Foreign Affairs

Russia Predicts Shock Election Victory For Trump

According to this report, with Hollywood actress Jane Fonda joining the growing leftist chorus calling President Trump a modern day Adolph Hitler, who was joined by communist US Senator Bernie Sanders claiming that Trump is the most racist president in American history—a comical claim to make as Trump doesn’t even come close to being as racist as past American presidents—one could rightfully awaken today believing that a time machine had transported them back to 2016 when these exact same claims being made about Trump by these leftists were being made, too. […]

Foreign Affairs

Russia Ponders Troops To Cuba After Trump Revival Of Monroe Doctrine Sends Shockwaves Around World

According to this report, and though little known to the American people, the foundation upon which the entire foreign policy of the United States has been built is known as the Monroe Doctrine—that refers to the 2 December 1823 address made to the US Congress by President James Monroe that articulated his nation’s policy on the new political order developing in the rest of the Americas and the role of Europe in the Western Hemisphere—and whose three main concepts of the doctrine are—separate spheres of influence for the Americas and Europe, non-colonization, and non-intervention, that were designed to signify a clear break between the New World and the autocratic realm of Europe. […]

Sorcha Faal

Globalists Recoil In Fear And Panic As They Now Have Two President Trumps Gunning For Them

According to this report, in a little less than two years from when President Trump began freeing his nation’s over 327 million peoples living in the world’s second largest democracy from globalist tyranny, 48 hours ago he was joined in this historic effort by new Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro who, likewise, is freeing his nations 211 million peoples living in the world’s fourth largest democracy from this socialist-communist menace, too. […]

Sorcha Faal

Biblical End Of Days Prophecies Coming True

According to this report, with the American people being roiled by the senseless slaughter of innocent Jewish peoples at the hands a Nazi madman who calls President Trump a leader of a “global Jewish conspiracy”, that First Daughter Ivanka Trump responded to by declaring “America is stronger than the acts of a depraved bigot and antisemite”—nevertheless shows that these peoples remain wholly unprepared for the greater horrors to come due to it being discovered that a US spy plane coordinated a drone attack on a Russian military base in Syria—that has now caused an “undeclared war” to exist between Russia and the United States—with total war fast nearing as America floods Europe with the largest ammunition shipment since their bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999, and tens-of-thousands of US-NATO troops near Russia’s northern border. […]

Benjamin Fulford 

Saudi-Israeli “axis of evil” being taken down by international alliance

The battle raging at the highest levels of world power is reaching a climax of sorts, with an ongoing operation to take down the governments of Israel and Saudi Arabia and end their control of the petrodollar system, multiple sources agree. The so-called murder of Nazi Muslim Brotherhood agent and Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi Arabian consulate in Turkey was staged to provide cover for this ongoing operation, the sources add. […]

Sorcha Faal

American People Kept Blinded As Russian Leaders And US Troops Both Agree World War III Is But Months Away

According to this report, known to both Russian and American military forces alike, the dying demonic beast most commonly referred to as the Democrat Party has spent the last past year conspiring with their leftist globalist European allies to ignite the world in the flames of total war they mistakenly believe will save them from destruction—all of whose provocations, though, to start World War III, so far, have been successfully countered—but whose most hoped for provocation to war are the upcoming 2018 Midterm Elections that might catapult them into power from where they can then unleash their satanic fury on a world they believe it is their right and destiny to rule over. […]

Sorcha Faal

Massive Censorship Sweep Rolls Over America After Leftists Hide In Terror From (Seriously, You Can’t Make This Up!) Cartoon Face

In further confirmation that the Democrat Party leftist forces in America battling President Donald Trump must surely be escaped lunatic asylum patients, a new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today hilariously states that the largest social media censorship crackdown in American history has begun—and whose target for total extermination aren’t Islamic terrorist postings or threatening messages, but a cartoon face created by teenagers called an NPC whose very image has caused leftists to cower in fear and hide in terror from. […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia Watches In Bemused Amazement As Magician-Trump Now Destroys Obama Over Healthcare Like He Did Clinton Over NAFTA

According to this report, the two most catastrophic economic-political events occurring in the United States over the past quarter century have been the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) signed into law by Democrat Party President Bill Clinton in 1994, and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) signed into law by Democrat Party President Barack Obama in 2010—whose intended effect was to cause tens-of-millions of Americas to descend into poverty after their once high paying jobs were shipped overseas under the NAFTA law, who would then become government dependents under Obamacare—but with none of these peoples knowing that the plan to enslave them was created by Hillary Clinton’s radical communist mentor Saul Alinsky […]

Sorcha Faal

Russian Nuclear “Fire Frenzy” Display Meets NATO Forces Massing On Northern Border

Left abandoned by Russia’s destruction of communism, however, this report explains, were tens-of-thousands of American communists embedded into the entire strata of the US government operating under the banner of the Democrat Party—and whose over 57,000 communist members today are pushing to take over this political organization entirely.

The placing of these communists within both the US government and Democrat Party, this report details, was accomplished for many decades by the Soviet Union, but was vastly accelerated during the reign of President Bill Clinton in the late 1990’s—whose election was actually financed by the Chinese Communist Party and should have led to his being thrown from power. […]

Sorcha Faal

Fears Of Hillary Clinton Directed “Acid Throwing Attacks” Set To Begin In America

Interpol President Meng Hongwei opened an investigation into the suspicious activities of Hillary Clinton as it related to her fascination with obtaining information on acid throwing attacks—but that unexpectedly led to Meng disappearing and China then reporting that he had resigned his post, but whose terrified and tearful wife is now warning that he is in “great danger”—none of which actually surprised Russian intelligence officials as both Hillary and her husband Bill Clinton have been long time operatives of the Chinese communist government who put them into power in the first place. […]

Sorcha Faal

New York Times Rage Against “White Women” After Rape And Murder Of Journalist Unmasking “Deep State” Crimes

A “political earthquake” is about to strike the European Union as it citizens rebel against the “Deep State” apparatus erected against them to expunge their liberty and freedoms, and that forces loyal to President Donald Trump are provided the blueprint to fight back against—and whose peoples, also, remain stunned after the brutal rape and murder of journalist Viktoria Marinova after she began exposing “Deep State” crimes in both the EU and US—and whose defacto “license to kill” was issued just hours before her death by a raging New York Times that’s now calling all white women “gender traitors” who are in league with the “patriarchy”. […]

Sorcha Faal

American Radical Leftists Destroy Women Rights For Generation As Kavanaugh Backlash Reverberates Around Globe

The 9 October trilateral consultations between Russia, North Korea and China, that will focus on the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and efforts to improve the Seoul-Pyongyang relationship, stunningly notes that included in these talks are the findings of The World Economic Forum that describe how the American radical leftist #MeToo Movement is actually destroying the rights of women all around the world setting them back a generation—and whose effects are now being catastrophically amplified by the Kavanaugh Charade. […]

Sorcha Faal

Kavanaugh Charade Gives Cover For Assassination Of Russian Official Linked To Hillary Clinton Money Laundering And Trump Coup Plot

Karapetyan directed Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya to meet with Trump officials in order to ensnare them in a make believe Russian collusion coup plot—that was being orchestrated by the American political opposition firm Fusion GPS whose owner, Glenn Simpson, met with Veselnitskaya both before and after her Trump Tower meeting—and whose payment for this operation saw Fusion GPS being paid millions-of-dollars by Clinton’s law firm Perkins Coie—whose top attorneys have now shockingly been revealed to have colluded with the FBI prior to the election to bring down Trump—all of which the American people are not understanding is the entire basis for the chaos they see in their nation today, and whose latest example of is the Kavanaugh Charade. […]

Sorcha Faal

Globalist “Deep State” Recoils In Horror As “Kavanaugh Earthquake” Destroys Canada, With Brazil Soon To Follow

With the “Deep State” battle over Judge Kavanaugh reaching its climax, this report concludes, the catastrophic damage being done to these maniacal globalists the world over by President Trump sees no signs of abating, either—most particularly due to new bombshell evidence being released by the US Congress proving that Obama’s FBI directly colluded with Hillary Clinton to frame Trump for false Russian collusion smears in order to plant spies and place illegal surveillance within his campaign—and once fully known to the American people will, without a doubt, raise Trump’s level of popularity among his people even higher than the 50% mark it stands at now—thus proving him as being as powerful against these godless elites as was his national populist namesake from nearly two centuries ago President Andrew Jackson. […]

Sorcha Faal

New Report Warns Russian Lawmakers That Trump Is Wiretapping Entire Democrat Party In Washington

According to this report, a warrant to wiretap someone suspected of spying with or for a foreign government is issued by the United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court—or FISA Court—that is actually a tribunal whose actions are carried out in secret—but whose actions do not apply against American citizens fully complying with The Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA)—that was enacted in 1938 and is a disclosure statute that requires persons acting as agents of foreign principals in a political or quasi-political capacity to make periodic public disclosure of their relationship with the foreign principal, as well as activities, receipts and disbursements in support of those activities. […]

Sorcha Faal

Secret Court Nightmare Descends On America As Kavanaugh National Disaster Sends Russian Fleet To Nuclear Launch Points

Known legally as “show cause hearings”, this report explains, these Massachusetts secret court tribunals adjudicate tens-of-thousands of cases every year now, but none of whose American citizens coming before them can appeal the criminal rulings made against them—and whose perverted standard of justice of “guilty until proven innocent” one can logically expect US Senator Elizabeth Warren to impose by force on the rest of the American people once she becomes president as she’s just declared she’s going to do, and that many experts believe she will become once President Trump is destroyed. […]