
LBJ Ordered CIA Hit on Robert F. Kennedy. Who Else Was Involved?

To keep it short, we are operating from the overwhelming evidence that Sen. Robert. F. Kennedy knew President Lyndon Baines Johnson had his brother killed, according to RFK himself. He realized this fully with the Jim Garrison trial of Clay Shaw, when the CIA role in the killing of his brother became clear. Once this was clear, had RFK become become president, as he was certain to do, LBJ and all conspirators would face certain justice.  So they killed him. So here are the other players… […]

2017 JFK Files

Declassified JFK Files: Surgeon General Report Indicates at Least 2 Shooters

“I was standing on top of the triple underpass and the President’s Car was coming down Elm Street and when they got just about to the Arcade I heard what I thought for the moment was a fire cracker and he slumped over and I looked over toward the arcade and trees and saw a puff of smoke come from the trees and I heard three more shots after the first shot but that was the only puff of smoke I saw.” […]

2017 JFK Files

Declassified JFK Files: Multiple Shooters, FBI Paid Oswald, CIA Makes Fake News, LBJ Was Coup Linchpin and in KKK

While yesterday’s pre-planned release of JFK files was significantly neutered at the request of the CIA and FBI, enraging Lou Dobbs among others, the 2800+ files which were released have been poured over extensively, revealing evidence of a second shooter, a massive CIA infiltration of the MSM, a tipoff phone call received 25 minutes before the assassination, and Soviet intelligence indicating the assassination was a coup involving LBJ among other things.

Summary of findings so far:

Two shooters, one escaped: […]


Benjamin Fulford: Is Donald Trump too scared to name George Bush Sr. and P2 Freemasons as Kennedy assassins?

U.S. Corporation President Donald Trump last week announced he would release all records related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, “other than the names and addresses of any mentioned person who is still living.”  In other words, it appears he is too scared to mention the involvement of George Bush (Scherf, Pecce) Sr. and the Vatican P2 Freemason lodge fascist New World Order faction. Pentagon officials, however, say, “Trump muscled the CIA, Mossad, the FBI, and the Bush cabal to release ALL JFK files, since [then Israeli Prime Minister] Ben Gurion wanted JFK dead, and the same perps also did 9/11.” […]

2017 JFK Files

Declassified JFK Files: NBC vs. America

UPDATED: CIA and NBC cover-up detailed in #JFKfiles. “As a matter of fact, the Warren Commission’s inquiry into the assassination started off with a completely unacceptable philosophy for a democracy like ours. One of its stated objectives was to calm the fears of the people about a conspiracy.” […]

Hillary Clinton

8 Years Ago Hillary Evoked RFK Assassination to Stay in Race

"How could you? Do you realize that with that one comment you threw away whatever shot you may have had to fulfill your dream of convincing, brainwashing and/or bullying the super D's into handing you the nomination? How could you implode like that? It was a despicable act of desperation and, quite frankly, it was pathetic. With that one reckless opportunistic blunder you not only threw away the campaign, but your legacy as well. A once valiant warrior, you are now just a sad footnote in history. An embarrassment. I suspect you will never recover politically from your monumentally insensitive RFK comment, made in the very same week that Massachusetts Sen. Ted Kennedy was diagnosed with a deadly brain tumor. "And so I can no longer support this destructive campaign of yours…" […]


Fake News- How the Washington Post Censors the News

"Recall how the Post saved us from the truth about Iran-Contra. Professional conspiracy exorcist Mark Hosenball was hired to ridicule the idea that Oliver North and his CIA-associated gangsters had conspired to do wrong (*1). And when, in their syndicated column, Jack Anderson and Dale Van Atta discussed some of the conspirators, the Post sprang to protect its readers, and the conspirators, by censoring the Anderson column before printing it (*2).“ […]


The Lincoln-Kennedy Parallels That Really Matter

Booth:  "I would be permitted to pass and protected by himself (Mr. Johnson) absolutely in my escape, and that on the death of President Lincoln, he (Vice-President Johnson) would become president of the United States, and that in this official capacity I could depend on him for protection and absolute pardon, if need be, for the crime of killing President Lincoln, which he had suggested to me and I had agreed to perform." […]


The Men Who Killed Kennedy

The Men Who Killed Kennedy, a nine part documentary on the John F. Kennedy assassination by Nigel Turner, censored by the History Channel under pressure from the Lyndon Johnson estate. It is by far the best researched and irrefutable authority on the events leading up the killing, those responsible, and what it meant for America. […]

2017 JFK Files

AUDIO: Air Force One, Nov. 22, 1963, Moments After JFK Assassinated

You are listening to some of the air traffic conversations which took place throughout the afternoon of November 22, 1963. The White House Situation Room, code-named Crown, is providing updated information from the press ticker to the president’s air crew in Dallas and to the crew of the plane carrying Secretary of State Dean Rusk. (Rusk’s plane here is called “Wayside.”) The code name “Volunteer” belongs to Lyndon Johnson. […]


JFK, RFK and King Assassinations Must be Declassified

It’s the lone nuts that really should give one pause for thought as they are actually the most plausible examples of extremist political conspiracies. Sane people have enough trouble approaching the president without an insider. Someone that hears voices, hallucinates, and is completely detached from reality could never get close to the president unless someone on the inside put him there. You can see these people a mile away. […]