How to Time Travel with a Rubber Band


Let’s say you have two telescopes: a regular one, and another that views faster than the speed of light. To our right we have a regular-ass telescope. I won’t embarrass the garage door manufacturer adorning its entrance or university it comes from by naming it, but I will gives you a hint: it rhymes with University of Schmalabama. This telescope is pointed at a solar system of let’s say, 300 years away, at Planet A. This telescope relies on light to reach its lens and it will take 300 years to get here. […]

Define Terrorist


For your sake above all else, the suspected terrorist deserves rights; all rights that an American citizen enjoys simply because “suspected terrorist” does not mean “convicted terrorist” yet both terms are now legally equated; in full mockery of justice and reason. […]

Clinton Nears Newspaper Industry Takeover To Keep Hidden Trump Fight For Black Rights

Sorcha Faal

A fearfully worded new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting the world is yet again on the brink of World War III as US-Australian military forces conduct their largest amphibious assault since World War II, states the urging of Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov for the world community to try to find a balance of interests on key global problems has just been met with news coming from the United States that Gatehouse Media is poised to buy USA Today owner Gannett—a merger that would make America’s biggest newspaper chain even bigger—and would make Gatehouse Media owner Fortress Investment Group the main gateway for all news in America—which is a hedge fund controlled by business tycoon Wesley Edens—about whom, aside from his being called “the new king of subprime lending” (a vile practice that brought the world to the brink of economic collapse in 2007), is a Democrat Party mega donor to Hillary Clinton—and whose ownership of nearly every newspaper in the US, will allow him to keep from the American people such true things as President Donald Trump having just come to the aid of the black rapper celebrity A$AP Rocky by his ordering Sweden to immediately improve his prison conditions while he awaits trial for unjust charges lodged against him—an order spearheaded by the Urban Revitalization Coalition—which is the White House organization created by Trump to give “A New Deal For Black America”.  […]

Ben Fulford: U.S. military to declare martial law as DOJ, FBI criminality exposed

Benjamin Fulford 

The U.S. military government, known to the world as the administration of President Donald Trump, is about to declare martial law, Pentagon sources say.  “The Cabal has been checkmated, as Trump is ready to federalize the National Guard in case of riots or civil unrest,” Pentagon sources say, adding that “FEMA camps will be used to house mass arrests, and Gitmo may house high-value targets while military tribunals will dispatch them swiftly.” […]

In the Spotlight

Acid Attacker Reluctantly Spares Kathy Griffin, Worried it Would Only Improve Her Appearance

by JAG in Cyrus the Stray

Abdul Smegma, a notorious London acid attacker wanted for permanently disfiguring the faces of at least twenty women, announced in a Skype video today that despite Kathy Griffin’s innately offensive nature and blasphemous imbecility, he would not splash acid on her face because “it’s just so damned hideous that burning the fugly off her mug would be an improvement, thus defeating the purpose of such an attack.” […]


Monarch Mind Control Programming

The formal Monarch Mind-Control project was developed from observations of high level Satanic families. These families had no qualms about the concept of traumatizing the fetus. Italian generational witchcraft is called the Ways of the Strega. These generational occult bloodlines, esp. in Tuscany and Naples, are very much into generational ancestor spirits. These were the ones that Aleister Crowley went to learn how to create Moon Children. […]

Cloak and Dagger

AUDIO: JFK Assassination- LBJ Discusses Hoffa’s Threat to Tell All

March 2, 1967: The voice speaking is Johnson’s, the caller was Connally, who phoned regarding the Jim Garrison investigation into the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Johnson notes one of Jimmy Hoffa’s lawyers went to one of their “mutual friends” to discuss the Garrison case; warning that Hoffa “would tell all the story” about the JFK assassination after November of ’67. Johnson’s own lawyer admitted, and detailed how Johnson was responsible for the assassination. This, in addition to several damning White House tapes and other powerful evidence available to the public. […]


Be Wise as Serpents

BE Wise as Serpents is the history of the systematic destruction of Christianity and the building of a 1-world-religion. As you read this research based on a. confidential interviews with participants within in the conspiracy, b. interviews of unwitting participants within the conspiracy, evidence for a history we have not been told, and a great struggle before mankind as the one-world-power/religion comes into focus. […]


Actual Supreme Court Rulings Consistent with Illuminati Doctrine

Imagine Supreme Court rulings consistent with an Illuminati doctrine written over 200 years ago; a doctrine calling for a totalitarian world government run by a cabal of international bankers. Imagine rulings also consistent with the 24 protocols of the more infamous work based on it but falsely attributed to an entire people, The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. That is the true horror, and why the latter may be…The Most Prophetic and Terrifying Forgery in History. […]

Operation Mockingbird, CIA Media Control Program

oh, hi mark!

Art Thou Worthy?

Fuck yeah I’m a conspiracy theorist: it’s mine badge of honor. Art thou not? Thou block, thou stone, thou worse than senseless thing, for whilst thou slept didst this become a feared and sacred badge of honor. Informed dissent shall always prevail, wherefore art thou worthy, or art thou this unwholesome fool in the group conformity experiment linked here?

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Fail: Washington Post Hoax On Trump’s “Top Secret Time Travel Project”

The Washington Post bravely risks it all to reveal that by 2016, Donald Trump used his access to Gen. Michael Flynn to quietly direct DARPA, then in secret works with CERN in Switzerland, to commission the first  time machine ever constructed. The result? An epic rap battle between Trump and Anne Frank.

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Hearst Boasted Fake News is the Enemy of the People, Causes Wars

Newspaper publisher William Randolph Hearst boasted in a cable to his photographer in Cuba "You furnish the pictures. I'll furnish the war." Sure enough, his papers started the Spanish-American War. Back in the day Fake News was called Yellow Journalism, but it is one and the same, The Enemy of the People.