Sorcha Faal

Kavanaugh Accuser Rakes In $400,000 For False Testimony—That Trump Responds To By Sending B-52’s To China Doorstep

S Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats grimly warned that the Chinese were now attacking Local and State governments throughout the United States—and whose purpose for doing so President Trump grimly revealed, a few hours later, by his warning that China’s intent is to blatantly interfere in the 2018 Midterm Elections in order to elect his leftist Democratic opponents—and that Trump had prepared for, just weeks ago, by his declaring a National Emergency, whose most fateful consequence of mandates a US military response to anyone, either foreign or domestic, interfering in this soon upcoming election. […]

Sorcha Faal

Judge Kavanaugh Attackers Now Facing Wrath Of Trump-Led Christian-Nationalist Forces

a seismic shift occurred in this conflict yesterday after Rush Limbaugh, the most powerful conservative commentator in America, issued a stark warning that unless the Republican Party confirmed Kavanaugh, “they can kiss the 2018 Midterm Election goodbye”—that rapidly saw the nominal Republican-Christian leader, and US Senate Majority head, Mitch McConnell breaking his silence by going to the floor of the US Senate to declare that Kavanaugh would be confirmed—and who was quickly followed by National-Populist leader President Trump, likewise, defending Kavanaugh and telling his forces “REMEMBER THE MIDTERMS!”—thus signaling that these Christian-Nationalist forces have now united in a common goal to destroy Kavanaugh’s attackers—and whose last uniting, during the 2016 US presidential election, saw this powerful force sending Hillary Clinton to the “Depths of Hell” that she’s still trying to escape from. […]

Sorcha Faal

Dems Now Claim Judge Kavanaugh Is “Gang Rapist”, While Trump Forces Close In On Top Obama-Clinton Operatives

A chilling new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today putting into context for Security Council (SC) review the latest diplomatic dispatches sent from the Embassy of the Russian Federation in the USA says that the most accurate description of what is now occurring in America has been provided by former US Secret Service Presidential Protective Division agent Dan Bongino who, just hours ago, warned his Twitterfollowers to prepare for “Doom Week”—and that he made in response to new scandalous, and unproven, allegations being made against US Supreme Court nominee US Federal Judge Brett Kavanaugh claiming that he sexually assaulted a young woman 35 years ago while a freshman student at Yale University, and another even more shocking claim that during his high school years he was a “gang rapist”—neither of which, however, are able to be fully understood unless viewed in the light of how terrified and unhinged from reality the “Deep State” aligned Democratic Party has become as loyalist Trump forces close in on former President Obama’s top lawyer and, even worse, Hillary Clinton’s top fundraiser. […]

Sorcha Faal

Fired FBI Deputy Director Tries To Ignite Civil War By Flooding American Cities With 400,000 Leftist Radicals

A stunning new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, who is facing a soon to come US federal criminal indictment, has just attempted to ignite a civil war in the United States—that he began yesterday by having the “Deep State” aligned New York Times publish an explosive article claiming that US Deputy Attorney Rod Rosenstein had attempted to launch a coup against President Trump by having him secretly wiretapped, and his then colluding with top Trump Cabinet officials to throw Trump out of office using the 25th Amendment—and whose intent behind was to provoke Trump into firing Rosenstein, after which the George Soros funded radical leftist organization Public Citizen had ordered over 400,000 of its domestic terrorist to flood the streets of 900 American cities to violently protest about—thus causing former Obama Regime official, and current MSNBC national security reporter, Matthew Miller to Tweet “Dangerous game Andy McCabe is playing right now”—but none of which appeared to faze Trump in the least as he went into Springfield-Missouri to speak before his loyal citizens who waited to hear him in a line over two miles long, and in such numbers that over 20,000 had to be turned away as the venue could only hold 11,000, and whom he told: “You see what’s happened at the FBI, they’re all gone, they’re all gone, they’re all gone…but there’s a lingering stench and we’re going to get rid of that, too”. […]

Clinton Foundation

Trail Of Sordid Kavanaugh Sex Smear Attack Leads Straight To Clinton Foundation

An interesting new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today detailing events related to the rogue faction CIA plot to destroy US Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh, reveals that its investigative findings have discovered that a State of Maryland childhood friend of Kavanaugh accuser Dr. Christine Blasey-Ford named, Todd Leasure, was arrested for crimes committed against the National Security Agency by loyal Trump forces just days prior to Dr. Blasey-Ford’s accusations against Kavanaugh were made public—and whose work Leasure was doing for the NSA occurred while he was employed by the giant American defense contractor giant General Dynamics. […]

Sorcha Faal

Democrats Do Impossible By Actually Forcing The Powerful Bush Family Into Backing Trump

A very intriguing new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today is expressing astonished amusement over the Democratic Party in the United States accomplishing a feat no one would have ever thought possible by their actually forcing former President George W. Bush to come to the aid of his detested enemy President Donald Trump in order to defend US Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh from what the Wall Street Journal calls a “political assassination ambush”—with Bush, just hours ago, emerging from his self imposed semi-exile from public life to declare his and his wife’s full and unequivocal support for Kavanaugh.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia Ponders Survival As China Prepares To Unleash Pearl Harbor Attacks On American Forces

According to this report, as the Security Council (SC) described yesterday how the United States and Britain re-ignited their failed 1957 plot to destroy Syria by unleashing upon them a series of “false flag” attacks, their even more dangerous revival of the 1940 secret master plan intended to provoke the Empire of Japan into attacking American forces throughout the Pacific, including the main US Naval base at Pearl Harbor-Hawaii, is now being deployed against China. […]

Sorcha Faal

US Media Goes Silent After Trump Declares National Emergency In Race To Destroy “Deep State” Before They Start World War III

As Russian-Chinese military forces continue their rehearsal for a nuclear World War III, a disturbing new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today notes with growing alarm that the entire “Deep State” aligned US mainstream propaganda media went completely silent after President Donald Trump declared a National Emergency yesterday—most likely due to their knowing its main target is British Prime Minster Theresa May who is undergoing a coup initiated against her by Trump-loyalist Boris Johnson—and who, during the 2016 US presidential election, colluded with Hillary Clinton to defeat Trump. […]

Sorcha Faal

Israel Reports Prophetic “Red Heifer” Is Born That Signals “End Of Days”

To the grave necessity of Russia even having to contemplate the use of nuclear weapons to stop United States-Western aggression, this report details, is due to their unprovoked military aggression over these past three decades that even today now sees Iraq falling apart in unrestrained violence with rockets now being fired at a US consulate and Libya descending further into barbaric chaos 7 years after its so called “liberation” by NATO—and in spite of these abject military failures that have killed and maimed millions, now sees the United States today threatening to launch its military power against Nicaragua—the United States and its allies now gearing up to invade Venezuela—and new evidence emerging showing that after 65 years, the United States is, once again, preparing to overthrow the government of Iran. […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Forces Warn Of Military Rule And Executions In Response To “Sleeper Cell” In White House

To the exact laws subject to US military tribunals the “Deep State” and their mainstream propaganda media allies can be tried under, this report says, are all contained in 18 U.S. Code Chapter 115 – TREASON, SEDITION, AND SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITIES—the most serious of which is 18 U.S. Code § 2381–Treason that says “whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death”—and the lesser 18 U.S. Code § 2384-Seditious Conspiracy that says “If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.” […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia Watches In Fear As Socialist Tide Grows In US—But Celebrates Overturning America To Become Breadbasket For The World

With the central precept of socialist-communists taking power their being to first delegitimize a nation’s governing institutions, this report explains, their attack on the legitimacy of the US Supreme Court began with Democratic Party leader, and US Senate Minority Leader, Chuck Schumer declaring his party’s intention to throw President Trump from power with his using the words “the sooner the better”—that was followed by his leading a conference call to plot the “mob rule” tactics these socialist-communists would use to destroy the Judge Kavanaugh hearing—and among whose most shocking events of included radical agitators being handed bags of cash for disrupting this hearing, a Jewish-Mexican supporter of Judge Kavanaugh being accused of giving a secret “White Power” hand sign, and, most despicably, Democratic Party US Senator Diane Feinstein secreting into this hearing the father of a school shooting victim (he vowed to play a role in stopping Kavanaugh), who lunged towards Judge Kavanaugh before being pushed away by security forces not knowing who he was or what motive he had—but, nevertheless, gave these demons the headline they wanted, “Kavanaugh Refuses To Shack Hand Of School Shooting Victems Father”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Hail Of Bullets Cuts Down Hollywood Actress Exposing Actor George Clooney As Leader Of Gay Sex Cult

A chilling new Federal Security Service (FSB) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that Hollywood actress Vanessa Marquez was killed in a hail of bullets this past Thursday (30 August), a day prior to when she was scheduled to meet with Pulitzer Prize winning American journalist Ronan Farrow, who wanted to interview her for what is being described as a “bombshell” story he is writing about the NBC Television Network she once worked for as a cast member on one their most valuable programme series named ER—and whose co-star, the world-famous actor George Clooney, Marquez had previously accused of being a gay cult leader in the international criminal organization known as Scientology.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Singlehandedly Creates His Own “Blue Wave” Monster He Can Kill With “Red Tsunami”

President Donald Trump delivered a coup de grace (a death blow to end the suffering of a severely wounded person or animal) against his “Deep State” aligned Democratic Party enemies hoping for a “Blue Wave” inspired 2018 Midterm Electionthat would sweep them back into power—and that Trump was able to do by his singlehandedly masterminding an election rout in America’s third largest State of Florida yesterday—and that come November, will see an epic spectacle of Trumpian conservative-nationalist forces battling directly against the rising socialist-globalist forces of Bernie Sanders-George Soros for the very soul of the United States—all of whom will, no doubt, soon witness the full power of a Trump engineered “Red Tsunami”.  […]

Sorcha Faal

White House In Turmoil After “Sealed Indictment” Issued For Arrest Of Former US Vice President Joe Biden

Over 40,000 “sealed indictments” have left in terror the entire US shadow government “Deep State”—a beyond stunning new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today outlining the points to be discussed between Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo during their upcoming meeting at the United Nations notes that its main focus will be centered on a “sealed indictment” issued for the arrest of former United States Vice President Joseph Biden for his criminal involvement in what is known as the Burisma Holdings Scandal—and whose pending arrest now sees the White House in turmoil over their not fully knowing what its reverberations might be.   […]

Benjamin Fulford 

U.S. civil war stalemate to end soon; Next phase of planetary liberation to begin

The death, probably by execution, of the traitor John McCain, signals a new phase in the removal of the criminal cabal that has controlled the U.S. since 1913, Pentagon and agency sources agree.  “Traitor McCain may have been the first death penalty by military tribunal, allowed to die with honor like Rommel to protect the Navy’s reputation while spooking the deep state,” is how one Pentagon source described the situation. […]