Gratuitous Impiety

Hilldo Strap On Ready to Tear US Voters a New Asshole

Not Just the Lady Friends Anymore!

Ready to strap on her new Hilldo™ and tear a new asshole into American dreams of a credible challenge to establishment corruption; Hillary arrives in town to answer, doggy style, any impudent calls for a meritocracy. With palpable excitement, she cheers the arrival of her latest strap on model, The Hilldo™ , after weeks of delay. Other upcoming variations include the larger Amy Poler and the Humadork 69. (Incidentally, dork is an informal reference for a whale penis.) Above, Hillary tests the self-lubricating Hilldo™  Bushlover 666, which features vibrating forklift action and jackhammer engineering. […]

Cloak and Dagger

On the Day Russia Releases Evidence Implicating US in ISIS Trade, We Have an “ISIS” Attack in San Bernadino

The evidence presented essentially proved collusion between our government and Turkey's in the transport of stolen oil which was the lifeblood of ISIS. Nor can we say there is no evidence of collusion, as we know John McCain had personal contacts with ISIS leaders he had set up to help topple Syrian President Assad. That should put things in perspective: the San Bernadino shooters had no known personal contact with ISIS leaders, but Sen. John McCain did. Another thing to note is that another major and ancient religion having nothing to do with Islam or Judaism or Christianity may have played a significant role. […]


If there is a civil war in America, Israel will be the fall guy

If the Israelis were never meant to be the fall guys on 9/11 in case everything went to hell, Bush and Cheney would have done everything they could to conceal the Mossad role in the greatest terrorist attack in America. Instead we have the makings of a perfect patsy nation, a nation of perennial scapegoats. Reviewing what we know about Able Danger and the Mossad truck bombs at the George Washington Bridge on 9/11, we can discern that Bush and Cheney used Netanyahu's involvement in 9/11 to make Israel the perfect fall guy if and when the truth came out, and it is about to is here now. It will fall drip by drip like a Chinese water torture, until the tsunami comes. […]

Cloak and Dagger

Bush as “Magog,” Bill Clinton Says Hillary conjures the dead

The occult influence in Washington is now impossible to ignore, as it plays a large role in the psychology of "illuminated" elites and always has. Now look above. Petrol. Gasoline. Diesel. In all its forms and call it what you will, it's ironic that the "Diesel" jacket summarizes everything this war is really about, oil, and who is gaining from it. It's unlikely this was lost on the murderers as they made this obscene cross of de-facto Christian martyrs. […]


Dear Bibi: Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin

Orders for the ISIS drive that took Palmyra came from Israel but also reference “the freemasons,” a group whose historical origins are tied to the Knights Templars, a religious and military organization believed to have discovered the First Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem and to have looted its gold and artifacts. […]

Cloak and Dagger

Trump’s “Dancing Muslims” Opens Interesting Door

Someone was celebrating, and a couple of middle-eastern guys were even arrested that day. They were not Arabs, though. So we are now at stage where the MSM (state media) isn’t just lying to you, it has become a hostile and blinding arm of multinational corporate terrorism. Despite that, no tyranny can exist under the light of publicity, and you now hold that light. […]

Cloak and Dagger

The Worst Part About False Flags

The worst part about false flags is that once you are caught in the act, and you are notorious for committing them, any party can stage a false flag against your country and then suddenly your nation is paying for something it didn't do, and you have no credibility when you try to deny it. […]

Cloak and Dagger

UK Guardian Fabricates Doctors Without Borders Hospital Bombing

We have long been asking ourselves, why is there an MSF or “Doctors Without Borders” makeshift hospital at every ISIS command center? This isn’t a coincidence or simply altruistic “human shield” activity, it is something far darker with ties to the intelligence agencies and complicit governments that are ISIS. We are talking about Turkey and Saudi Arabia which means we are really talking about Israel… There has been a bit of a covert war between not only the US but other nations as well who cite “Doctors Without Borders” as a propaganda organization as much as a medical one, an organization with strong ties to Israeli intelligence services, one that gives out as much propaganda as it does aspirin. […]

Cloak and Dagger

Washington to Host Moderate Terrorists, Moderate Child Molesters Summit

What's the difference between a rebel and a 'moderate' rebel? a rebel is what you saw in the US Civil War, an actual soldier, but a 'moderate' rebel is a terrorist that beheads Christians and Muslims alike and not too long ago, was the enemy in Afghanistan and Iraq .

This will be a key subject of discussion as  ISIS, The American Coalition of Rapists, the American Society for the Appreciation of Chainsaw Massacres, The American Child Molesters League, and FOX and Friends are scheduled to meet soon to celebrate their mainstream media acceptance via neo-con political spin. According to the event organizer, "we remain true to ourselves, and after celebrating the blatantly dismissive attitudes of our very nature by Washington officials, we intend to rape, behead, and dismember every apologist reporter on the scene." […]

Cloak and Dagger

FNC: Snowden Busted!

From FOX News, new photographic evidence that Edward Snowden armed ISIS in 2013, helped develop their infrastructure and oil economy, orchestrated the air drops to Iraqi units, ordered US planes to dump bombs on empty targets, and other really mean and un-American stuff only someone like, say, a senator obsessed with Syrian oil, personal profit, and regime change could pull. […]


The Seeing Past Hands Syndrome or McCain’s Dementia

Hey McCain, remember when you helped create ISIS with Sen. Graham? It’s kinda obvious. Well, there’s a strange psychological defense system some call the Seeing Past Hands Syndrome where if you have your eyes covered with your hand, you actually come to believe no one can see what you are doing. It’s an extremely common affliction among politicians. There is hope, however, and the poor fellow herein is witness to just how much they suffer when they are not making life miserable for the rest of us, too. […]


Fake News: How a Media Monopoly Actually Affects Free Will

In cults, members are prevented from contact with the outside world. When you control the flow of information that is what what you’re doing; you are preventing members, or in the national sense citizens,  from making informed decisions about the world around them, and that denies free will. This is a totalitarian concept. That isn’t just what Hitler would do, but what he pioneered on a state level. […]

Gratuitous Impiety

Hi. JK Rowling’s Two Cents on BDS…

“Hi. JK Rowling’s two cents on BDS amouts to the whole of my geopolitical awareness. I agree with JK Rowling on the BDS thing and her opposition to boycotting Israel, although I don’t know exactly what it is about.  Because she, like, wrote all those Harry Potter books! I enjoy the realism in her books and knowing it’s all based on a true story. She inspires me and I plan to apply to Hogwarts now.” […]