

Just as many other settings of the Sayings and Doings of the Lord existed prior to and alongside of the canonical Gospels, so were there, prior to and alongside of the subsequently selected or canonical Acts, many other narratives professing to record the doings and sayings of the Apostles and Disciples of the Lord. […]


Sealed Indictment Arrest Of Supreme Court Justice Confirms Shocking QAnon Intel

This past week’s sealed indictment arrest of West Virginia Supreme Court Justice Allen Loughry confirms “dark web” intelligence generated by QAnon showing that over 40,000 sealed indictments have been issued over the past few months by the United States Department of Justice—with this shocking confirmation, also, coming at the same time Senior United States District Judge Thomas Selby Ellis III has issued a ruling providing the legal road map to send Special Council Robert Mueller’s farce investigation into Trump-Russia collusion down in flames. […]

Benjamin Fulford 

Trump Iran sanctions aimed at forcing Middle East peace, Pentagon sources say

The battle for the planet Earth has heated up again with major movements in the Middle East, Malaysia, Indonesia, Europe, the U.S., and elsewhere as a final showdown approaches between the Zionist fanatics who want World War 3 and the rest of humanity who want world peace and friendship. On this front, the renunciation by U.S. President Donald Trump of the Iran nuclear accord is, on the surface, a major victory for the Zionists.  However, Pentagon sources say, “The endgame is to force both Iran and Israel to de-nuke after North Korea, and then have permanent peace in the Middle East.” […]

Sorcha Faal

Trial Of Most Powerful CIA Spy Ever Captured Pushes US And Turkey To Brink Of Total War

The Republic of Turkey has massed thousands of its military forces around the Syrian city of Manbij in preparation for an imminent attack against this illegally occupied American zone—that, in turn, has led the United States to promise that it will immediately retaliate against—but with none of the people in the US being allowed to know that this coming total war between these two NATO allies has nothing at all to do with Syria, but, instead, is about the most powerful CIA spy ever captured named Andrew Brunson—and whose just begun trial in Turkey has so terrified the American shadow government “Deep State”, fully three-quarters of US Senators (who never agree on anything) have now joined to threaten the Turkish government if Brunson isn’t immediately released. […]

Cyrus the Stray

The Dunning-Kruger Effect: The more a person thinks they know is the less they really do.

The surest proof of media brainwashing is thinking you are smarter and just as informed as the President of the United States just because the media says so; without cabinet advisers or the Presidential Daily Brief (PDB) from all key intelligence agencies. The 2nd surest proof of brainwashing is believing you are smarter than President Trump just because the media flatters you into believing it. Consider the skill set we need to be anywhere near his intelligence (estimated 156 IQ, genius, believe it or not, with accomplishments and skill sets that actually support an applied, not passive, 156 IQ). How many of us can say that we have, without having held any public office or political experience, ran for and won the presidency of the United States on the first try? […]

Sorcha Faal

Western Powers Send Massive Fleet After US Troops Seize Syrian Oil Fields

The worst condemnation of the illegal US-led strike on Syria, though, this report details, came from the world’s largest nation China—who pointed out the United States “arrogant record of launching wars on deceptive grounds”, with their further declaring that this arrogance “breeds risk and danger”—and who gravely warn: “Washington’s attack on Syria where Russian troops are stationed constitute serious contempt for Russia’s military capabilities and political dignity. Trump, like scolding a pupil, called on Moscow, one of the world’s leading nuclear powers, to abandon its “dark path.” […]

Benjamin Fulford 

East-West lines drawn—will it be make love instead of make war?

Pentagon sources this week were gushing over the top about Trump and his Davos performance, noting, “Trump rocked Davos, with globalist CEOs from EU multinationals promising to invest and create jobs in America.”  They added that “With the cabal defeated and unable to stage any more false-flags or start World War 3, Davos established the Trump world order and may have launched the global currency reset.” […]

Cloak and Dagger

Russia’s Reflexive Control Theory and the Military

Reflexive control is defined as a means of conveying to a partner or an opponent specially prepared information to incline him to voluntarily make the predetermined decision desired by the initiator of the action. Even though the theory was developed long ago in Russia, it is still undergoing further refinement. Recent proof of this is the development in February 2001, of a new Russian journal known as Reflexive Processes and Control. The journal is not simply the product of a group of scientists but, as the editorial council suggests, the product of some of Russia’s leading national security institutes, and boasts a few foreign members as well. The editorial council (which is different than the editorial board) includes a member of the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information (FAPSI), a diplomat, a Canadian, and two Americans, and the deputy head of the Information Security Committee of the Russian Security Council, among others. […]


Trump Declaration Of National Emergency Throws US Media Into Silence, And Global Elites Into Terror 

After a full 72 hours, the US mainstream propaganda media has yet to inform the American people that President Donald Trump has declared a National Emergency—and whose direct purpose for is the destroying of Hillary Clinton and everyone associated with her “Deep State” coup plot against him—and that has, likewise, left the entirety of the globalist elites money and power structure in absolute terror.  […]

Cloak and Dagger

Russia-China Plan For Incoming Nuke Strikes Over “Credible Evidence” Coup D’etat Will Topple Trump

Leading this treasonous US Congressional hearing, this report details, was Senator Bob Corker—a “Deep State” aligned anti-Trump “swamp monster” politician whose level of corruption is so astounding, at least 3 US Federal criminal investigations have been launched against him—and whom the SVR has previously identified as being a member of the “Palpatine’s Revenge” dark web group using the name “Dooku” who are planning the coup against Trump.   […]

Clinton Foundation

FBI Raids Hillary Clinton “Death Factory”

While FBI investigators in Washington D.C. were becoming “highly concerned” as to why Hillary Clinton’s law firm was paying MedCure founder Janis Locenieks hundreds-of-thousands of dollars, this report continues, FBI investigators in Las Vegas, at the same time, became “shockingly alarmed” after they discovered that CIA gun runner and human smuggler Stephen Paddock made regular deliveries to the MedCure facility in Henderson, Nevada—and though SVR intelligence analysts do not suggest that Paddock was using MedCure as a “body dumping station”, they do stunningly note that Nevada has the worst laws governing human remains in the entire US—whose elected or appointed Sheriffs are mandated by law to be coroners, even without medical education—and who are, also, the sole determiner as to the cause of death—thus making this State the “perfect/ideal” location to rid oneself of the unwanted bodies of those killed during illegal human smuggling operations.     […]


“Deep State” Nears War After Trump And Saudi Arabia Make Rapid Moves Against 9/11 Coup Plotters

The “winds of war” are blowing is warning that the American “Deep State” is now in complete terror after National Security Agency(NSA) forces loyal to President Donald Trump, and Saudi Arabian forces loyal to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, have “rapidly shifted” from their “rampage bloodbath” destroying Hollywood and US mainstream media leftist elites, to their now targeting the coup-plotters behind the 11 September 2011 (9/11) attacks—and that Trump had vowed he was going to do when, on 16 February 2016, he said that if elected “you will find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center…it wasn’t the Iraqis…you may find it’s the Saudis”.  […]

Cloak and Dagger

Veteran Intelligence Officers Prove DNC Leak Doctored to Incriminate Russia

SUBJECT: Was the “Russian Hack” an Inside Job? Executive Summary: Forensic studies of “Russian hacking” into Democratic National Committee computers last year reveal that on July 5, 2016, data was leaked (not hacked) by a person with physical access to DNC computers, and then doctored to incriminate Russia. Key among the findings of the independent forensic investigations is the conclusion that the DNC data was copied onto a storage device at a speed that far exceeds an Internet capability for a remote hack. Of equal importance, the forensics show that the copying were performed on the East coast of the U.S. Thus far, mainstream media have ignored the findings of these independent studies. […]

Cloak and Dagger

Enraged President Trump To Unleash Global Trade War After EU Sentences Baby To Death

A sobering new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report says that President Donald Trump became so enraged after the European Human Rights Court (EHRC) ordered the immediate execution of a British baby before his parents could bring him to the United States for treatment, he overruled nearly all of his administration officials and ordered the unleashing of a global trade war against what he characterized as the “elite parasites on humanity”. According to this report, in the first recorded instance since Adolph Hitler’s October, 1939, euthanasia “Action T-4” programme (that called for the elimination of the incurably ill) was unleashed by Nazi Germany killing tens-of-thousands of defenseless human beings, the European Human Rights Court this week sentenced to death an 11-month old British baby named Charlie Gard while stating that this infants  continued treatment to sustain his life would cause “significant harm”—and in spite of his parents raising nearly $1.8 million to fly their ailing child to the United States where he could have received lifesaving treatment. […]

Independent Press

3rd Dimension Physical Reality a Light Projection of 4th Dimension Unified Consciousness

What does this mean? That the 3rd dimension physical reality is a focus-based light projection of an infinity of 4th dimension potentialities. It is spirit based, accessible at least partially in the dream state, and it is connected to the unified field of human consciousness. “I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. If so, then aren’t physicists ontologically positing an independent-of-consciousness reality, defining it into existence?” Max Planck, The Observer, 25 Jan 1931. […]