Sorcha Faal

America’s Unacknowledged 17th Intelligence Service Blows Up Philadelphia Car Lot After Port Attack

Another mainly redacted highly classified “Of Special Importance” new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that the “most secret of secret units” in the US Army code named “The Activity”—otherwise known as Mission Support Activity, and is America’s unacknowledged 17th intelligence service—this past Friday evening, on 21 June, detonated 8 cars in a shopping mall parking lot located in Northeast Philadelphia—a parking lot located 32 kilometers (20 miles) via the I-95 transportation corridor from the Philadelphia port attacked by a massive explosion about 14-hours earlier—and nearly beyond astonishingly, was part of a coordinated US military operation targeting Iranian backed Hezbollah terrorists flooding into the South American nations of Peruand Bolivia—the latest strike against stunningly occurred this past Tuesday, on 18 June, when these secretive US Army forces, aided by hundreds of US federal police forces, descended on yet another Philadelphia port to make the largest illegal drug seizure in American history by confiscating 15,876 kilograms (35,000 pounds) of cocaine valued at over $1.1 billion. […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia Sails “Nation Killer” Warship To Doorstep Of America—Trump Then Throws US Navy From Power

A beyond sobering new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that within 24-hours of the Northern Fleet’s newest and most powerful warship the Admiral Gorshkov and its escort flotilla entering the Caribbean Sea from the Panama Canal at the very doorstep of the United States on 17 June after sailing halfway around the world, President Donald Trump, yesterday, on 18 June, ousted his acting Defense Secretary and sent his Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to the headquarters of the US Central Command (CENTCOM)—wherePompeo directly confronted its commander US Naval-Marine General Kenneth McKenzie [Note: US Marines are land force of the US Navy]—a confrontation that Pompeo emerged from and saw him declaring that “US forces in the Persian Gulf are just there as a deterrent” and his further stating that “Trump doesn’t want war with Iran”—after which Trump began a “major power shift” at the Pentagon putting the US Army in control. […]

Sorcha Faal

US Attorney General Barr: “I Don’t Know Where To Land Without Being Shot”

President Putin’s just issued warning that “the world has indeed approached a dangerous line” has been received from no less a figure than US Attorney General Barr who fearfully declared “I’m trying to figure out where to land without being shot” as he wends his way through the greatest crisis in modern American history that saw Hillary Clintonbeing illegally absolved of her crimes, while at the same time President Trump is still battling the coup plot seeking to destroy him—with Barr now seeing being arrayed against him the powerful socialist Democrat Party leader Nancy Pelosi who says she “wants to see Trump in prison”—who’s now been joined by Democrat presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke who said “I will prosecute Trump if I win in 2020”—and Barr knowing he’s not far behind Trump as evidenced by Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris who says he “lied to Congress”—but are threats being made against a man who has “called for the imposition of God’s law in America” and further stated “the secularists of today are clearly fanatics”—thus making it no surprise last week, when being interviewed by CBS News, and asked about his fears, Barr stoically replied: “Everyone Dies”.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Hillary Clinton Brother And Top NASA Expert Suicided On Same Day As Jupiter Fears Grow

A highly disturbing, but mainly redacted “Of Special Importance” new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today appears to link the 7-June suiciding deaths of Hillary Clinton’s brother Tony Rodham and NASA expert Lola Gulomova to a rogue CIA hit team now being tracked by the same elite assassins President Donald Trump employed this past December-2018 to suicide US Navy Vice Admiral Scott Stearney before he could start World War III—with Rodham believed to have been suicided due to his having received a grand jury summons from US Attorney John Durham—but Gulomova’s suiciding being even more troubling as she was preparing to turn over to Russia information being kept secret by NASA related to the “mysterious unraveling” of the “Great Red Spot” on the planet Jupiter approaching Earth so close that its moons will be able to be seen with binoculars—and that comes at the same time earthquakes are increasing all along the Westerncoastal regions of North America, with Los Angeles alone recording over 700 of them since this past Wednesday—and US military forces this past fortnight having begun storming the beaches of Oregonand Washington in preparations for what they call “The Big One”.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Leftists Tremble As Trump Begins “Lincoln Road” Journey To Retake Control Of US States In Rebellion

A compelling new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today agreeing with the Russian Embassy in the United States slamming the Washington Post for its article on disarmament issues they declared was “another example of amateurishness of American journalism”, states that these hysteria-driven so-called journalists now warning that President Donald Trump might not leave office if he loses in 2020 have become so inept, they aren’t even able to see, or understand what Trump is actually doing—a critical clue of which was just revealed this past week by Under Secretary of Defense for Policy John Rood who provided to Trump the legal justification to use military force to retake control of US States currently in rebellion against the Federal Government—a seemingly, at first glance, strange action for this top Pentagon official to take as he deals mainly with foreign defense issues—but whose true motive becomes known when understanding that he was the senior policy advisor to former Republican Party US Senator Jon Kyl, who just happened to be the most powerful anti-abortion US Senator in history—an issue that has embroiled America as its most divisive one since slavery—and whose “threshold for action” against has just been met by a new Gallop poll showing that 50% of this nations peoples now oppose it and call it “morally wrong”—a position President Abraham Lincoln, likewise, found himself in 1860 when the majority of his people turned against slavery and he went to war to end it—and no one, at least in the MoFA, even having doubt that Trump is now preparing to the same. […]

Sorcha Faal

Putin Moves To End Nuke Treaty With US After Trump Unleashes “Impeachment Gambit”

An intriguing new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today agreeing with an American pastor saying that President Donald Trump “Is God’s Choice, They Will Not Remove Him”, and further agreeing with the declaration made by the Dalai Lama affirming that “Russia is a Bridge Between East and West”, states that President Putin, nevertheless, was left with no choice but to submit to the State Duma (Russia’s Parliament) this morning a bill authorizing the ending of a nuclear weapons treaty with the United States—a war move against a country caught in the grip of Russophobia hysteria now threatening its 2020 presidential election and where yesterday Trump unleashed his boldest “Impeachment Gambit” to date—an action entailing a degree of risk calculated to gain an advantage that came in the guise (a move concealing the true nature of something) of Special Counsel Robert Mueller seeming to urge the Democrat Party in the US Congress to throw Trump from power—a move that further emboldened Obama-Clinton Regime top officials currently urging US intelligence agencies to traitorously defy Trump—one of whom, apparently, is Defense Intelligence Agency Director Lieutenant General Robert Ashley who outrageously claimed this week that Russia may be conducting low-yield nuclear testing at a remote site above the Arctic Circle—a lie made with his offering no proof or evidence whatsoever as none exists, and the entire would know instantly if ANYONE set off a nuclear weapon—but further damages Trump as he tries to make the world a safer place.   […]


Cost Of “Barr Bill” For Obama-Clinton Soars After Italy Fires Top Trump Coup Plotters

US Attorney General William Barr is going to be able to successfully criminally charge, prosecute and imprison the leaders of the Obama-Clinton Regime coup plot against President Donald Trump—but whose efforts to make these treasonous miscreants pay for their monstrous crimes received a stunning boost this past week when Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte abruptly fired his nation’s three top spy chiefs for their involvement in Trump coup plot—a plot that saw them conspiring with the CIA and FBI to entrap Trump campaign advisor George Papadopolous with their spy Joseph Mifsud—and whose obvious knowledge of this coup plot to topple Trump by Germany and France, has caused Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini to slam both of them and declare “we want nothing to do with you…you’ve ruined Europe”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Putin Prepares Russia For Trump-QAnon Military Takeover Of United States

President Putin’s vow this morning to continuing strengthening Russian military defences is a needed action in light of President Trump having just accused his National Security Advisor John Bolton of trying to start a war against Venezuela without his knowledge—a fearful fact placing into stark relief that Trump may not be in full control over his own military forces—and as further exampled by Trump’s former White House Chief of Staff, and retired US Marine general, John Kelly having just issued a threat stating “Trump’s family needs to be dealt with”—a frightening statement for any former career US Naval officer to make (US Marines are part of US Navy) against a sitting civilian President, and comes at the same time the US Navy, also, shockingly fired its top non-commissioned officer Command Master Chief Jonas Carter because he jokingly asked his sailors aboard the USS Harry Truman to “clap like we’re at a strip club” when Vice President Mike Pence visited their warship—but whose apparently in rebellion US Navy forces have just been met by Trump’s former National Security Advisor, and retired US Army general, H.R McMaster who has just warned that rebellious White House officials surrounding Trump have now become “a danger to the Constitution”—a danger US Army Chief of Staff General Mark Milley is preparing to meet by his ordering deployed this week highly-specialized US Army military forces that can only be likened to assassination teams—who now join the US Army forces preparing to put under siege rebellious American cities—and about which the Security Council noted this past December-2018 when they identified General Milley as being the leader of the secretive QAnon military organization supporting Trump and preparing to place the United States under total martial law. […]

Sorcha Faal

German-American Friendship “In Shreds” As Trump Prepares For European Socialist Destruction

The German media establishment announced earlier this morning that their nation’s friendship with America is now “in shreds”, states that this friendly relationship demise of the West’s two most economically powerful countries is due to “Monday being the most important day of Trump’s Presidency”—a truthful declaration made by one of his top advisors Steve Bannonwho who warned Trump “we’re in an economic war with China…it’s futile to compromise”—a warning Trump acted upon Monday after finally losing his patience with China when they returned a draft trade deal with strikeouts eliminating virtually all of the major concessions made during the past few weeks—but whose greatest significance of is Trump’s punishing new tariffs on China that “are a harbinger of what is coming for Europe”—and whose soon to be destroyed socialist leaders preparing for new EU-US trade talks now know that they “are doomed before they even start”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Hillary Clinton-Joe Biden Enter “Territory Of Treason” After North Korea Missile Firing

7-hours after China warned Trump his trade talks with them are nearing collapse—a warning China felt emboldened to issue after former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton appealed to them to “get Trump’s tax returns” and former Vice President Joe Biden stunningly declared that “China isn’t a threat to America”—both of whom failed to remember that the United States is currently in a “State of War” under Military Law and Trump has already designated “China as the greatest threat to America”—thus placing both Clinton and Biden in criminal violation of 18 U.S. Code § 2381 Treason that says: “Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death…” […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Readies For First “High Profile” Coup Plot Arrest

Overflights of the United States this week showed massive movements of US military combat forces, that American commanders categorized as an “internal tactical deployment”—an explanation MoD experts say could be true as these US military forces may be deploying to the US southern border—but that the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) states are more likely related to the equally massive movement of FBI tactical arrest teams in both Washington D.C. and New York City “highly suggesting” that President Donald Trump is preparing to make a “high profile” arrest of one of the coup plotters who sought to bring him down—the most likely of whom some SVR analysts believe will be former CIA Director John Brennan whose frantic actions show him “coming apart at the mental seams”—but other SVR analysts believing it will be Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta and/or his brother Tony Podesta—both of whom were swept up in the Mueller Investigation prosecution of Paul Manafort for his ties to Ukraine—and is where bombshell revelations have just been made showing that the Hillary Clinton coup plot to destroy Trump was first started, and was, also, secretly financed by George Soros.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump First President In History To Survive “Deep State” Coup

President Putin’s “regret that documents of such poor quality have a direct impact on Russian-US relations” in regards to the release this past week of the Mueller Report—and his further questioning about it “what has US taxpayers’ money been spent on”—states that the American peoples verdict about this sordid and deceiving document prepared by Special Counsel Robert Mueller has been shown by their massive 250% increase in donations to President Donald Trump’s campaign war chest—matched by their equal massive donations to Trump’s Republican National Committee—and are war chest monies sure to be needed by the first President in US history to survive a “Deep State” coup—one of whose main leaders of, ex-CIA Director John Brennan, is now loudly “beating the impeachment drum” against a vengeful crusading knight Trump vowing to make sure that was done to him, never happens again.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Obama CIA Director John Brennan Requests Russian Visa, Threatens President Trump

Within hours of former CIA Director John Brennan submitting a visa request on 12 April for travel to the Russian Federation to attend the International Conference on Recent Advances in Engineering and Technology (ICRAET) being held 9-10 May in St. Petersburg, he then sent out a Tweet attacking President Donald Trump stating “Your unfitness for office has never been more stark, your lack of humanity never more apparent, your politics never more craven, & your ultimate political ignominy never more certain”—a mentally unstable action unheard of by any top intelligence director, regardless of which nation they’re from—and is eerily reminiscent of what occurred during the height of the 2016 US Presidential Election when, in March of that year, he suddenly appeared in Moscow on a “secret visit” in what his CIA Director of Public Affairs spokesman Dean Boyd claimed was a visit to confer with Foreign Ministry officials about Syria—a claim strongly denied by Deputy Foreign Minister Oleg Syromolotov who, while stating it wasn’t a secret Brennan was in Moscow, confirmed Brennan had went to the headquarters of the Federal Security Service (FSB), not the MoFA—the result of which ultimately led to his becoming the first former CIA Director in history to have his top-secret security clearance revoked.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Checkmates “Deep State” With “Assange Gambit”

Using the same chess game metaphor used by Wikileaks leader Julian Assange on 12 January 2018 when he “accepted an offer” made to him by President Donald Trump, states this “Assange Gambit”—an opening move in chess where an initial sacrifice is made to gain a greater future advantage—came to fruition yesterday when British police forces in London announced that Assange had been “arrested on behalf of the United States authorities”—a move that can only be likened to Trump achieving “Checkmate”—a chess move in which a player’s king is threatened with capture and there is no way to remove the threat—against his “Deep State” adversaries—the most dangerous of whom is Hillary Clinton—who after her hearing of Assange being taken into custody for Trump, resignedly stated “he’s the only foreigner that this administration would welcome to the US” […]