Where they are now:
Klan meeting in a Southern Masonic lodge, circa 1964. Why anyone would be surprised that the Ku Klux Klan, a secret society with masonic rituals, would hold meetings in masonic halls is beyond me. Freemasonry is a secret society and it is the ideal place to recruit new members, if you exclude the more inclusive or black lodges like the Prince Hall masons. In 1964, the United States population was 191,888,791. The Klan had over 2,000,000 members. To put this in perspective, they would amount to two thirds of our present armed forces at a time when the United States was a third less our size. They weren’t just in the South. They were everywhere. Most operated in secret and remained the political engine of the South. This is the fight the Kennedys and King had on their hands.
Here’s David Duke, the GOP Klan candidate for governor of Louisiana who came very close to winning in the 90s. A tell-tale sign of the Klan is the emphasis on its Anglo-Saxon, European heritage; particularly British heritage. Why this is so is its basis in British (Scottish Rite) freemasonry. More discreet sympathizers and members like Pat Buchannon, an actual slavery apologist, use the same terms when justifying their own racism. They appeal to whites to unify against a common threat of “lazy blacks”, “intellectuals”, multiculturalism and attacks to their Christian identity, which is utter bullshit because the Klan is not and was never a Christian-based society. It was a terrorist organization that permeated the three legislative branches, state and local government for over 150 years. It remains so under different right-wing fronts that are no less racist now. Its strongest front is the Tea Party. That doesn’t mean it has gone underground, however. There are 157 active Klan groups in the US today, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center. They have committed acts of terror to rival any by al Qaeda since 1995, killing hundreds of Americans but are protected by a right-wing media that portrays their actions as “lone nut” and isolated no matter how large the conspiracy or bloodshed. The SPLC is certainly the best place to find information on the Klan, except for one thing: the Klan calls itself The Invisible Empire for a reason and it is much larger than believed. Most of its structure is secret because it is by nature a secret society, its members are very powerful and wily, and the groups that operate openly represent splinter groups and not the institution by any means.
Media figures which generously employ terms like “communists” or “socialists” to describe non right-wing opponents fall from the same tree. The Klan, via front groups and sympathetic network media assets, are still waging a war against a communism that ceased to exist decades ago. Here’s a choice quote from Don Yelton, one of their North Carolina operatives after an interview regarding the Tea Party’s successful drive to dismantle the Voting Rights Act: “When a nigger can use the word nigger and it not be considered racist, that’s the utmost racism in the world, and it’s hypocrisy.” Of course, if an educated black man never uses that word, why should an educated white man use it? Oh. That’s right. He’s uneducated. And his mom should have swallowed.
You start out in 1954 by saying, “Nigger, nigger, nigger.” By 1968 you can’t say “nigger”—that hurts you, backfires. So you say stuff like, uh, forced busing, states’ rights, and all that stuff, and you’re getting so abstract. Now, you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is, blacks get hurt worse than whites.…
“We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, uh, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “Nigger, nigger.”
“….if it gets that abstract and coded were doing away with the racial problem one way or the other…anyway you look at it, race is coming on the back burner.”
Lee Atwater in 1981, a Reagan GOP political consultant on how to woo the vote of racist voters: use coded terms.
In 1981, when Atwater described the GOP’s Southern Strategy on using “forced busing” as a racial wedge issue, the Klan had just killed at least 30 black children in Atlanta to make their point on the matter. More on Forced Busing as a code word: The Klansmen who “wiped out a thousand future generations of niggers” and the prosecutors who let them…
How Crass Stupidity Becomes Mainstream: Air Pundits that Attack Schooling, Believe Communism Still Exists, Believe Women Shouldn’t Vote, etc.
Ann Coulter told host Bill Maher that women “should be armed but should not vote. No, they all have to give up their vote…the problem with women voting- and your communists will back me up on this- is that, you know, women have no capacity to understand how money is earned. They have a lot of ideas on how to spend it. And when they take these polls, it’s always more money on education, more money on child care, more money on day care.”
The Klan called FDR a communist for Social Security, they called JFK a socialist for Medicare, they called Martin Luther King, Jr. a communist for his fight against segregation, and call Obama a socialist or even Nazi, a tall order as he would be the only black, pro-Israeli Aryan to ever walk the earth.
Paul Ryan Says Social Security is Socialism in Atlas Society speech, 2005
In his Atlas Society speech, Paul Ryan also described Social Security as a “socialist-based system”. While decrying Social Security as nothing but a socialist collectivist system, his college education was paid for by his father’s Social Security benefits. He has also called it a Ponzi scheme.
Tea party gets its man in Ryan for vice president

The Klan’s main front group, which also has a great love of costume, has now shut down the government and the reason is– wait for it– to fight socialism. Their clarion call is also the fight for even more tax cuts, the code words alluded to by Lee Atwater when outlining the Southern Strategy (see above inset). Incidentally, because the GOP isn’t extremist enough already, they’re attacking “moderate” Republicans by challenging them in Senate primaries with candidates paid for by out-of-state meth money. Guess who runs the meth trade in the mid-west, where this is happening? Neo-Nazis.
It Was Always in Your Face: Naval Base Coronado, Southern California
U.S. Naval Base Coronado, near San Diego, California, 2007. The groundbreaking was in 1967 and decades later, when pressed on the matter, officials claimed the design was an accident. To believe this, you would have to believe this was a building constructed without blueprints. At the end of World War II, Operation Paperclip, which smuggled in Nazi war criminals to help fight the communists, brought in a new wave of Nazi leadership deeply influencing the military, intelligence community and the space program. With it came the Nazi ideology that meshed in perfectly with the Klan’s political engine and agenda after the war. Aside from the Pentagon’s overt Nazi territorial markings, for proof of just how deeply established Klan and neo-Nazi sympathizers remain in Washington DC, you need only study the events surrounding the Oklahoma City Bombing.
Corporate Terrorism, Guatemala, Chile, Cuba, Watergate and the Kennedy Assassination by Rhawn Joseph, Ph.D.
“After the Nazis’ 1943 defeat at Stalingrad,” write Loftus and Aarons (1), “various Nazi businessmen realized they were on the losing side and made plans to evacuate their wealth. The Peron government in Argentina was receiving the Nazi flight capital with open arms, and Dulles helped it hide the money?.”
“The Guinness Book of Records lists the missing Reichsbank treasure” estimated at $2.5 billion dollars “as the greatest unsolved bank robbery in history. Where did it go?”
“According to our source,” write Loftus and Aarons (1), the bulk of the treasure was simply shipped a very short distance across Austria and through the Brenner Pass into Italy. Dulles’ contacts were waiting.”“Our sources claim that Dulles and his colleagues exerted a great deal of influence to ensure that Western investments in Nazi Germany were not seized by the Allies as reparations for the Jews. After all, much of ‘Hitler’s Gold’ had originally belonged to the bankers in London and New York. The captured Nazi loot went underground.”
At the end of WWII, some of that money, with the direct assistance of Dulles, may have been laundered through Bush-Harriman-Rockefeller banks. Dulles was in an excellent position to help his friends and cover up his tracks, because with Roosevelt dead, any effective opposition to him had also died. Dulles and his brother began consolidating their forces in the new Truman administration, volunteering their services, spreading their tentacles, covering up their crimes, and buying power (3). Loftus and Aarons (1) go on to say, “Dulles and some of his friends volunteered for postwar service with the government not out of patriotism but of necessity. They had to be in positions of power to suppress the evidence of their own dealings with the Nazis.”
Through the influence of the Dulles brothers, investigations into their traitorous acts, and those of the Harriman-Bush- Rockefeller clique, were quashed. Ongoing investigations were also taken away “from the Treasury and turned over to the State Department. There Dulles’ friends shredded the index to the interlocking corporations and blocked further investigations” (1).
“Dulles had this goal in mind: Not a single American businessman was ever going to be convicted of treason for helping the Nazis. None ever was, despite the evidence. According to one of our sources in the intelligence community, the U.S. Army Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC) had two large ‘Civilian Internment Centers’ in Occupied Germany, code named ‘Ashcan’ and ‘Dustbin.’ The CIC had identified and captured a large number of U.S. citizens who had stayed in Germany and aided the Third Reich all through World War II. The evidence of their treason was overwhelming. The captured German records were horribly incriminating.” So, they were destroyed.
With the destruction of these and other records, Bush, Harriman, Rockefeller, as well as the Dulles brothers were almost in the clear. “Almost” would not be good enough. The cover up continued.
“Justice Department attorney, O. John Rogge, dared to make a speech about Nazi collaborators in the United States.” He “was quickly fired. However, the attorney who buried the treason cases was later promoted to special assistant attorney general” (1).
A number of Americans who had been in business with or agents of Bush, Dulles, Harriman, Rockefeller, and the Nazis, were unable to cover their tracks, and had been imprisoned at the conclusion of the war, even though they were American citizens. It was important that they be cleared and never brought to justice, otherwise they would likely testify against Bush and gang.
“Victor Wohreheide, the young Justice Department attorney responsible for preparing the treason trials, suddenly ordered the prisoners’ release. All of the Nazi collaborators were allowed to return to the United States and reclaim their citizenship” and their money (1). Once released, and with charges dropped, there would be little threat of these Nazi criminals ever testifying against Bush, Dulles, Harriman, Rockefeller, and the others.
It was not just Nazi businessmen, but Nazi businesses that were spared.
“Despite direct orders from President Truman and General Eisenhower, IG Farben, the citadel of the Nazi industrialists, was never dismantled” (1). Instead, companies such as Bayer, which comprised a major part of the IG Farben cartel, were allowed to continue doing business, with Bush, Harriman, Dulles, and Rockefeller getting a piece of the action.
Even worse, just as the U.S. congress had decided to give away oil pipelines, refineries, and petroleum-related industries and properties to the Rockefeller led oil-cartels, and to use American tax dollars to fund new refineries and pipelines in the Middle East (see chapter 3), “Dulles’ clients demanded, and received, Allied compensation for bomb damage to their factories in Germany” (1).
“Only a few of the top Nazis were executed. Most of the rest were released from prison within a few years. Others would go virtually unpunished. No one ever investigated the Nazi sympathizers in Western intelligence who had made it all possible.”
“The bottom line is that the Nazi businessmen survived the war with their fortunes intact and rebuilt their industrial empires to become the richest men in the world.” Indeed, some became “multibillionaires” even though they “had been prominent members of Hitler’s inner circle” (1,2).
Dulles’ clients got away with it. President Roosevelt’s dream of putting the Nazis’ money-men on trial died with him” (1,2).
Dulles and his clients had won.
However, insofar as the Dulles-Bush-Harriman-Rockefeller clique were concerned, this was just a single battle. The great prize would be to seize power in the United States and to use the government to serve their own ends. Like Hitler, they intended to do it “legally.”
Knowledge is power. Secrecy insures that knowledge and power are controlled by those controlling the secrets. If crimes remain secret, there is no punishment, just rewards.
Espionage and spying are a means of gaining access to the secrets of others. Knowledge is power.
It was the job of Allen Dulles to bury the secrets which would implicate his patrons and business partners, as well as himself, in treasonable and criminal acts. However, Dulles, with a long history in spying and espionage, wanted more than to just bury secrets. Dulles wanted to build a spy agency (4), that like Himmler’s Gestapo, would be above the law, and thus beyond any possibility of penalty for crimes such as terror, theft, slavery or murder.
Even before the end of World War II, Dulles, who would soon become the first director of the CIA, had begun recruiting his dream team of super- spymasters from the “Brotherhood of Death,” that is, from Himmler’s dreaded SS, the Gestapo (5). Dulles would create an American version of the Gestapo: the CIA. The CIA would become his personal instrument of power.
From 1927 to 1941, the Dulles brothers worked as lawyers and international finance specialists for Sullivan & Cromwell, a Wall Street law firm in New York. Allen Dulles performed work for Bush, Harriman, and Rockefeller in setting up business relationships with the Nazis and with top Nazi industrialists. Dulles played a pivotal role in promoting U.S.-Nazi corporate relations
Dulles was also legal counsel for Standard Oil and the Nazi’s IG Farben, which had partnered with the Rockefellers and owned considerable Standard oil stock. His brother John Dulles (who later became Secretary of State) was an IG Farben board member
Dulles was originally recruited by OSS intelligence chief Colonel William J. Donovan, in 1941, and was posted to Berne, Switzerland. Dulles was picked because of his great expertise on Germany which he acquired through his law firm and by working as an agent for Bush, Harriman, and Rockefeller (6).
From October 1942 to May 1945, he gathered intelligence information on Nazi Germany, especially as it pertained to commerce and industry. Much of this information was also passed on to his business associates, i.e. Bush and gang (1,2,6).
The Nazis considered Dulles to be “the most influential White House man in Europe” and Dulles had numerous meetings with top ranking members of the SS (4,6,7). In January of 1943, Dulles, acting as a representative of the United States, began negotiating with top Nazis. Dulles was urging that Hitler be deposed and replaced by SS chief Himmler (7).
Himmler was a mass murderer, responsible for the deaths of at least ten million men, women, and children, in the Nazi death camps and elsewhere (7,8). However, Himmler was still a business man and a member of the “Brotherhood of Death” (8), as were Bush, Harriman, Rockefeller, and other Dulles’ associates (9). Dulles and gang thought Himmler would make a fine leader.
All were in agreement with the Dulles plan, including Himmler, and presumably, the White House (7). “The stumbling block was the question of how the SS could get rid of Hitler” (7). Himmler wished to make Hitler an “honorary president.”
The entire plan of replacing Hitler, however, went awry, when, according to Dulles (4), Hitler became aware of the plan due to “some Allied agency neither American or British.”(6).
Himmler panicked.
Dulles then began negotiating with Obergrappenfuhrer Karl Wolff (4), Himmler’s “senior aid” and the “Head of his Personal Staff.” Wolff “knew all the murkiest secrets of SS headquarters.”
This too came to naught, perhaps because Hitler learned of the meetings with Dulles. Curiously, Hitler seemed to know Dulles personally, and thus did not object to these meetings. In April, 1945, for example, Hitler summoned Wolff and asked him about Dulles (7,8). Wolf replied: “I am happy to report to you, my Fuhrer, that I have succeeded in opening doors through Mr. Dulles.” After further discussion, Hitler relied: “Go back to Italy. Keep up your relationship with Dulles and the Americans.”
By this late stage of the game, it was clear that Germany had lost the War. It was also clear that it would be impossible to install Himmler as the leader of Germany, though, that hope was actually kept alive until the final weeks of the war.
Dulles and the Bush gang had lots of Nazi “friends” including hundreds of men who wore the dreaded SS death head. Many of these were Nazi businessmen—men who, in the name of profits, enslaved, starved, and worked to death, millions of men and women.
When the war ended, Dulles acted to insure that Nazi businessmen would escape punishment with their fortunes intact. He also helped thousands of high ranking SS officers to escape.
Dulles was not acting out of kindness. He wanted to put these men to work as spies who would murder and kill in the name of the good ‘ol USA. Even before the war ended, Dulles had begun recruiting Gestapo agents, that is, members of the German Order of Skull and Bones, the Brotherhood of Death, into what would become the American version of the Gestapo, the CIA (5,6).
As recently revealed by the CIA (5) and as documented by Christopher Simpson, in his extensively researched book, Blowback (10), “hundreds of convicted Nazi war criminals” were “smuggled out of Germany to avoid prosecution at the war crimes trials at Nuremberg.” They were “recruited by, and were put on the payroll of several U.S. government agencies, including the Army CIC, the OSS, and the Office of Policy Coordination within the State Department.”
Dulles was well rewarded for his work on behalf of his Nazi friends and American business partners. He became the first director of the CIA.
Once the war ended, thousands of SS men, murderers, torturers, killers of women, children and babies, were recruited by Dulles, including, as admitted by the CIA on April 29, 2001 (11), Klaus Barbie, the infamous “Butcher of Lyon.” Barbie was eventually convicted of crimes against humanity by a French court.
SS Nazi Major General Walter Dornberger was yet another “butcher” recruited by Dulles. Dornberger had been sentenced to death by hanging for war crimes. With the help of Dulles he escaped his fate, and was welcomed with open arms into what would become the CIA (5).
As revealed by the National Archives, as admitted by the CIA, and as reported by BBC and UPI (5), the CIA employed high ranking Nazis, including Nazi General Reinhard Gehlen who placed his Nazi spy ring at the disposal of Dulles following the close of WWII. Gehlen’s Nazi CIA spy ring, became known as “the Gehlen Organization and received millions of dollars in funding from the U.S. until 1956″ (11).
Gehlen was Hitler’s senior intelligence officer on the Eastern Front during the war and was responsible for the torture and murder of millions of Soviet prisoners of war. However, instead of being brought to justice, Gehlen’s network of SS and Gestapo Nazi agents, were secretly released from prisoner of war camps by U.S. intelligence officers at the urging of Allen Dulles.
According to T. H. Tetens author of “The New Germany and the Old Nazis, “Gehlen “immediately asked for an interview with the commanding officer ” and offered the United States “his intelligence staff, spy apparatus, and the priceless files for future service.”
Dulles made personal arrangements for Gehlen to be sent to Washington where his offer was accepted. “The Pentagon-Gehlen agreement,” states Tetens (12), “in practice guaranteed the continuation of the all-important Abwehr division of the German General Staff. Hundreds of German army and SS officers were quietly released from internment camps and joined Gehlen’s headquarters in the Spessart Mountains in central Germany. When the staff had grown to three thousand men, the Bureau Gehlen opened a closely guarded twenty-five-acre compound near Pullach, south of Munich, operating under the innocent name of the South German Industrial Development Organization.”
“In the early fifties it was estimated that the organization employed up to 4,000 intelligence specialists in Germany, mainly former army and SS officers, and more than 4,000 V-men (undercover agents). Gehlen’s spy network stretched from Korea to Cairo, from Siberia to Santiago de Chile. Within a few years the Gehlen apparatus had grown by leaps and bounds” (12).
As summed up by Tetens (12), “the short period of 1950-51 must be marked as the time when Hitler’s old officers, SS leaders, and [Nazi] party functionaries returned to power and influence.”
A US Justice Department spokesman, Eli Rosenbaum, said “the files demonstrated that the real winners of the war were Nazi war criminals.”
Allen Dulles, in his book “The Secret Surrender,” justifies his use of Gestapo agents, by making a distinction between “good” and “bad” Nazis. Standartenfuehrer Eugen Dollmann, Himmler’s representative in Rome, was a “good” Nazi, as was SS Obergrappenfuehrer Karl Wolff.
In November, 1938, this “good” Nazi, Karl Wolff played a major role in the atrocities of “Kristallnacht” (the night of broken glass), during which 20,000 German Jews were attacked, beaten up, their homes and business burnt, and then sent to concentration camps where they were tortured, starved, and murdered.
After the conquest of Poland, Wolf sent a letter to Himmler which read as follows: “For your letter of July 28th, 1942,1 thank you—also in the name of the Reichsfuehrer SS—sincerely. With particular joy I noted your assurance that for two weeks now a train has been carrying, every day, 5000 members of the Chosen People to Treblinka, so that we are now in a position to carry through this ‘population movement.’ With best regards and Heil Hitler!”
Thus, in the mind of Dulles and his CIA, there are “good” sadists and mass murderers such as Wolff and even SS chief, Himmler, and those that are bad sadists and murderers, i.e. communists and labor leaders.
The CIA, thus, became a Nazi refuge and would soon become an instrument of Nazi-like terror. The CIA, like the Gestapo, would employ espionage, propaganda, terror, chemical and biological warfare, including the purposeful infection and murder of innocent American and foreign citizens, to obtain its objectives (13, see also chapter 8). And, like the Gestapo, the CIA would be, as it still is, above the law, and its agents would be encouraged to break the law and to commit crimes against humanity.
“Hitherto acceptable norms of human conduct do not apply. If the United States is to survive, long-standing American concepts of ‘fair play’ must be reconsidered. We must develop effective espionage and counterespionage services and must learn to subvert, sabotage and destroy our enemies by more clever, more sophisticated, and more effective methods than those used against us. It may become necessary that the American people be made acquainted with, understand and support this fundamentally repugnant philosophy.” —General James Doolittle, report to President Eisenhower, 1954.
“The CS is the only part of the IC [intelligence community], indeed of the government, where hundreds of employees on a daily basis are directed to break extremely serious laws in countries around the world. A safe estimate is that several hundred times every day (easily 100,000 times a year) DO officers engage in highly illegal activities that not only risk political embarrassment to the US but also endanger the freedom if not lives of the participating foreign nationals and, more than occasional^, of the clandestine officer himself.” —Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, House of Representatives, 104th Congress, 1996.
“Over the past fifty years, it is now documented, these Americanized fugitive Nazi war criminals have been involved in, and in many cases in charge of U.S. government covert operations — international weapons smuggling, drug cartels, Central American death squads, right wing anti-communist dictatorships, LSD mind control experiments — the Republican National Committee’s Ethnic Heritage Councils, and the Presidential campaigns of Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and George Bush” (12).
Hitler’s dream and his SS essentially became the CIA.
Indeed, the Dulles, Bush, Harriman, Rockefeller clique, like Hitler before them, would employ Nazi-CIA terrorists not just for spying and murder, but as instruments to be used for gaining incredible wealth, as well as political power, and as yet another means of gaining control over the United States government.
Like Hitler’s Gestapo (7,8), the mission of the CIA had a definite political purpose which was to put into power those sympathetic to the interests of the Wall Street elite and who supported the fascist ideology of the Brotherhood. However, it was not just third world countries which would be subverted, but the government of the United States.
As explained by Loftus and Aarons (1) “Dulles had been recruiting Nazis under the cover of the State Department’s Office of Policy Coordination. Eastern European emigre networks that had worked first for the SS, then the British, and finally Dulles” were also recruited and put on the payroll of the State Dept., even though they were Nazis working for the CIA.
“The CIA did not know it, but Dulles was bringing them to the United States less for intelligence purposes than for political advantage. The Nazis’ job quickly became to get out the vote for the Republicans.”
“According to several of our sources among the ‘old spies,’ Richard Nixon’s political career began in 1945, when he was the navy officer temporarily assigned to review… captured Nazi documents” (1). The documents revealed the Nazi record of Karl Blessing, “former Reichsbank officer and then head of the Nazi oil cartel, Kontinentale Ol A.G. ‘Konti’ was in partnership with Dulles’ principal Nazi client, IG Farben. Dulles” with Nixon’s help “lost Blessings Nazi party records and personally vouched for Blessing as an anti-Nazi in order to protect continued control of German oil interests in the Middle East. Blessing’s Konti was the Nazi link to Ibn Saud [King of Saudi Arabia] and ARAMCO [the Arabian-American Oil Company]. If Blessing went down, he could have taken a lot of people with him, including Allen Dulles,” and the Bush, Harriman, Rockefeller gang.
Naturally, the Dulles, Bush, Harriman, Rockefeller clique were eager to reward Nixon for his help, and together, they “arranged financing for Nixon’s first congressional campaign. Nixon, they believed, would be yet another useful tool in the toolbox they were constructing in Congress. Some of these tools, i.e. Thomas Dewey, they hoped to place in the White House. Nixon won, but Dewey lost the election.
Not surprisingly, Richard Nixon gives a different explanation as to how his relationship with the Bush gang first developed. In his biography (17), Nixon claims that he saw an advertisement, in a Los Angeles newspaper, that had been placed there, in 1946, by the Orange County Republican Party and a wealthy group of businessmen led by Prescott Bush. Bush and friends, Nixon claims, wanted a young candidate to run for Congress against the liberal democratic incumbent. Nixon says he responded to the ad, and they basically hired him to run for congress, which he did, thus becoming a congressional mouthpiece for the Bush gang.
Nixon, acting as the pro-business, anti-communist mouthpiece of the Dulles-Bush-Harriman-Rockefeller clan, was so effective in this capacity, that he became Eisenhower’s running mate, in 1952—despite Eisenhower’s dislike of the man.
“In preparation for the 1952 Eisenhower-Nixon campaign, the Republicans formed an Ethnic Division, which, to put it bluntly, recruited the ‘displaced Fascists’ who arrived in the United States after World War II. Like similar migrant organizations in several Western countries, the Ethnic Division attracted a significant number of Central and Eastern European Nazis, who had been recruited by the SS as political and police leaders during the Holocaust” (1).
The Nazis worked not only for the Eisenhower-Nixon ticket, but to put Prescott Bush in the Senate. It was during this same time period, during the early days of the attempted Nazification of the Republican party, that Prescott’s son, George H. W. Bush, became actively involved with Republican politics. It was possibly also around this same period, that G.H.W. Bush began working in the
It was the dream of Dulles and gang, to elevate their man Nixon, to the White House. In 1960, Nixon ran against Kennedy. Although the Nazi wing of the party was put at Nixon’s disposal, he lost. Nixon didn’t blame his loss on the Nazis. Far from it. Instead, and at the urging of Dulles and gang, he intended to make full use of his Nazi friends the next time he ran for president.
“In 1968 Nixon promised that if he won the presidential election, he would create a permanent ethnic council within the Republican party” (1). The word “ethnic” was code for “Nazi.” In the early 1960s, if not before, George H.W. Bush also began playing an active role in the creation of these ethnic councils. Thus he willingly carried out Nixon’s promise after the 1972 election, while he served as chairman of the Republican National Committee (1,19).
One of the men Bush helped to recruit was Laszlo Pasztor, who became the Chairman of Nixon’s Republican Heritage Groups council. During World War II Pasztor served as a government official representing Nazi Hungary in Germany. Other emigre slots were also filled by the members of various Nazi collaborationist organizations (1,12,18,19).
As documented in a 1988 study by Russ Bellant of Political Research Associates, virtually all of the Fascist organizations of World War II were welcomed into the Republican party during the Nixon administration—and George W. Bush, as chairman of the party, played a major role. Emanuel Jasiuk was representative of the character of the Republican ethnic leaders that Bush and Nixon were after. Emanuel Jasiuk, was a notorious mass murderer who was recruited by the Nazis when they invaded what is today called the independent nation of Belarus (which during WWII was part of the Soviet Union).
In addition to being Nazi fascists and haters of democracy, what all these George H.W. Bush recruits had in common was that they had fought against the United States, during World War II.
While George Bush did his duty bringing Nazis into positions of power in the republican party, Nixon, after he became President, was surrounding “himself with what was known as the Berlin Wall, a long succession of advisers with Germanic names: We recall at the top of his “German General Staff’ as it was also known, there was Haldeman. Erlichman, Krogh. Kliendienst. Kissinger (the Rockefellers’ emissary) and many others” (19).
As described by Groden and Livingstone (19), “Some of these men would watch the great Nazi propaganda films in the basement of the White House until all hours of the night, and drink, in fact, get drunk with their power, with blind ambition, as one of them wrote.”
As detailed by Loftus and Aarons (1), “According to several of our sources in the intelligence community who were in a position to know, the secret rosters of the Republican party’s Nationalities Council read like a Who’s Who of Fascist fugitives. The Republican’s Nazi connection is the darkest secret of the Republican leadership.”
“A coalition of multinational corporate executives, big-city bankers, and hungry power brokers… want to give you George Bush… their purpose is to control the American government.”
– Ronald Reagan, 1980.

President Ronald Reagan did not want George H.W. Bush on the ticket in 1980. It took threats and a lot of persuading, and after that, with the bad blood out in the open, we had this. The man who shot Reagan and several others, John Hinckley, came from the Hinckley family; a very wealthy supporter of Bush, Sr. when he ran against Reagan for the Republican nomination… Rhawn Jospeh writes: “Another ‘coincidence.’ In the days before the assassination attempt, plans had been made for Vice-President Bush to assume the presidency on March 31,1981, should Reagan die or be killed. Reagan was shot at close range on March 30, 1981. As recalled by Bush ally, James Baker—one of the ‘Texans’ mentioned by Nixon when discussing the Bay of Pigs-Kennedy Assassination: ‘there had been a FEMA [Federal Emergency Management Administration] exercise scheduled for the next day on presidential succession.’”
This Bush dynasty only came about thanks to the Kennedy assassination, because that’s when the CIA-Nazi faction (see below) really came into power as well (these were the militant, white supremacist segregationists in the intelligence community that also allied themselves with the Ku Klux Klan’s massive political engine in the 60s).
In 1936, William Dodd, the U.S. Ambassador to Germany, wrote a letter to President Roosevelt in which he stated,
“A clique of U.S. industrialists is hell-bent to bring a fascist state to supplant our democratic government and is working closely with the fascist regime in Germany and Italy. I have had plenty of opportunity in my post in Berlin to witness how close some of our American ruling families are to the Nazi regime…. A prominent executive of one of the largest corporations, told me point blank that he would be ready to take definite action to bring fascism into America if President Roosevelt continued his progressive policies. Certain American industrialists had a great deal to do with bringing fascist regimes into being in both Germany and Italy. They extended aid to help Fascism occupy the seat of power, and they are helping to keep it there. Propagandists for fascist groups try to dismiss the fascist scare. We should be aware of the symptoms. When industrialists ignore laws designed for social and economic progress they will seek recourse to a fascist state when the institutions of our government compel them to comply with the provisions.”
After World War II, the CIA eventually split into two factions, one which was controlled by Nazis/fascists that had allied with the South’s Klan political engine, one which managed to place at least two Klan leaders on the Supreme Court, Hugo Black and Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren. By 1967, they were so deeply established in the political establishment, and in the military and intelligence community they could build navy barracks like this one in Coronado, California. That George W. Bush’s grandfather, Prescott Bush, was involved in financing the Nazis isn’t contested nor is the fact that he was part of a criminal cabal that actively sought to impose a fascist coup in America in the 30s (the Business Plot). Under George W. Bush, however, this fascist state– one completely controlled by Wall Street— that Prescott Bush envisioned came into being with the passage of the Patriot Act.
Prescott Bush’s involvement in financing the Nazis isn’t contested nor is the fact that he was part of a criminal cabal that actively sought to overthrow FDR and impose a fascist coup in America, the Business Plot.
Moreover, under George W. Bush, this fascist state, one completely controlled by Wall Street, came into being with the passage of the Patriot Act. Because they were able to do it with practically no opposition from the Democrats even after it was discovered how badly this violated every key protection in the Bill of Rights, it’s hard to argue they are not servants of the same masters. All of the conspirators in the JFK assassination were members of an Anglophilic secret society that has 33 degrees and is rooted in British freemasonry. It is the Scottish Rite (not all of them are evil, BTW, particularly those that left). Above this there are 13 levels, and this is the Illuminati. At the very top of this society you have the Great White Brotherhood. Their mark is on the dollar bill and it is their way of telling you they own you because they control the printing of money and banking system through the federal reserve.

Abby Martin did a segment on American corporations that funded the Nazis:

If you are skeptical about the notion some of our most respected leaders are and were involved in genocide, particularly those the corporate media taught us to revere as heroes, remember that there is no question that the CIA-Nazi faction took control, and that the Nazis started World War II to wipe out an entire race of people. They killed 6 million Jews right under our noses and in total about 21 million people. They are very, very good at this. If you want to pretend they don’t exist in this country today, that they haven’t continued with their genocide, false flag operations, kidnappings and torture, sterilization programs and eugenics agenda, do so at your own risk.

The Democrats and Republicans Protected the Klan
On May 11, 2001, the federal government announced that over 3,100 FBI documents pointing to Klan/white supremacist militia involvement in the Oklahoma City Bombing were withheld at the McVeigh and Nichols trials. These are the same supremacist militias resurfacing in front groups like the Minutemen, glamorized by CNN, FOX, etc. Eventually, these documents were dismissed as irrelevant but that’s what you would expect at a time when our own Navy barracks were monuments to white supremacy. It’s no accident there are no blacks in the Republican party.
AP finds documents showing FBI destroyed proof possibly tying [Aryan Republican Army] robbers to Oklahoma City bombing.
“Agents collected witness testimony that McVeigh had placed some of the extra caps in two boxes wrapped in Christmas paper in the back of his car along with mercury switches and duffel bags. One electric and five non-electric blasting caps were found in the Aryan Republican Army robbers’ Ohio hideout in January 1996, along with mercury switches, a duffel bag and two items described as a “Christmas package,” FBI records show. The FBI allowed firefighters to destroy the caps at the scene.
“The destruction ‘in itself was in total violation of the FBI’s regulations and the rules of evidence,’ Defenbaugh said. ‘If there was Christmas wrapping paper, that should really have been a key to people … and caused them to be compared by the laboratory to see if these were from McVeigh.’”

How CNN Tried to Legitimize the Klan
- SPLC President Calls on CNN to Remove Lou Dobbs from Air, Cites Newsman’s Support for Extremist-Inspired ‘Birther’ Claims
- SPLC Report on Lou Dobbs. Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks the Klan and neo-Nazis, reports on Lou Dobbs

President Kennedy on Medicare
Kennedy had to endure the same accusations of socialism from the right-wing when he supported Medicare, which virtually all Americans who opposed it then rely on now.
Reagan Propaganda Against Medicare, or “Socialized Medicine”, Exactly the Same as that Against the Affordable Care Act
Here’s Ronald Reagan waging war on an unholy socialism better known as Medicare. Listen to his arguments, and compare them to what you hear today about the Affordable Care Act. They are the exact same talking points. Listen to these arguments, and compare them to what Medicare really was and is. Any of this bullshit sound familiar?
- You won’t be able to choose your own doctor. (Propaganda. It assumes we could all afford a doctor, let alone choose one.)
- Doctors must practice in area dictated by government.
- Doctors can’t determine own pay or number of patients.
If we pass Medicare, he adds dramatically, your kids will have to wait for the government to tell them where they will go to work and what they will have to do.
Guess who was pulling his strings?
Answer: People like these guys. Here’s Reagan at the Bohemian Grove in 1947 with Ricard Nixon, who had a few choice words about the secret society here. These guys are above the Klan, controlled it and now hide it via front groups using the socialist boogeyman to protect a tax system that grossly favors them at the expense of 99% of Americans. Some call them the Illuminati (and they’re right), but included are members of both cabals or more, for example the Scottish Rite. So why is it so hard to believe that obscenely rich and entitled assholes would get together in secret to conspire against political opponents, organize monopolies, and rig the banking system?
Members of the 1%? Nope, but they are disenfranchised and convinced they’re on their side. Lawyers, bankers, stock brokers, real estate tycoons, or any other of the former that wear suits for a living don’t bother with this stupid teabag shit. If you want to know why there are Jews, a few token blacks and Catholics in a Klan front group, that’s because front groups are supposed to operate that way. Members aren’t supposed to know who really pulls the strings. They are just a means to an end. Overt racism doesn’t fly anymore, so they rely on anyone they can manipulate by using their own hate and fear against them. What is certain is that whatever their color may be, they are clearly as extremist as the old Klan and hungry for war against their countrymen.
Americans paid dearly for their Civil Rights and the right to vote. The Tea Party is waging a war on both fronts, enacting laws to restrict voting rights of blacks, Asians, women, middle class and lower class whites, in fact everyone outside the top 1% that controls 46% of America’s wealth.In other words, they’re fighting against 99% of Americans.“Redistribution of wealth” favoring the rich is what the Bush tax cuts gave us and continues into the Obama administration. It is why we have lost the middle class and we have the largest income inequality since 1929. To correct it, you’re god damned right we need a redistribution of wealth, defined herein as fair wages that rise with the cost of living, and we have to question a corporate media that implies such a redistribution of wealth is wrong unless it favors the rich.

“Sam Bowers, the Imperial Wizard of the White Knights of the Klu Klux Klan of Mississippi, sent word in May, 1964 to the Klansmen of Lauderdale and Neshoba counties that it was time to “activate Plan 4.” Plan 4 provided for “the elimination” of the despised civil rights activist Michael Schwerner, who the Klan called “Goatee” or “Jew-Boy.” Schwerner, the first white civil rights worker based outside of the capitol of Jackson, had earned the enmity of the Klan by organizing a black boycott of a white-owned business and aggressively trying to register blacks in and around Meridian to vote.” See Source
It was 1964. Lawrence Rainey, Neshoba County Sheriff, and his deputy, Cecil Price, were both members of the Klan. At the time, with most of its members still secret, the Klan had saturated politics, local and federal law enforcement. Months earlier, in Dallas, not only did they have detailed advanced knowledge of the plot they had an active role in the assassination of President Kennedy. They felt completely above the law. These men are laughing because FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover didn’t want to prosecute them for the murder of the three civil rights workers above, didn’t want to protect Civil Rights workers in the South fighting to help blacks get their voting rights, and was a member of the secret society that created the Klan in the first place, theScottish Rite. Hoover moved only after public pressure forced him to.

Source: Southern Poverty Law Center, Terror From the Right
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In Memoriam
In the years since the Oklahoma City federal building was bombed in 1995, 34 law enforcement officers have been murdered by domestic right-wing political extremists. These officers — one constable, one correctional officer, one security guard, four state troopers, eight sheriff’s deputies, and 19 police officers — are among thousands of men and women killed in the line of duty since the nation’s founding. Each of their deaths was a unique tragedy.
New Hampshire State Police (Colebrook) • August 9, 1997
New Hampshire State Police (Colebrook) • August 19, 1997
Denver, Colo., Police Department • November 12, 1997
Birmingham, Ala., Police Department • May 13, 1998
Traverse City, Mich., Police Department • May 13, 1998
Cortez, Colo., Police Department • May 29, 1998
Palmer, Alaska, Police Department • May 15, 1999
Fulton County, Ga., Sheriff’s Department • March 17, 2000
Reno, Nev., Police Department • August 22, 2001
Massillon, Ohio, Police Department • August 9, 2002
Red Bluff, Calif., Police Department • November 19, 2002
Michigan State Police (Fremont) • July 7, 2003
Abbeville County, S.C., Magistrate’s Office • December 8, 2003
Abbeville County, S.C., Sheriff’s Office • December 8, 2003
Otero County, N.M., Sheriff’s Department • December 18, 2004
Fort Worth, Tex., Police Department • February 4, 2006
Gassville, Ark., Police Department • February 4, 2006
Moscow, Idaho, Police Department • May 19, 2007
Salt Lake City, Utah, Department of Corrections • June 25, 2007
Bastrop, La., Police Department • August 10, 2007
Bastrop, La., Police Department • August 10, 2007
Hillsborough County, Fla., Sheriff’s Office • August 15 2007
Oregon State Police • Dec. 12, 2008
Woodburn, Ore., Police Department • Dec. 12, 2008
Pittsburgh, Pa., Police Department • April 4, 2009
Pittsburgh, Pa., Police Department • April 4, 2009
Pittsburgh, Pa., Police Department • April 4, 2009
Okaloosa County, Fla., Sheriff’s Office • April 25, 2009
Okaloosa County, Fla., Sheriff’s Office • April 25, 2009
U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum Security • June 10, 2009
West Memphis, Ark., Police Department • May 20, 2010
West Memphis, Ark., Police Department • May 20, 2010
St. John the Baptist Parish, La., Sheriff’s Office • August 16, 2012
St. John the Baptist Parish, La., Sheriff’s Office • August 16, 2012
California Highway Patrol • September 5, 2012
More here:
- The Klansmen who “wiped out a thousand future generations of niggers” and the prosecutors who let them…
- Why the Klan is Protected by Democrats and Republicans
- Pat Buchanan: Slavery “brought blacks freedom and prosperity”
- Operation Northwoods and the Plot to Blame the JFK Assassination on Castro
- RFK’s Statement on the Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.
- Players in the RFK Killing
- RFK Eulogy by Ted Kennedy, 1968
- Johnson, Hoover and Nixon: How and why the “mystery” of the Kennedy assassinations can be maintained
- William Pepper- An Act of State The Execution of MLK
- President Kennedy Warns of Iluuminati and Press Infiltration
- CIA Propaganda Memo to Press Assets: Attacking Lone Gunman Critics
- How the Washington Post Censors the News
- NBC vs. America: The Network Attempt to Mislead the Nation
- 25 Media Disinformation Tactics
- The CIA’s Operation MOCKINGBIRD: Planting False Stories and Agents in the Mass Media
- Chinese Secret Society Takes on the Illuminati
- It Was Johnson
- LBJ Reloaded
- Are the Key JFK Files Already Destroyed?
1). John Loftus and Mark Aarons. “The Secret War Against The Jews” St. Martins Press, New York, 1994;
2). Anthony Sutton, “Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler,” Charles Higham, ‘Trading with the Enemy: An Expose of the Nazi-American Money Plot 1933-1949,” Delacorte Press, 1983; Christopher Simpson, “The Splendid Blond Beast.”
3). The Dulles family believed themselves to be of royal blood, claiming they could ” trace its ancestry to Charlemagne” (New York Times 5/25/ 1959 ). The Dulles family had also been intimately involved in American politics since the 1800s, and were not just influential but rich. John Watson Foster, the Dulles brother’s grandfather, became a brigadier general in the Civil War, United States Minister to Mexico and Russia, Secretary of State under President Benjamin Harrison, and amassed a huge fortune. The Dulles brothers first sought access to the White House in 1940, supporting a Republican lawyer for the “mob,” Thomas E. Dewey, for President. Dewey lost the nomination to Wendell L. Willkie in 1940 (who in turn lost to Roosevelt). Dewey again sought the Presidency, with Dulles acting as his chief advisor, but lost to Roosevelt in 1944 and then again in 1948, when he lost to Truman. Dewey became governor of New York.
4). Allen Dulles, “From Hitler’s Doorstep: The Wartime Intelligence Reports of Allen Dulles, 1942-1945,” Pennsylvania State Univ Press, 1996; Allen Dulles, “The Secret Surrender.”
5). BBC News, 9/17/2001; UPI9/20/2000; National Archives, 9/17/2001; Charles Higham, “American Swastika: The Shocking Story of Nazi Collaborators in Our Midst from 1933 to the Present Day,” Doubleday, 1985.
6). Burton Hersh, “The Old Boys: The American Elite and the Origins of the CIA,” Tree Farm Books, 2001.
7). Heinz Hohne. The Order of the Death’s Head.” Ballantine, New York. 1967.
8). J. Toland. “Adolf Hitler,” Doubleday, New York, 1976; W. L. S hirer. “The Rise & Fall of the Third Reich.” Fawcett World Library, New York, 1960.
9). Anthony Sutton, “America’s Secret Establishment: An introduction to The Order of Skull & Bones” Liberty House, New York. 1986; Ron Rosenbaum, “The Last Secrets of Skull and Bones,” Esquire Magazine, September, 1977; Peggy Alder-Robohm, “Skull and Bones—Bush’s Boy’s Club,” Covert Action Quarterly No. 33, 1990; John Schrag, “Skeleton in His Closet,” Willamette Week, September 19-25,1991; David W. Dunlap, “Yale Society Resists Peeks Into Its Crypt,” New York Times, 11/4/88.
10). Christopher Simpson, “Blowback.”
11). National Archives, 9/17/2001; UPI9/20/2000.
12). T. H. Tetens, “The New Germany and the Old Nazis.”
13). Audrey R. Kahin, George McT Kahin, “Subversion As Foreign Policy: The Secret Eisenhower and Dulles Debacle in Indonesia;” University of Washington Press, 1997; Vitaly, Syrokomsky, “International Terrorism and the CIA: Documents, Eyewitness Reports, Facts,” Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1983; James A. Bill,” The Eagle and the Lion: The Tragedy of American-Iranian Relations,”Yale University Press, 1988; R. Harris Smith, “OSS: The Secret History of America’s First Central Intelligence Agency,” University of California Press, 1972; Fletcher Prouty, “The Secret Team: The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the U.S. and the World,” Prentice Hall, 1973; Jonathan Kwitney, “The Crimes of Patriots: A True Tale of Dope, Dirty Money & the CIA,” WW Norton, 1987; Rodney Stich, “Defrauding America: A Partem Of Related Scandals — Dirty Secrets Of The CIA And Other Government Operations,” Diablo Western Press, 1993; William Blum, “Killing Hope: US Military and CIA Intervention Since WWII,” Common Courage Press, 1995; Report to the President by the Commission on CIA Activities Within the United States, Washington, DC. 1975.
14). R. Harris Smith, “OSS: The Secret History of America’s First Central Intelligence Agency,” University of California Press, 1972.
15). The Central Intelligence Agency Act, 1949. United States Congress.
16). John Stockwell, “The Secret Wars of the CIA.” Speech given on 10/10/1987.
17). Richard Milhous Nixon, “The Memoirs of Richard Nixon,” Richard Nixon Library Editions, 1990.
18). Russell Bowen, “The Immaculate Deception;” Charles Higham, “American Swastika: The Shocking Story of Nazi Collaborators in Our Midst from 1933 to the Present Day,” Doubleday, 1985; T. H. Tetens, “The New Germany and the Old Nazis;” Christopher Simpson, “Blowback;” Robert J. Groden & Harrison Edward Livingstone, “High Treason.”
19). Robert J. Groden & Harrison Edward Livingstone, “High Treason.”
20). James Petras & Morris Morley, “The United States and Chile: Imperialism and the Overthrow of the Allende Government,” Monthly Review Press, 1975.
21). Regis Debray, “The Chilean Revolution: Conversations with Allende,” Pantheon, 1972; PaulM. Sweezy, “Revolution andCounter-Revo-lution in Chile,” Monthly Review Press, 1974.
22). Tim Weiner, “How the CIA Took Aim at Allende,” New York Times, 9/12/1998; Paul M. Sweezy, “Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Chile,” Monthly Review Press, 1974.
23). Miguel Gonzalez Pino, et al., “Los mil dias de Allende II,” Santiago, Chile: Centro de Estudios Poeblicos, 1997.
24). Gonzalez Pino, “Allende concita atenci—n de la prensa mundial,” LaTarde, 9/7/1970.
25). “CIA plot against Allende: Operating guidance cable,” 10/16/ 1970. “CIA, Operating Guidance Cable on Coup Plotting, October 16,1970.” In this cable, Thomas Karamessines, CIA deputy director, conveys Kissinger’s orders to Henry Hecksher, CIA station chief in Santiago, and includes the following statements: “It is firm and continuing policy that Allende be overthrown by a coup.” The “operating guidance” is to hide the “American hand.” The CIA is instructed to ignore any orders which are not consistent with this guidance cable. “CIA, Memorandum of Conversation of Meeting with Henry Kissinger, Thomas Karamessines, and Alexander Haig, October 15,1970.” This Memorandum includes a discussion of covert plans promoting a coup in Chile, and the overthrow of Allende, known as “Track II.” Kissinger orders the CIA to “continue keeping the pressure on every Allende weak spot in sight.”
26). Robinson Rojas Sandford, “The Murder of Allende and the End of the Chilean Way of Socialism,” Harper & Row, 1976; Paul M. Sweezy, “Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Chile,” Monthly Review Press, 1974.
27). Department of State, “Chilean Executions,” Memo, 11/16/1973; Tim Weiner, “How the CIA Took Aim at Allende,” New York Times, 9/12/ 1998; Thomas Hauser, Missing: The Execution of Charles Horman,” Simon & Schuster, 1983; Thomas C. Wright & Rody Onate, eds., Flight from Chile : Voices of Exile,” University of New Mexico Press, 1998; FBI Report to Chilean Military on Detainee, 6/6/1975.
28). Department of State, “Kubisch-Huerta Meeting: Request for Specific Replies to Previous Questions on Horman and Teraggi Cases,” 2/ 11/1974; “FBI Report to Chilean Military on Detainee,” 6/6/1975 – This 1975 document, sent by FBI attache Robert Scherrer to Chilean General Ernesto Baeza, records U.S. collaboration with Chile’s security forces. The CIA promises to provide surveillance of Chilean citizens and other sympathizers inside the United States. This document also describes “Operation Condor.” Condor was actually a network of secret police agencies in Argentina, Paraguay, Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Chile, who were coordinated by the CIA for the purposes of tracking, capturing, torturing, and killing dissidents, including those inside the United States, and including the citizens of other countries. “FBI, Operation Condor Cable,” 9/28/1976 – This cable was written also written Robert Scherrer, the FBI’s attache in Buenos Aires. This cable summarizes intelligence information and details Operation Condor, the joint intelligence operation designed to “eliminate Marxist terrorist activities in the area.” The cable goes on to provide information about “special teams” which travel “anywhere in the world… to carry out assassination against terrorists or supporters of terrorist organizations.”
29). John Dean, “Blind Ambition: The White House Years,” Simon & Schuster, 1976; Elizabeth Drew, “Washington Journal: The Events of 1973-1974,” Macmillan, 1984; Carl Bernstein & Bob Woodward, “All the President’s Men,” Simon & Schuster, 1974; Theodore H. White, “Breach of Faith: The Fall of Richard Nixon,” Atheneum-Reader’s Digest, 1975.
30). Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin, “George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography,” The Executive Intelligence Review.
31). Carl Bernstein & Bob Woodward, “All the President’s Men,” Simon & Schuster, 1974.
32). James A. Bill, “The Eagle and the Lion: The Tragedy of American-Iranian Relations.” Yale University Press, 1988.
33). Rockefeller, and his clone, Henry Kissinger, also played a role in the downfall of the Shah, in 1978 and the subsequent Iranian hostage crises which resulted. The Shah was a hated, brutal, dictators, and it was the job of his secret police, SAVAK, to keep the rabble terrorized and under control. But it was precisely because of his despotic rule that the Iranian people increasingly rebelled, and then welcomed the return of Iran’s spiritual leader, the Ayatollah Khomeni. As more and more riots broke out, the Rockefeller and the Rockefeller owned, Chase Manhattan bank (which had loaned the Shah incredible sums of money, pressured the CIA which pressured SAVAK to employ increasingly horrific measures which finally trigged the Iranian revolution. The synthesis of this Hegelian dialectic was that Rockefeller and Chase Manhattan Bank came out ahead of the game and with more money that if the Shah had stayed in power. As detailed by James Brill (23), after the revolution, private policy makers such as Kissinger and Rockefeller managed one last scam. Chase Manhattan Bank appealed to the U.S. government and the courts, claiming that the new Iranian government might withdraw their funds from the bank and repudiate the shah’s loans. Rockefeller/Chase was demanding that it be awarded all Iranian assets, which was far and beyond what was owed. The new Iranian government pledged to repay those loans. The new Iranian government, however, also demanded the return of property and funds stolen by the Shah, and that the Shah—who was in exile in another country, be returned to Iran. Kissinger and Rockefeller figured they had nothing to lose and everything to gain if they could provoke a crisis. They began lobbying Washington for the admission of the Shah into the U.S. and their wishes were granted. This resulted in the Iranian takeover of the U.S. embassy, the hostage crisis, the freezing of Iranian assets, and a declaration of default by Chase which allowed Chase to seize Iranian assets to offset the loans. In the end, the Iranian-hostage the crisis clearly benefited the American banking community.”
34). Stephen Shlesinger & Stephen Kinzer, “Bitter Fruit: the Untold Story of the American Coup in Guatemala,” Anchor Press, 1990.
35). Stacy May & Galo Plaza, “The United Fruit Company in Latin America,” Washington, National Planning Association, 1957; Alejandra Batres, “The Experience of the Guatemalan United Fruit Company Workers, 1944-1954: Why Did They Fail?” Texas Papers on Latin America, Paper No. 95-01, University of Texas at Austin, 1995; Paul Dosal, “Doing Business with the Dictators : a Political History of United Fruit in Guatemala, 1899-1944,” SR Books, 1993; Thomas, McCann, “An American Company: the Tragedy of United Fruit,” Crown, 1976. CIA operative, E. Howard Hunt, who played a major role in the overthrow of Jacobo Arbenz in Guatemala, later told that “I felt a little bit betrayed when I learned that… the reason [for the overthrow] was because Thomas Corcoran, the famous lobbyist working for the United Fruit Company, had persuaded Eisenhower and some other high dignitaries to do something about it. I thought, ‘Hey, you know, I’m working for the United States of America, I’m not a hireling for United Fruit.’”
36). Jay Mallin, “Fulgencio Batista: Ousted Cuban Dictator,” Story House Corp, 1974; Marifeli Perez-Stable, “The Cuban Revolution: Origins, Course, and Legacy,” Oxford University Press, 1998.
37). Ernesto Che Guevara, “Episodes of the Cuban Revolutionary War 1956-58,” Pathfinder Press, 1996. Julia E. Sweig, “Inside the Cuban Revolution: Fidel Castro and the Urban Underground,” Harvard Univ Press,
38). Syrokomsky, Vitaly, “International Terrorism and the CIA: Documents, Eyewitness Reports, Facts,” Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1983.
39). Peter Kombluh (Editor), “Bay of Pigs Declassified: The Secret CIA Report on the Invasion of Cuba, National Security Archive Documents Reader,” New Press, 1998; James G. Blight & Peter Kornbluh (Editors), “Politics of Illusion: The Bay of Pigs Invasion Reexamined,” Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1998.
40). Marifeli Perez-Stable, “The Cuban Revolution: Origins, Course, and Legacy,” Oxford University Press, 1998.
41). Donald Freed, “Death in Washington,” Westport Press, 1980.
42. The “Stab in the Back” was a term used by Hitler and the Nazis to explain Germany’s surrender in WWI. Hitler blamed communists and the new democratic leadership which had assumed power in Germany.
43). E. Howard Hunt, “Give Us This Day,” New Rochelle: Arlington House, 1973.
44). Graham T. Allison, Philip Zelikow, “Essence of Decision: Explaining the Cuban M issile Crisis;” Michael R. B eschloss, The Crisis Years: Kennedy and Khrushchev, 1960-63,” Edward Burlingame Books, 1991.
45). John Bartlow Martin, “Third Oral History Interview with Robert F. Kennedy,” 4/30/64. John F. Kennedy Library; John M. Newman, “JFK and Vietnam: Deception, Intrigue, And The Struggle For Power.”
46). Arnold, James R. “The First Domino: Eisenhower, the Military and America’s Intervention in Vietnam,” Morrow, 1991.
47). Archimedes Patti, “Why Viet Nam? Prelude to America’s Albatross. Berkeley,” University of California Press, 1980; Surveillant, “A chronological account — from 1945 to 1962 — of the decisions that led to America’s military commitment in Vietnam.”
48). Anderson, David L. “J. Lawton Collins, John Foster Dulles, and the Eisenhower Administration’s Point of No Return in Vietnam.” Diplomatic History, 12,127-147,1988.
49). Gibbons, William C. “The U.S. Government and the Vietnam War: Executive and Legislative Roles and Relationships,” Princeton University Press, 1986-1989.
50). Morrow, Robert D. “Betrayal,” Henry Regnery Company, 1976; Warren Hinckle & William Turner, “Deadly Secrets: The CIA-Mafia War Against Castro and the Assassination of J.F.K.” Thunder’s Mouth, 1992; Robert Groden & Harrison Livingstone. “High Treason: The Assassination of John F. Kennedy and the New Evidence of Conspiracy,” Berkley Books, 1989.
51|. Mark Lane. “Plausible Denial. “Thunder’s Mouth. 1991: Mark North, “Act of Treason: The Role of J. Edgar Hoover in ihe Assassination of President Kennedy” Carroll & Graf. 1991: C. Robert Blakey & Richard N. Billings. “The Plot to Kill the President.” Times Books. 1981: Robert Sam Anson. “They’ve Killed The President!” Bantam, 1975.
52). “Report of the Warren Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy.” Bantam. 1964.
53). Madeleine Brown, “Texas In The Morning.”
54). Robert Grogen. “The Killing of a President: The Complete Photographic Record of the JFK Assassination, the Coaspiraey, and the Cover-up. New York: Viking Studio Books. 1994: Robert Grogen. The Search for Lee Harvey Oswald: The Complete Photographic Record.” Penguin Studio. 1995.
55) Several independent experts, including Vincent Salandria. Professor Josiah Thompson and Ray Marcus, have argued that the “third” shot, which struck Kennedy in the head, was actually two nearly simultaneous shots, one coming from the right front (the grassy knoll) and the other from the rear. In large part this argument is based on Vincent Salandria’s “Head Movement Theory” (Esquire. 12/1966) i.e. that the sudden and different movements of Kennedy’s head—which are apparent when a frame by frame analysis of the Zapruder film of the assassination— are due to two almost simultaneous bullets striking his head. Thus the third shot was really a third and fourth shot. This explanation is also consistent with the large number of witnesses who heard seven or eight shots. Aclose analysis of the Zapruder film which captured the entire assassination, shows Kennedy reaching up toward his throat, and then we see an explosion of red mushrooming from the right which is then followed, almost immediately, by the explosion of the back of Kennedy’s head as his skull and portioas of his brain are splashed onto the back of his limousine. We also see his head being thrown back— which is consistent with Newton’s second law of motion—i.e. that an object struck by a projectile will be driven in the same direction as that of the projectile. Likewise, it is clear from the Zapruder film that the bullet struck the right temporal region of his head. It is also evident from autopsy photos that the right temporal injury is rather small, whereas the left parietal injur)’ is massive. It would thus be expected that his left parietal skull and brain would be ejected, as entry wounds are almost always smaller than exit wounds which tends to blow outward. As the book depository was behind Kennedy, it is thus rather apparent that a right frontal entry was not caused by a bullet fired from behind.
56). Orvillc Nix. a UP1 photographer, was standing opposite the grassy knoll taking pictures. An analysis of the Nix film showed what looked to be a car with a man standing on it holding what appeared to be a rifle that to be pointed in the direction of Kennedy’s car. Maurice Schonfeld, Jack Fox, and Burt Reinhardt, all of U.RI. also believe the photograph shows a man pointing a rifle. UPI reporter, Jack Fox subsequently interviewed several witnesses to the assassination. S. M. Holland, who was standing on the overpass, told Fox there were four shots: “…the first came from the book building and hit the President. The second came from the same place and hit Governor John Connally….The third shot came from behind the picket fence to the north of Elm Street. There was a puff of smoke under the trees like someone had thrown out a Chinese firecracker and a report entirely different from the one which was fired from the book building.” Seven other witnesses on the overpass also saw a puff of smoke rising. J. M. Smith, a Dallas policeman, claimed to have “caught the smell of gunpowder” behind the wooden fence. Holland also claimed he ran toward the fence and saw a station wagon with two muddy marks on the bumper “as if someone had stood there to look over the fence.”
57). The “magic bullet,” according to the Warren Commission, entered Kennedy’s back, turned upward and exited his neck, then it struck Connally in the back, turned right and struck Connally in the wrist, and then turned left and entered Connally’s thigh, and then, it fell out on Connally’s stretcher in the Dallas hospital where he had been taken. Others, such as Mark Lane, Vincent Salandria, Ray Marcus, Leo Sauvage, Harold Weisberg, and Professors Richard H. Popkin and Josiah Thompson, propose a more logical explanation for the “magic bullet.” The bullet was fired from Oswald’s rifle before the assassination and then it was left on the Connally’s stretcher, where it was found later that day. Also, three doctors, Finck, Humes, and Shaw testified that bullet fragments were found in Connally’s wrist whereas the bullet found on the stretcher only had a slight dent, as if it had been shot into something soft, like a pillow.
58). Theodore H. White’s The Making of the President, 1964. “On the flight [back to Washington aboard Air Force One] the party learned that there was no conspiracy; learned of the identity of Oswald and his arrest.” Air Force landed in Washington at 4:58 p.m. Dallas time. According to Dallas District Attorney Henry M. Wade he had received a number of telephone calls from the FBI, the State Department and White House, that afternoon, and the calls continued into the evening.
59). John McCloy served as a Member of Committee on the National Security Organization from 1948 to 1949. Because of his extensive business connections with Germany prior to and during the war (serving Rockefeller-Nazi interests), he served, at the urgings of Rockefeller and the Dulles brothers, as US Military Governor and High Commissioner for Germany from 1949 until 1952. In 1953 until 1960, he served as Chairman of the Board, Chase National Bank and then, after it merged with another bank, the Chase Manhattan Bank. During the war, IG Farben owned 40% of Chase stock, whereas Rockefeller owned much of the rest.
60. Newsweek 12/1/98. Daily News 12/21/98: “Chase National Bank – the precursor of today’s Chase Manhattan Bank, helped the Nazis to plunder Jewish property in France during World War II. The New York-based bank controlled by the Rockefeller family closed Jewish accounts even before the Germans ordered them to do so and did business with the Nazis while they were sending Jews to the gas chambers. And while the U.S. was at war with the Nazis, Chase also helped German banks do business with their overseas branches. Chase Manhattan is now the largest bank company in the U.S. with more than $300 billion in assets. Lawyers representing Holocaust survivors” named “Chase Manhattan in their lawsuit” and “another big U.S. bank, J.R Morgan. While many other U.S. businesses and banks closed down their Paris operations after France fell to the Germans, Chase National remained open and even thrived. The relationship between Chase and the Nazis apparently was so cozy that Carlos Niedermann, the Chase branch chief in Paris, wrote his supervisor in Manhattan that the bank enjoyed ‘very special esteem’ with top German officials and ‘a rapid expansion of deposits.’ Niedermann’s letter was written in May 1942 – five months after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor and the U.S. also went to war with Germany.”
61). Daily News, 12/24/98, “Chase Named In Holocaust-Asset Suit. Two American banks were named in a class-action lawsuit yesterday that accuses them of collaborating with the Nazis to deprive Jewish depositors of their rightful assets. ‘They froze and blocked Jewish accounts during the period of the Nazi occupation in France, depriving Jewish families of the financial means to flee France,’ said attorney Kenneth McCallion, who filed the suit against Chase Manhattan Bank, J.P. Morgan and seven French banks. McCallion charges Chase’s Paris branch – with full backing of its New York office – displayed “excessive zeal” in enforcing anti-Jewish laws and was held in “very special esteem” by Vichy authorities. Court papers also say Chase prospered under German occupation, nearly doubling its deposits between 1942 and 1944 from 27 million to more than 50 million French francs. Chase officials said in a statement that it has been in settlement talks with the World Jewish Congress for several weeks and that it was disappointed that an ‘unnecessary” lawsuit has been filed.”
62. NMT, IG. Farben case, Volumes VII and VIII, pp. 1304-1311; “Elimination of German Resources, p. 1085.”
63). The CIA have a huge network of contract killers that can be called upon from any country, and imported into any country, for the purposes of terrorism and murder, including the murder of politicians and presidents. For example, as revealed in a cable written FBI attache Robert Scherrer, “FBI, Operation Condor Cable,” 9/28/1976, the CIA maintains a joint intelligence operation involving a network of secret police agencies and “special teams” which travel “anywhere in the world… to carry out assassination against terrorists or supporters of terrorist organizations,” including individuals or organizations inside the United States.
64). CIA contract agent and electronics expert, Robert D. Morrow, in his book, First Hand Knowledge—How I participated in the CIA-Mafia Murder of President Kennedy, claims that in July of 1963, Tracy Barnes, CIA head of Domestic Operations ordered him to procure “four Mannlicher 7.35 mm surplus rifles. I received a second phone call. It was del Valle calling from, I assumed, Miami. He asked me to supply him with four transceivers which were not detectable by any communications equipment then available on the market. I told him that I could provide him with sub-miniaturized units whose operation would be confined to a range of fifty or one hundred kilohertz. To operate any sizable distance, the units would require an antenna at least several feet in length. A wire taped to the user’s leg would easily suffice for this purpose. Del Valle then requested that I deliver the transceivers and the rifles to David Ferrie. Del Valle explained to me that the rifles and communications equipment were for his Free Cuba Committee, and that Clay and Ferrie were assisting him in the operation. Then he dropped the bomb. Del Valle exclaimed, “They had better be perfect, compadre. They are for Texas! …Kennedy is going to get it in Dallas!”
65). Jim Oliphant. Legal Times, 6/21/2000
66). Robert Groden & Harrison Livingstone. “High Treason: The Assassination of John F. Kennedy and the New Evidence of Conspiracy,” Berkley Books, 1989; Mark North, “Act of Treason: The Role of J. Edgar Hoover in the Assassination of President Kennedy,” Carroll & Graf, 1991.
67). Edward Jay Epstein, “Legend: The Secret World of Lee Harvey Oswald,” Hutchinson, 1978.
68). Richard H. Immerman, “John Foster Dulles: Piety, Pragmatism, and Power in U.S. Foreign Policy,” Scholarly Resources, 1999; Richard H. Immerman (Editor), “John Foster Dulles and the Diplomacy of the Cold War,” Princeton University Press, 1992.
69). Tom Wicker & Arthur M. Schlesinger, “Dwight D. Eisenhower 1953-1961,”Times Books, 2000; Robert R. Bowie & Richard H. Immerman, “Waging Peace: How Eisenhower Shaped an Enduring Cold War Strategy,” Oxford University Press, 2000.
70). Fred J. Cook, “The U-2 Incident, May, 1960: An American Spy Plane Downed over Russia Intensifies the Cold War,” Franklin Watts, 1973.
71). John M. Newman, “Oswald and the CIA,” 1995.
72). Haldeman, “The Ends of Power”,
73). Joseph McBride, ‘”George Bush,’ CIA Operative,” The Nation, July 16,1988.
74). Bob Woodward & Carl Bernstein, “The Final Days,” Avon Books. 75). Victor Marchetti, The Spotlight, Liberty Lobby, 8/14/1978. 76). CNN, “Howard Hunt: CIA Operative, Central America,” 9/1997 & 10/1997.
77). “Operation Zapata.” See page 89, Michael R. Beschloss, The Crisis Years: Kennedy and Khrushchev, 1960-63,” Edward Burlingame Books, 1991.
78). “Houston” and “Barbara” were the names of two of the ships used in the Bay of Pigs. See pages 79-80, Quintin Pino Machado, “La Batalla de Giron,” La Habana: Editorial de Ciencias Sociales, 1983; and see pages 98-99, “Schumacher, Operation Pluto,” and Peter Wyden, “Bay of Pigs, The Untold Story,” Simon and Shuster, 1979.
79). “Date: November 29,1963 To: Director Bureau of Intelligence and Research Department of State From: John Edgar Hoover, Director Subject: ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY NOVEMBER 22, 1963 Our Miami, Florida, Office on November 23, 1963 advised that the Office of Coordinator of Cuban Affairs in Miami advised that the Department of State feels some misguided anti-Castro group might capitalize on the present situation and undertake an unauthorized raid against Cuba, believing that the assassination of President John F. Kennedy might herald a change in US policy, which is not true. Our sources and informants familiar with Cuban matters in the Miami area advise that the general feeling in the anti-Castro Cuban community is one of stunned disbelief and, even among those who did not entirely agree with the President’s policy concerning Cuba, the feeling is that the President’s death represents a great loss not only to the US but to all Latin America. These sources know of no plans for unauthorized action against Cuba. An informant who has furnished reliable information in the past and who is close to a small pro-Castro group in Miami has advised that those individuals are afraid that the assassination of the President may result in strong repressive measures being taken against them and, although pro-Castro in their feelings, regret the assassination. The substance of the foregoing information was orally furnished to Mr. George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency and Captain William Edwards of the Defense Intelligence Agency on November 23, 1963, by Mr. W.T. Forsyth of this Bureau.”
80). “Report to the President by the Commission on CIA Activities Within the United States,” Washington: US Government Printing Office, 1975, pp. 251-267.
81). Georgie Anne Geyer, “Guerrilla Prince,” Little, Brown, 1991.
Joseph, R.
America Betrayed, R. Joseph — 1st ed. Includes Extensive Footnotes & References ISBN 0971644578
1. Terrorism 2. 9-11 3. Osama bin Laden 4. George Bush 5. Hitler 6. Nazi 7. Saudi Arabia 8. Taliban 9. Iraq
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