Sorcha Faal

Russia Slams American Hypocrisy For China “Free Pass” After Nearly 20 CIA Agents Executed And Beheaded

An angrily written new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today slams what it calls “typical and blatant American hypocrisy” over the United States giving to the Peoples Republic of China what amounts to a “free pass” for this communist-led nation’s execution of up to 20 undercover CIA agents they had captured, all of whom were immediately beheaded so that their organs could be harvested and sold—while at the same time, the United States kicked out 35 Russian diplomats and closed the Russian embassy in San Francisco for the “fake news” crime of interfering in the 2016 US presidential election, with another 60 Russian diplomats expelled and the Russian consulate in Seattle closed downfor another “fake news” crime of a supposed poisoning of a former double agent.  […]


Assassin Of Hillary Clinton Email Leaker Seth Rich Gunned Down In Fierce Gun Battle That Leaves 4 Dead

To why Seth Rich had to be assassinated, this report explains, was due to his discovering a massive spying operation surrounding DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (also a US Congresswoman)—that was headed a Pakistani national named Imran Awan who, along with his friends and family, penetrated the entire computer network of nearly every Democratic Party member of the US Congress—with his then transferring this highly classified information to the Hezbollah spy ring he was a part of. […]

Sorcha Faal

“Deep State” Sex Pervert Who Thought He Could Take Down Trump Learns Quick Lesson

US government and private intelligence forces loyal to President Donald Trump have just successfully “politically assassinated” the Democratic Party Attorney General for New York Eric Schneiderman by exposing his demonically inspired sexually perverted crimes against women—and that Schneiderman should have seen was coming after he joined forces with Special Counsel Robert Mueller to take down Trump in a “Deep State” coup.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Top Trump Official Confirms Existence Of “Deep State” Coup To Overthrow US President

Coming just days after legendary former top FBI official James Kallstrom warned that the FBI was now “a criminal ‘Fifth Column’ running an illegal conspiracy to topple President Trump”, a stunning new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that just hours ago (Sunday evening/6 May in US), Katrina Pierson, President Trump’s top advisor for his 2020 reelection campaign, appeared before the American people on the Fox News television programme “The Next Revolution With Steve Hilton” wherein she solemnly confirmed the existence of a plot to “overthrow the President of the United States” in what she called a “silent coup” being led by the “Deep State”. (Begin viewing at 5:35 and 9:16 to see Katrina Pierson’s shocking revelations) […]


Mueller Team Faces Truth In US Federal Court For First Time—Then Flee From Courtroom In Soiled Nappies

A scathingly written new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today heaps scorn and ridicule on Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his legal team for their actions in a US Federal District Court yesterday when, for the first time, they faced an actual Russian counterattack against the so-called “Trump-Russia” collusion probe—and that terrified Mueller’s legal team to such an extent, they begged President Trump appointed US Federal Judge Dabney Friedrich for a continuance, with their afterward fleeing from the courtroom “like babies in soiled nappies looking for their mommies”. […]

Clinton Foundation

“Deep State” Coup Erupts Into Open As Iran Readies “Auntie Cockroach” Nuclear Defense Of Shiite World

A petrifying new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today showing how dangerously chaotic our world has become is warning that the Islamic Republic of Iran is in the final phases of preparing its “Auntie Cockroach” nuclear defense of the Shia Islam world as it’s now “the next nation up” being targeted for invasion by the United States and its Western allies, and that comes at the same time the “Deep State” coup d’état against President Donald Trumphas erupted into full public view on US television—with globalist leader Richard Haass first proclaiming to the American people, during an appearance on the leftist-communist cable news channel MSNBC, that “You Need A Deep State”—and who was quickly responded to, a few hours later, by legendary former top FBI official James Kallstrom, while appearing on the rightist-nationalist Fox News cable channel, correctly counter-warning the American people by telling them that that the “Deep State” aligned FBI was now “A criminal ‘Fifth Column’ running an illegal conspiracy to topple President Trump”—with it further to be noted about former FBI Assistant Director Kallstrom that his assessment of what it will take to end this coup d’état against Trump would be to “Shoot Hillary Clinton By Firing Squad For Treason”—and that exactly mirrors the Foreign Intelligence Service warning yesterday that the “Season of Assassins” has begun in the US.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Hillary Pleads With Top Russian Criminal To Protect Her From Trump

Two Hillary Clinton emissaries—former FBI operative Daniel J. Jones and disgraced former US Congressman Ron Dellums—have made repeated visits over the past 7 months to the “multimillion dollar mansion”, in Rapperswil-Jona, Switzerland, of one of Russia’s most notorious convicted criminals named Mikhail Khodorkovsky—with these visits, and subsequent continuous communications, succeeded in getting Khodorkovsky to join a new Clinton-led $50 million plot to attack President Donald Trump with “fake news” Russian collusion claims—and that coincides with loyal Trumpforces quickly closing in on Hillary Clinton for her massive theft of $84 million from the Democratic Party during the 2016 US presidential campaign. […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia Slams News Network MSNBC For Being “Place Where Journalism Goes To Die”

MSNBC was slammed over its sordid attempt to blame President Putin for the scandal erupting around one of their rising star anchors named Joy Reid—whose recently discovered past internet postings exposed her as being a homophobic racist has led MSNBC (that’s best known for being the main propaganda arm of the Democratic Party and “the place where journalism goes to die”) to launch a “fake news” scheme best described by Pulitzer Prize winning reporter Glenn Greenwald who wrote: “What do Democrats do when hideously bigoted anti-gay posts are found on the old blog of a liberal cable TV host and the liberal host claims they weren’t hers?  Do you even need to ask?  They blame . . . PUTIN”.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Warns Russia To “Get Ready” After Believed To Be Spetsnaz Attack

President Donald Trump has just issued his first overt war threat against the Russian Federation by his warning “Get ready Russia, missiles will be coming at Syria, nice and new and ‘smart’!”—and to which Moscow quickly responded to by asking Trump “Are ‘smart’ missiles an attempt to destroy alleged chemical attack evidence in Syria?”—and whose precipitating event was the total obliteration, by what the West believes were Russian Spetsnaz forces, of a secret Algerian military flight carrying over 250 French-trained Islamic terrorists (all of whom were killed) destined for a CIA base in Jordon on the Syrian border—and though neither confirming or denying that Russian special forces downed this plane, this report notes that the Americans were already warned: “If you want a confrontation, you’ll get one everywhere”. […]

Sorcha Faal

US Air Forces Retreat From Russian “Red Line” After Syrian Air Defenses Obliterate Israeli Missile Strike

A very sobering new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that by 0400 Moscow Time on 9 April, US and NATO warplanes operating in the Levant War Zone retreated to their various Middle Easternstaging bases and sea platforms (aircraft carriers) without their having violated the new rules of engagement (ROE-”Red Line’) imposed by Russia on these hostile Western military forces—and whose swift withdrawal came in the aftermath of a failed, and unprovoked, Israeli airstrike on a Syrian air base whose air defenses obliterated 5 of the 8 missiles fired at it.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Putin-Trump Alliance Gets Staggering Boost As “Deep State” Globalism Warned Near Death

President Putin has “agreed with the consensus” to expel 59 more foreign diplomats from 23 different countries in addition to the 150 expelled on Thursday over the “UK Poisoning Charade”—but whose most startling revelation is the “staggering boost” given to US-Russia relations after President Donald Trump said Moscow could begin immediately replacing the 60 Russian diplomats he had just expelled from the United States—and that comes in the aftermath of new evidence showing that the American shadow government “Deep State” plot for global domination is nearing its death.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Feared Trump Spy Network Captures “Deep State” Assassins Spreading Mysterious Flu Virus

The feared private spy network set up by President Donald Trump captured two American shadow government “Deep State” assassins on 25 March in Tewksbury, Massachusetts, identified as Francho S. Bradley and Adrianne D. Jennings—and after whose capture, saw Bradley possessing his Department of Defense (DoD) concealed carry weapons badge and admitting that he was “on a classified government mission”—but whose true “mission” was to spread a mysterious flu virus which Dr. Ali Raja, Vice Chairman of Massachusetts General Hospital’s emergency department, has just warned is already impacting his State.  […]

Sorcha Faal

German Intelligence Officer Reveals Plot To Remove Children From Christian Parents by Calling Them Mentally Ill

As Joy Behar of The View spreads the “Christians are mentally ill” narrative on one of ABC’s most popular shows, a former German Bundeswehr officer named Markus Bergfeld has applied for asylum in Russia after his accidentally discovering a plot to begin taking children away from their Christian parents by scientists claiming that believers in the Christian faith are brain damaged.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Putin-Trump Begin Emergency Talks After Top US Nuclear Commander Disappears 

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and his American counterpart US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson (both of whom are on the African Continent, with Tillerson have cancelled all events today and have established a secure communication channel enabling advisors of both President Putin and President Trump to maintain continuous contact while investigations are taking place into the whereabouts of US Navy Vice Admiral Charles Richard—who is the Deputy Commander of the United States Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) that controls Americas nuclear weapons in time of war—and who, for reasons unknown, has not had his presence accounted for in the past nearly 24 hours.   […]


“Deep State” Is Preparing Massive ISIS Attack On America To Expand Global War

Americans expressed their fears that shadow government “Deep State” elements embedded within the United States government are preparing for a 9/11-style massive terror attack intended to expand their power and initiate a global war—and who have, again, been discovered to be evacuating Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh) terror commanders from Syria in order to accomplish this atrocity. […]


David Hogg Won’t Return to School Alright. He Graduated Redondo Shores High in 2015

Quickly, also, discovered by these Americans questioning how David Hogg could have been a shooting survivor in Florida when he had already graduated from a California high school in 2015, was how brutal the US “technopoly” actually is whenever its questioned—with the Google owned YouTube video site banning one video about this when it reached over 200,000 views, their banning another user for 90 days after they raised questions, and their permanently banning the popular Richie Allen Show deleting all 76,000 of their subscribers and 1,400 videos they had. […]