Sorcha Faal

As Their Democratic Party “Train To Power” Goes Off The Rails, Radical American Leftists Ignite Civil War  

The consequences of yesterdays shock election victory of openly communist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in a New York City primary for the Democratic Party (DNC)—that toppled this political parties fourth most powerful US Congressman named Joseph Crowley who was set to assume control of his entire party—has, in effect, thrown off the rails all of the plans American socialist-leftists had to use the DNC as their “train to power”—thus leaving them with no choice but to ignite a civil war in the United States many experts believe has already now begun.   […]

Sorcha Faal

US Congress Quietly Approves $82 Billion For Mexican Invasion

A gravely worded new Security Council (SC) circulating in the Kremlin today outlining the agenda for the talks this coming week between President Putin and US National Security Advisor John Bolton states that “of most serious concern” to the Russian Federation is the United States planned invasion of Mexico that the US Congress, two days ago, quietly approved $82 billion to begin the combat preparations for—with  Security Council Member, and Chairwoman of the Council of Federation, Valentina Matviyenko further noting that the American people appear to be “mentally blinded/clueless” to the war propaganda techniques being poured onto them designed to whip them into a war frenzy prior to this invasion by splitting their left-right political factions—and as the US had effectively done in the months leading up to World War II to gain their citizens support to declare war on Nazi Germany.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Russian Pedophile Who Sent Pictures To Hillary Clinton Now Linked To FBI Plot Trying To Overthrow President Trump 

In defense of the pedophile charges filed against him by the FSB, this report says, Yuri Dmitriyev testified during interrogation that the “Health Diary” file containing hundreds of naked pictures of his minor step daughter Natashawas begun because he wanted to chart her progress (her gain of weight, for example), and that he done this until she was nine-years-old—and that he had “inadvertently/mistakenly” sent to the Clinton Foundation who had requested from him photographs of the mass Soviet communist graves he had discovered—and with FSB forensic experts officially recognizing these photos as not being pornographic, and a special board of psychiatrists coming to the conclusion that he was not a pedophile and is sane, the pedophile charges against Yuri Dmitriyev were dropped—though he was convicted of illegally possessing an unregistered weapon, but that he only received a sentence of being under police supervision for two and half years. […]

Sorcha Faal

Former FBI Assistant Director Andrew McCabe Exposed As Russian Spy 

Americas top nuclear experts are now urging Trump to force the US Congress to pass and then ratify this treaty before it’s too late—but whose likelihood of happening is decreasing by the day as the “Deep State” coup leaders battling to overthrow Trump have now gone beyond insane by their forcing former FBI Assistant Director Andrew McCabe to file suit against Special Counsel Robert Mueller so that he can see the hidden evidence against him in order to defend himself—and that one can only suppose is due to Mueller believing that McCabe is a Russian spy as he’s being treated in the exact same way that the Russian company Concord Management is—and whom Mueller has filed a first in American history action against seeking to deny them the right to see any evidence against them so that they can defend themselves too.  […]

Sorcha Faal

“Deep State” Goes Into Full Meltdown After Historic Trump-Kim Summit

The “Deep State” is, indeed, striking back “hard and dirty” against President Donald Trump after his historic nuclear disarmament summit with North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un—with the “Deep State” first having Special Counsel Robert Mueller shock the very foundation of the US legal system by his declaring yesterday that defendants no longer have the right to see the evidence against them—and equally as worse, the Ministry of Defense (MoD) reporting that “Deep State” aligned US special operations units are preparing a “false flag” provocation involving chloride gas in the Syrian Deir ez-Zor Province that will enable them to force Trump into launching a new attack on that country’s state facilities—which Russia calls “unacceptable”, and will respond to in full force against. […]

Sorcha Faal

“Grand Commander Donald The Strong” Squashes “Little Potato” Justin Trudeau As “Ice Wall” World Emerges

The Chinese nicknamed President Donald Trump  “Grand Commander Donald The Strong” while at the same time their labeling Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as “Little Potato”—as Trump at this summit squashed Trudeau, and other Western leaders, like bugs under the massive global economic “ICE Wall” the United States has erected in order to ensure its global dominance—but to which First Deputy Governor of Russia’s Central Bank Olga Skorobogatova warned about by stating: “I have recently seen the movie, The Matrix, it is 15-20 years old already, so it is from a long time ago.  And I have discovered something new for myself: about 35% of what they came up with already exists in our lives”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Democrats Collapse In Terror As Diabolical Trump Plot To Destroy Them Emerges

The American liberal-socialist Democratic Party has collapsed into total terror due to their abject failure to ignite their voters in what they claimed would be a “Blue Wave” that would wash like a tsunami over Trump’s Republican Party in the soon coming 2018 Midterm Elections—but whose grim  reality of played out this past week in the “Reigning Capital of Liberal America” called California where an historic low of just 21.8% of this States voters turned up to vote this past Tuesday—thus exposing for all to see President Donald Trump’s diabolical plot to destroy these Democrats that he’s accomplished by creating more jobs in the US than there are people to fill them, and whose content workers would rather stay at their high paying jobs making money for their families instead of voting for whatever the latest Democratic induced hysteria is—with European nations now also rushing to emulate Trump’s populist policies, but whose liberation from the slavery of globalist elites they’re looking for Russia to accomplish. […]

Benjamin Fulford 

Takedown of Israel may be imminent as NATO withdraws protection

Tectonic shifts in the geopolitical landscape continue at a dizzying pace around the world as the satanic Khazarian mob is being systematically removed from all world power centers, multiple sources agree.  The situation has proceeded so far that the Khazarian big Kahuna, Israel, may soon be liberated from the satanists, Pentagon sources say.  In Europe the changes of government last week in Italy, Spain, and Slovenia mean that only a rump of France, Germany, and Holland remain under Khazarian control, the sources say. […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Moves In For Kill Against Europe While Driving Stake Into Heart Of American Leftists

An interesting new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating the Kremlin today detailing the just completed telephonic conference between Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo notes that at the same time the Americans are expressing their desire for better relations with Russia, President Trump is “moving in for the kill” against the European Union by slamming them with punishing tariffs—while at the same time, Trump is driving a stake into the very heart of America’s leftists with his remaking of the entire Judicial Branch of the tripartite structure that comprises the Constitutional United States Republic, and that will, undoubtedly, stamp his mark on his nation for, at least, the next 50 years.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Britain Orders Mass Burnt Offering Sacrifice Of 150,000 Cattle In Occult Bid To Kill President Trump

A Five Eyes “urgent action communication” to the British Commonwealth nation of New Zealand has ordered them to immediately “sacrifice” 150,000 cattle… the Department for External Church Affairs of the Russian Orthodox Church has concluded that this “offering” is being performed at the urging of the Edom-Esau British Royal Family, is, in actuality, an “occult supplication” to the “god” Baal (who is secretly worshiped by all the Royal Houses in Europe) to kill President Donald Trump—with His Holiness Patriarch Kirill comparing this “spiritual battle” to what the Prophet Elijah when he confronted these Edom-Esau worshipers of Baal and declared: “I am the only one of the Lord’s prophets left, but Baal has four hundred and fifty prophets.  Get two bulls for us.  Let Baal’s prophets choose one for themselves, and let them cut it into pieces and put it on the wood but not set fire to it.  I will prepare the other bull and put it on the wood but not set fire to it.  Then you call on the name of your god, and I will call on the name of the Lord.  The god who answers by fire—he is God”.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Putin Orders Retaliatory Strike After American Forces Murder 4 Russian Soldiers In Syria

In yet another example of the prescience of the peoples in Sweden who are now preparing their nation’s 65,000 nuclear bunkers for war, and the vast majority of peoples in Russia knowing that World War III is immanent as tensions escalate in Syria, a just released Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that President Putin has authorized a “punishing” retaliatory strike against American military forces for their complicity in the murder of 4 Russian serviceman in Syria.  […]

Sorcha Faal

World Holds Breath As Israel Prepares To Launch Massive Missile Strikes On North Korea

Tthe Pacific Fleet (PF) has just been alerted to a now existing “deconfliction zone” in the Sea of Japan ahead of what is expected to be a massive missile strike on the Democratic People’s of Korea (North Korea) by Israeli Naval Forces—and that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is preparing to personally command the operation of by his moving all security cabinet meetings from the prime minister’s office to a high-tech underground secure bunker in Jerusalem which hosts his nations National Crisis Management Center—but that North Korean ally China is, apparently, attempting to counter with it being discovered, just hours ago, that the most secret information on Israel’s submarine fleet has gone missing.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Hillary Clinton Wants $1 Million For Russia Speech—Says World Needs To Know Truth About Extraterrestrials

John Podesta is “shopping on the sidelines” to the over 15,000 participants from 100 nations of this global event a “world altering” $1 million expected fee speech Secretary Clinton wants to make in Moscow exposing an “extraterrestrial cover-up” that cost her the election against President Trump—and that Podesta is previewing with his appearance on an American television programme called “Ancient Aliens” wherein he states “Secretary Clinton, likewise, was also kind of interested in the topic, and during the course of the campaign said that, if elected, she would have ordered a more thorough declassification review”—and that sheds new light on why, this past weekend, Clinton appeared at a Yale University commencement address where she donned a traditional Russia ushanka and proclaimed “If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em”.  […]


Putin Orders Russian Nuclear Mobilization Over Fears US Can’t Survive “Crossfire Hurricane” Coup Against Trump

President Putin has ordered Kalibr missile equipped Russian warships to be permanently placed on combat duty off the coast of Syria in the Mediterranean Sea—and that pushes the world to brink of total war as the Kalibr is one of the most feared weapons in the world able to fire a nuclear payload, and marks the first time in history Russia has placed atomic weapons in the Middle East. […]