Cloak and Dagger

Does GOP Want V.P. Oil Man Joe Biden in Power?

Right now, a court in the Netherlands ruled that Russia must pay investors a total of $115 billion dollars over the Yukos oil case. The enforcement arm of this ruling is, of course, NATO. Congress has just made a resolution to make the Ukraine a NATO ally, which is paving the way for NATO to fight against Russia. This will involve American troops, money, and once again, it will be over private oil interests. So at this moment plans are underway for the pentagon to fight a war for the private interests of the Vice-President's son. Does that sound obscene to you? It is also clear that Congress, more than anyone, is clamoring for a NATO-led war because it is extremely unlikely Russia is going to pay $115 billion to anyone. […]


Even the Cabals Admit It: The Press Could Have Saved Us

“It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”

David Rockefeller […]


Actual Supreme Court Rulings Consistent with Illuminati Doctrine

Imagine Supreme Court rulings consistent with an Illuminati doctrine written over 200 years ago; a doctrine calling for a totalitarian world government run by a cabal of international bankers. Imagine rulings also consistent with the 24 protocols of the more infamous work based on it but falsely attributed to an entire people, The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. That is the true horror, and why the latter may be…The Most Prophetic and Terrifying Forgery in History. […]

Cloak and Dagger

Captain America’s Very Real-life Parallels

NSA whistle blower William Binney: “The ultimate goal of the NSA is total population control.” Like the real-life Skull and Bones, Hydra was a Nazi cabal that infiltrated every level of US government. The former recruited Nazi SS men into the CIA under Bonesman Allen Dulles and George H. W. Bush, creating an unnaccountable secret government. […]


Why the Klan is Protected by Democrats and Republicans

"[Allen] Dulles was not acting out of kindness. He wanted to put these men to work as spies who would murder and kill in the name of the good ‘ol USA. Even before the war ended, Dulles had begun recruiting Gestapo agents, that is, members of the German Order of Skull and Bones, the Brotherhood of Death, into what would become the American version of the Gestapo, the CIA. As recently revealed by the CIA (5) and as documented by Christopher Simpson, in his extensively researched book, Blowback, “hundreds of convicted Nazi war criminals” were “smuggled out of Germany to avoid prosecution at the war crimes trials at Nuremberg.” They were “recruited by, and were put on the payroll of several U.S. government agencies, including the Army CIC, the OSS, and the Office of Policy Coordination within the State Department.” […]


Klan Fronts Today

Like Hitler’s Gestapo, the mission of the CIA had a definite political purpose which was to put into power those sympathetic to the interests of the Wall Street elite and who supported the fascist ideology of the Brotherhood. However, it was not just third world countries which would be subverted, but the government of the United States. […]


Maher, Huffington: Pro-Bush Censorship Propaganda 101

For those of you unfamiliar with the term, attacking a straw man is to create the illusion of having refuted an argument by misrepresenting the original argument, without ever actually refuting it. It’s practice is the shameful solace of pedants, debate team drop-outs and scorned ex-girlfriends; and you see it a lot in media punditry and politics. […]

2017 JFK Files

The JFK Assassination: It Was Johnson

In 1967, Jim Garrison’s case against Clay Shaw wasn’t just about Shaw. Shaw was a way to get to a much larger fish: Johnson. And Johnson knew this. The Garrison case implied Johnson was to blame for Kennedy’s assassination, and the findings in that trial actually helped lead to Johnson’s refusal to run in 1968…despite Shaw’s acquittal. At the time of the assassination and until his death, Johnson was represented by a law firm partnered by Barr McClellan, the author of “Blood, Money & Power: How L.B.J. Killed J.F.K.”. So in terms of credibility, you can’t get a better source: the very lawyers who defended Johnson against accusations of complicity. An interesting quote by the author, Barr McClellan: “When asked if he was concerned for the safety of his twin sons, he said: ‘The Democrats are pretty much out of power, really, in the state of Texas. So…they’re in good shape.'” (Barr McClellan is father of the present White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan) […]


Dennis Leary is in Denial

Albert Einstein once said that “If at first an idea does not sound absurd, then there is no hope for it.” Here is an absurd idea, one I share with an exponentially growing number of people. What is it? That WTC Building 7, which was struck by neither plane in the 9/11 attack yet collapsed in the same free fall manner, did only hours later with the help of a demolition team. That’s it, that’s what all this is about, implying that some events in the official 9/11 account could not have taken place. That’s the wild conspiracy. […]

Sorcha Faal

Barr Issues Slavery Warning After Democrat Lockdowns Kill 61,000 In Three Months

A thought-provoking new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today assessing United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres having just designated the coronavirus as the number one global security threat in our world today, and is why he is going to urge to all conflicts worldwide to cease by the end of 2020, says first to notice is that this is a covert acknowledgement by socialist-globalist forces that they’ve overplayed and miscalculated their masterplan to use this virus to topple from power President Donald Trump—and in fighting back against, now sees President Trump mounting a counter offensive against these socialist-globalist forces whose wrathful dimensions of which are incalculable—a counter offensive that this week has seen America’s most watched ever news host Tucker Carlson of Fox News presenting shocking scientific evidence proving Communist China created the coronavirus—a coronavirus godless socialist Democrats have used to illegally lockdown countless millions of innocent American people—which is why United States Attorney General William Barr has just joined this counter offensive with his declaration stating: “Putting a national lockdown, stay at home orders, is like house arrest…Other than slavery, which was a different kind of restraint, this is the greatest intrusion on civil liberties in American history”—forced socialist Democrat Party slavery that over the past 3-months has killed a staggering 61,000 innocent Americans, that was caused by the Summer wave of dementia deaths left untreated because of these lockdowns, about which Robert Anderson, chief of mortality statistics at the CDC, grimly stated: “There’s something wrong, there’s something going on and it needs to be sorted out”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Election Delay Question Warned Soon To Meet American Invasion Of Communist China

A grimly foreboding new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today says the rage and furor caused by President Donald Trump asking yesterday “Delay the Election until people can properly, securely and safely vote???” is entirely unjustified because this question isn’t being viewed in its proper context—a context that can only been seen when noticing that immediately following President Trump asking this question, Communist China ordered Hong Kong to cancel its fall election using the coronavirus as the excuse—both occurring at the same time India received its first French-built Rafale fighter aircraft as it prepares to join the war against Communist China—that Communist China responded to by announcing that its long-range bombers have now joined war drills in the South China Sea—that the United States responded to by quickly signing a joint air defense military cooperation agreement with Israel—all of which caused Communist Chinese military experts to publish their warning letter titled “US Could Attack China, Seize Disputed Islands In South China Sea Before 2020 US Elections”—wherein they stated the obvious reality that: “The signs are clear that the US may, to everyone’s surprise, attack Nansha (Spratly) islands and reefs…It is vital for the Chinese side to make military plans as early as possible to respond to the possible attacks from the US side”.  […]

Sorcha Faal

President Trump Now Protected By Powerful US Army Force Capable Of Leveling Washington D.C.

An astonishing new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting a McClatchy News Service article from 4 June claiming: “The nation’s capital is bracing for the largest protest yet on Saturday since the death of George Floyd, expanding a massive fenced perimeter around the White House, even as the Pentagon sent home hundreds of active duty troops positioned outside the city”, says the blatant lies told in this article about Pentagon troop movements in the Washington D.C. region strongly suggest military censorship activities have now been put into place in the United States—an assessment based on the fact that when President Donald Trump walked from the White House to the historic St. John’s Church during the early evening of Monday 1 June, photographed walking behind him were two supposed Secret Service agent snipers, one of whom was carrying a unique US Army desert camouflaged sniper rifle based on Accuracy International’s bolt-action AX chassis system—which was immediately followed by US news reports saying: “Completely unmarked officers in riot gear holding protesters blocks away from the White House. No badges. No insignias. No name tags. Nothing. Refused to tell us who they’re with”—the identification of whom, though, MoD intelligence analysts quickly identified as them all belonging to the Intelligence Production Section (IPS) and Military Intelligence Company (MI) of the 278th Armored Cavalry Regiment—a US Army military regiment known as the “Tennessee Cavalry”, which is the only armored cavalry regiment in the Army National Guard and headquartered in Knoxville-Tennessee—whose only other counterpart in the US Army is the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment garrisoned at Fort Irwin-California—and most important to know about is a “Tennessee Cavalry” armored regiment comprised of up to 2,000 combat forces, though with logistical support from other US Army units (medical, transportation, food service, etc.) its numbers can rapidly rise to over 10,000—whose combat capability designated by the MoD is rated as “City Levelers” due to them being able to quickly surround and pound into submission the enemy forces they’re deployed against with their fast moving and overwhelming heavy armored tank, combat vehicles and artillery firepower expertise—and though not having any training in civilian crowd control, nevertheless saw President Trump activating them to full combat status on the afternoon of Monday 1 June and ordering them to immediately deploy to Washington D.C. for reasons still unknown. […]

Sorcha Faal

“Rabbit-Dragon War” Warned Could Explode US Rocket Launch As Battle For Mars In Yemen Takes Strange Turn

A gobsmacking new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today appearing to throw the confines of the “Coronavirus Pandemic War” from our planet into outer space, stunningly reveals that an assessment conducted by the High Command of the Aerospace Forces (HC-AF) rates the viability of the successful 27 May scheduled launch of the Space X Dragon-2 mission to the International Space Station from its Florida launch pad at less than 20%—an assessment made on the “seething anger” still coursing through the Chinese National Space Administration (CNSA) over America naming this spacecraft after its most revered “Chinese Dragon” symbol of national pride, and will do everything it can to insure this mission’s failure to further show the incompetence of President Donald Trump—is a mission that China sees as a direct threat to its own Chang’e Space Programme that, in 2013, became the first in history to successfully land a spacecraft on the dark side of the Moon—is a programme named after the “Chinese Moon Goddess Chang’e”, whose pet “Jade Rabbit” lives on the dark side of the Moon. […]