Putin Orders Russian Nuclear Mobilization Over Fears US Can’t Survive “Crossfire Hurricane” Coup Against Trump

President Putin has ordered Kalibr missile equipped Russian warships to be permanently placed on combat duty off the coast of Syria in the Mediterranean Sea—and that pushes the world to brink of total war as the Kalibr is one of the most feared weapons in the world able to fire a nuclear payload, and marks the first time in history Russia has placed atomic weapons in the Middle East. […]

Hillary Clinton

HRC Wants War With Russia, China, Although They Know Our Secrets Now

So Hillary wants war with Russia, maybe China, although they know our secrets now. While Secretary of State she had already tried to topple Putin it’s likely she expects reprisals and may feel a need to preempt them. Maybe we can pretend that none of our exposed HUMINT (human intelligence) and SIGINT (signals intelligence) assets were not turned or compromised, and maybe we can pretend our hidden nukes are not compromised, and our allies don’t know about the betrayal. […]


FLASHBACK: FBI Insider Says Clinton Foundation Involves Entire US Government

The FBI is facing the entire federal government in this case. It is why we are so quiet.

The problem is with the entire government. HRC is one component of that government. A Special Access Program (SAP) is an intelligence program classified above top-secret. They are held on closed servers at secret locations. The only way to get one is if you are specifically read on to a program, have a need to know, then you must physically go to a location and pass through several layers of security to even look at the program. A good example in non-classified terms would be the locations and operations of our intelligence operatives around the globe, or our missile silo locations. […]

Donald Trump

GOP Pushing For Weakest Candidate, Betting Against Horse With Fractured Leg

Author and journalist H.A. Goodman raises a good point when he points out that if she even tried to get a job at McDonald's, and they did a background check, she would not be hired because she is at the center of a criminal FBI investigation. The GOP knows this full well, but will allow and encourage, in contained glee, for the Hillary camp to push her nomination and will do everything possible to ensure this. Afterwards, when it is too late to change horses, they will go all out on exposing this simple fact and much more, along with a major media campaign demanding an indictment. […]

Clinton Foundation

FBI Reveals DNC Itself Complicit in Racketeering

Hillary’s coronation was strange indeed. From the beginning, the DNC was ruthlessly suppressing all challengers, and even members of Congress who supported Sanders were warned not to, or else. Only four known Democrats in Congress, out of hundreds, are not supporting Hillary Clinton. That’s a shakedown. That is the essence of racketeering: cooperate, or else. That’s why otherwise reasonable people say Hillary’s phony lead is “insurmountable.” But for the hundreds of delegates who announced their support before Sanders even ran, willing and unwilling, and those pledged now and are in any way tied to the Hillary Victory Fund, this would be a good time to distance themselves from ground zero. […]

Hillary Clinton

Indict Now, Obama, Regardless of Risk; Updated With DNC Trump Playbook

Congratulations, President Obama. You just made history. You endorsed the first presidential candidate under a criminal FBI investigation over another candidate, Sanders, that has a better chance of beating Trump. What a remarkable legacy to end eight years. What an amazing addition to your presidential library! You put a political party before your country, your legacy, your honor.

But in Warren and Obama, did we see an endorsement, or did we see fear?

Hillary Clinton

Proof the Russians Have Hillary’s Emails From Illicit Private Server

This is separate from the DNC emails, but likely more incriminating. The emails from Hillary’s private email server describe her working with Stratfor in the Ukrainian coup plot, as we saw in her correspondence with Victoria Nuland. They confirm what our intelligence experts noted all along, that the Russians, and other nations, hacked her server. Even if Obama gave her the green light to plan this coup, it would lead us to events that nearly caused a nuclear confrontation with Russia. Because these actions were hidden from Obama, it can be strongly argued she acted, willfully, without his knowledge and authority. This is why, among other reasons, the matter is incredibly serious. We already know, for a fact, that Russia has them (at least 22,000): they were used in a court case in Russia earlier this year […]

Cloak and Dagger

Johnson Parallels

[easyrotator]erc_13_1407605138[/easyrotator] The Copy Cat Crime: Andrew Johnson and Lyndon B. Johnson On January 23, 1923, William J. Burns, by then the acting director of the Department of Justice wrote “I have gone over with considerable […]


When Klansmen Killed “a thousand future generations of n*ggers”

FBI’s own evidence and unclassified documents prove Wayne Williams wrongly convicted for the murder of 30 black children… “Mrs. Catherine Leach is enraged that the best kept secret from the public in this crisis Is the brutal manner in which most of the children were mutilated. It is common to find among the bodies— castrations, hands amputated, feet amputated, lips and ears cut off, as well as part of the face. Why, the secret? It reads like old-fashion racist killings.” […]