
President Trump-PewDiePie Alliance Shakes Globalist World To Its Very Core

According to this report, at the same time President Trump is battling against the leftist medias favorite made up racial charge of being an anti-Semite, these mainstream “fake news” propagandists, likewise, launched a similar attack against PewDiePie—that is spectacularly backfiring and leading to a populist revolt against the “fake news” media among his tens-of-millions of supporters. […]


Pulitzer Prize Began With Fake News, Gave Us WWI

How ironic that one of the most coveted prizes in literature and journalism comes from the guy that started fake news, indeed, news so fake and dangerous it got us into war with Spain and World War I, Joseph Pulitzer. Back then, however, they called it yellow journalism. It used to be journalism majors were taught this was something you were never supposed to do. […]


Shakespeare: “Snowflakes Hateth Me!”

Verily, it dost seem special snowflakes hath been triggered by mine awesome legacy and shadow. Even I tremble, and I am he. Behold this article at the National Review:

“U Penn Removes Shakespeare Portrait Because He Does Not Represent ‘Diversity’” And I, The Bard was replaced with a portrait of a black lesbian poet few doth know about, and verily I wandered far and wide to find someone who heard of her. Who is this woman? Thou mayest often find the answer at the local eatery near U Penn. Whenst the middle-aged cashier asketh unto thee “Do you want fries with that?” inquire of the timeless mystery that is Audre Lourde. […]



9/11 has been one of the biggest events in recent history to spark a mass awakening across the world. There has been much debate over how it happened, who is responsible, and why they did it. To this day, about one third of Americans do not believe the official story. In other parts of the world, the number of skeptics reaches upwards of 90% of the population.

Here is a list of 24 facts that cannot be debunked about 9/11. […]


Why Hillary Risking Nuclear War to Cover Up Her Emails: ISIS

Wikileak's best revelations so far. It was suspected, but now confirmed. This is why the FBI rank and file, and alphabet agencies, are in full revolt. The more you hear about "Russian hack" instead of their addressing the contents of the emails, the more you know they're real. US intelligence knows it, could have proved them fake long ago if that was the case. They haven't. Why? When Trump says that the only thing Hillary has going for her is the media, the more it should give one pause for thought. This means the strongest hand is not Hillary's, so we are seeing stocks losing all confidence in regards to Hillary. And why not? her emails exposed all the bank leaders and they will be covering their ass from here on out. […]


Not a Joke: Facebook Wants Your Passport, Driver’s License, Birth Certificate.

What Types of ID Does Facebook Accept?

If we look at how easy it is now to match a person to a personality profile, and how other countries have used this information to quell dissent and even arrest citizens, this should be cause for concern. The dead and missing in Syria, Egypt, China, Turkey, are excellent examples of what happens when an autocratic state uses Facebook data against them. When they ask for your mobile number, they automatically get all of your contacts.  As we've seen already, this is recipe for disaster.

More coming soon… […]


They Lied About Everything That Ever Mattered: Evidence of The Media’s War on America

They lied about everything that ever mattered. They lied about the Kennedy and King assassinations. They lied about the Gulf of Tonkin. They lied about Agent Orange. They lied about the CIA’s role in the Bush/Clinton era cocaine trade, in the Contra-Crack connection. They lied about the Gulf War Syndrome. They lied about Iraq, and the weapons of mass destruction. They lied about 9/11 and the Saudis, about a controlled demolition even Bush admitted to on national television. They lied about the sarin gas attacks. They lied about Gaza. They lied about the MH17 downing. They lied about Monsanto and cancer. They call evil good, and good evil. They attacked and slandered those who risked their lives, and died, to protect and warn Americans. And look at the way they are covering this election. You are literally an enemy to the media establishment. […]


If there is a civil war in America, Israel will be the fall guy

If the Israelis were never meant to be the fall guys on 9/11 in case everything went to hell, Bush and Cheney would have done everything they could to conceal the Mossad role in the greatest terrorist attack in America. Instead we have the makings of a perfect patsy nation, a nation of perennial scapegoats. Reviewing what we know about Able Danger and the Mossad truck bombs at the George Washington Bridge on 9/11, we can discern that Bush and Cheney used Netanyahu's involvement in 9/11 to make Israel the perfect fall guy if and when the truth came out, and it is about to is here now. It will fall drip by drip like a Chinese water torture, until the tsunami comes. […]


Bombshell: Russian Military Reveals Details of ISIS Funding, Turkey’s Role in Supporting the Terrorists

“A whole team of bandits and Turkish leadership [Erdogan’s family as well] stealing oil from their neighbors and are involved in illegal oil trade with ISIS… The photo taken from the space on November 14 demonstrates presence of 3,220 oil trucks and vehicles. There is no need in further comments. The scale of the illegal business are truly impressive. In total, in their illegal oil business, terrorists are using no less than 8,500 trucks transporting up to 200,000 tons of oil every day. Most of the vehicles are entering the Turkish territory from Iraq." […]


Israel buys most oil smuggled from ISIS territory – report

Kurdish and Turkish smugglers are transporting oil from ISIS controlled territory in Syria and Iraq and selling it to Israel, according to several reports in the Arab and Russian media. An estimated 20,000-40,000 barrels of oil are produced daily in ISIS controlled territory generating $1-1.5 million daily profit for the terrorist organization…. […]


NEO UPDATE on Captured Israeli Colonel in ISIS Golani Battalion

He added that the IDF colonel “had participated in the Takfiri ISIL group’s terrorist operations.” He said the colonel was arrested together with a number of ISIL or IS terrorists, giving the details: “The Israeli colonel’s name is Yusi Oulen Shahak and is ranked colonel in Golani Brigade… with the security and military code of Re34356578765az231434.” […]


The Seeing Past Hands Syndrome or McCain’s Dementia

Hey McCain, remember when you helped create ISIS with Sen. Graham? It’s kinda obvious. Well, there’s a strange psychological defense system some call the Seeing Past Hands Syndrome where if you have your eyes covered with your hand, you actually come to believe no one can see what you are doing. It’s an extremely common affliction among politicians. There is hope, however, and the poor fellow herein is witness to just how much they suffer when they are not making life miserable for the rest of us, too. […]