Sorcha Faal

The Shocking Rise Of “Russiagate” Cult In America

The most insidious power of a cult, this report explains, are its “cult leaders” ability to make their devotees fervently believe the exact opposite of facts and truth—best exampled in this case by Hillary Clinton being paid up to $140 million to sell Russia up to 20% of American uranium reserves—her husband former President Bill Clinton being paid $500,000 to make a barely 30-minute speech in Moscow—and her Campaign Manager John Podesta receiving $35 million from Russia—but all of whom than led the charge to astoundingly accuse Trump of “colluding” with Russia. […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Turns Full Rage On Coup Plotters—While Preparing To Use History’s Most Expensive Aircraft

A rather brief, but humorous new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting how Special Counsel Robert Mueller has just “gift wrapped” the 2020 US Presidential Election for President Donald Trump after US Attorney General William Barr, yesterday, released a “summary of legal findings” proving beyond all doubt that Trump in no way whatsoever conspired with Russia or obstructed justice, states that aside from Trump now turning his full rage against this “illegal takedown that failed”, and Republican Party Senator Lindsey Graham correctly calling it a coup, while warning coup-plotter and former FBI Director James Comey “I’ll see you soon”, says that, perhaps, the greatest single irony of what can only be described as “one of the greatest hoaxes in US history”, will be Trump using his two new Air Force One aircraft as he saunters through his next 4-year term in office—that aside from their having now become the most expensive aircraft in all of world history costing more than a US Nimitz-class aircraft carrier, were actually purchased by the US Air Force from the bankrupt Russian airline Transaero. […]

Sorcha Faal

Europe Stares Into Abyss After Populist Trump Forces Throw Socialist Dutch Government From Power

Barely two-months from the crucial 2019 European Parliament Election due to be held between 23-26 May, this continent’s socialist leaders are staring into the abyss after pro-Trump populist forces in the Netherlands placed into power the Euroskeptic party Forum for Democracy—that is now set to become one of the two largest groups in the Dutch Senate, stripping the ruling socialist coalition of its majority after winning provincial elections yesterday—and that now sees the Dutch peoples joining with Italy, Austria, Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic, all of whom have placed into power pro-Trump governments—a not so surprising cascade of victories when viewed in the light of President Trump being more popular in Europe than any of its socialist leaders. […]

Sorcha Faal

EU Plans For Military Overthrow Of Britain As Hillary Clinton Links To New Zealand Massacre Grow

Giving a chilling new meaning as to why former First Daughter Chelsea Clinton was confronted and blamed for the New Zealand massacre whose toll has now risen to 50 dead and 50 wounded, is a grimly worded Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today confirming as true the leaked documents showing the European Union is planning for the military overthrow of British Prime Minister Theresa May—a measure that may be needed as British spy agency MI6 continues its war against President Donald Trump to keep him from releasing the classified documents proving the British government’s complicity in the coup attempt launched against him—a coup attempt led by Hillary Clinton—and whose 2016 presidential campaign chairman John Podesta traveled this past week to New Zealand to heap praise on its “superstar”  socialist leader Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern—and whom, also, in the hours before this massacre began, launched a withering attack against Trump saying he is “completely unfit and unqualified to be President of the United States”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Moves In For Kill Against Tech Giants—Dems Respond With Poet Laureate Beto O’Rourke

President Trump is moving in for the kill against his nations socialist-led tech giants he warned last year “better be careful”—and in whose looming destruction, now sees panicked Democrats attempting to save them by throwing against Trump their Second Coming” presidential candidate Robert “Beto” O’Rourke—who’s otherwise known as the “Psychedelic Warlord”, the name he used while being a member of the famed hacking group “Cult of the Dead Cow—and whose murder fantasy” writings show him being demonically fascinated with the killing of children. […]

Sorcha Faal

Russian Intelligence Alarmed As To Why New Zealand Massacre Shooter Visited British Spy Headquarters

President Putin’s strong condemnation of the horrific New Zealand massacre whose death toll is at least 49, has appended to it a beyond shocking Foreign Intelligence Service(SVR) national security file on the mass murder shooter behind this massacre Brenton Tarrant—that most critically notes he’s an Australian citizen first “acquired/targeted” by SVR surveillance in May-2017 while he was visiting Western Europe—most specifically due to his visit to the headquarters of the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS)—otherwise known as MI6—located at 85 Albert Embankment in Vauxhall, a south western part of central London—and after leaving, saw Tarrant traveling about 5 kilometers (a little over 3 miles) to Temple–London EC4Y 7BBwhere he entered Temple Church (built by the Knights Templar as their English headquarters in 1185) where he met privately with Master of the Temple Robin Griffith-Jones—the significance of which was unknown until a few hours ago when Tarrant posted his 73-page manifesto titled “The Great Replacement” wherein he declared “no group ordered my attack…I make the decision myself…though I did contact the reborn Knights Templar for a blessing in support of the attack, which was given”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Fake News US Mainstream Media Falls Into “Sedition Conspiracy” Trap Trump Can Now Use To Jail Them

Under the provisions outlined in this “Seditious Conspiracy” law, this report says it’s important to note, the legal definition of the word “conspiracy” mandates it must be an agreement between two or more people to commit an illegal act, along with an intent to achieve the agreement’s goal—and was a legal standard met just hours ago when the Democrat Party shockingly announced it had barred Fox Newsfrom hosting any of its 2020 presidential candidate debates—a vile act President Trump rapidly responded to by Tweeting: “Democrats just blocked @FoxNews from holding a debate. Good, then I think I’ll do the same thing with the Fake News Networks and the Radical Left Democrats in the General Election debates!”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Russian Sanctions Spurs Putin To Give Up On Nuclear Treaty Managed By Dems “Village Idiots”

The irony of President Trump reissuing Obama’s national emergency declaration at the same time his socialist enemies are trying to destroy his power to do so, most certainly, wasn’t lost on President Putin—who’s grown weary of dealing with these “village idiots”—and whom, like the rest of the world, is wondering today if these insane Democrat Party socialists will actually destroy themselves before Trump gets his chance to do it for them.


Sorcha Faal

Putin-Trump Battle Demonic Socialist Monster As Soul Of Europe Hangs In Balance—And America’s Too

Western socialist leaders’ popularity continues to plummet—such as Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau seeing his popularity dropping to 35%, the British leader Prime Minister Theresa May having barely 36% popularity amongst her people, French President Emmanuel Macron having only 28% of his peoples’ support, and even Western socialist leader German Chancellor Angela Merkel watching as her popularity has fallen to 40% as her reign nears its end—thus creating, once again, a titanic struggle for free peoples against demonic socialism that after being fought in Europe in 2019, will cross the Atlantic and embroil America in 2020. […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Assassination Fears Rise After US Military Obliterates 81 Terrorists Linked To Four Democrat Party US Congresswomen

President Putin has ordered 3,500 servicemen from air defense units to immediately start tactical drills at 30 training ranges in response to the US military having obliterated with airstrikes this past week at least 81 radical Islamic terrorists in Somalia—a national security defensive move said needed because this American action was led by the counterintelligence unit of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) who, for reasons still unknown, have placed under global electronic surveillance US Congresswomen Maxine WatersIlhan OmarRashida Tlaib and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez—and about whom the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) maintains have formed a cabal to infiltrate into the United States terrorists from Somalia to assassinate President Trump—after which Russia will be blamed and attacked. […]

Independent Press

The Media Push for Race War and Jussie Smollett

Whenever the media attacks Trump supporters, that is a figure that makes up 52% of the country, the majority. Every piece they did to support the hoax perpetrated by Jussie Smollett that he was attacked by MAGA supporters, i.e. when Chicago police now believe Smollett himself paid two black accomplices to attack him, that was all a direct attack on you with the full force of the Democrat party’s propaganda arm. It encompasses virtually every network, every studio, every major paper in America. All of that, against you, so that when you walk in at work or hang out with friends, people would treat you differently, and all of that to keep you divided against your family. […]

Sorcha Faal

Putin And Trump Presiding Over Top Two Economies In Entire World

As far back as 2016, this report explains, the headwinds of this global economic slowdown were stirring on the horizon—but that Hillary Clinton generated Russian hysteria due to her election loss to Trump than saw the American’staking Russia out of the global economic equation by its use of economic sanctions—but whose hysteria induced sanctions were met with the stark reality of a Russia being sanctions proof due to its staggering $75 trillion in natural resource wealth—as well as its having a paltry $208 national debt, that’s more than covered by its $475 billion in foreign reserves—and with Central Banks around the world buying more gold in 2018 than at any time since 1967, saw Russia leading the way in buying gold, while at the same time ridding itself of billions-of-dollars of US debt in preparation for whatever 2019 might bring. […]

Sorcha Faal

God Emperor Trump Conquers Italy, Terror Stricken European Socialists Cower In Fear

Over 600,000 peoples attending the Carnevale Di Viargeggio festival in Viareggio-Italy burst into ecstatic cheers upon seeing in their midst a nearly 50-foot statue called “God Emperor Trump”—and to the horror and fear of cowering European socialists, had in its right hand a sword with a ring of blue Twitter birdies on its hilt having the Latin phrase “Dazi Vostri”, which translates to “your taxes”—and had inscribed on its blade the Latin phrase “Cazzi Vostri”—an expression that is actually a play on words meaning “none of your fucking business.[…]

Sorcha Faal

Russian Strategic Bombers Ordered To Alert After “Deep State” Threatens To Jail President Trump

10 crews of Tu-95MS strategic nuclear bombers and tanker aircraft have successfully carried out long-range test missile strikes on “enemy” ground facilities after they were ordered to alert status by President Putin—a war move deemed necessary after American shadow government “Deep State” leftist-socialist leader US Senator Elizabeth Warren declared yesterday that “by the time we get to 2020, Donald Trump may not even be president…in fact, he may not even be a free person”—and if should happen, would immediately ignite World War III as Senator Warren’s Democrat Party has already declared that the United States is at war with Russia. […]

Benjamin Fulford 

Secret treaties signal massive world changes as early as March

Intense negotiations are taking place now at the highest levels of world power both in secret and in public, multiple sources agree.  These could result in earth-changing announcements as early as March, they say.  The power struggle in Washington, D.C. is also heading for some sort of climax, as can be seen by U.S. President Donald Trump’s threat to declare a national emergency. […]