Leftists Tremble As Trump Begins “Lincoln Road” Journey To Retake Control Of US States In Rebellion
A compelling new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today agreeing with the Russian Embassy in the United States slamming the Washington Post for its article on disarmament issues they declared was “another example of amateurishness of American journalism”, states that these hysteria-driven so-called journalists now warning that President Donald Trump might not leave office if he loses in 2020 have become so inept, they aren’t even able to see, or understand what Trump is actually doing—a critical clue of which was just revealed this past week by Under Secretary of Defense for Policy John Rood who provided to Trump the legal justification to use military force to retake control of US States currently in rebellion against the Federal Government—a seemingly, at first glance, strange action for this top Pentagon official to take as he deals mainly with foreign defense issues—but whose true motive becomes known when understanding that he was the senior policy advisor to former Republican Party US Senator Jon Kyl, who just happened to be the most powerful anti-abortion US Senator in history—an issue that has embroiled America as its most divisive one since slavery—and whose “threshold for action” against has just been met by a new Gallop poll showing that 50% of this nations peoples now oppose it and call it “morally wrong”—a position President Abraham Lincoln, likewise, found himself in 1860 when the majority of his people turned against slavery and he went to war to end it—and no one, at least in the MoFA, even having doubt that Trump is now preparing to the same. […]