“Above: A snippet from the 2001 FBI files on Urban Moving Systems and the 9-11 Dancing Israelis incident. An employee of UMS dishes on the boss (Dominik Suter?) who not only cheats customers but seems to harbor a huge grudge against the United States.” Source
The FBI investigation into what later turned into 9/11 was called “Project Able Danger.” Their information, along with that collected by the white hats in the CIA and law enforcement agencies, would later become the Daily Presidential Briefings on Osama Bin Laden that George W. Bush would deliberately ignore.
“In August of 2001, George W. Bush received the president’s daily briefing from the CIA, and it was headlined, ‘Bin Laden determined to attack the United States’. Bush whipped his neck around and angrily screamed, ‘Well, you’ve covered your ass now,’‘ Dr. Barrett said.
“Of course, the ungenerous interpretation of this is that Bush knew full well that plans were proceeding apace for the big public relations event in September, and he did not appreciate the CIA briefer covering his posterior while passing the buck up to the president,” he added.
Someone was celebrating, and a couple of middle-eastern guys were even arrested that day. They were not Arabs, though.

Truth About 9/11
Dr. Barrett said everyone in the United States believes that George W. Bush deserves blame for the September 11, 2001 attacks.
Ever since 9/11, many Americans, between one-third in some polls who say that the US government under Bush perpetrated the 9/11 attacks or intentionally let them happen in order to trigger war in the Middle East, and up to 90 percent of Americans in other polls, who say that they don’t really believe or fully believe the official story of 9/11, this issue has been a smoldering barrel of political dynamite,”
“In August of 2001, George W. Bush received the president’s daily briefing from the CIA, and it was headlined, ‘Bin Laden determined to attack the United States’. Bush whipped his neck around and angrily screamed, ‘Well, you’ve covered your ass now,’‘ Dr. Barrett said.
“Of course, the ungenerous interpretation of this is that Bush knew full well that plans were proceeding apace for the big public relations event in September, and he did not appreciate the CIA briefer covering his posterior while passing the buck up to the president,” he added.
“The other interpretation would be that Bush is just such a complete fool and idiot that his outburst had no real meaning, and he should be blamed for 9/11 not as a complicit perpetrator, or someone who intentionally knew it was coming and let it happen, but rather someone whose incompetence was so overwhelming that somehow he caused the entire military defense system of the United States to have an unprecedented collapse,” he continued.
The American scholar went on to say that “the bottom line here is that it’s obvious to everyone in the United States that George W. Bush deserves blame for 9/11.”
San Bernadino shooters were three white men dressed in military attire
In the Riverside shootings, we see the same false flag pattern: three white shooters described in detail by witnesses, but then an execution of “suspects” that turn out to be Muslims.

For both scenarios to even happen means that we are now at a stage where the MSM (state media) isn’t just lying to you, it has become a hostile and blinding arm of multinational corporate terrorism. Terorists manipulate people to act against their interests through fear, which is exactly what the media is doing. But no tyranny can exist under the light of publicity, and today anyone can hold the light.
That means the task is up to citizen journalists, bloggers, et cetera to do that job for them. Not only is this possible, it has already been done. More needs to be done, much more, so question and challenge anyone who wants to make you feel fearful, or hateful. Nobody needs a pussy right now. Nobody.
You want to make me afraid of Muslims? You want me to hate people I’ve never met? fuck you.
We don’t need another Patriot Act. Such people, if they have a vote, are a greater personal threat to me than ISIS ever was because they will be the first to throw away their rights , and by extension yours, for an illusion of security.
So question the media narrative. Not only that, be angry, be indignant, because fear cannot help us in war. Nor can suspicion, when we lose trust in our neighbors and fellow citizens.
The corporate media wants to make you feel what ISIS makes you want to feel, but only so they can sell commercial time and ads. They’re that cynical, that sick, and this needs to be challenged immediately. As you can see below, they have made a science out of it…