Sorcha Faal

“Assassination By Disease” Plot To Make Pelosi President Discovered

A mind-blowing new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the most terrifying event yet to occur in the “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, says that during yesterday’s telephonic conference held between President Putin and Prime Minister Boris Johnson, a “frank” discussion was held between these two leaders involving Prime Minister Johnson’s dire health battle against the coronavirus that was so severe it had his doctors preparing to announce his death—a discussion wherein Prime Minister Johnson revealed that the British Secret Intelligence Service (SIS-MI6) could not give him a positive assurance that he wasn’t deliberately infected with the coronavirus as a means to assassinate him, but which he said under British law would have meant his Conservative Party would still remain in power if he had died, as they would have just chosen a new leader—but thereafter saw Prime Minister Johnson expressing his fears to President Putin that this same type of leadership didn’t apply in the United States—fears based on the US having what is known as the 25th Amendment that the sets forth the succession of leadership if President Donald Trump was struck down by death or disease—which would then see Vice President Mike Pence taking power—though if both Trump and Pence were struck down at the same time, all power would go to radical socialist Democrat Party leader US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. […]

Sorcha Faal

Socialist Forces Warn Trump “Is Playing With Fire” For Igniting Russian Roulette Coronavirus Rebellion

An informative new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the latest battle moves being undertaken in the rapidly turning more dangerous “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, notes President Putin assuring Security Council Members at this morning’s teleconference briefing that Russia has enough reserves to protect its people amid this coronavirus pandemic—a needed assurance coming as coronavirus riots and food shortages sweep an African Continent being described as “It’s War Out Here”—and because of the even more globally significant events that are occurring in the United States—a country where this pandemic has exposed the motives of their nation’s self-appointed globalist-socialist political leaders and leftist mainstream propaganda media radicals who are all pushing anti-American policies to give themselves more power—most particularly their slamming the American people with tyrannical coronavirus shut downs and regulations having nothing to do with safety and everything to do with these peoples’ freedoms—and while being led by the maniacally-leftist New York Times, now sees these tyrannical socialist forces viciously attacking President Donald Trump because he won’t become the dictator they demand he should be—a President Trump who, in fact, has become the opposite of a dictator and posted messages to his under socialist siege citizens telling them to “Liberate Virginia!”, “Liberate Michigan!” and “Liberate Minnesota!”. […]

Sorcha Faal

ANTIFA Terrorists Cripple Canadian Rail System As Train Derailment Attacks Begin Striking America

An alarming new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov warning that “the United States is embarking on a highly dangerous game as it’s determined to pursue the path of confrontation and keep lowering the threshold for the use of nuclear weapons”, says of even greater concern about this “dangerous game” being played by the Americans is its not being centered on the external threats they face from foreign adversaries, but those enemies it faces on its own soil—best evidenced this past month when elite FBI Counterterrorism Fly Teams (small, highly trained cadres of counterterrorism investigators—including special agents and intelligence analysts—based at FBI Headquarters in Washington D.C.) rushed to South Carolina on 7 February to the scenes of two train derailments—on 8 February were rushed to a train derailment in Illinois—and on 13 February were rushed to a train derailment in Kentucky—with the commonality of these four train derailments being that they were all moving shipments of energy supplies—and comes at the same trains in eastern Canada have been at a near-standstill for more than two weeks—a crippling of the Canadian rail system now expanded after CN Rail announced it would be shutting down all rail traffic in eastern Canada and Via Rail announced nearly all passenger traffic across Canada is being stopped—all being caused by anti-energy ANTIFA terrorists derailing trains, and who’ve declared that the elected Canadian government and the entire country of Canada is illegitimate—and now sees the ANTIFA website North Shore Counter-Info not only calling on supporters to sabotage rail lines in solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en native peoples, these terrorists have also made several posts taking credit for rail sabotage in Hamilton, Guelph, Burlington, and elsewhere in Ontario, claiming at least a dozen acts of sabotage.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Democrats Explode In Rage After Trump Inspired “Church Of Holy Hell” Spectacle Limited To Short Run

A troubling new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today expressing dismay over events in Libya spiraling out of control at the same world leaders gather in an effort to prevent this crisis from causing a major war, the government of Lebanon nearing collapse as its citizens are in open revolt, the government of France facing a popular uprising described as either a frozen conflict or revolution, the International Monetary Fund slashing its global GDP forecast as the world’s shipment of goods continues its epic plunge, and worst of all the World Health Organization calling an emergency meeting after China confirmed that a mysterious new virus has killed four people and is being spread person-to-person, states that left absent from aiding in the solving of these growing catastrophes is the United States—the most powerful nation in the world top Republican Party US Senator Lindsey Graham is now warning has been hijacked by socialist Democrat Party House Leader Nancy Pelosi who he says has “orchestrated the church of holy hell” against President Donald Trump—a reference to the Pelosi initiated hoax impeachment of Trump countered a few hours ago by Republican Party Senate Leader Mitch McConnell with his filing of a document titled Organizing Resolution—a 4-page document that outlines the US Senate impeachment trial of Trump—which begins today, will allow the Democrats to present their case against Trump during two 12-hour days on 22-23 January, followed by Trump’s defense being given during two 12-hour days on 24-25 January to present their counter case—followed by US Senators being able to submit written questions to US Chief Justice of the United States John Roberts, who in turn will ask them to either Democrats or Trump’s attorneys during two 8-hour days on 27-28 January—after which, on 29 January, US Senators will vote on if they want to have witnesses appear before them—is a schedule McConnell created that “shows he’s not playing games” as he moves to extricate his nation and its citizens from this actual travesty of justice—but predictably is a limited schedule that has “sparked a new outcry from socialist Democrats”—most particularly Democrat Party Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer who Tweeted out: “After reading his resolution, it’s clear Sen. McConnell is hell-bent on making it much more difficult to get witnesses & documents and intent on rushing the trial through  On something as important as impeachment—Sen. McConnell’s resolution is nothing short of a national disgrace”—that Schumer followed by declaring: “It’s clear Senator McConnell is hell-bent on making it much more difficult to get witnesses and documents and intent on rushing the trial through…Any senator that votes for the McConnell resolution will be voting to hide information and evidence from the American people”—both of which are impossible to understand as just 24-hours earlier, US House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler, the Democrats’ top impeachment prosecutor of Trump in this US Senate trial, gave a nationwide television interview and proclaimed: “We have a very rock solid case…The case we have if presented to a jury would be a guilty verdict in about three minutes flat”—and is the same Nadler who “has suggested that, if a trade is needed to secure witnesses, the Democrat managers handling this impeachment will not agree to any witnesses if Hunter Biden is part of the deal”.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Walks Mideast Tightrope To Achieve Historic Iran Peace Moves World Thought Impossible

An insightful new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing critical agenda items for the talks in Moscow between President Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, states that foremost among them is the rapidly deteriorating situation in France leading towards open revolution—a grave situation being belatedly recognized by the United States whose Secretary of State Mike Pompeo yesterday affirmed his nation “seeks constructive relations with Russia” as the entire globe continues to be rocked by repeated seismic events needing multi-national solutions versus blunt military and/or economic force—a reality well known by President Donald Trump, who spent this past week secretly using an encrypted back-channel fax machine via the Swiss Embassy in Iran to bring the world back from the brink of war—a war which threatened to explode when Oman’s Sultan Qaboos bin Said suddenly died yesterday—the only Sunni Muslim leader in the Arab world maintaining peaceful relations with Persian Shiite Muslim Iran—and whose death threatened to cause even more conflict between the US and Iran—that is until Trump personally urged Oman’s Minister of Heritage and Culture Haitham bin Tariq al-Said be sworn into immediate power—after which Haitham vowed to uphold his Persian Gulf country’s foreign policy he said was built on “peaceful coexistence and friendly ties with all nations”—then barely 7-hours afterwards, astonishingly saw Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei ordering the swift release of Ukraine plane downing details showing that this aircraft was unintentionally shot down by Iranian missile forces—a stunning admission quickly responded to by the leftist American social media giant Twitter restricting the Supreme Leader’s account so this news could not be seen by the world—and whom the day prior, as well as the rest of the US leftist mainstream propaganda media, also kept hidden from the American people the bombshell news that Iran had invited into their country US government officials for this first time in this Islamic nation’s history—an historic invitation Trump accepted while he walked this Mideast tightrope to the amazement of a world believing such a thing was impossible—to include the leftist New York Times who grudgingly admitted the fact:  “Love or hate him, Trump has used military force less than any other president since Jimmy Carter”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Medical Alert Issued After Trump Drives Nobel Prize Winning Economist Insane

Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS)—a mental virus mainly infecting people in the US to the point that it’s “now being investigated as an extreme social phenomena” by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) for its inclusion into their update of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM–5)—and whose latest grave warning alert about has just been issued by the renowned international monetary expert Sebastian Mallaby from the Council on Foreign Relations—who in his medical alert titled “Cool It, Krugman: The Self-Sabotaging Rage Of The New York Times Columnist”, shockingly revealed that Nobel Prize winning economist and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman “is suffering from an especially public case of what’s come to be known as Trump Derangement Syndrome”—a TDS virus that infected the mind of Krugman and drove him insane on the very night Trump was elected in November-2016 causing him to scream out “the economic fallout of a Donald Trump presidency will be severe and widespread enough to plunge the world into recession”—and equally as worse, then saw Krugman infecting everyone else at the New York Times with this TDS mental disease as evidenced by their stunningly beginning a project to concoct an entire made up history of America and its founding—a project so demented, deranged and distorted it has all of the top historians in America railing against this lunacy—but in an astounding display of TDS insanity, saw the New York Times telling these historians to bugger off in an, in essence, beyond all belief statement asserting: “We are a bunch of ‘journalists’ who twisted history in order to fit our preconceived biases for current political gain, and even though we were wrong, we were still right because we say we are right”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Prisoner Swap Proposal Shock Reveals Tens-Of-Thousands Of Africans Headed For US Southern Border

An intriguing new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today containing the outlines of a “trust building” document agreed upon by President Putin and President Trumpat last week’s G-20 Summit, has contained within it a number of proposed measures—chief among them a prisoner swap agreement between Russia and the United States—but whose most shocking revelation would see Russian intelligence services aiding their American counterparts in stopping the tens-of-thousands of illegal African migrants preparing to flood across the US Southern Border—35,000 of whom are already in South America edging their way towards the United States—and who are being directly aided by American leftist tech giants Google and Facebook who are encircling the entire African Continent with huge undersea cables—that, in turn, allows these illegal African migrants to use the internet to find human smugglers like their illegal counterparts in Central America are now doing.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia Prepares To Save World From American “Heartland Apocalypse”

A foreboding new Ministry of Emergency Situations (EMERCOM) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting President Putin having just warned of the growing crisis of world economic relations and directly telling the United States that its “economic egoism” is a recipe for trade and maybe real wars, states this reality is being grimly faced this hour in European countries who are beginning to count losses from anti-Russian sanctions—the worst of which are yet to come due to the “Heartland Apocalypse” currently ongoing in an America facing its wettest planting season in history—that Russia is preparing to counter by doubling its global food exports, but whose main beneficiary of will be China—as neither the European or American peoples will be able to benefit and feed themselves from Russia’s record grain crop forecast for 2019 because of unjust economic sanctions illegal under international law.  […]


The Greatest Constitutional Crisis Since The Civil War

The authors, accomplices, and dupes of this attempted overthrow of constitutional government are now well along in reciting their misconduct without embarrassment or remorse because – in fired FBI Director James Comey’s formulation – a “higher duty” than the oath they swore to uphold the Constitution compelled them. Or – in fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe’s words – “the threat” was too great. Nevermind that the nature of “the threat” was that the people might elect someone he and Comey disapproved of as president, and that that person might actually serve his term, as elected. […]

Sorcha Faal

Hillary Clinton May Talk With Spirit Of Eleanor Roosevelt—But Longest Serving First Lady In History Rises From Grave To Protect Trump

“The broad swath of the Trump-hating media that has participated in what has amounted to an unconstitutional attempt to overthrow the government are reduced to reporting the events and revelations of the scandal in which they have been complicit, in a po-faced ho-hum manner to impart to the misinformed public that this is as routine as stock market fluctuations or the burning of an American flag in Tehran… The collapse of this grotesque putsch, under the irresistible pressure of a functioning attorney general and Senate committees that are not hamstrung by NeverTrumpers, will cause a revulsion against the Democratic Party that will be seismic and prolonged. The disgrace of their misconduct is profound and shocking. Those responsible will pay for this, including at the polls.” […]


Baron Trump’s Marvelous Underground Journey

BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE OF WILHELM HEINRICH SEBASTIAN VON TROOMP, COMMONLY CALLED LITTLE BARON TRUMP: As doubting Thomases seem to take particular pleasure in popping up on all occasions, Jack-in-the-Box-like, it may be well to head them off in this particular instance by proving that Baron Trump was a real baron, and not a mere baron of the mind. The family was originally French Huguenot—De la Trompe—which, upon the revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685, took refuge in Holland, where its head assumed the name of Van der Troomp, just as many other of the French Protestants rendered their names into Dutch. Some years later, upon the invitation of the Elector of Brandenburg, Niklas Van der Troomp became a subject of that prince, and purchased a large estate in the province of Pomerania, again changing his name, this time to Von Troomp. […]


Wuthering Heights

While enjoying a month of fine weather at the sea-coast, I was thrown into the company of a most fascinating creature: a real goddess in my eyes, as long as she took no notice of me.  I ‘never told my love’ vocally; still, if looks have language, the merest idiot might have guessed I was over head and ears: she understood me at last, and looked a return—the sweetest of all imaginable looks.  And what did I do?  I confess it with shame—shrunk icily into myself, like a snail; at every glance retired colder and farther; till finally the poor innocent was led to doubt her own senses, and, overwhelmed with confusion at her supposed mistake, persuaded her mamma to decamp.  By this curious turn of disposition I have gained the reputation of deliberate heartlessness; how undeserved, I alone can appreciate. […]


The Nag Hammadi Library

The Nag Hammadi library is among other things, an important account of what happened with Jesus Christ after his death, and an account of the teachings He left thereafter. The library includes the Corpus Hermeticum, the wisdom of Hermes, and Plato’s The Replublic. In 1945, twelve leather-bound papyrus codices buried in a sealed jar were found by a local peasant named Mohammed Ali. The writings in these codices comprised fifty-two mostly Gnostic tractates (treatises). […]