Sorcha Faal

Trump Readies Nationwide Emergency Alert System In Preparation For Total Media Takeover

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) released a cryptic statement saying “FEMA and the FCC Remind the Public About Upcoming Test Alert on TVs and Radios”—and the second on 6 August when the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) followed by Tweeting out “Tomorrow, Wed. 8/7 at 2:20 p.mEDT we will conduct a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System in coordination with @FCC”—the grave significance being that the FCC and FEMA have never in history combined to stage a Nationwide Emergency Alertsystem test of this magnitude—in no way whatsoever gave any prior warning of it occurring—comes at a time the United States is tearing itself apart to the point that it’s now on the verge of civil war—but is a national emergency action fully expected to occur in preparation for Trump invoking a little known US federal law that applies directly and specifically to both the FCC and FEMA titled 47 U.S. Code § 606. War Powers Of President—wherein its Section 606(c) allows Trump to take over the entire American media establishment: “Upon proclamation by the President that there exists war or a threat of war, or a state of public peril or disaster or other national emergency, or in order to preserve the neutrality of the United States”.  […]

Sorcha Faal

“Mother Of All Wars” Threat Insanely Met By Facebook Shutting Down Viral “Storm Area 51” Event

After Iran seized yet another tanker in the Persian Gulf—China’s largest oil company was caught importing US embargoed Iranian oil–Iranian President Hassan Rouhani then threatening the United States with the “Mother Of All Wars”—the United States then threatening military action against its own NATO ally Turkey over events in Syria—nuclear armed Pakistan then threatening war against its likewise nuclear armed neighbor India—and North Korea declaring to both the United States and South Korea that they “Will Pay A Heavy Price” if their warnings are ignored—the American social media giant Facebook decided to ignore a world inching ever closer to World War III by their, instead, deciding that the greatest threat their nation is facing was a viral “Storm Area 51” event “to see them aliens”—and which Facebook quickly shut down. […]

Sorcha Faal

American Mass Shootings Conceal Dangerous Trump Showdown With Defiant US Navy

The citadels of America’s elites fracturing and being at odds with each other—a fracturing currently being masked by two mass shootings in America that have claimed nearly 30 lives over the past 24-hours—but whose true and dangerous dimensions of were put on full display during this same time period when President Donald Trump angrily lashed out at the US Navy for awarding commendations to the lying and cheating prosecutors who led, and lost, the beyond disgusting murder trial of US Navy SEAL war hero Edward Gallagher—that saw Trump publicly ordering Pentagon officials to strip them of the medals—with this announcement being a remarkable rebuke by a President of his own Navy leadership—a rebuke followed a few hours ago by an even more stunning announcement that Chief of Naval Operations Admiral John Richardson had removed all court-martial authority from Navy Region Southwest who illegally prosecuted Gallagher—and his further ordering that all charges be immediately dropped against Gallagher’s platoon leader US Navy SEAL Lieutenant Jacob Portier. […]

Sorcha Faal

“Deep State” Cabal In US Congress Lashes Out In Terror Against Trump—But He Saw Them Coming

An intriguing new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) circulating in the Kremlin today recognizing the truth behind Democrat Party US Senate leader Chuck Schumer having issued a grave threat against President Trump just days before he was sworn into office warning him “let me tell you…you take on the intelligence community…they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you”—with Schumer further this past January-2019 urging this intelligence commuinty to “stage an intervention” against their own President to cripple his abilities to oversee them—states that Schumer himself conspired with a cabal of “Deep State” aligned never-Trump lawmakers in the US Congress to have them suddenly retire from office—the most important of whom were three Republican Party US Congressman from Texas—whose resignations, in turn, caused Trump to withdraw his nomination of US Congressman John Ratcliffe to be his nation’s top spy chief, as his being from Texas would mean the Republicans would have to fill four vacant seats there in 2020—but whose nomination by Trump in the first place just this past Sunday was a “red herring” bait move as Trump always intended to make Pete Hoekstra his top spy chief—most importantly because Hoekstra is Trump’s already US Senate confirmed Ambassador to the Netherlands—thus meaning he can take over as Director of National Intelligence in an acting position immediately. […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Slammed With “Kill Them All-Slit Their Throats-Watch Them Die” Threat After Spy Agency Purge

Pro-Islamic State (ISIS) Ash-Shaff Media Foundation issued a direct threat against both America and Britain warning that its “kill them all-slit their throats-watch them die” attacks targeting New York City, London and San Francisco would soon begin—a dire threat made within 48-hours of President Donald Trump purging his top spy chief Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats and replacing him with Republican Party US Congressman John Ratcliffe—whose reason behind lies in Ratcliffe being determined to release the secret documents proving a coup plot was launched against Trump—a coup plot Trump knows the British government participated in—and whose new Prime Minister Boris Johnson is working with Trump to fully expose.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Evacuation Drill Blacks Out Washington Hours After Barr Orders Death Penalty Reinstatement

The “CHAMP” electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapon-device used a fortnight ago to black out New York City during a raid on a Hillary Clinton office building—and confirmed by Venezuela to have been used to attack their power grid this past week—was deployed again in Washington D.C. yesterday blacking out large portions of America’s capitol city and leaving tens-of-thousands of its residents in darkness—a massive EMP blackout caused by an elite platoon of Secret Service commandos operating from their newly constructed heavily armored special operation vehicles—whose purpose behind was to black out an evacuation route for President Donald Trump—that came hours after Trump blasted the hoax investigation against him as “treason and a coup attempt”, the penalty for which is death—that was then, in fact, followed by US Attorney General William Barr ordering the death penalty for violation of US federal laws reinstated.   […]

Sorcha Faal

US Army Takes Over Pentagon After US Navy Smuggles ISIS Snipers Into America To Kill Trump

De-escalation measures taken by the United States to prevent a catastrophic nuclear exchange with Russia, that began on 7 July 2019 when President Donald Trump ousted from power the US Navy’s top uniformed officer Vice-Admiral William Moran, continued this week when Dr. Mark Esper was sworn in to became US Secretary of Defense on 23 July 2019—an appointment unprecedented in American history as just a fortnight ago, Dr. Esper was the USSecretary of the Army—on 15 July 2019 saw Trump sending his formal nomination to the US Senate—and without any hearings being held, then saw the US Senate confirming his appointment 8-days later, on 23 July 2019, by an astonishing 90-8 approval vote—a rapid move made for peace after President Putin ordered the nuclear armed Admiral Gorshkov “Nation Killer” warship to station itself off the Eastern US Coast in the Caribbean Sea—and upon Putin being told by Trump that Dr. Esper was a US Army West Point classmate of US Secretary of State Pompeo, convinced him the US Army was now fully in control of Pentagon, not the US Navy—thus enabling Putin to order the transfer into FBI custody of ISIS sniper and weapons instructor Ruslan Maratovich Asainov—who detailed to his Russian Military Police interrogators how he had been working with an elite group of US Navy Seals stationed in Iraq to smuggle into Mexico ISIS snipers he had trained, who would then be smuggled into America itself by another group of US Marines, and whose intended assassination target was Trump—that caused now Secretary of Defence Esper, within the past 24-hours, to suspend from duty, and order back to America from Iraq, 19 US Navy Seals and four of their support troops—as well as his further ordering the immediate arrest of at least 16 US Marines—who are the ground force of the US Navy.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Military Operation To Evacuate Trump Begins After Mueller Bombshell Explodes In Austrian Court

The prescient coming clean of President Putin in his response to the “meddling” in the 2016 US Presidential Electionconfirming that it is “perfectly clear Ukrainian oligarchs gave money to Trump’s opponents”, states this entire sordid American affair took a much more ominous turn last week after everything that Special Counsel Robert Muellertried to do against Trump “exploded like a bombshell” in an Austrian courtroom—a courtroom where the extradition of Ukrainian oligarch Dmytro Firtash to the US was put on hold after it was shockingly revealed that the Obama Regime Justice Department had fabricated the charges against him—charges Mueller deputy Andrew Weissmann offered to drop in their entirety if Firtash would lie under oath saying Trump was being financed by Russia—an illegal coup plot Firtash and his American attorneys outright told Weissmann they would in no way be a part of—and as this vast coup plot continues unraveling, putting numerous high-level American elites in grave danger of being charged with treason—now sees the United States Army moving quickly to protect President Trump in what is being described as an “emerging classified flight mission”—the full dimensions of which were displayed yesterday when at least 10 UH-60 Black Hawk heavily armed combat helicopters flooded the skies in and around Washington, D.C.—and whose obvious mission would be to evacuate Trump from the White House if his enemies launch an attack against him. […]

Sorcha Faal

Democrats Call For War To Restore Obama To Power—While US Federal Courts Keep Backing Trump

US Under Secretary of Defense John Rood was stating the obvious when he said Russia’s military doctrine was a challenge to Washington’s nuclear deterrence concept—as what else could Russia’s military possibly be for—points out that the spewing of such Russian-hating statements like this has directly led to leftist British media sources comically citing “unnamed sources” a few hours ago claiming that “maybe/somehow” Russia manipulated the GPS positioning of tankers allowing them to enter Iranian waters and be captured—an absurd claim belied by the fact that Panama has just cited “deliberate violations” as it disowned one of these tankers seized by Iran—and comes at the same time the Pentagon should start looking to protect their own country, instead of starting new wars—most particularly because The Washington Post has just called for former President Barack Obama to take back power and throw President Donald Trump out of office—a coup supported by a shocking 91% of Democrat Party voters who a new poll shows believe a civil war is coming—but would be an overthrow of a supposed “lawless” President Trump who’s done nothing but allow the US Federal Courts to protect him—the latest example occurring less than 48-hours ago when a US Federal Appeals Court shot down a US Congress Democrat scheme to get Trump’s business records by their slamming a lower court who they said “abused its discretion”—a ruling kept from the American people because their lying mainstream media didn’t want them to know this victory was handed to Trump by three US Federal Court Judges who were all appointed by Obama—and know the difference between sanity and insanity. […]

Sorcha Faal

Clinton Nears Newspaper Industry Takeover To Keep Hidden Trump Fight For Black Rights

A fearfully worded new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting the world is yet again on the brink of World War III as US-Australian military forces conduct their largest amphibious assault since World War II, states the urging of Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov for the world community to try to find a balance of interests on key global problems has just been met with news coming from the United States that Gatehouse Media is poised to buy USA Today owner Gannett—a merger that would make America’s biggest newspaper chain even bigger—and would make Gatehouse Media owner Fortress Investment Group the main gateway for all news in America—which is a hedge fund controlled by business tycoon Wesley Edens—about whom, aside from his being called “the new king of subprime lending” (a vile practice that brought the world to the brink of economic collapse in 2007), is a Democrat Party mega donor to Hillary Clinton—and whose ownership of nearly every newspaper in the US, will allow him to keep from the American people such true things as President Donald Trump having just come to the aid of the black rapper celebrity A$AP Rocky by his ordering Sweden to immediately improve his prison conditions while he awaits trial for unjust charges lodged against him—an order spearheaded by the Urban Revitalization Coalition—which is the White House organization created by Trump to give “A New Deal For Black America”.  […]

Sorcha Faal

FBI Blacks Out New York City During Raid On Clinton Office As Democrat Party Child Sex Empire Crumbles

A bombshell new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that the massive power blackout striking New York City a few hours ago, which left the famous Broadway road in Manhattan without power, was, in fact, caused by a covert operation conducted by elite FBI commandos belonging to their Critical Incident Response Group (CIRG) exploring tunnels located under a building at 1633 Broadway—a building that houses the offices of the Clinton Foundation—three of whose top child sex predator Democrat Party mega-donors, Jeffrey Epstein, Terry Bean and Ed Buck, who constitute what’s now being called “The Democratic Donors’ Sex-Creep Club”, are being targeted for destruction by President Donald Trump.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia Inactivates Earthquake Weapon After Trump Ousts Top US Navy Admiral

President Donald Trump’s ousting of Vice Admiral William Moran, who was set to become the US Navy’s top uniformed officer, a few hours ago “most certainly” saved the Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake from total destruction—a statement followed by a notation made after Admiral Moran’s ouster that the Akademik Lomonosov had been placed on “temporary inactive status”—which is the massive and mysterious non-self propelled Russian atomic warship known to be a  “tectonic weapon” platform that functions by creating a powerful charge of elastic energy in the form of a deformed volume of the Earth’s crust in a region of tectonic activity, that then becomes an earthquake once triggered by a nuclear explosion in the epicenter or a vast electric pulse—and after the US Navy attacked and killed 14 Russian submariners on 1 July—became “active” and targeted with two massive earthquakes this US Navy base in the Southern California desert knocking it out and causing all of its non-essential personnel to be evacuated—and to this hour remains closed until all safety inspections are completed.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia Hints Earthquake Weapon “Active” As 7.1 Trembler Strikes California

An actually very scary new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today slamming the United States for planning to flood with Europe with anti-Russia propaganda—that involves the Americans channeling millions-of-dollars into European local media outlets as long as they report what they are told—contains a terrifyingly cryptic comment made by Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu saying the “now active” Akademik Lomonosov “will shack them back to their senses” and his further stating “no matter how much they prepare”—an obvious reference to last months massive US military drill off the Western Coast of America “preparing for the Big One”—that appears is coming sooner than later after a 6.4 magnitude quake hit Southern California on 4 July, which was followed by a 5-times more powerful 7.1 magnitude quake on 5 July—and brings to mind the late Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez’s warning in 2015 that the “US had already used its earthquake weapon”.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Prisoner Swap Proposal Shock Reveals Tens-Of-Thousands Of Africans Headed For US Southern Border

An intriguing new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today containing the outlines of a “trust building” document agreed upon by President Putin and President Trumpat last week’s G-20 Summit, has contained within it a number of proposed measures—chief among them a prisoner swap agreement between Russia and the United States—but whose most shocking revelation would see Russian intelligence services aiding their American counterparts in stopping the tens-of-thousands of illegal African migrants preparing to flood across the US Southern Border—35,000 of whom are already in South America edging their way towards the United States—and who are being directly aided by American leftist tech giants Google and Facebook who are encircling the entire African Continent with huge undersea cables—that, in turn, allows these illegal African migrants to use the internet to find human smugglers like their illegal counterparts in Central America are now doing.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Economic Miracle Meets NATO 10-Day “Destruction Countdown” Clock

A thought-provoking new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting that production is set to begin on the world’s most feared anti-aircraft/anti-missile/anti-satellite defense system known as the S-500, states that its S-400 predecessor (one of the best air-defence systems currently made)  has just started a 10-day “destruction countdown” clock for the Western military alliance North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) without its even having been fired—and is when Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan says his NATO aligned nation having this military alliance’s second largest force will begin receiving the Russian built S-400 missile defense system in outright defiance of President Donald Trump’s threat to impose “crippling sanctions” on them for doing so—and if imposed, will very likely see Turkey leaving NATOfracturing this military alliance—but is an action not cared about by Trump who today now presides over the longest economic expansion the United States has ever seen in its entire history.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Walks Down Path To History—Democrat Train Chasing Him Flies Off The Rails

An analytical new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report states that the biggest winner of this gathering of the world’s top leaders could very well be global peace—most particularly because the United States is beginning to crack under the strain of nearly 20-years of unlimited war—evidenced this past week alone by the US Army warning it’s having difficulty recruiting millennials to up its active forces to 500,000 and the US Navy crashing yet another of its newest multi-billion-dollar warships as it struggles to find new recruits, too—and in response to, saw President Trump leaving this summit to make an historic walk into the territory of North Korea—another step Trump is making on the “path to peace” for an American nation where “forever war is so normalized, opposing it is isolationism”—and whose Democrat Party defenders of continuous war racing to the 2020 Presidential Election deadline to defeat Trump and global peace, beyond belief loaded up a virtual train load of their top 20 candidates this past week and put them on full display before the American people—a display so horrifying and shocking, Joe Scarborough, the rabidly anti-Trump top anchor for MSNBC, was forced to declare to his stunned nationwide audience: “With apologies to our friends and watching, last night was a disaster for the Democratic Party…My only hope is people were not watching”.  […]