013." […]

Gratuitous Impiety

Yay! More Complaints.

"I selected all of the above just so I could send this message, while I appreciate news outlets that try to get the truth out there, a lot of this website comes off as way too rude and angry." […]


The Great Accomplishments of Hired Skeptics

Shermerism: (noun) A delusional, pedantic belief system wherein all scientific wisdom is presumed already known. “Behold my marvelous Shermerism. I am so smart I know all science laws and paradigms and that includes future mathematical branches I prematurely criticize. As a gatekeeper in a secret brotherhood of illuminated miscreants I am the self-appointed judge of ultimate wisdom and falsehood. I play a devil's advocate just to be an asshole, and most people don’t really like me.” […]


Why Cecil the Lion Matters and Other Lives Don’t

When we hear about a beloved lion named Cecil tortured for 40 hours by an American trophy hunting dentist, we still have a child-like innocence and can still see this majestic creature unsullied by years of negative media conditioning. It would be different if that innocence was exposed to lion "terror alerts" every day. […]

Hillary Clinton

Guess Who Opposed the Civil Rights Act?

Hillary Clinton of course. But who was Barry Goldwater, the man this Young Republican was supporting? "Former U.S. Senator Prescott Bush was a friend of Goldwater and supported him in the general election campaign. Bush's son, George H. W. Bush (then running for the Senate from Texas against Democrat Ralph Yarborough), was also a strong Goldwater supporter in both the nomination and general election campaigns." […]


The Lincoln-Kennedy Parallels That Really Matter

Booth:  "I would be permitted to pass and protected by himself (Mr. Johnson) absolutely in my escape, and that on the death of President Lincoln, he (Vice-President Johnson) would become president of the United States, and that in this official capacity I could depend on him for protection and absolute pardon, if need be, for the crime of killing President Lincoln, which he had suggested to me and I had agreed to perform." […]


Select Children’s Books by Madonna

I do not like green eggs and ham. I do not like Madonna's sham. Would you like her shitty books here or there? I would not like them here or there. I would not like them anywhere. I do not like green eggs and ham, "The English Roses," or Viagra spam. I do not like Madonna, ma'am. I do not like them, Sam-I-am. Would you like them in a house? Would you like them with a mouse? I do not like them in a house. I do not like them with a mouse. I do not like how you inquire. I hope you all die in a fire. […]