New PDF books. Palmistry for All, Cheiro’s Book of Numbers […]
“Without the pen of the author of Common Sense, the sword of Washington would have been raised in vain.”
John Adams (1735-1826) American Patriot and Founding Father who served as the second President of the United States (1797–1801) and the first Vice President (1789–97) […]
To the main CIA operatives who launched this war against Freemason leader President Trump, this report details, is their leader Michael Morell (who was a deputy director of the Central Intelligence Agency as well as its acting director twice, and who now controls all of the news allowed to be aired by the CBS television news network), Robert Baer (who controls all written media allowed to be printed by Time Magazine, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, etc.), and Evan McMullin—who just days ago became the main spokesperson for the CIA funded Standuprepublic.com website that disseminates anti-Trump videos for the purpose of creating their own private citizen army (i.e. cannon fodder).
Sane people simply don’t obsess about blowing up the White House and killing the President of the United States. Death via forced and unprotected sex with Madonna “Senior Discount” Ciccione was bad enough, but now we’re talking about her new obsession, mass murder. She already proved her influence when the crowd cheered her on, and when, to show solidarity with the ancient, perverted sick fuck, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow tweeted that President Trump “needs to be taken out.” This means assassination. It is not a political term, it is a threat, and frankly very unusual even for this emotional, troubled young man. […]
Along with this joint SVR-FSB intelligence operation uncovering the CIA plot to launch a cyber attack upon their own nation, this report continues, it also unmasked two CIA paid operatives who were, also, working on this plot to destroy Freemason leader Trump by the creation of the “Russia won the US election” myth–Ruslan Stoyanov, the head of Kaspersky Lab’s investigations unit, and Sergei Mikhailov, a division head of the FSB, both of whom are now under arrest and charged with committing the grave crime of treason against the Federation. […]
Contrary to reports in the media, the crowd sourced investigation labeled by some as “Pizzagate” did not begin with internet sleuths digging through the Wikileaks Podesta Files releases looking for pizza parlors and encoded language discussing human trafficking. It began with the shocking discovery that Hillary and Bill Clinton provided assistance to convicted child trafficker, Laura Silsby, resulting in a reduced sentence for child trafficking. […]
And as to how actually ingenious President Trump’s seemingly bizarre Freemason media strategy has been against his elite globalist enemies, this report concludes, when his leftist opponents began saying his election was not legitimate, Trump retaliated by saying that millions of illegal aliens voted for Clinton—thus causing his leftist enemies to declare that the election was legitimate after all—and none of them realizing how their sudden flip-flop made them look utterly foolish and exposed them for the charlatans they really are. […]
How many of you men out there would embarrass yourselves by talking to a powerful woman this way, your manhood so threatened you’re more focused on proving that you’re smarter than her rather than politely listening to what she has to say? Look at the way he talks down to her as if she were a child. She has the ear of the most powerful man in the world because she helped place him there, and he talks to her like she’s beneath him. Is it because she’s a woman? Or does a woman have to share your political affiliation to be treated respectfully, Chuck? And you still wonder why the media is held with such low regard? […]
Buddy Holly, a 50s rock star many had presumed dead in a plane crash, was found alive and well celebrating the inauguration of the 45th president. […]
According to this report, with President Trump having been surrounded and protected by one of the largest private mercenary forces ever seen in the US, the CIA-led “Deep State” coup seeking his death, or destruction, to keep him from power has failed, thus preparing Trumpian forces, aligned with Obama regime deep cover intelligence operatives, to fulfill President John F. Kennedy’s vow to break this corrupt and demonic US spy agency “into a thousand pieces” and “scatter it to wind”—and that President Kennedy was publicly executed for attempting, and when President Richard Nixon attempted this too, he was ousted in coup. […]
Fuck John Lewis. He was complicit in a conspiracy to deny our vote so Hillary could be elected. The only thing he can be thanked for is opening the door to discussion about the class-action lawsuit against the DNC for rigging the primaries, a major assault on the voting rights of Democrats. MLK fought for voting rights. John Lewis fought against the voting rights of those who voted in the primaries. In 2016, in Puerto Rico and elsewhere, he supported a candidate that shut down polling stations to make it harder for people sympathetic to Bernie to vote. In NYC over 100,000 voters leaning towards Bernie were purged from the rolls and it is now being handled by the DoJ. In this battle for voting rights, at least two also died in July of 2016 alone. […]
Dick Smegma, 26, took a courageous stand today by siding with the majority opinion in a deep blue state where everybody hates Trump.
“I’m no hero,” Smegma said humbly to a crowd of cheering Hillary supporters as they burned Trump in effigy. “But sometimes you have to be brave enough to dispense with the courage of your convictions, and side with whatever is popular with the crowd.”
At press time, Mr. Smega was last seen in a Trump rally talking all manner of shit about Clinton. […]
Oh that Jim Acosta, bless his heart, he thinks he’s people! Look how he barks at the President-Elect. […]
The Times: Julian Assange launched an attack on the integrity of the Clinton Foundation with the latest intelligence report that says the organization had ties with Mexican drug cartel leader, Joaquín ‘El Chapo’ Guzmán.
Guzman, widely known as ‘El Chapo’, has an estimated net worth of $2 billion USD. He is currently incarcerated in a high-security Mexican prison and is in the process of being extradited to the United States. […]
A former MI6 official, who wishes to remain anonymous, alleges that Sen. John McCain is the person responsible for giving the FBI the discredited “Golden Showers” Trump dossier, which was covered in The Guardian. This “leak” was met with a flurry of new accusations of secret stings wherein British spooks note he exchanged a “dirty Sanchez” with BuzzFeed editor and lover Ben Smith. The slang refers to a most unwholesome sex act where a partner having anal sex removes his penis from the anus and smears his lover’s lip with feces and semen. […]
Chicago police said Wednesday night that four teens are being held and questioned in connection with a Facebook Live video showing a group of people beating and cutting a special needs teen who appeared bound and gagged as they shouted “F— Donald Trump.”
Chicago Police Supt. Eddie Johnson called the video a “brutal act” that was “broadcast for the entire world to see.” As of January 9, 2017, all attackers are over 18, presently held without bail and charged with a hate crime. […]
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