Sister Ciara

“11 Weeks That Shook The World”—The Endgame Begins!

The election of Donald Trump, therefore, so enraged these globalists that they did away with the near-universal agreement over the right to speak, driven by a false belief that too much free speech helped Trump get elected—and that large numbers of Americans began not just to tolerate, but is now seeing them demand censorship—that’s being exploited by the Democratic Party who have formulated a two-prong attack to: 1.) Take down the elected President of the United States—and—2.) Concurrently destroy a thriving alternative media questioning the official narrative at every turn. […]

Sorcha Faal

US Mainstream Media Plunges Into Masterful “Trump Trap” Not Knowing That It Spells Their Own Doom

The entire leftist-socialist mainstream propaganda media establishment in the United States plunged mindlessly into a carefully orchestrated “Trump Trap” designed to destroy them—that was a masterfully choreographed made-for-television production whose most honest titled should have been “The Manafort-Cohen Show”—and whose main actors were former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, and Trump’s former “fixer” Michael Cohen—but that was almost preempted when Christine Assange, the mother of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, went “off script” (in what she mistakenly believed was a defense of Trump) and blurted out on Twitter what everyone knows, but no one will admit, that the assassinated Bernie Sanders supporter Seth Rich gave all of the Democrat Party’s emails to Wikileaks, not Russia.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Turns Tables On Democrats, Prepares To Criminally Charge Them For Colluding With Russia To Win 2018 Midterm Elections

President Donald Trump is “turning the tables” (turning a position of disadvantage into one of advantage) on his leftist-socialist Democratic Party enemies by his preparing to criminally charge them with colluding with Russia should they regain power in the upcoming 2018 Midterm Elections—a scheme began by Trump, on 24 July, when he suddenly declared “I’m very concerned that Russia will be fighting very hard to have an impact on the upcoming Election.  Based on the fact that no President has been tougher on Russia than me, they will be pushing very hard for the Democrats.  They definitely don’t want Trump!”—his following that declaration up a little more than a week later, on 2 August, by having all of his top security and intelligence officials solemnly warning that “the Russian threat to interfere in the 2018 Midterm Elections is real”—and, just hours ago, was supported by “evidence” provided by one of the world’s largest tech giants, Microsoft, who claimed that the same Russian military hackers who attacked Hillary Clinton to defeat her 2016 presidential bid, are now attacking Trump’s Republican Party to, likewise, ensure their 2018 election defeat too.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Issues “Declaration Of War” Warning After US-Mexico Drug Conflict Death Toll Soars Over 280,000   

Part of the “deconfliction protocols” established between Russia and the United States to lesson the likelihood of either nation misunderstanding the reasons behind massive troop deployments, the US Department of Defense (DoD) has informed the Office of the Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation that the “full scale exercise” between 20-24 August of US Army forces deployed at Camp Zama (Japan) is to test their readiness to deploy in support of the United States Northern Command (USNORTHCOM)—and that was followed by President Donald Trump cryptically announcing that drugs flowing into the US from Mexico “is now a form of warfare”—a gross understatement as the US mainstream propaganda media hidden drug war between these two nations now has a two-year death toll exceeding over 280,000—with 2016 US drug deaths reported being 63,632, and 2017 ones soaring to a new record of over 72,000—but whose catastrophic numbers are exceeded by those in Mexico whose staggering dead and missing toll is now over 150,000 […]

Sorcha Faal

Russian Intel Chief Blasts Trump Loyalists For Revealing Communist Terror Cell That Was Running CIA And FBI

A “frustrating exchange” [exact wording Это так раздражает] relating to Trump loyalists Rudy Giuliani and US Congressman Devin Nunes beginning to expose the workings of the secret communist terror cell that had operated at the top levels of the Obama Regimes intelligence agencies—with Congressman Nunes first revealing that that the fabricated Trump-Russia Dossier was created by the “Russian propaganda arm of the Democratic Party” working within the FBI, and Attorney Giuliani revealing that former CIA Director John Brennan, a known communist, was the mastermind behind the coup plot against President Donald Trump—and that SVR Director Naryshkin asserts breaks an agreement made with Trump’s former CIA Director Mike Pompeo to keep this information secret until mass arrests are made, but that Chairwoman Matviyenko maintains is out of the control of Trump whose nation is nearing civil war. […]


The Book of Enoch

The book begins With a Dream-Vision of Enoch. In this dream Enoch is asked to intercede for the watchers of heaven, i.e. the angels, who had left their heavenly home to commit iniquity with the daughters of men. He writes out the petition (cp. the title “Enoch the Scribe”) the fallen angels make, and then retires to await the answer, which comes to him in a series of visions. These visions are not quite easy to follow; they are evidently incomplete and somewhat confused; in all probability the text has suffered in transmission. At any rate, the petition is refused; Enoch declares to the fallen angels the doom which, as he has been taught in the visions, is to be their lot; the final words of the message which he is bidden to give them are: “You have no peace” (xii.-xvi.). […]

Sorcha Faal

Most Powerful Special Counsel In America Sweeps Into Arkansas To Move All Hillary Clinton Evidence To Washington

The United States Department of Justice (DoJ) twice send its “Doomsday Plane” to Little Rock, Arkansas, where an FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton has been ongoing—and whose top officials on this flight were the mysterious and powerful US Special Counsel John Huber and his former University of Utah law professor, and former US Federal Judge, Paul Cassell—both of whom oversaw the placing onto this plane massive amounts of file boxes, after which they were flown back to Washington D.C..  […]

Foreign Affairs

Syrians Return to Syria. What About Europe?

For the first time since the beginning of the Syrian crisis in 2011 a significant number of international experts, political analysts, and journalists have reported about the near conclusion of the civil war. The military operation of the Syrian Arab Army on the liberation of the rest part of the country from various terrorist organizations is currently in the final stage. Peace and stability gradually returned to the liberated areas. […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia To Break All Ties With United States As Libya And Yemen Cry To Putin For Help—And Turkish Forces Plan Invasion Of US Base To Arrest Top American Generals

All Russian diplomats in the United States are being recalled, and all Russian embassies and consulates in the United States are to be permanently closed by no later than 18 November 2018, due to new US sanctions levied yesterday on Russia based on the British poison hoax that’s linked to the Hillary Clinton campaigns creation of the fabricated Trump-Russia Dossier, and that no proof of has ever been presented for—with these sanctions threatening the cutting off of US diplomatic relations unless Russia provides “reliable assurances” that it won’t use chemical weapons in the future and agrees to “on-site inspections” by the UN—but that’s impossible to comply with as the UN has already certified that Russia is chemical weapons free and has no sites inspections can be made in—and whose deranged demands have now caused both Libya and Yemen to call on President Putin to save them from the Americans—as well as Turkey preparing to invade the US base in their country in order to capture and arrest the American generals responsible for the failed 2016 Obama-Clinton coup against President Erdogan. […]

Sorcha Faal

Russian Fleet Rushes To Arctic Over Fears US May Have Started War

At the same time the highly influential Veteran Intelligent Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) organization is warning President Trump that the “Deep State” intelligence on Iran he is receiving could be catastrophic, a new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today suggests that the United States, if not the entire world, may have even bigger things to worry about—and is due to a believed to be shootdown by the US Air Force of a known and accepted “interstellar-interdimensional device” (most commonly referred as a UFO) within the Arctic Circle on 25 July, whose explosive force was registered at 2.1 kilotons—and has now seen this “devices” suspected “pair-mate”, on 4 August, enter our Earth’s atmosphere in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region-Yugra in West Siberia from where it began transversing the globe—until yesterday, 7 August, when it hovered in the skies over the Philippines, then raced towards the Arctic Circle where it plunged into the Greenland Sea with enough force to cause a 5.8 magnitude earthquake—and in response to President Putin, just hours ago, ordered the immediate deployment of the entire Russian Northern Fleet to Arctic waters. […]

Sorcha Faal

Americans Warned To Pray As “Final Act” In Trump Coup D’état Nears, And Chinese Forces Enter Syria To Confront United States

Chinese military forces are preparing to enter Syria to confront the US military—the American people are being urged to “Pray to God” as “the imposters are preparing the final act in their coup d’état against President Trump”—America’s most watched newsman, and pro-Trump confidant, Sean Hannity, just hours ago, cryptically warning his millions of viewers that “you know when I say ‘tic-toc’…something big is coming that will blow this all out of the water”—America’s most respected military historian Professor Victor Davis Hanson, Ph.D., likewise, now warning “whether we all take a deep breath, and understand our present dangerous trajectory, will determine whether 2019 becomes 1861”—and, most astoundedly, the “Deep State” aligned Washington Post finally acknowledging the elites’ terror of the mysterious pro-Trump deep cover operative known only as Q-Anon—who has revealed the stunning existence of over 45,000 sealed US Federal indictments obtained by pro-Trump forces, and whose numbers of these sealed indictments are increasing by over 5,000 a month […]

Sorcha Faal

Nuclear Armed “Dirty Bomb” Alert For US Intended To Cripple President Trump Linked To Soros-Clinton Terror Cell

A Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) “alert advisory” bulletin shows that the United States National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS) is preparing to raise its terrorist threat level to “imminent” after the New York City capture of a known Islamic radical terrorist named Moayad Heider Mohammad Aldairi—who smuggled into the US at least 6 known Special Interest Aliens (SIA) from Mexico whom the Policía Federal (PF) identified as being responsible for the theft of radioactive material designated as Iridium-192—whose most feared use would be in a Radiological Dispersal Device (RDD) [known as a “dirty bomb”]—and that SVR analysts speculate will be detonated in the US as a means to cripple the efficacy of President Trump—and whose “trail of conspirators” behind this plot lead directly to Hillary Clinton and her “puppetmaster” George Soros.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Russian Military Leaders Rapidly Respond After Communist “Show Trials” Shockingly Reemerge In United States

Never believing that any other nation would ever adopt for themselves the “Soviet Show Trails” corrupted system of communist-socialist justice, this report explains, the entirety of Russia watched with alarmed amazement during the years of the Clinton-Bush-Obama Regimes when it was recreated in the United States—and whose conviction rates of ordinary US citizens now stands at a staggering 98.7%–and whose latest “Soviet Show Trial” victim is President Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort. […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia Explodes In Rage After Learning Maria Butina Is “Toy” Being Used By “Deep State” To Destroy Trump’s Choice For US Supreme Court

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov was “beyond rage” after he was told by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo yesterday that innocent Russian student Maria Butina was arrested on made up spy charges by the “Deep State” who are using her as a “toy” to destroy United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit Judge Brett Kavanaugh, whom President Trump nominated, on 9 July, to be elevated to the US Supreme Court—with Lavrov then angrily telling Pompeo that these “fabricated charges are unacceptable”, and his further calling for Maria’s “immediate release”—and who joins Russian Ambassador to Washington Anatoly Antonov who slammed the US for arresting Maria by saying “what they are doing is a farce, a tragedy”, and Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova stating the obvious about Maria’s arrest by declaring that “the FBI is simply carrying out a clearly political order”.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Creepy Porn Lawyer Returns From Emerald City To Save America

The United States has finally become unmoored from reality and set sail upon the “Sea of Liberal Lunacy”—as evidenced by Democratic Party leftists there celebrating their nations 4th of July national Independence Day holiday by denouncing the First Amendment of their Constitution, one of their main publications publishing an article saying that the American Revolution was a mistake, one of their top 2020 presidential candidates butchering US history by comically claiming that “eight immigrants” signed the Declaration of Independence, and Facebook actually removing the Declaration of Independence from its site after they flagged it as “hate speech”—and whose “Captain of Communism” set to lead them on this journey is a man known as “Creepy Porn Lawyer” who has, obviously, just returned from the Land of Oz capitol of Emerald City with his afterwards declaring, on 4 July, that he now has the “brains, heart and courage” to be president—but with suspicions being raised that he, in fact, received them from the Wizard of Oz who had previously given a Scarecrow a “brain”, a Tin Man a “heart” and a Cowardly Lion “courage”, too.  […]


Sealed Indictment Arrest Of Supreme Court Justice Confirms Shocking QAnon Intel

This past week’s sealed indictment arrest of West Virginia Supreme Court Justice Allen Loughry confirms “dark web” intelligence generated by QAnon showing that over 40,000 sealed indictments have been issued over the past few months by the United States Department of Justice—with this shocking confirmation, also, coming at the same time Senior United States District Judge Thomas Selby Ellis III has issued a ruling providing the legal road map to send Special Council Robert Mueller’s farce investigation into Trump-Russia collusion down in flames. […]