The Dunning-Kruger Effect
The more a person thinks they know is the less they really do. You see a lot of this when it comes to television personalities. Quothe Wikipedia:
In the field of psychology, the Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias wherein people of low ability suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly assessing their cognitive ability as greater than it is. The cognitive bias of illusory superiority derives from the metacognitive inability of low-ability persons to recognize their own ineptitude; without the self-awareness of metacognition, low-ability people cannot objectively evaluate their actual competence or incompetence.
This is why so many in the establishment press and media can’t recognize their errors. Their lack of self-awareness exacerbates their incompetence.
As a rule, simple people think they are wiser than smart people and make a great show of it, via mockery or worse; so you have this old proverb that goes “The idiot is always the first to be heard.” A man may be a gifted comic, but that is a skill set wherein the intellect is focused on making people laugh versus actively changing the world through the most powerful office on earth. The ability to make fun of smarter, more powerful people doesn’t make you superior, in other words. You may feel superior when people laugh with you, but it is foolish to actually come to believe it.
The ignorant person believes if something is outside his skill set and perception of what is possible, then it cannot be done. Stupid always mocks genius because it doesn’t understand it. When stupid people are proven wrong, they don’t correct themselves, they continue piling on to their stupid and add on to their failure a most unflattering display of vanity. Sometimes, because there are so many of this ilk, they produce a television show and call it The View, and have Predator’s stunt double co-host it.
If you want to know why the lack of civil discourse exists the way it does today, consider this quote by Dostoyvesky:
“Above all, don’t lie to yourself. The man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to a point that he cannot distinguish the truth within him, or around him, and so loses all respect for himself and for others. And having no respect he ceases to love.”
Brainwashed people lie to themselves, particularly through cognitive dissonance. When they are forced to hold two conflicting world views they get angry, they go into denial. So ask yourself who is truly angry now, and hateful, and who still denies Trump won? Thankfully, there are still a few moments that stand out where both sides respected opposing perspectives with cogent, cordial discourse. Here is a favorite of mine, a regular member of The View’s most erudite panel as she explains key economic policy differences between Trump and Clinton that made her vote for the latter.
Your author is not a genius, but could atone for my share of stupid as to how I ignored the red flags of a much better chess player; red flags like he always kicked my ass at it. After losing hundreds of games in a row and never winning I thought perchance my calling Trump a shitty player was premature.
Now I hate to break it to you, but we are brainwashed. All of us, some more than others, but to a very real extent all of us. So it is dangerous to judge the President without a careful, objective study of his history via media accounts or other sources before he ran for office, which tend to be the most objective. Now before Trump became President, he was celebrated for his intelligence and charm…
Orwell’s “1984” was a terrifying look at life in a brainwashed, violent world where hate equaled love, freedom was slavery, and black was white. Is this how they want us to act around President Trump, acting as if hate was a virtue? Some already do.

Now, why is hate something the media wants to protect us from, while heaping hate upon the President of the United States? Is hate ever a good thing to have within you? Is it ever psychologically healthy? Of course not. It is incredibly destructive to the psyche, your ethics and cognition no matter how socially acceptable it is to hate one man. We’re talking hate, not anger. Hate makes a wise man dumb. It makes a noble man ignoble. It makes the beautiful ugly.
You are being manipulated by the media inasmuch as they encourage you to hate ANYONE. It is like saying, “Herpes is a terrible, terrible thing. It must be avoided, unless we give it to you. Then it’s okay, and is in fact, good for you.”
The media focus on hating one man serves a calculated Orwellian purpose. What you are seeing is literally a media attempt to de-legitimize and unseat a duly elected president with psychological operations that have worked well in the past, and are still employed in attempts to unseat leaders abroad, such as Syria’s Bashar al Assad.
“Western propaganda has, from the very beginning, been about the cause of the problem being the president. Why? Because they want to portray the whole problem… lies in one individual; and consequently the natural reaction for many people is that, if the problem lies in one individual, that individual should not be more important than the entire homeland. So let that individual go and things will be alright. That’s how they oversimplify things in the West.”
The quote was from a favorite scapegoat of the neocons, Assad, but he’s right. All of the problems in a country can’t be fixed by one man, or blamed on one man, and it is foolish to to even go there.

The surest proof of media brainwashing is thinking you are just as informed as the President of the United States without cabinet advisers or the Presidential Daily Brief (PDB) from all key intelligence agencies. No one in the press has access to this, so they are talking out of their ass. So what you get is the media circle jerk’s speculation bukkaki. Even former CIA and other intel officials don’t have it so they are clueless too, in regards to the SITREP, or military situation report.
It’s sad. Just sad. You’d almost think they had access to the same top secret information President Trump has to have an informed opinion. They don’t, but even so, presume the authority and wisdom to cast judgment on matters they literally know nothing about and people they never bothered to understand, particularly in regards to national security and foreign affairs, the typical subjects within the PDB.
Their qualifications? aside from watching cable news or echo chamber talk shows? They’re celebrities and abortionists. Some even play super heroes, which means their movie powers transfer well into real life.
Here is Mark Ruffalo, the guy who plays David Banner, the Hulk. You don’t want to make him angry. You wouldn’t like him when he’s angry.
Too late! Trump make Gender Neutral Hulk angry! Gender Neutral Hulk get mad! Gender Neutral Hulk make picket sign and march in pussy hat!
By the way, Mark, I am a Dreamer too. I dream of a day when The Hulk shuts the fuck up and lets me think for myself.
The 2nd surest proof of brainwashing is believing you are smarter than the President just because the media flatters you into believing it. But they’re really insulting your intelligence, and doing you a great disservice by such manipulative flattery. None of those teleprompter-reading motherfuckers in the Mockingbird press has a clue about the real world because they are literally forbidden to tell you about the real world. If they did, they would lose all their advertisers, and heads of state would roll 24/7.
So let us follow that logic that just because Richard Rachel Maddow says so, you are smarter than the President. So much smarter in fact, by virtue of watching this smug little Buddy Holly looking dude, that you even earned the right to make fun of the President.
Not that there is a lot of stock you can place in IQ tests, because you often see high IQ scores in unaccomplished people. That’s when it is passive. When applied, it often comes paired with great success.
Consider the skill set we need to be anywhere near Trump’s intelligence (estimated genius 156 IQ, believe it or not, with accomplishments and skill sets that actually support an applied, not passive, IQ):
- How many of us can say that we have, without ever having held any public office, ran for and won the presidency of the United States on our first try?
- How many of us have made billions of dollars and fly around in our own private jets and helicopters?
- How many of us have starred in a top rated television show that was largely based on our reputation as a business savvy genius, like The Apprentice?
- How many of us can write best selling books?
- How many of us took down the Bush dynasty?
- How many of us took down the Clinton dynasty?
- How many of us have the power to affect the stock market with a single Tweet?
- How many of us can say we took on the fake news and exposed the CIA Mockingbird propaganda system designed to keep establishment politicians in power and promote illicit wars of aggression?
- How many of us can say we, for the first time in history, somehow managed to bring North Korea to consider, very seriously, denuclearizing?
- How many of us come from a line of genius that worked with Nikola Tesla’s secret material and thus, even before running for office, had access to some of the most remarkable and secret information in the world?
VIDEO: Does the CIA Control the Media?
“A few days after Tesla died on January 8th, 1943, his possessions were seized by officials from the amazingly-named government Office of Alien Property. About 3 weeks after that, all of Tesla’s things and documents were given a thorough examination by a group of FBI agents that included none other than John G. Trump, the uncle of the current Republican candidate for U.S. President Donald J. Trump. Trump’s uncle was, by all accounts, a very accomplished and intelligent man, an M.I.T. Professor of Engineering, who helped design X-ray machines for cancer patients and did radar research work for the army during World War 2.” Nikola Tesla’s Surprising Connection to Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, by Paul Ratner.
Here’s the FBI files on Tesla, by the way, in PDF. Nikola Tesla (single PDF)
In terms of world history, President Trump has already outdone his quite remarkable uncle.
Trump Legit. Meet the Press Interviewed Trump on Key International Affairs Like North Korea in 1999
If Trump was an idiot, why was he consulted as an authority on international affairs on Meet the Press, decades ago?
A British Accent and Trump Jokes Doesn’t Make You More Qualified Than the President
Ironically, NBC had aired decades of a man they supposedly knew to be racist, incompetent, and sexist. They should apologize as enablers since his show was on their network! Oh wait, that’s not true, is it? they only started saying that after he decided to run against Hillary, the candidate they bet the farm on. Before that everybody loved him, and everybody wanted his money.
Shakespeare sayeth unto thee: “The average person thinks about 12,000 thoughts per day. 11,999 of Chelsea Handler’s are of Trump. Methinks Chelsea wants the President to pee on her too.”
President Donald Trump’s skill set seems pretty impressive to me, but if you believe the press, or some slack-jawed coven of plebeians like Whoopie Goldberg, Joy Reid or Joy Behar, we all have it and more, and like them, just choose not to use it. We have gained this almighty wisdom by virtue of faithfully watching their shitty talk shows and cable news and listening to their pundits and comedians. Simple people mocking smart people as smart people keep winning seems kinda pathetic to me, but the way Kimmel, The View, Bill Maher et al carry themselves, you’d think they had something to be proud of.
“Never play chess with a pigeon. The pigeon just knocks all the pieces over, shits all over the board. Then it struts around like it won.”
Who is the most brainwashed of all, though? The mainstream media, of course. Consider, they were wrong on 9 out of 10 things regarding Trump, Russiagate, the economy. That’s worse than chance (50/50). If your respected panel of pundits are wrong 90 percent of the time or worse, it’s because they’re biased frauds and have lost any right to speak as an authority. Even so, their arrogance and certainty as they predict the President’s future like some Miss Cleo psychic rejects, after being so very, very wrong time and time again, is staggering.
No one is there to report, only to spin a narrative to dehumanize the President at the expense of America’s being informed about the biggest issues shaping politics today. Observe Kristen Wanker.
In fact, watching the White House press pool is a sobering study in confirmation bias and political bigotry. Watch the way the reporters negatively frame the questions to sound like statements of fact, rather than sincere and objective inquiries into national policy.

Questions Reveal Shadow Egos of Reporters Projected on Trump

The questions seek to portray President Trump as negatively as possible. Each reporter has their own version of what they would see as the most despicable aspect of Trump’s character, and it varies from a lack of empathy to racist; but they are actually projecting an aspect of themselves they are deeply suppressing onto an “acceptable” target. It’s a basic psychological principle but also something you can find in the Bible.
Luke 6:45 “The good man brings good things out of the good treasure of his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil treasure of his heart. For out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks.”
The racist shadow ego, whether the person is black or white, just can’t stop seeing racism everywhere it looks and will project itself on to Trump, the target it’s “okay” to hate. There are a few people who are notorious for this who stand out in the press room. There is April Ryan, Jim Acosta and Kristen Wanker, and there is seldom a day when they don’t work a suggestion of racism into their questions. April Ryan has a tendency to embarrass herself with these questions, and I wouldn’t be surprised if she asked whether or not Trump’s choice of condiments was racist.
“Mr. President, I noticed you chose the salt shaker instead of the pepper. The salt is white. The pepper is black, and you never choose pepper. What would you tell concerned citizens wondering if your choice of condiments was racially motivated, and what kind of message does that send our children?”
Questions are telling. When you’re dating, for instance, you know the girl whose first questions are how much you make, your job title, etc. all bespeak a self-interested person who sees you as a means to an end. A girl who asks what you like to do, the foods and movies you like, what makes you happy; now that girl is a keeper. She asks those things because she likes you and wants to know how to keep you interested. Questions reveal a lot. The questions coming from this press pool reveal a disappointing lack of intellect and integrity. No one is there to report, only to spin a narrative to dehumanize the President at the expense of America’s being informed about the biggest issues shaping politics today.
Journalism: The Least Trusted Profession
“Most of the journalists you see in foreign countries … European or American journalists …, like me in the past, are so-called non-official cover. … Non-official cover [NOC] means what? You do work for an intelligence agency, … but … when they [the public] find out that you are not only a journalist but a spy too, they [the CIA] will never say this was one of our guys. … So, I have helped them in several situations, and I feel ashamed for that. … I feel ashamed that I … was bribed by billionaires, I was bribed by the Americans, not to report exactly the truth. …
“The German and American media tries to bring war to the people in Europe, to bring war to Russia. This is a point of no return, and I am going to stand up and say … it is not right what I have done in the past, to manipulate people, to make propaganda against Russia…because war is never coming from itself, there is always people who push for war, and this is not only politicians, it is journalists too… We have betrayed our readers, just to push for war …” Udo Ulfkotte
For boldly warning us, Udo paid with his life by 2017.
Rachel Maddow’s Shadow Ego is the Suppressed Good Part
Perhaps it is the very thought that a member of one of the least respected professions in America proudly carries herself as a shimmering example of virtue and purity that irritates the most…. yet these are the people who tried to lure us into World War 3 with Russia, for over a year, because of a bogus dossier that framed Trump and was paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign. Both parties acknowledge this now! Essentially, Hillary paid millions for a warrant, based on false claims from a British spy, to spy on the Trump campaign.

Finally we get the Bob Mueller indictments. Trump is exonerated completely, so far. Even Gen. Flynn is being urged to withdraw his plea of lying to the FBI.
Amazingly, 13 Russians were indicted but among the charges were Russian attempts to undermine President Trump!
“There is no allegation in this indictment that any American was a knowing participant in this illegal activity,” Rosenstein said. “There is no allegation in the indictment that the charged conduct altered the outcome of the 2016 election.”
There is a lot of evil in that room, and you can usually spot it because guilt over a career of bearing false witness creates leading questions seeking to justify slanders and immoral behavior. It doesn’t matter how much they lie or how many times they’ve been caught, because it is a means to an end, and they seem to believe it is all justified since President Trump is, in their eyes, even more evil, inept and ignorant than themselves. There are monsters in the room, however, for it takes a monster to encourage wars on a pretext so some project themselves.
[pullquote]MSNBC’S RACHEL MADDOW SEES A “RUSSIA CONNECTION” LURKING AROUND EVERY CORNER, The Intercept, April 12, 2017[/pullquote]Let’s put this into context. Right now, there is sobering evidence that Obama used the FBI and DOJ to spy on the Trump campaign to the extent there are multiple House investigations and another by the Office of Inspector General to examine the weaponization of the intelligence agencies to undermine a presidential election and seat Hillary Clinton.
Some of the spook assets used in this plot were NOC (non-official cover) press assets, and sitting in this room. (I’m looking at you Glenn Thrush.) But they’re going to waste this press conference on a domestic abuse case and will try to smear the President with guilt by association, because bless their hearts, they truly believe Americans see them as upstanding moral authorities rather than impediments to justice they are; miscreants who lust for war and civil unrest who turned journalism into a dark institution of organized slander.
If you look closely at the press pool, there is a contempt in their eyes like the President is a subhuman monster or idiot. I’ve never seen this kind of crass disrespect before, and it is clear the only reason they’re there is to spin a narrative. They’re asking the same stupid fucking question that is not journalism but a framing narrative. They’re like leading questions prohibited in court.
As Richard Nordquist writes, “A leading question is a type of question that implies or contains its own answer. By contrast, a neutral question is expressed in a way that doesn’t suggest its own answer.”
A leading question might be “Jim Acosta, do you masturbate to the June or July issue of Cat Fancy magazine?”
The correct answer is neither. He diddles himself to a ceiling mirror.
Rather than Sarah Huckabee Sanders answering a continuous stream of stupid questions, it would be interesting indeed if she questioned their motives and hearts. For example, from Feb 12, 2018:
Q Thanks, Sarah. Why haven’t we heard the President say exactly what you just said right there, that he takes domestic violence very seriously?
MS. SANDERS: I spoke with the President, and those are actually directly his words that he gave me.
Q But why hasn’t he said that? He had the opportunity. He’s, as you know, been active on Twitter.

Cecilia, the reporter, has offered a leading question. Her insinuation is that the President of the United States isn’t there to run this nation, but rather, to miraculously accommodate her unspoken expectations and become some form of hashtag social justice warrior to please her, which would be a dereliction of duty considering a president’s daily responsibilities. He is the President, Cecilia, not your boyfriend. He doesn’t have to love you enough to know what you’re thinking.
Cecilia sees President Trump’s most glaring problem as a lack of empathy. A lack of empathy you might find, perhaps, in reporting a false narrative to start World War 3 with Russia, for example.

Q Sarah, I want to just go back to Cecilia’s point, which is that the President has a history of defending men who have been accused of sexual assault and harassment and abuse, including Mike Tyson, Bill O’Reilly, Steve Wynn, Corey Lewandowski, Roy Moore, and, now, Rob Porter. Would the White House like to say, today, unambiguously, that the President believes women making these accusations?
Jacqueline’s leading question is going for the “Trump is a sadist and abuser” narrative. This is the worst way she could imagine Trump, but it is an also a projection of her shadow ego that she tries hardest to suppress.
In answer to her question, though, here is Trump when he believes a woman has been raped and abused.
If The Impious Digest Sent a Press Secretary
Sometimes I wish I was Ms. Sanders. I’d say “Yes, he believes them, 100%. Ask the women Bill Clinton is alleged to have raped or assaulted. Remember Juanita Broderick at the debate? But why would you ask such a thing, if not to indirectly impugn an after-the-fact, third party like President Trump? how does that make you a better person?
“Even if your false implication that President Trump likes wife beaters is true, is knowing you’re not the only piece of shit in the world some form of self-validation? ‘I, too, am a piece of shit, and I am not alone?’
“Because the alternative narrative here is that you have never sinned, and therefore have the right to cast the first stone at the Commander in Chief. With all due respect, I’m inclined to believe, due to the evidence presented here today, that you also fall short as a human being, and had best put that stone down. Or better yet, give it to the person next to you, and have him beat you to death with it.”
MS. SANDERS: I think the President, like I said, above everything else, supports the victims of any type of domestic violence, but the President also supports due process. And I don’t have anything else further to add beyond that.
Q I just want to get back to the timeline, Sarah. So, the Intercept reporter, Ryan Grim, tweeted out photos of Colbie Holderness’s black eye at 1:53 a.m. on Wednesday. And The Daily Mail published them at 8:30 on Wednesday morning. Then the White House sent CBS’s statement at 1:45 on Wednesday afternoon, 12 hours after all of these photos were already published and out. Why was the White House still saying that Porter was a man of integrity and honor after these photos had circulated?

“I’m impressed, John. You really know your way around constructing time lines. Did you ever build one to find someone who gives a fuck?
“Are you, sir, a man of integrity and honor? If you were, you’d know the line of questions reveals a character that seeks to presume a moral authority over a third party you are trying to besmirch by association. In and of itself this lacks integrity and honor. It is all the more annoying because even if you could prove yourself to be a moral authority over President Trump, and by extension those who voted for him, it would be rooted in vanity and malice; both which are impossible to find in people with integrity and honor.”
Perception and Hallucinations
“A better question would be how is that question relevant to the nation in general? This is a clear political narrative that presumes your 1 in 7 billion perception of reality is shared by all Americans, and that is not the case. Roberts-vision is not a universal trait among humanity. Your perception of reality is truly unique to you. It is a series of predictions and expectations based on a database of your personal experiences. That means nobody really cares about this Obama-gate deflection but you and other group-think DNC partisans, because you haven’t gone out and found out what people care about before asking that question. Poll after poll shows that Russia is not on the voter’s radar. Yet here you are, wasting time on questions nobody cares about.”
“I care about Russia!”
“Like I said, nobody. From what I can tell, and correct me if I am wrong, this question is only important to you because it is part of a politically motivated narrative to dehumanize the president, and it’s getting old. Most Americans don’t watch the press briefings to see who is likelier to go to heaven, you or President Trump.
“Over half of America would appreciate a balanced view and honest reporting on issues affecting all Americans, and not the personal life of one of his former staff members. The latter is a narrative designed to distract from things you should be reporting on; one of the greatest scandals in American history. It is an ongoing investigation of sedition and treason in our intelligence agencies; of the CIA, DOJ and the FBI being weaponized by a former president to seat Hillary Clinton. A coup, in other words, orchestrated by Obama. It’s a tall order for you guys to report it, since you’re literally implicated in it, and at the highest levels.”
The Stunning Implications of the FISA Memo and the Media’s Damning Silence
Memo and White House Letter, Forbes FBI/DOJ Corruption Article Mysteriously Vanishes
This is why people hate the establishment press. They’re low IQ, low character dumb asses, but really believe they are superior human specimens worthy of casting judgment on their betters; and by betters I don’t mean high class human specimens, I mean stool specimens. They can’t even ask an original question, and latch on to the first stupid question lobbed out like it was a life preserver.
Let us examine one such authority, a Rhodes Scholar even:
Dehumanizing Trump Means Dehumanizing His Followers: Does That Make You a Good Person?

This doesn’t mean the President is always right, or is an infallible god, or that we don’t have a right to challenge his policies or opinions; what it does mean is that we’re being manipulated against our best interests every time the media falsely implies we have better information at our disposal, through their out-of-the-loop reporting and outright lies, to make informed macro-economic/international decisions. What it does mean is that the President of the United States earned his title and like any human being, deserves to be respected for his merits and gifts and not judged exclusively on his faults. No one should be dehumanized by minds poisoned with political bigotry.
This is really an appeal to logic more than anything else. We need to show respect to get respect, and coming at the leader of the free world with such an ignorant and hateful attitude as the mainstream media wants to impress on us is the worst thing we can do to ourselves, and to our oft-maligned fellow citizens who rightfully exercised their elective franchise and voted for President Trump. Highly negative attitudes towards President Trump tend to color attitudes towards those who voted for him, and it’s time we call out those who wish to keep our house divided so long after the election with this so-called “resistance” based on a phony dossier. They are still “resisting” the will of the American voters.
Great interview with @ggreenwald:
What type of “resistance” worships state intelligence agencies and campaigns to put journalists in jail?
#McResistance #Russiavape https://t.co/xM3P5Q8P8x
— Julian Assange ⌛ (@JulianAssange) March 7, 2018