Donald Trump

Media Erupts After Trump Eats a Burrito Without Their Permission

After a withering attack for eating a burrito without their consent, Donald Trump ordered a giant 6 foot burrito and appointed it Secretary of Go Fuck Yourself CNN. “He’s appropriating a cultural heritage,” cried CNN’s Don Lemon as his panel nodded grimly. “It’s dangerous and likely to exacerbate racial tensions.” Never one to shy away from controversy, PEOTUS Donald Trump immediately got himself a taco bowl, and washed the meal down with a vintage 2016 bottle of Rachel Maddow’s election night tears. […]

Donald Trump

Russia Confirms Supercomputer Findings Showing Donald Trump Landslide Victory

An interesting Ministry of Education and Science (MoES) report presented to the Security Council (SC) earlier today says that Lomonosov Moscow State University’s artificial intelligence (AI) genetic programming (GP) T-Platform supercomputer has confirmed the findings of Sanjiv Rai’s equally powerful AI supercomputer MogIA that US presidential candidate Donald Trump is poised to win the 8 November American election in a landslide. […]

Donald Trump

What Hillary Just Pushed Us Into to Distract You from the Clinton Foundation…

While the press was talking about lewd language and Trump's "sex scandals" Russian Soldiers Prepare For Nuclear War
The first images of the Russia's recent nuclear attack drill have been released, confirming the massive scale of the preparations…

An unprecedented 40 million Russian citizens, as well as 200,000 specialists from "emergency rescue divisions" and 50,000 units of equipment took part in a four day-long civil defense, emergency evacuation and disaster preparedness drill last week, the Russian Ministry for Civil Defense reported on its website.

As The Sun reports, radiation-ready Russian soldiers prepare for nuclear war in the first footage to emerge of a terrifying practice drill involving up to 40 million people.

More at Zero Hedge […]

Cloak and Dagger

Podesta UFO Talk Part of “FIRESIGN” Staged Crisis

“The ability to produce these effects across 23% of the continental United States is the objective of FIRESIGN and field tests in the Levant [with ISIS?] have proven successful. The FIRESIGN scenario is that of an invading extraterrestrial force of nearly incomprehensible scale (massive floating cities descending, god-sized “walkers” among the clouds with terrifying weapons, wheels of fire and eyes, etc.). John Podesta’s unusual fixation with UFOs include making them Hillary’s transparency talking point, as exposed in Wikileaks, giving us the framework for a terrifying political psychodrama. […]

Donald Trump

Body Language… That Moment You Realize it’s Over

“The eyes, chico. The eyes.” Hillary got some bad news before the debate and at many points her eyes seemed to well with tears. She seemed to get triggered when Trump said he’d keep us in suspense in terms of accepting results of a possibly rigged election, citing overwhelming Project Veritas video evidence of planned vote rigging and fraud, that the fired DNC organizer Bob Creamer met with Obama 47 times and organized violence at Trump’s rallies by paying off  the mentally ill to foment it, and that Pew reports there are 4 million dead voters, etc. […]

Donald Trump

Why This Election Year Most Stressful Ever: Cognitive Dissonance

That means a conflict between observed reality and the corporate media narrative that makes people angry, stressed and confused. Plato called this faux reality the shadows on the wall. Today, some call it a "safe place" that is fake poll and media based reality. When anyone argues that the emails are a Russian hack, you need to acknowledge it is an admission of guilt that all the criminality within them is confirmed and they need to be called on it. If these are fakes, why call them hacks? If they admit our own spooks leaked them, it means there's simply not enough dirty cops and spooks willing to give up our country without a fight. […]

Cloak and Dagger

Ryan Coup Fail in RNC Setup; Why He Wanted Clinton Win

Night of Long Knives looming. In face of concurrent Wikileaks damning Hillary, when their candidate is headed for a win and leading, implicated Clinton Foundation  GOP officials target Trump instead of focusing outrage on Clinton leaks. Correlation between Republicans implicated in Clinton Foundation charity fraud/money laundering scandal and Trump opposition examined. Scandal helps identify weak flank. The GOP expect fallout from Wikileaks, know Ryan or replacement won't prosecute. GOP agree to circle wagons around un-electable Hillary to avoid "elder" prosecution. Coup plotters panic as leaders ratted out. Expect massive revolt.

Ryan knew for months that the Washington Post had the tapes, so did Priebus.

Developing. […]

Donald Trump

HRC Transcripts: “You need to have a public and private position.”

Public position is she supports you. What’s the private? Try defending this position to a child, they’d call you on it. We’re not children. This admission makes it IMPOSSIBLE for the state media, for anyone to defend her positions. Clinton supporters can literally never know if “public and private” position favors them. Chew on that. See them at:



#wikileaks […]

Donald Trump

Putin Stole My Dildo

When a pathological liar like Hillary calls anyone dishonest he is assumed honest by default. It is the boy who cried wolf effect. If her mouth is open, she is lying, and even if she is talking in her sleep she doesn't take a break. It wouldn't even help if you sewed her mouth shut, she would carry a white board and learn sign language to lie some more. Maybe Ben Carson or Jesse Jackson, who praised him for a lifetime of minority outreach and support, are both in the KKK as Hillary implies, I don't know, but it's great to see the Klan's black outreach program is working like a charm! […]

Donald Trump

Why Voting Against Hillary is a Moral Imperative for Berniecrats

The lesser evil, in the face of an ADMITTED election fraud perpetrated by the DNC and Hillary Clinton, is clearly Donald Trump. Simply put, staying Democrat means you have no say in the election. Sad to say, I would have a vote in the GOP primaries but never in the DNC's. Thus, the DNC primary rigging was an assault and denial of the voting rights of ALL Americans, not just African-Americans. The role of Bernie Sanders in the Civil Rights movements of the 60s, and the right of African-Americans to vote, has seen his moral compass flip 180 degrees for the sake of self-interest and political expediency. Like the DNC betrayed him, he turned around and betrayed us. The DNC wanted to force our vote, they have succeeded, it is forced against our wishes as former Democrats, for Trump now. […]


Report: Clinton Joined with Google, Apple, Twitter, Instagram to Subvert Election

Emails detail how Google-Alphabet Inc. would use “all of its power” to shut down dissent in America, and even worse, “spin” the 2016 presidential election towards Hillary Clinton and away from Donald Trump.

Joining with Google-Alphabet Inc. in subverting the 2016 US presidential election, SVR analysts in this report detail citing these White House emails, are American technology giants Apple, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and at least 15 other internet companies owned and affiliated with them. […]

Cloak and Dagger

Anyone But Clinton, Vote Against Dems Down the Line for Rigging Primary, TPP Backing

The Clintons are not fighting Americans with a standing army but rather an army of corporate media propagandists and social engineers. They are just about as effective as one one another and have consistently toppled other governments with color revolutions, and they can topple this one unless we call them out. The main thrust of their assault on American psychology is coming from the New York Times, CNN, and MSNBC. […]

Cloak and Dagger

Was the Corporate Media Framing a False Flag Assassination Attempt?

According to one Secret Service agent, someone even "above Soros" came storming into the White House and began discussing a plan was to stage an attempt on Hillary's life and then blame it on Trump.  Any supporting evidence? Consider the following: Before this happens, a controlled, state media will often  frame a candidate with a narrative to make the coming false flag plausible. This is likely why so many media outlets began hyping the "Trump encouraging followers to kill Hillary" false narrative. This "Dangerous Donald" tactic is actually outlined in the DNC Trump playbook leak. The same leaks revealed Sanders "Bernie Bros" supporters could be portrayed as violent, too, and they were. […]

Donald Trump

Hillary Drops Out, Cites Health Reasons

"I am just too damned healthy to run. It isn't fair to Donald Trump. Trump is weak. He is tired, and I fear I may wear him out completely. I just hope my supporter understands and votes for Woodrow Wilson. Trump has no economic policy and he wants to eat my bicycles. I am going to climb Mount Everest, now, and start a new career in gymnastics." […]

Cloak and Dagger

Pentagon Insider Warns of False Flags in US, Berlin and Paris in mid-August, 2016

ANON: “The next Wiki Leak will deal with Clinton Foundation. Quid pro quo. Cicada 3301, which you hear about, is connected to Wikileaks. There are former and current FBI agents who are leaking, not Russians. There are internal battles afoot, and the White Hats are using a segment of Cicada 3301 called PI MOBI to expose false flags being committed in US and Europe. Watch UK and NYC, Berlin and Paris in coming days. Things about to get really crazy by 2nd week of August… And yes on major terrorist attack as well as to weaken Trump in office. Clinton Foundation behind it, and Soros.” […]