Hillary Clinton

Rigged Election Makes Hillary Greater Threat to US Than ISIS

Rigged or nullified elections can cause civil war, look no further than the Ukraine for that. God forbid that happens here, because if it does according to intelligence analysts, Russia and China will get involved, and we're done. This election was rigged, which makes Hillary the greatest threat to America bar none, above ISIS itself, as it doesn't control our republic or nuclear weapons. Bernie, Stein and Trump know it is rigged, Bernie admitted it, and everyone with half a brain knows it. People died for exposing this election fraud… So fuck Bernie or anyone else trying to extort you into voting for Hillary. Hate-mongering and fear-mongering are equally evil because they prevent us from acting rationally at a time in our history when critical thinking is of the utmost importance. […]

Donald Trump

What Was On that Sign?

She froze up, then had to be reassured twice before telling the crowd. Something shook her up. Secret Service has to tell her to "Keep talking. We can handle it. We're not going anywhere." Then she says "Apparently these people are here to protest Trump because  Trump and his kids have killed a lot of animals.So thank you for making that point."

Speaking of killing animals, is that like the emails where Hillary talks about sacrificing chickens to Moloch?

Man, these elites are weird. […]

Cloak and Dagger

Hillary, Key DNC Members Stand to Make Millions if She is Elected, TPP Passes

One thing is indisputable: members of the DNC stand to make millions if Hillary is elected, while they stand to lose millions if she isn't. Seth Rich (worked on Scott Kleeb's campaign, DNC staffer for voter engagement, deceased) and Mark Weiner (Democrat fund raiser, invested 5% in green energy firm Energy Pioneer Solutions, deceased). What is the goal of the Clinton Foundation and Clinton Global Initiative? Andrew Tobias admits that Clinton had been giving "insider tips" to friends within the DNC about a company called – you guessed it – Energy Pioneer Solutions. Now Andrew also admits that he went all in on this company ($1,000,000), even suggesting that was a lot of money for him, so the tip was given with a great deal of confidence in return on investment. […]

Hillary Clinton

Is Hillary Competent Enough to Hold a Press Conference?

According to earlier reports by The Guardian in 2012, a blood clot was discovered between her brain and skull and she been taking blood thinners. Though her prognosis was excellent at the time, she travels with a physician beside her as stress seems to trigger seizures, and apparently he has an injection pen, as seen. It's been over 240 days since she has had a news conference. The longer the press refuses to challenge the absence of press conferences the more we know they are collectively pitted against Americans themselves, much as they have been proven already by Wikileaks DNC emails revealing a secret DNC collusion with MSNBC, CBS, CNN, New York Times, Washington Post. […]

Hillary Clinton

Clinton Campaign: “Russia Rigging US Election by Exposing How We Rigged Election”

Russia is manipulating the 2016 U.S. presidential election by leaking hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) servers — emails that show the DNC rigged and manipulated the Democratic primary in favor of Hillary Clinton.

Call it an exercise in hypocrisy, or call it a deflection to detract from the fact that America’s political process is corrupt beyond belief. Either way, this is the narrative prevailing in the media as the Democratic Party, led by Clinton surrogates, attempts to downplay its own internal corruption by pinning the blame on Russia in what can be described as a “neo-Red Scare.” […]

Cloak and Dagger

Wikileaks DNC Emails: Rigged Primary and Media Collusion 100% Confirmed

DNC Dictates What CBS News Polls Can Say
Internal DNC research: Hillary has a problem with white women & poor whites.
DNC knew of Hillary paid troll factory attacking Sanders online.
Facebook is blocking #DNCLeak email links.
Washington Post & DNC joint unlisted fundraising party.
Broadcasters so far implicated in #DNCLeaks: MSNBC, CBS same as the ones one not covering the scandal.
Google now listing Wikileaks as a 'dangerous' site.
DNC constructing an anti-'Bernie narrative'.
ChuckTodd and the DNC scheming against @morningmika together.
8,034 US DNC attachments including thousands of images, 891 documents & 175 spreadsheets.
Buzzfeed working for Clinton campaign.
DNC Fear-mongering: “Use Comments on Race, Women, Inciting Violence to Make Trump Look Beyond the Pale.”

Donald Trump

Dictators Rig Elections: Hillary Now Greater Threat to Democracy Than Trump

Wikileaks proves DNC rigged primaries, robbed donors, undermined democracy. In rigging this primary election, in her now proven control of the media, she has exhibited more criminality and danger than Trump. For Sanders to support her he would literally be supporting the greater threat to democracy, a truly fascist state, as defined under the international standards regarding the absence of free elections. Perhaps he should go Green, contest, or pass the torch to someone else if the burden has become too heavy. Either way, as the DNC gets sued for defrauding donors of money by rigging the election for Hillary, Sanders needs to stop pretending there was no fraud lest further emails discredit him and loyalists as well. The absolute worst thing he can do, at this opportunity, is to bend a knee to the Clinton machine while hobbling the Greens or Libertarians hoping to create a lasting third party. […]

Donald Trump

DNC Wikileaks: “Dangerous Donald Trump” Narrative Now Suspect as “Violent” Bernie Bros Narrative

See original at Wikileaks

Please note both are fear-based narratives consistent with the most nefarious psyops and propaganda in politics. A narrative, in political terms, is a fictional story that is intended to frame a candidate in a positive or negative light. In modern attacks they are conveyed by manipulative and deceptive editing of video and/or audio which is then amplified in the media.

It is the opposite of the history of  a candidate, which relies on facts and records. Here, the DNC outlines the framing of Donald Trump and the narrative to be used. they also did this to Bernie Sanders, with that narrative being that he's a commie, crazy, and his supporters are violent, and dangerous "Bernie Bros." The term framing is self-evident: you are setting someone up for something they did not, or do not do. Bernie, in the chair throwing myth, was framed. […]

Hillary Clinton

DNC Leaks Notwithstanding, Hillary Campaign and Media Continue to Attack Third Parties

In fact, just use the search option on the Wikileaks page and type in Rachel Maddow, Chris Matthews, MSNBC, CNN. The results will surprise you. This is the most calculated political undermining of Democracy in US history. Don't be surprised if the media focus is on another mass shooting here or abroad, or any other "terror" event that could distract voters from such a devastating revelation. It wasn't just Bernie that was robbed, you, the American people, were all robbed for the sake of pushing the TPP into law. […]

Hillary Clinton

New leak: DNC plotted to expose Bernie Sanders as an “atheist”

Where have we seen this attempt to use religious bigotry to garner votes before? Oh yeah. With Obama, 2008, when the Clinton camp spread rumors about Obama being a Muslim to stoke terrorist fears. Except Obama was not Muslim. More important than that, however, is that the thousands of emails just released are the smoking gun that will make the ongoing class-action lawsuit against the DNC for secret collusion with the Clinton campaign that much harder to defend against in the courts and in the court of public opinion. […]

Hillary Clinton

Saudis Fund 20% of Hillary’s Campaign, Now We Know They Were Involved In 9/11

Saudi ties to 9/11 detailed in documents suppressed since 2002. But at least she has acknowledged that Saudi Arabia funds terrorists, and scolded them for it, while still being bankrolled by them in this election. And at least we can trust her to keep her word on overturning Citizens United, a feat requiring a constitutional amendment the most untrusted and divisive politician in US history can be counted on to achieve. […]

Hillary Clinton

Study the Body Language: Something Serious Afoot

In particular, study Victoria Nuland. In contradiction to the State Department, also note Josh Earnest, the White House spokesman, who cryptically calls the consequences of not removing Syrian President Assad "quite grave." It is unknown if the White House was  aware of the visit. All we know now is that it involved a US-Russian alliance in fighting ISIS. […]

Donald Trump

Urgent Apppeal to REINSTATE Secret Service Protection for Sen. Bernie Sanders

It should be no surprise that so many in the Bush cabinet are supporting Hillary now: Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, and Karl Rove. Notes on how the Clintons collaborated with Karl Rove and tech guru Mikey Cunnygnham to rig 2000, 2008, 2016 election. Appeal to reinstate Secret Service protection for Sen. Bernie Sanders over highly credible threat to his life. A pattern emerges: notes on Donald Trump assassination attempt in Vegas in late June.  A brief background on May 6, 2016 amendment to 1963 post-Kennedy assassination executive order for a peaceful presidential transition,  Obama's Executive Order — Facilitation of a Presidential Transition. Hillary's "Bernie bump" fails to materialize, Hillary actually drops in polls, below Trump, after Bernie's coerced endorsement. […]