Sorcha Faal

Trump Moves In For Kill Against Mueller Backed Socialist Forces

President Donald Trump, just 24-hours after these nuclear missiles were test launched, addressed his nation’s citizens vowing to them and the world that “America Will Never Be A Socialist Country”—a declaration Trump swiftly followed just hours ago by ordering his US Department of Justice to begin a new investigation into why Obama-Clinton protector Special Counsel Robert Mueller failed to fully prosecute and jail for life the multi-billionaire notorious child sex trafficker Jeffery Epstein. […]


Wuthering Heights

While enjoying a month of fine weather at the sea-coast, I was thrown into the company of a most fascinating creature: a real goddess in my eyes, as long as she took no notice of me.  I ‘never told my love’ vocally; still, if looks have language, the merest idiot might have guessed I was over head and ears: she understood me at last, and looked a return—the sweetest of all imaginable looks.  And what did I do?  I confess it with shame—shrunk icily into myself, like a snail; at every glance retired colder and farther; till finally the poor innocent was led to doubt her own senses, and, overwhelmed with confusion at her supposed mistake, persuaded her mamma to decamp.  By this curious turn of disposition I have gained the reputation of deliberate heartlessness; how undeserved, I alone can appreciate. […]

Sorcha Faal

Terror Settles Over Washington As Trump Rampage Against Democrat Party Claims Top State Governor

To the reason Trump’s secretive intelligence network didn’t use these racist photos to destroy Ralph Northam before he won his election, this report states, became evident over the past few weeks when the Democrat Party began a massive effort to change laws in the states they controlled to allow the abortion-murder of babies right up to the very second before they are born—a demonic effort led by now Governor Ralph Northam who shocked the entire world by his even advocating the outright murder of babies even after they had been born. […]

Sorcha Faal

Explosive Trump Fury To Be Unleashed Against Democrat Party In April-May Bloodbath

The election of President Trump ignited the greatest political crisis ever seen in modern American history—that was caused by a made up document called the Trump-Russia Dossier that was concocted by former British intelligence agent Christopher Steele, who testified under oath that he was paid by Hillary Clinton to create it so she could use it to contest her election loss—and that newly released US Federal Court documents reveal a copy of was given to BuzzFeed journalist Ken Bensinger by David Kramer on 28 December 2016—with Kramer being a former US State Department official and close associate of the late US Senator John McCain. The critical issue surrounding BuzzFeed obtaining the Trump-Russia Dossier, this report explains, is that it was a highly classified document the FBI used to illegally obtain a spying warrant against the Trump campaign during the 2016 US presidential election—and that former disgraced FBI Director James Comey admitted under oath had never been verified, either before or after this illegal spying warrant had been obtained. […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Counterattack Decapitates One Of Most Powerful Democrats In America While Muller Farce Nears End

The long anticipated counterattack against “Deep State” forces by President Donald Trump has begun with the takedown of John “Johnny Doc” Dougherty, who is one of the most powerful Democratic Party leaders in America in total control of the pivotal swing election State of Pennsylvania—but whom yesterday was slammed, along with 7 of his co-conspirators, with a massive 116 criminal count 153 page indictment filed yesterday against them by feared First Assistant US. Attorney Jennifer Williams, who served as the Chief of the National Security and Cybercrime Unit, and continues to serve as the Office’s National Security Cyber Specialist and its Crisis Management Coordinator—with this Democrat Party leadership decapitation to be particular noted as it comes within days of acting-US Attorney General Matthew Whitaker signaling that the farce Trump-Russia collusion investigation being conducted by Special Counsel Robert Muller is nearing its end.  […]

Sorcha Faal

President Trump’s “Tennessee Miracle” Met With Media Blackout And Democrat Party Horror 

The rise of this Bolshevik plague in the US that began in Russia and caused the greatest catastrophe in human history leaving over 100 million dead in the past 100 years, is entirely due to the radical leftist-socialist American mainstream propaganda media establishment and their Democrat Party allies being in fear and horror to the extent that they refuse to tell their citizen’s the truth about President Trump’s “Tennessee Miracle”—that is the term used to describe how one of the most deeply Christian, conservative and lowest taxed States in America used capitalism to give all of their citizens free college without their having to raise taxes.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Why Patria AMV’s Armed with W61 Low Yield Nuclear Weapons Warehoused In Finland

According to this report, while the Western mainstream propaganda media continues to hyperventilate with hysteria over everything Russia, one of the greatest disservices to their readers and viewers has been their failing to honestly describe how the Republic of Finland, not the US or European Union, has always been viewed as the greatest national security threat to the Russian Federation. […]

Sorcha Faal

Economic Plot To Overthrow Trump Now Sees West On Brink Of Collapse

Fitch warned the United States risks losing its Triple-A sovereign credit rating over its prolonged government shutdown no one is logically able to explain the reason of—thus providing yet another example of the West’s bizarre economic actions that in the past 2 years have seen their nations hysterically impose sanctions on Russia whose consequences of has seen the expansion of the Russian economy, and its trade turnover with the European Union surging by almost 22%–while at the same time, the Western Imperial Heartland, led by its capitols of Washington-London-Paris, have entered 2019 in a state of complete chaos and on the brink of collapse—all of which is due to their historic effort to throw from power President Donald Trump, even if it means the destruction of the global economy. […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Throws US Military Forces Into Congo Amidst Plan To Destroy America

The talks held on Friday between Chief of the General Staff General Valery Gerasimov and his American counterpart Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Joseph Dunford, states that President Trump having informed the US Congress, this past Wednesday, that he had ordered US military forces to the African nation of Gabon in preparation for their combat deployment in the Democratic Republic of the Congo is, in fact, an action designed to stop the accelerated destruction of America as first outlined by former Democrat Party Governor Richard Lamm.   […]

Sorcha Faal

US Military Moves To Mexican Border And Brazil After Captured American Spy Linked To Hillary Clinton

Within a few hours of President Trump being notified by President Putin earlier this morning that further interrogation of captured American spy Paul Whelan revealed his being a Canadian citizen (where he was born), US citizen and British citizen, further investigations proved he is a “close associate” of British MI6 operative Christopher Steele (who admitted under oath that he was hired by Hillary Clinton to create the fake Trump-Russia collusion document she planned to use to contest her election loss against Trump). The Pentagon notified the MoD that it was preparing to make large scale troop movements to the US-Mexican border—further advising that they are sending a US military contingent to Brazil where President Jair Bolsonaro has offered Trump a base to host US troops. […]

Sorcha Faal

Gun Battle Leaves Trump Assassin Dead, Key 9/11 Papers Leaked

Information “obtained under interrogation” from accused American spy Paul Whelan revealed that he was a member of a rogue US Marine criminal organization. This was relayed directly from President Putin to President Trump—upon whose receipt saw Trump ordering all US Marines guarding him at the White House to be immediately removed—and shortly thereafter saw one of these US Marine guards being killed in a gun battle with US Secret Service agents at his Washington D.C. barracks. The killing of this believed to be Trump assassin comes at that the same time the mysterious US military organization “QAnon” revealed that over 70,000 sealed indictments have now been issued for “Deep State” operatives—and in retaliation for this assassination attempt, now sees the equally mysterious Trump-loyal international hacking group “The Dark Overlord” threatening to release the most classified US government documents exposing the real truth behind the 11 September 2001 (9/11) attacks on the United States. […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Rushes “QAnon” Message To French Military

According to this report, on 20 December, a US Air Force C-37A Gulfstream V VIP jet departed Joint Base Andrews outside of Washington D.C. and flew the French Caribbean island of Saint Martin, with it then returning to the United States less than 24-hours later on 21 December—and whose sole civilian passenger was the American-based international media personality Lionel—who upon his arrival in St. Martin was brought by an armed convoy to an estate known as the Chateau des Palmiers, a property owned by The Trump Organization, where he met with an attache of General Jean-Pierre Bosser, who is the chief of staff of the French Army—and after whose secretive meeting, saw Lionel cryptically posting on his website a quote from the French revolutionary leader Napoleon Bonaparte that says “history is a set of lies agreed upon. […]