Sorcha Faal

Impeachment Jihad Beheads Biden As Federal Judges Keep Squashing Mueller Prosecutors Like Bugs

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov yesterday warned leaders at the United Nations that “The World Is At A Crossroads” as it is now obvious that globalists’ efforts to establish a unipolar model have failed, and the transformation of the world order has become irreversible, who was followed by President Donald Trump telling these same leaders “the future does not belong to globalists; the future belongs to patriots”, states this reality known to President Putin, who himself affirmed that global liberalism had “outlived its purposes” and has “become obsolete”, proved to be the mental breaking point for globalist socialist forces in America that caused them all to go insane—best exampled by their responding to this new reality by igniting an “impeachment jihad” against Trump—the first beheaded victim of, though, in this rabid socialist crusade is former Vice President Joe Biden, as a full examination of the facts involving this jihad shows him, not Trump, needing lawyers to keep himself from being imprisoned—but is actually all these godless globalist socialists have in their jihad war arsenal due to US Federal Judges continuing to squash former Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s witch hunt Russiagate prosecutors like bugs in their courtrooms—the latest example of which occurred yesterday when US District Court Judge Anthony Trenga issued a withering 39-page ruling throwing out the conviction of Bijan Rafiekian, a Trump transition advisor who was the business partner of Trump’s former National Security Advisor General Michael Flynn—which followed the 4 September acquittal on all charges of Trump’s former campaign manger Paul Manafort’s business partner Greg Craig. […]

Sorcha Faal

Biden Plunges Headlong Into “Trump Trap”—And Drags Leftist American Media Lunatics Along With Him

An interesting new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting that Russia will have to carry out additional analysis of threats to national security and strategic stability with regard to US plans to arm its military forces with short-and medium-range missiles as soon as possible, states these measures are needed after the Pentagon announced it was deploying military forces and new missiles to Saudi Arabia—a response coming in the face of the Saudis not even believing the fiction of Iranian attacks on its oil plants—but the Saudis knowing that they are not able to defeat Iran in a full-blown conflict by themselves—a conflict, though, that’s a sideshow as President Donald Trump’s real war is with the Deep State, not Iran—and whose latest victim of is President Barack Obama’s former Vice President Joe Biden—who has just plunged headlong into a masterfully laid “Trump Trap” designed to expose the crimes of his drug addicted son Hunter Biden and dragged the entire leftist American mainstream propaganda media along with him—all of which involves former Vice President Biden illegally forcing Ukraine to stop their criminal investigation into his son Hunter, or face losing over $1 billion in US aid. […]

Sorcha Faal

Court Order Zeros In On Trump Assassins Whose Top US Navy Plotters Were Just Fired

It was not unexpected that President Donald Trump ordered the Navy Special Warfare Command to immediately fire three of their top US Navy SEAL commanders yesterday—most particularly because these US Navy SEAL commanders were implicated in the plot to smuggle into the United States radical Islamic snipers to assassinate Trump—a plot that included these US Navy SEAL commanders providing to these radical Islamic snipers a computer application named Obsidian 4 made by a secretive Silicon Valley company named American Technologies Network (ATN)—is an application used to control rifle scopes and allows snipers to get a live stream, take video and calibrate their gun scopes from either an Android or iPhone device—has led to an unprecedented court case filed by the United States Department of Justice against Silicon Valley tech giants Apple and Google demanding that they turn over all information about everyone who downloaded this application—and which a US Federal Court has historically upheld in a never before seen ruling ordering both Apple and Google to immediately comply.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Echoes Of 1940’s Reverberate Through America As Trump Follows Truman—Who Called For Citizen Mobs To Hang Traitors

President Donald Trump is preparing to take over one of his nation’s largest socialist labor unions mired in leftist corruption—an action that echoes those of his predecessor President Harry Truman—who, during the 1940’s, confronted head-on the same leftist-socialist forces confronting Trump today—with his most famously vowing to call his citizens to armed mob action to confront this socialist threat—and exactly said: “Every single one of the strikers and their demagogue leaders have been living in luxury … Now I want you who are my comrades in arms … to come with me and eliminate the Lewises, the Whitneys, the Johnstons, the Communist Bridges and the Russian Senators and Representatives … Let’s put transportation and production back to work, hang a few traitors and make our own country safe for democracy”.   […]

Sorcha Faal

“All Of Us Are In Danger”—But Not From Donald And Boris

For the first time in history, the United States has flown its fearsome B-2 nuclear armed stealth bombers to Iceland as it continues its preparations to take over Greenland by force if need be—while at the same time—China is reeling as pork prices continue to explode to record levels gravely endangering its ability to feed its over one billion citizens, and who, also, are trembling in fear as America prepares to default on the $1 trillion in debt it owes the Chinese government that would collapse their entire economy. […]

Sorcha Faal

Shock US Navy Missile Strike Follows Court Filing Proving Clinton-FBI-DOJ-CIA-DOD Plot Against Trump

Confirmation that General Flynn’s guilty plea agreement was, in fact, an intelligence operation, this report details, came shortly after it was signed when President Obama appointed United States District Court Judge Rudolph Contreras was suddenly thrown off Flynn’s case and replaced by President Reagan appointed United States District Judge Emmet Sullivan—a judge reappointed to a higher court by President Clinton who compares US federal prosecutors to “grade-schoolers”—has referred them for criminal prosecution—and to this very second, remains livid about the crimes committed by US federal prosecutors in their persecution of the late Republican Party US Senator Ted Stevens […]

Sorcha Faal

Curtain Sets To Rise On Trump Revenge End Game Masterpiece

Former top US Attorney Joe DiGenova shockingly revealing in his review that it concludes that all four FISA warrants the Obama Regime used to spy on the Trump campaign “were illegally obtained”—all of which were signed by the disgraced and fired for lying former top second-in-command  FBI official Andrew McCabe who is now reported walking around with a “target on his back” as his criminal indictment nears—a criminal indictment the leftist cable “fake news” outlet CNN knows full well about, but who just hired him anyway—a hiring that conforms to these leftists’ plans best articulated by one of their main mouthpieces named Jennifer Rubin who has just declared, as only a maniacal and demonic socialist is able to: “The Republican Party Must Be Burned Down In Order To Save It”.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Amazon Forest Fires “Lungs Of The World” Hoax Used As Cover To Keep Hidden Court Ruling Exposing Climate Change Fraud

The only logical explanation as to why the West has suddenly began perpetrating this Amazon fire hoax is to keep hidden from their peoples the devastating court ruling this past week that exposed their entire climate change narrative as a fraud—a ruling that dealt with the “Hockey Stick Graph” created by Pennsylvania State University geoscientist Michael Mann, Ph.D. that Western scientists, in 2004, proclaimed as being a “Global Warming Bombshell” because they said it showed that “we are now experiencing the warmest climate in a millennium, and that the earth, after remaining cool for centuries during the medieval era, suddenly began to heat up about 100 years ago–just at the time that the burning of coal and oil led to an increase in atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide”—but whose evidence to support this as being true, saw Dr. Mann refusing to provide in a British Columbia-Canada court—a refusal that saw Dr. Mann deliberately violating a court order to produce his “Hockey Stick Graph” evidence—and that earned him seeing his case thrown out of court and his now being liable for all court costs, to include his paying all attorney fees to his opponents—and explains why the noted retired Canadian professor Dr. Tim Ball said Dr. Mann “belongs in the state pen, not Penn State”.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Epstein Murder Money Trail Leads To Billionaire David Koch—Who Then Quickly Dies

“Koch does not have a separate, comprehensive verification process for evaluating and addressing the risks of human trafficking and slavery”—and who, beyond belief, actually forced the taxpayers of Mississippi to pay them millions-of-dollars to build and support the plants they used their slave labor in—all of which culminated in, a few hours ago, its being reported that Koch Industries multi-billionaire co-owner David Koch had suddenly died—a not unexpected death as David Koch was prominently listed in his fellow human slaver Jeffrey Epstein’s “Black Book” of suspected child sex predators.  […]

Sorcha Faal

$8 Trillion Man Tells America: “You Have No Choice But To Vote For Me”

Trump has long declared he puts America first, and didn’t mince words when said  “I’m not president of world”—and whose massive list of accomplishments for his nation’s peoples towards this end,, to include his adding a staggering $8 trillion of wealth to their stock markets that fund their country’s vast retirement scheme, led him to speak before a record breaking crowd of his supporters this past week and tell the American people “you have no choice but to vote for me”—a “choice”, however, The New York Times has just been shockingly revealed to be plotting to stop—whose master plan discovered in their own leaked documents shows them admitting that the Trump-Russia collusion hoax is dead—and because of, now sees them preparing to launch against Trump a vile and demonic campaign of racial division.   […]

Sorcha Faal

France Joins Hunt For New “Kingpin” Of Epstein Child Sex Slave Empire

US federal prosecutors are now investigating the over 250 children discovered sexually abused at the Boys & Girls Club of America to determine how many of them became ensnared in Jeffrey Epstein’s child sex slave empire, says the tens-of-millions-of-dollars Epstein donated to top American elite universities to protect him and his child sex slave operation has seen its first “after death” dividend pay out—a dividend that came when his hometown New York University (NYU) basically said to forget about children, as milking cows is the true crime to be investigated because it’s really “sexual abuse”—a New York City hometown that, also, revealed Epstein having behind the desk of his multi-million-dollar mansion a $5.9 million painting of a woman cupping her bare breast—all of which became too much for even the accustomed to sex scandals French intelligence agency General Directorate for External Security (DGSE) who, yesterday, opened up a criminal investigation demanded by French Secretary of State for Equality Marlène Schiappa and Secretary of State for Child Protection Adrien Taquet—whose primary focus is discovering the whereabouts of French citizen Ghislaine Maxwell who has taken Epstein’s place as the “Kingpin” of his child sex slave empire—and have, also, requested SVR notes from the interrogation of Russian citizen Igor Zinoviev—who, as the long time personal bodyguard of Epstein—and said, without offering any proof or evidence, that “somebody helped Epstein die”—told his SVR interrogators exactly why Epstein rush-shipped a $100,000 cement truck to his “Pedophile Island” three weeks before a damning expose about him and his child sex crimes was released on 28 November 2018.  […]

Sorcha Faal

New York Cop Who Reported Epstein’s “Snapped Neck” Suicided—Autopsy Confirms Neck Bones Broken

The senior New York City police officer who radioed from child sex slaver Jeffrey Epstein’s high security prison cell the morning of his death the words “snapped neck” was discovered a few hours ago suicided with a bullet in his head—an initial assessment one would expect to come from a long-serving police official familiar with such deaths—and was an assessment confirmed shortly after this NYPD senior officer was suicided by it shockingly being revealed that an autopsy showed Epstein’s neck bones were indeed broken—thus further confirming that the main suspect in Epstein’s now proven murder remains former President Bill Clinton—whose humiliation increased yesterday when it was revealed that Epstein had a painting of Bill Clinton wearing a blue dress and red heels lounging in the White House Oval Office inside his $56 million pedophile lair Manhattan mansion. […]

Sorcha Faal

FBI Divers Recover Human Bones In Waters Off Epstein “Orgy Island” As “Deep State” Meltdown Accelerates

An “appalled and angry” US Attorney General William Barr owed “no one complicit in Epstein’s crimes will escape punishment”—crimes which now may include murder after an elite team of FBI investigators and divers invaded Epstein’s “Orgy Island” fortress in the Caribbean yesterday—whose most stunning discovery are believed to be human bones of young children found in the waters below Epstein’s satanic temple. […]

Sorcha Faal

US-China Relations Pass Point Of No Return As America Slides Further Towards Civil War

A truly foreboding new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the experimental engine blast that killed five nuclear experts who were working on the hypersonic missile that is capable of delivering a nuclear weapon while evading defense systems, states this critical national security project must continue despite this setback—with the reasons cited being China now hoarding food, gold and other commodities as its relations with the United States have passed the point of no return—as well as America now seeing itself on the brink of civil war—a fact acknowledged this past week by warnings being shouted from both of its deeply divided Right-Leftpolitical spectrums—the one from Right being issued by Fox News host Tucker Carlson who argued that the Left’s concentration on race is meant to distract from other issues and warned the rhetoric emerging from the political rift dividing their country “threatens to tip the nation into civil war”—while the one from the Left saw MSNBC spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre declaring that “Trump’s rhetoric could lead to a horrible civil war”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Fatally Crushed British Scientist Who Found Heaven Talked With Top Russian Scientist—Now He’s Dead Too

A verging on mind-blowing new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the mysterious death of British astrophysicist Dr. Natalie Christopher, states their investigation has discovered that on the exact same day, 3 August, she emailed Russian astrophysicists at the Special Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) in the Zelenchukskaya District to inform them she had discovered what she believed was a Kardashev Scale Type V Civilization—a civilization that “approaches or surpasses the limits of speculation based on current scientific understanding” whose beings “can only be compared to gods able to control the entire universe”—she talked by telephone for over an hour with the creator of the Kardashev Scale, top Russian astrophysicist Nikolai Kardashev—who immediately after this call was found dead—followed, about 48-hours later, by Dr. Christopher herself being reported missing on 5 August—and whose “crushed by giant rock beyond all recognition body” was found on 7 August—a death ruled an accident, in spite of blood stains being found on her bed sheets in the hotel room she shared with her boyfriend. […]