Lone nuts with remarkable access then and now: Sarah Jane Moore, Squeaky Fromme, attempted to Kill President Gerald Ford. Fromme was the product of a man convicted of programming assassins in the United States. You may have heard of him: Charles Manson, who programmed a Family to kill in the Tate and LaBianca murders in 1969, hoping to start a race war. James Earl Ray, Sirhan Sirhan, Arthur Bremer, John Hinkley. In lower inset is Oscar Ortega, a recent shooter who believes Obama is the Antichrist, a belief literally promulgated in the Christian Zionist right-wing media since day one. In handcuffs a White House intruder, Omar Gonzalez, who jumped over the fence with a knife and made it into the interior, the Green Room.
Time to Declassify Ultra Right -wing Involvement in Presidential Killings. Assassins Would be Protected by Media Otherwise. Again.
FBI telex warning of right-wing militant plot to kill Kennedy in Dallas on November 22, 1963.Circulated widely by militant segregationists in Dallas, November 22, 1963, the day of Kennedy’s assassination.
Not unlike the case with President Kennedy in 1963, right-wing fanatics have made no secret of plans to kill President Obama and have already attempted it. They have always been the greatest threat, so he may as well do whatever he can to prevent his own assassination from getting covered-up if yet another “lone nut” strikes again.
Extremist ideology isn’t limited to Klansmen or their ilk, it also exists among the global elites. These extremist media assets control both the left and right wing broadcasters at the ownership level, so preemptive awareness is essential. Look at the wonderful job they’ve done concealing the Kennedy and King assassinations using the CIA “conspiracy theorist” smear gambit from 1967. As Presidents have always been silenced and controlled by the threat of assassination under the global elites if they ever strayed from the script or followed their conscience, we are in an unusual position right now, thanks to the internet and social media, to prevent what honorable leaders fear most: to be murdered by elites and have it covered up by the corporate media these elites control. In America that’s just five corporations, and they almost always work together.
The truth would force us to have a national reassessment of what Lyndon Johnson really did to our country through his role in the Kennedy and King assassinations, to see that very, very dark side Robert Kennedy often alluded to, and weigh that against the positive things, which were still considerable. The net gain is that it would be much, much harder for a good leader to be gunned down or die in a “mysterious” plane crash once there is a data dump of all known records pertaining to the assassination of American political officials then and now. It would also mean justice, at long last. No other president in history has been in this unique position to preemptively warn the world about his likeliest assassins and who to look for first in case something happens to him. In 2008, social media was not the force it was today.
AUDIO: November 9th, 1963, Joseph Milteer boasts of a right-wing plot to kill Kennedy in Dallas in a clip recorded by the Miami police department. By November 17, 1963, the FBI had began dispatching telexes to field offices to warn of a right-wing militant plot to kill Kennedy in Dallas on November 22, 1963.
Miami, Florida Nov. 9, 1963
Klansman Joseph Milteer
INFORMANT: I think Kennedy is coming here on the 18th, or something like that to make some kind of speech. . . .
MILTEER: You can bet your bottom dollar he is going to have a lot to say about the Cubans. There are so many of them here.
INFORMANT: Yeah. Well, he will have a thousand bodyguards, don’t worry about that.
MILTEER: The more bodyguards he has the easier it is to get him.
INFORMANT: Well, how in the hell do you figure would be the best way to get him?”
MILTEER: From an office building with a high-powered rifle… He knows he’s a marked man…
INFORMANT: They are really going to try to kill him?
MILTEER: Oh yeah, it is in the working. . . .
INFORMANT: Boy, if that Kennedy gets shot, we have got to know where we are at. Because you know that will be a real shake if they do that.
MILTEER: They wouldn’t leave any stone unturned there, no way. They will pick somebody up within hours afterwards, if anything, like that would happen. Just to throw the public off.
Milteer stated that President Kennedy would be assassinated in a few days, shot from an office building with a high powered rifle. He noted that a patsy would be arrested within hours.
Earlier, in April 1963, Milteer had attended a Congress of Freedom convention in New Orleans. An informant there reported that Milteer was a director of the Dixie Clan of Georgia, a radical offshoot of the KKK. Political assassinations were discussed at the convention.
“It is his [the informant’s] considered opinion that for assassination through rifles, dynamite, and other types of devices, this is the worst outfit he has ever come across.” The Third Decade, Jan. 1986; see Russell, “The Man Who Knew Too Much”
Somersett continued to supply reports on Milteer following the assassination:
“MILTEER advised that they did not have to worry about LEE HARVEY OSWALD getting caught because ‘he doesn’t know anything’ and that the ‘right wing’ is in the clear. MILTEER further related that,
‘The patriots have outsmarted the communists and infiltrated the communist group in order that they (communists) could carry out the plan without the right-wingers becoming involved’…”As you can hear in the audio clip, Miami police recorded an FBI informant who discussed the assassination with Milteer. Milteer stated that President Kennedy would be assassinated in a few days, shot from an office building with a high powered rifle. He noted that a patsy would be arrested within the hour. When told there would be plenty of bodyguards, he said it would make it easier, and that was indeed the case. On November 24, 1963, two days after the assassination, Milteer related that they would not have to worry about Lee Harvey Oswald getting caught because he “doesn’t know anything” and that the “right wing” is in the clear. He also stated that “The patriots have outsmarted the communists and had infiltrated the communist group in order that they (communists) could carry out the plan without the right wingers becoming involved…”
One of the most brutal, and well-earned grillings you will ever hear. Here’s Secret Service Director Julia Pierson explaining why they decided to stand down after agents had made it clear shots were fired.
The resignation of Secret Service Director Julia Pierson after several serious breaches wasn’t too much a surprise and though her tenure was brief it was long overdue. We’ve had one lone nut too many: another “lone nut” goes after the president, another gets on the premises with a knife, another unvetted and relatively sane felon gets on the same elevator with the president. It’s the lone nuts that really should give one pause for thought as they are actually the most plausible examples of political conspiracies, because sane people have enough trouble approaching the president without an insider. Someone that hears voices, hallucinates, and is completely detached from reality could never get close to the president unless someone on the inside put him there. You can see these people a mile away.
Secret Service stands down before limousine reaches Grassy Knoll. Vice-President Lyndon Johnson was in charge of security that day. The Treasury Department is in charge of the Secret Service. The Federal Reserve controls the Treasury Department. Guess which bankers control the Fed?
[pullquote]The obvious results of all three assassinations would indicate that the extreme right wing, known to be widespread in the cryptocracy, had the most to gain. By their deaths, the civil rights movement was severely crippled, the conflict in Vietnam escalated, and the corrupt leaders of the cryptocracy stayed in power.[/pullquote]Right-wing calls for President Obama’s death have been anything but secret since his election in 2008.
In the wake of the recent assassination attempts on President Obama’s life, however, it’s due time to declassify all records of right-wing involvement in the Kennedy and King assassinations not only because justice demands it, but for the sake of any semblance of a representative democracy. Numerous Secret Service security lapses have been too egregious to ignore. In the September elevator incident where a felon and private security guard could have killed Obama, we saw a replay of the scenario with Thane Eugene Caesar, a last-minute private security guard who shot Senator Robert F. Kennedy in the head from about an inch behind his right ear. Caesar escaped scrutiny, of course, because the key suspect in the assassination (President Johnson) tacitly controlled the investigation. Lost to most historians is the real reason Johnson refused to run for re-election in 1968: a year earlier, the Clay Shaw trial directly implicated Johnson in the killing of President Kennedy, this to the point that RFK confronted Johnson directly and asked “Why did you have my brother killed?”
That security guard was also a painful reminder of the moment Hillary Clinton, while running against Obama for the presidential candidate nomination in 2008, argued that she wanted to stay in the race even after it was certain she’d lose the nomination to Obama because “My husband did not wrap up the nomination in 1992 until he won the California primary somewhere in the middle of June, right? We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California.” RFK was killed by a planted security guard, Thane Eugene Caesar, who hated the Kennedys and blacks, and was hired at the last minute. Sirhan shot from the front, from several feet away. The fatal shot, again, came from behind the right ear, where Caesar was standing with the same exact model gun as Sirhan’s. Attempts to question him at Sirhan’s trial were in vain, and not because he had an army of lawyers to help, it was simply because he didn’t want to, and the defense attorney left it at that.
Navy barracks in Coronado California, built in 1967. “The obvious results of all three assassinations would indicate that the extreme right wing, known to be widespread in the cryptocracy, had the most to gain. By their deaths, the civil rights movement was severely crippled, the conflict in Vietnam escalated, and the corrupt leaders of the cryptocracy stayed in power.”
Some telling notes on MKULTRA programmed assassins (see Senate hearings in article below) from “Operation Mind Control” by Walter Bowart:
MKULTRA was fully operational when Luis Castillo was programmed. It was active that same decade when events blamed on three “lone assassins” changed the course of history.
In a well-executed, mass indoctrination campaign employing all the honor, prestige, and power of the U.S. government, Americans were told over and over again that the lives of John Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and Robert Kennedy were all taken by lone assassins—men operating without political motivation. These three assassins—Lee Harvey Oswald, James Earl Ray, and Sirhan Sirhan—conveniently left diaries, underlinings in various books, and other self-incriminating clues to establish their guilt.
The evidence gathered on the assassinations remains fragmented and incomplete. Any event of such magnitude as political assassination is bound to invite a large number of interpretations….. A string of circumstantial evidence, and a knowledge of the fundamentals of mind control invites further speculation.
In each case the method was the same—death by the bullet. In each case the circumstances were the same— murder in a public place in view of many witnesses. All three assassins were men whose personal histories can be interpreted to indicate that they were mentally unstable. Evidence exists that all three had been hypnotized at one But the similarity in their psychological profiles, and the “coincidence” of each having left a trail of evidence, did not seem suspicious to the government investigators of the assassination. That three assassins, from three different parts of the country, with three different ethnic backgrounds (and three different victims in three different cities), could all have had the same modus operandi did not seem improbable to the investigators. Those “coincidences” did not even warrant their notice.
A good detective would immediately have suspected that the M.O. of each assassin was a cover laid down by a professional hit team.
Lone nuts with remarkable access then and now: Sarah Jane Moore, Squeaky Fromme, attempted to Kill President Gerald Ford. Fromme was the product of a man convicted of programming assassins in the United States. You may have heard of him: Charles Manson, who programmed a Family to kill in the Tate and LaBianca murders in 1969, hoping to start a race war. James Earl Ray, Sirhan Sirhan, Arthur Bremer, John Hinkley. In lower inset is Oscar Ortega, a recent shooter who believes Obama is the Antichrist, a belief literally promulgated in the Christian Zionist right-wing media since day one. In handcuffs a White House intruder, Omar Gonzalez, who jumped over the fence with a knife and made it into the interior, the Green Room.
The cryptocracy which grew up after World War II was composed of a cadre of professionals, trained during the war. Professional intelligence agents in both the KGB and the CIA are trained to stick to the cover story that works, and use it as long as it does work. Even if the cover story is blown, the agent is supposed to stick to it and, if necessary, die with sealed lips. The “lone nut” theory—that the assas- sins of King and the Kennedys had acted alone—and the evidence planted to support that theory, stands out as a typical professional intelligence “cover.”
The modus operandi or method of a murder is the first of two major clues detectives use to solve crimes. The second clue is the motive.
Those who support the “lone nut” theory point to the fact that no clear political motive could be attributed to any of the three assassins. Yet even to a casual student of history each of the three murders was of obvious political benefit to the extreme right: John and Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King were all independent thinkers who could not be bought off. They worked for expanded civil rights in a manner the right wing interpreted as being Communist, e.g., it involved government legislation of civil rights.
J. Edgar Hoover is known to have had a personal vendetta against Dr. King, and it has been reported that he lost no love for the Kennedy brothers. The Kennedys were not only on the wrong side of Hoover’s FBI, they were on the wrong side of the CIA as well. JFK fired several top intelligence officers (he asked for Allen Dulles’ resignation) and at the time of his death he was privately talking about reorganizing the entire U.S. intelligence service. Robert Kennedy, as attorney general, was waging a tireless campaign against organized crime. His campaign cut across the alliance the CIA had formed with gangsters who had lost their gambling and drug concessions in Cuba. Robert Kennedy was a close friend of Dr. King, and one rumor persists that the assassins had issued a dire warning that RFK not run for president, and that King was sacrificed to show that the group meant business. A similar threat was issued against Ted Kennedy when he was entertaining presidential thoughts. Robert Kennedy’s knowledge of the CIA-Mafia link and the CIA assassination teams might have been a motive behind the motive, assuming that fanatical right-wing operators were “contracted” for the “Executive actions” against the three.
The obvious results of all three assassinations would indicate that the extreme right wing, known to be widespread in the cryptocracy, had the most to gain. By their deaths, the civil rights movement was severely crippled, the conflict in Vietnam escalated, and the corrupt leaders of the cryptocracy stayed in power.
Frank Reynolds: “I tremble to think he had such a clear shot, and did not hit him…” This was the first news flash, and Reagan was, of course, hit and almost fatally so.
Famous Secret Service fails: “lone nut” John Hinckley, attempted to assassinate President Ronald Reagan. His family were wealthy supporters of Vice-President George H. W. Bush, and his son Neil was to have dinner with the suspect’s brother. For a post-assassination briefing? The question is always one of access and if you can’t or don’t want to connect the dots, you probably don’t belong on this site because we will be using a lot of big words like cat, apple, dog, reality and truth. In that case, if you are more comfortable with the media narrative, perhaps this page would be more to your liking.
[pullquote]Hinckley was waiting for Reagan, in full view of the Secret Service, without being questioned or checked for weapons. That wasn’t a breach, it was an RSVP.[/pullquote]The recent security breaches at the White House, and the manifest threats to Obama’s life, came mostly from “lone nuts” such as the last one, a man said to be suffering from PTSD. Lone nuts are designed to conceal conspirators, and always were. The fact that Pierson was so fucking clueless she never read up on political conspiracies (coups) dating back to Julius Caesar and successful assassination plots staged by the CIA and other intelligence agencies here and abroad, is infuriating considering that was her job if she ever hoped to protect an American president. We’re not even talking classified documents she could refer to, but long declassified ones. It boggles the imagination that anyone in the Secret Service would rely on the corporate media to educate them on how assassination plots work in the real world.
President Ronald Reagan did not want George H.W. Bush on the ticket in 1980. It took threats and a lot of persuading, and after that, with the bad blood out in the open, we had this. The man who shot Reagan and several others, John Hinkley, came from the Hinckley family; a very wealthy supporter of Bush, Sr. when he ran against Reagan for the Republican nomination… Rhawn Joseph writes “Another ‘coincidence.’ In the days before the assassination attempt, plans had been made for Vice-President Bush to assume the presidency on March 31,1981, should Reagan die or be killed. Reagan was shot at close range on March 30, 1981. As recalled by Bush ally, James Baker—one of the ‘Texans’ mentioned by Nixon when discussing the Bay of Pigs-Kennedy Assassination—: ‘there had been a FEMA [Federal Emergency Management Administration] exercise scheduled for the next day on presidential succession.’”
Obama Must Toe the Line on Israel or Die…
“Three, give a go-ahead for US-based MOSSAD agents to take out a president unfriendly to Israel in order for the current vice-president to take his place, and forcefully dictate that the United States’ policy includes helping the Jewish state obliterate its enemies.”
Who controls our foreign policy? Go Rothschilds! (That’s their seal hidden there. This London-based banking dynasty created the state of Israel.) They are also responsible for the Federal Reserve and other naughty antics, such as funding war-mongering “Christian Zionist” churches that teach they should be politically and spiritually led by people who don’t believe in Jesus, such as King Bibi.
“Atlanta, GA – The owner of a Jewish newspaper in Atlanta has said he deeply regrets writing a column suggesting that Israel consider “a hit” on Barack Obama if he stands in the way of the Jewish state defending itself….” or as the publisher writes : “Three, give a go-ahead for US-based MOSSAD agents to take out a president unfriendly to Israel in order for the current vice-president to take his place, and forcefully dictate that the United States’ policy includes helping the Jewish state obliterate its enemies. Yes, you heard “three’ correctly. Order a hit on the president in order to preserve Israel’s existence.” The underlying belief here is that the United States is obligated to preserve Israel’s existence before its own, and that we must assassinate or allow the assassination of ANY president who disagrees with Israeli foreign policy. So in answer to the question “What Would You Do?” I would arrest this publisher for treason or at the the very least, deport him to Israel.
Adler’s push for US-based MOSSAD agents to kill the president isn’t based on fiction. Nor is his idea original, as in Tel Aviv, when Netanyahu is said to have floated the idea after Obama recognized HAMAS. The MOSSAD is defining saturation, with unchecked espionage to keep our leaders in check.
Senator SCHWEIKER. Subproject 54, MKULTRA, which involved examination of techniques to cause brain concussions and amnesia by using weapons or sound waves to strike individuals without giving and without leaving any clear physical marks. Someone dubbed it “perfect concussion” — maybe that was poetic license on the part of our staff rather than your poets over there. I wonder if you could just tell us what brain concussion experiments were about?
Admiral TURNER. This project, No. 54, was canceled, and never carried out.
Senator SCHWEIKER. Well, I do believe the first year of the project in 1955 was carried out by the Office of Naval Research, according to the information that you supplied us. The CIA seems to have been participating in some way at that point, because the records go on to say that the experimenter at ONR found out about CIA’s role, discovered that it was a cover, and then the project was transferred to MKULTRA in 1956. Again, this is all from the backup material you have given us.
A CIA MKULTRA subject that underwent 6 months of ECT, heavy doses of LSD, and sensory deprivation. She is an 8-10 year-old with the brain of a newborn baby.
MK-ULTRA and Project Artichoke
According to the CIA assassination training files for Operation PB Success: [easyrotator]erc_84_1407609546[/easyrotator] Project Artichoke and the Programmed Assassin
“1. The ARTICHOKE Team visited [redacted] during period 8 January to 15 January 1954. The purpose of the visit was to give an evaluation of a hypothetical problem, namely: Can an individual of ****** descent be made to perform an act of attempted assassination involuntarily under the influence of ARTICHOKE?
a. The essential elements of the problem are as follows:
(1) As a “trigger mechanism” for a bigger project, it was proposed that an individual of ****** descent approximately 35 years old, well educated, proficient in English and well established socially and politically in the ****** Government be induced under ARTICHOKE to perform an act, involuntarily, of attempted assassination against a prominent ****** politician or if necesssary, against an American official…
Source: Page from a CIA memorandum from 1954. Published in Phil Melanson’s The Robert F. Kennedy Assassination, (New York: Shapolsky Publishers, Inc, 1994). In the exhibits (page not numbered).
From Sirhan’s pre-assassination diary notes on the Illuminati, Star of David sketches, evidence of hypnoconditioning strong enough to lead the LAPD to search for a programmer. See slideshow. In 1968, Sen. Robert F. Kennedy’s assassin, Sirhan Sirhan, wrote of the Illuminati and Master Kithumi in his notebooks prior to the killing. Kithumi is a reference to an occult master who gave Madam Helena Blavatsky her Secret Doctrine, a theory of 7 root races, particularly the supremacy of the Aryan race, upon which Nazism was founded.
If you listen closely, you’ll realize the hypnotist is more concerned with implanting memories rather than retrieving them. Sirhan shot at RFK from in front, but the fatal wound was an inch behind his ear. The only armed man behind RFK was Thane Eugene Caesar, a hired security guard that detested the Kennedys. He was also a member of the Ku Klux Klan, a hate-powered wind-up automaton designed to be manipulated and controlled by the very people he hated most. What is clear is that the assassination was designed to sow enmity against the Palestinian people because that’s exactly what Sirhan was, and ostensibly why Sirhan killed Kennedy.
At the time, Israel had just attacked the USS Liberty and killed 34 Americans. For insiders, this was the second time Israel was implicated in a major attack against Americans, as MOSSAD (e.g. Polka Dot Girl) and CIA involvement in the RFK killing was obvious from the beginning.
Methinks I am a conspiracy theorist. Art thou? Thou block, thou stone, thou worse than senseless thing, for whilst thou slept didst this become a badge of honor. Informed dissent shall always prevail, wherefore art thou worthy, or art thou this unwholesome fool in the group conformity experiment herein?
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