Cloak and Dagger

Russian Conspiracy Theory Fail

No Russians involved. Dr. Steve Pieczenik was Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance and James Baker. His expertise includes foreign policy, international crisis management and psychological warfare. He served the presidential administrations of Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush in the capacity of deputy assistant secretary.

In 1974, Pieczenik joined the US State Department as a consultant to help in the restructuring of its Office for the Prevention of Terrorism. […]


American Holocaust: 9/11 an Irrefutable Nuclear Event

“The file included documentation of a 2003 preliminary report on 9/11 which identified the event as a nuclear demolition on behalf of a terrorist organization that had accessed nuclear material from US stockpiles though Israeli penetration of the Department of Energy. It further alleged that the Department of Homeland Security had been established to manage the coverup and silence whistleblowers.” […]

Cloak and Dagger

Podesta UFO Talk Part of “FIRESIGN” Staged Crisis

“The ability to produce these effects across 23% of the continental United States is the objective of FIRESIGN and field tests in the Levant [with ISIS?] have proven successful. The FIRESIGN scenario is that of an invading extraterrestrial force of nearly incomprehensible scale (massive floating cities descending, god-sized “walkers” among the clouds with terrifying weapons, wheels of fire and eyes, etc.). John Podesta’s unusual fixation with UFOs include making them Hillary’s transparency talking point, as exposed in Wikileaks, giving us the framework for a terrifying political psychodrama. […]



9/11 has been one of the biggest events in recent history to spark a mass awakening across the world. There has been much debate over how it happened, who is responsible, and why they did it. To this day, about one third of Americans do not believe the official story. In other parts of the world, the number of skeptics reaches upwards of 90% of the population.

Here is a list of 24 facts that cannot be debunked about 9/11. […]

Cloak and Dagger

Government Insider WARNS – “The Second American Revolution Has Begun”

Paul Ryan responsible for leaked tape, given to him by his associate, Dan Senor. Ryan planned to be installed president in 2020. True source for Wikileaks revealed and are the white hats in the alphabet agencies appalled at the extent of the Clinton Foundation's massive money laundering scheme, corruption and treason. Operation Garden Plot exposed; plan to blame Russia for Wikileaks. "Phony war" about to end. "The end of the republic has never looked better." President Obama […]

Cloak and Dagger

Ryan Coup Fail in RNC Setup; Why He Wanted Clinton Win

Night of Long Knives looming. In face of concurrent Wikileaks damning Hillary, when their candidate is headed for a win and leading, implicated Clinton Foundation  GOP officials target Trump instead of focusing outrage on Clinton leaks. Correlation between Republicans implicated in Clinton Foundation charity fraud/money laundering scandal and Trump opposition examined. Scandal helps identify weak flank. The GOP expect fallout from Wikileaks, know Ryan or replacement won't prosecute. GOP agree to circle wagons around un-electable Hillary to avoid "elder" prosecution. Coup plotters panic as leaders ratted out. Expect massive revolt.

Ryan knew for months that the Washington Post had the tapes, so did Priebus.

Developing. […]

Cloak and Dagger

China Enraged After Obama Orders SpaceX Rocket Destroyed

China became so “enraged” at President Obama’s ordering the destruction of a SpaceX rocket in Florida on Thursday (1 September) they refused to greet him as a visiting head-of-state upon his arrival at Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport (HGH) forcing America’s leader to “go out of the ass” of Air Force One and one Chinese official accosting his top National Security Advisor, Susan Rice, and screaming at her “this is our country, our airport.” As to why President Obama was treated so “shamefully/dishonorably” by the Chinese, this report explains, was due to the United States “deliberate and calculated” military interference of a “legitimate” international business “transaction/sale deal” between China and an Israeli company named Spacecom. […]

Cloak and Dagger

Anyone But Clinton, Vote Against Dems Down the Line for Rigging Primary, TPP Backing

The Clintons are not fighting Americans with a standing army but rather an army of corporate media propagandists and social engineers. They are just about as effective as one one another and have consistently toppled other governments with color revolutions, and they can topple this one unless we call them out. The main thrust of their assault on American psychology is coming from the New York Times, CNN, and MSNBC. […]

Cloak and Dagger

Was the Corporate Media Framing a False Flag Assassination Attempt?

According to one Secret Service agent, someone even "above Soros" came storming into the White House and began discussing a plan was to stage an attempt on Hillary's life and then blame it on Trump.  Any supporting evidence? Consider the following: Before this happens, a controlled, state media will often  frame a candidate with a narrative to make the coming false flag plausible. This is likely why so many media outlets began hyping the "Trump encouraging followers to kill Hillary" false narrative. This "Dangerous Donald" tactic is actually outlined in the DNC Trump playbook leak. The same leaks revealed Sanders "Bernie Bros" supporters could be portrayed as violent, too, and they were. […]

Cloak and Dagger

Pentagon Insider Warns of False Flags in US, Berlin and Paris in mid-August, 2016

ANON: “The next Wiki Leak will deal with Clinton Foundation. Quid pro quo. Cicada 3301, which you hear about, is connected to Wikileaks. There are former and current FBI agents who are leaking, not Russians. There are internal battles afoot, and the White Hats are using a segment of Cicada 3301 called PI MOBI to expose false flags being committed in US and Europe. Watch UK and NYC, Berlin and Paris in coming days. Things about to get really crazy by 2nd week of August… And yes on major terrorist attack as well as to weaken Trump in office. Clinton Foundation behind it, and Soros.” […]

Cloak and Dagger

Hillary, Key DNC Members Stand to Make Millions if She is Elected, TPP Passes

One thing is indisputable: members of the DNC stand to make millions if Hillary is elected, while they stand to lose millions if she isn't. Seth Rich (worked on Scott Kleeb's campaign, DNC staffer for voter engagement, deceased) and Mark Weiner (Democrat fund raiser, invested 5% in green energy firm Energy Pioneer Solutions, deceased). What is the goal of the Clinton Foundation and Clinton Global Initiative? Andrew Tobias admits that Clinton had been giving "insider tips" to friends within the DNC about a company called – you guessed it – Energy Pioneer Solutions. Now Andrew also admits that he went all in on this company ($1,000,000), even suggesting that was a lot of money for him, so the tip was given with a great deal of confidence in return on investment. […]

Cloak and Dagger

Is This the Deadly Battle Between Trump and Clinton? An Article from 2/28/2016

According to this report, in the aftermath of the 2008 global financial collapse caused by the outright systemic corruption emanating from the US Federal Reserve System that infected the entire Western world’s banking system for the benefit of the American “shadow government”, a powerful American-British Freemason cabal arose, headed by Donald Trump, to restore “sanity” into this system in order to, in essence, “save the world from itself”. […]