Sorcha Faal

Trump Empties World’s Oceans Of US Aircraft Carriers For First Time In History

For the first time since 1920, when the United States had its single aircraft carrier USS Langley (CV-1) plying the world’s oceans, today sees only the USS John C. Stennis (CVN-74) [Note: CV designates aircraft carrier/CVN designated nuclear aircraft carrier] sailing in the waters of the Middle East in the North Arabian Sea—but whose mission is now ended after President Trump ordered an end to the air war in Syria, and whose next stop will be its home port in Washington State—thus creating an historical first that will see the world’s oceans emptied of all 11 of America’s aircraft carrier strike groups—that are formidable weapons composed of roughly 7,500 personnel, an aircraft carrier, at least one cruiser, a destroyer squadron of at least two destroyers or frigates, and a carrier air wing of 65 to 70 aircraft. […]

Sorcha Faal

British Court: Hillary Clinton Created Russia Hoax To Overthrow Trump 

According to this report, for nearly the past two years, the United States has been rocked by its biggest political scandal in history due to the preposterous and made up lies that President Trump colluded with Russia to win his election against Hillary Clinton—that began when Clinton hired the former British MI6 operative Christopher Steele to create the totally discredited Russia-Trump Dossier—that in turn was used by the FBI to illegally obtain US Federal Court spying warrants against the Trump Campaign, as well as insert covert operatives into it—and in the hours right before Trump was inaugurated on 20 January 2017, saw the Obama Regime illegally passing it out to selected Democrat Party US Senators. […]


Putin Warns Nation To Prepare After Trump Begins Formation Of Martial Law Military Government His Top Aide Hints Is Led By QAnon

President Putin’s just issued warning that the “very powerful and dynamically evolving transformation” of our world that is leading to “a very dramatic situation in the history of our country” is directly referencing President Trump soon establishing a military government to rule over the United States while it’s under a state of martial law—a process begun by a mysterious and secretive US military intelligence organization called “QAnon” –whose leader of top Trump advisor, and former White House communication director, Anthony Scaramucci alluded to this past week by his stunningly stating to loyal Trump supporters “when you find out who he is, you’re not going to believe it”—but whom Russian intelligence analysts have previously identified as being the head of the entire US Army, General Mark Milley—with his now being tapped by Trump to take over the entire US military, and whose orders given to all of his US Army forces this past summer states that “the duty of soldiers and officers is to the US Constitution, not any political party or figure.” […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Warning Of  “Calm Before The Storm” Now Joined By CIA’s Most Feared “Fixer”

According to this report, upon President Trump assuming power over the United States on 20 January 2017, he was pitted against two of the most malevolent forces ever to have been witnessed in American history—the Bush Crime Family and the Clinton Crime Family—who for decades conspired to create what is known as the shadow government “Deep State” they’ve used to enrich themselves and assassinate their opponents while remaining unaccountable, and even worse, uncontrollable—but whose crimes and growing power caused the US military to revolt and place into power New York City real estate multi-billionaire oligarch Donald Trump for the sole purpose of destroying them both before they could stage a coup and take full control over the United States—and whose operation to do so is being overseen by the secretive and mysterious USmilitary intelligence unit called “QAnon”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Chinese “Death Star” Laser Destroys US Warplanes In Retaliation For Kidnap Of Country’s Top Business Leader

According to this report, for whatever insane logic the Americans are currently operating on, this past Saturday they thought it a good idea to order Canadian authorities to detain for extradition Meng Wanzhou who was transiting through Canada on her way back home to China—a shocking action that is sending shudders through the world’s stock markets, and the American stock market itself to suffer a “flash crash—and that Michael Every, head of Asia-Pacific research at the Dutch investment bank Rabobank, likened to Chinese elites “finding a horse head in their bed”,  referencing a famous scene from mafia movie “The Godfather”. […]

Clinton Foundation

Looming Arrest And Trial Of Hillary Clinton Throws Russia Into Full War Footing

According to this report, the Panama Papers are 11.5 million leaked documents that detail financial and attorney–client information for more than 214,488 offshore entities—whose anonymous leaker Russian intelligence analysts maintain is a secretive and mysterious US military intelligence organization known only as “QAnon—and about whom, veteran American investigative reporter and best selling author, Dr. Jerome Corsi, revealed was a group of generals who told him that Trump had been recruited by US military intelligence to run in the 2016 Presidential Election, and subsequently help remove corrupt “Deep State” officials from positions of power—and today in protection of sees Dr. Corsi in a battle to the death with Special Counsel Robert Mueller whom he refuses to even talk to anymore. […]

Sorcha Faal

Top Trump Official Assassinated After Linking Hillary Clinton To “Fatherland Card” Democrats Plan To Force Upon American People

According to this report, on 29 March 2018US Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar announced that President Trump had appointed Daniel M. Best to be the Senior Advisor to the Secretary for Drug Pricing Reform, and whose mandate “would lead the initiative to lower the high price of prescription drugs”—a job well suited for this former American pharmaceutical executive as he “knew where the bodies are buried”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Top US Officials Confirm To Putin That Trump Is Preparing For Military Takeover Of United States

According to this report, in meeting earlier today with Vice President Pence and National Security Advisor Bolton before the East Asia Summit, a gravely concerned President Putin inquired of these top US officials as to why the United States was repatriating massive amounts of military equipment and arms from Europe, and if this unexplained action was related to President Trump mysteriously withdrawing from the world over this past week.

In stunned silence, this report continues, these two top US officials confided to President Putin that President Trump is now solely focused on upholding his oath to protect the US Constitution—and though their exact words remain more highly classified than this general report allows to be openly written about, a clue to what they revealed slipped through (deliberately we think) by this report noting that Vice President Pence said the words to Putin: “Donny knows what’s happening, too”. […]

Foreign Affairs

Global Alert Issued After Los Angeles Terror Attack Kills 13

According to this report, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is responsible under Russian Federation law to keep all citizens living abroad alerted to potential terror attacks, and in this instance includes the over 600,000 Russian peoples living in Southern California—and whose information used to issue these terror alerts comes from the Foreign Intelligence Service who is tasked under these same laws to constantly monitor terrorist activities throughout the entire world. […]


The Nag Hammadi Library

The Nag Hammadi library is among other things, an important account of what happened with Jesus Christ after his death, and an account of the teachings He left thereafter. The library includes the Corpus Hermeticum, the wisdom of Hermes, and Plato’s The Replublic. In 1945, twelve leather-bound papyrus codices buried in a sealed jar were found by a local peasant named Mohammed Ali. The writings in these codices comprised fifty-two mostly Gnostic tractates (treatises). […]