Something shook her up. Secret Service has to tell her to “Keep talking. We can handle it. We’re not going anywhere.”
She froze up, then had to be reassured twice before telling the crowd “Apparently these people are here to protest Trump because Trump and his kids have killed a lot of animals. So thank you for making that point.”
Going after family too? Damn Hillary, that’s pretty low for anyone.
Speaking of killing animals, is that like the emails where Hillary talks about sacrificing chickens to Moloch? We don’t know if Hillary is serious about sacrificing chickens in her backyard to Moloch, but we know for a fact she likes to commune with the dead. Bill Clinton said as much in a very strange speech below.

Bill Clinton Says Hillary Talks to Dead People
“Because as all of you famously learned when I served as president, my wife, now the Secretary of State, was known to commune with Eleanor on a regular basis…she told me that Eleanor reminded her to tell me that I should say that…”
Bill Clinton (see video clip above) See source from Trey Smith
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