Cloak and Dagger

Journalists Are Killed By the State, CNN Frauds in No Danger

“The German and American media tries to bring war to the people in Europe, to bring war to Russia. This is a point of no return, and I am going to stand up and say … it is not right what I have done in the past, to manipulate people, to make propaganda against Russia…because war is never coming from itself, there is always people who push for war, and this is not only politicians, it is journalists too. … We have betrayed our readers, just to push for war. …” Udo Ulfkotte. Other journalists that paid the ultimate price.: Andrew Breitbart died of a “heart attack” after suggesting John Podesta was involved in a pedophilia ring. Another whistleblower, Ted Gunderson of the FBI,  died of arsenic poisoning, as did Breitbart’s coroner. To quote the RT article: “Michael Cormier, 61, passed away on April 20, the Los Angeles Times reports this week. Although Cormier’s death is only being publicized now, the timing of actual passing actually came within hours of the release of the preliminary autopsy report of Breitbart.” But Breitbart had the last laugh, albeit posthumously, as his news site became a trusted and powerful influence in the 2016 election. His partner Steve Bannon would go on to be President Trump’s chief strategist. […]

Independent Press

What a Shaman Sees in A Mental Hospital

To test his belief that the shamanic view of mental illness holds true in the Western world as well as in indigenous cultures, Dr. Somé took a mental patient back to Africa with him, to his village. “I was prompted by my own curiosity to find out whether there’s truth in the universality that mental illness could be connected with an alignment with a being from another world,” says Dr. Somé. […]

Hillary Clinton

Guccifer’s Letter Claims Hillary a Satanic High Priestess

“He [L. Ron Hubbard] got hold of the book by Alistair Crowley called The Book of the Law. He was very interested in…the creation of what some people call the Moon Child. It was basically an attempt to create an immaculate conception– except by Satan rather than by God. Another important idea was the creation of what they call embryo implants –of getting a satanic or demonic spirit to inhabit the body of a fetus. This would come about as a result of black-magic rituals, which included the use of hypnosis, drugs, and other dangerous and destructive practices. One of the important things was to destroy the evidence if you failed at this immaculate conception. That’s how my father became obsessed with abortions.” […]

Donald Trump

Madonna Should Be Arrested

Sane people simply don’t obsess about blowing up the White House and killing the President of the United States. Death via forced and unprotected sex with Madonna “Senior Discount” Ciccione was bad enough, but now we’re talking about her new obsession, mass murder. She already proved her influence when the crowd cheered her on, and when, to show solidarity with the ancient, perverted sick fuck, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow tweeted that President Trump “needs to be taken out.” This means assassination. It is not a political term, it is a threat, and frankly very unusual even for this emotional, troubled young man. […]

Hillary Clinton

The Clinton-Silsby Child Trafficking Scandal And How The Media Attempted To Cover It Up

Contrary to reports in the media, the crowd sourced investigation labeled by some as “Pizzagate” did not begin with internet sleuths digging through the Wikileaks Podesta Files releases looking for pizza parlors and encoded language discussing human trafficking. It began with the shocking discovery that Hillary and Bill Clinton provided assistance to convicted child trafficker, Laura Silsby, resulting in a reduced sentence for child trafficking. […]

Donald Trump

John Lewis a Hero? He Fought Voting Rights of Poor in 2016

Fuck John Lewis. He was complicit in a conspiracy to deny our vote so Hillary could be elected. The only thing he can be thanked for is opening the door to discussion about the class-action lawsuit against the DNC for rigging the primaries, a major assault on the voting rights of Democrats. MLK fought for voting rights. John Lewis fought against the voting rights of those who voted in the primaries. In 2016, in Puerto Rico and elsewhere, he supported a candidate that shut down polling stations to make it harder for people sympathetic to Bernie to vote. In NYC over 100,000 voters leaning towards Bernie were purged from the rolls and it is now being handled by the DoJ. In this battle for voting rights, at least two also died in July of 2016 alone. […]


Bernie Lost His Street Cred

The only people that actually believe the Russians hacked our election are the same geniuses that spray their laptops with Lysol so they won’t get a virus. And here they are, in high office, taking the word of a butt hurt sore loser that unleashed a string of lies blaming her election loss on the Bernie Bros, racists, xenophobes, Alex Jones, James Comey, Obama, a biased pro-Trump media, Facebook, fake news, and now Putin. If you’re over 10 and cannot see the pattern of unending falsehood consistent with a pathological liar who not only insults your intelligence but flings it down and stomps upon it, please limit your grandiloquent opining to the kiddie table, this is grown-up talk. […]


Shakespeare: “Snowflakes Hateth Me!”

Verily, it dost seem special snowflakes hath been triggered by mine awesome legacy and shadow. Even I tremble, and I am he. Behold this article at the National Review:

“U Penn Removes Shakespeare Portrait Because He Does Not Represent ‘Diversity’” And I, The Bard was replaced with a portrait of a black lesbian poet few doth know about, and verily I wandered far and wide to find someone who heard of her. Who is this woman? Thou mayest often find the answer at the local eatery near U Penn. Whenst the middle-aged cashier asketh unto thee “Do you want fries with that?” inquire of the timeless mystery that is Audre Lourde. […]

Hillary Clinton

Hillary, Show Us Where the Bad, Bad Putin Touched You

So you feel violated? Did someone exercise their right to vote for someone other than yourself? The hell you say! Not  in MY country! Did someone reveal the sobering truth about you and confirm the undecided voter’s worst fears? Oh, hell no! You want Congress to investigate, or attack Russia? Eh, slow down, sparky. Unfortunately, for you at least, that’s how elections work. I see you pointed at the doll’s head. Is that the place where those bad, bad voters made you feel like a sore fucking loser? […]