Donald Trump

Obama vs. Trump War Goes Nuclear After Clinton Banker Suicided

In order to manage all of the illegal monies gained from this vast international money laundering “deal”, this report explains, Obama and Clinton established a hedge fund operation in Wales, England and New York City called Arrowgrass Capital Partners with the aid of two former Deutsche Bank traders named Henry Kenner and Nicholas Niell. The “main/central” intermediary between this shadowy hedge fund and Obama-Clinton, this report continues, was Arrowgrass Capital Partners executive Kevin Bell—and that Kevin Bell was reported to have suicided himself off of yesterday morning prior to his flying to Washington D.C. to meet with Attorney General Jeff Sessions. […]

Sorcha Faal

Putin Orders Nukes To EU Doorstep After Obama Sides With Nazism In UN Vote

President Putin has ordered the immediate deployment to the Kaliningrad Oblast of the dreaded supersonic nuclear-capable Iskander mobile ballistic missile system and the feared S-400 air missile defence system as a “direct response” to President Obama joining with Ukraine as one of only 3 nations in the entire world to vote against the United Nations resolution condemning the glorification of Nazism. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.] […]

Hillary Clinton

On Obama’s “Executive Order for a Peaceful Presidential Transition”

The May 6, 2016 executive order is an amendment to an order made in 1963, as a result of President Kennedy’s assassination. Was it meant for Hillary’s installation? The facts are as follows:

According to leaked documents from the DNC they had already decided Hillary would be their nominee as early as May of 2015, perhaps earlier.
Obama amends post-Kennedy assassination “Executive Order for a Peaceful Presidential Transition”one year later, after Bernie Sander’s surprising rise in popularity and primary wins threaten Hillary’s nomination.
Attempt already made on Trump’s life in Vegas, two incidents of  Secret Service perimeter breaches in Sanders CA campaign. […]

Hillary Clinton

Corporate Media Backing of TPP is Key Reason They Desperately Protect Hillary

Coming Soon. From literal corporate rule over the constitutions of sovereign nations to companies having the right to pull down a website without court order, it is the greatest blow to American freedoms that would dwarf the Patriot Act. Consider the greatest backers. Google supports the TPP and was nailed time and time again for manipulating search results to favor Hillary whenever someone tries to type in a negative query. Time-Warner, which owns CNN, has gone out of its way to act as a PR agency for Hillary, as seen in the video above. […]

Donald Trump

Urgent Apppeal to REINSTATE Secret Service Protection for Sen. Bernie Sanders

It should be no surprise that so many in the Bush cabinet are supporting Hillary now: Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, and Karl Rove. Notes on how the Clintons collaborated with Karl Rove and tech guru Mikey Cunnygnham to rig 2000, 2008, 2016 election. Appeal to reinstate Secret Service protection for Sen. Bernie Sanders over highly credible threat to his life. A pattern emerges: notes on Donald Trump assassination attempt in Vegas in late June.  A brief background on May 6, 2016 amendment to 1963 post-Kennedy assassination executive order for a peaceful presidential transition,  Obama's Executive Order — Facilitation of a Presidential Transition. Hillary's "Bernie bump" fails to materialize, Hillary actually drops in polls, below Trump, after Bernie's coerced endorsement. […]

Hillary Clinton

Indict Now, Obama, Regardless of Risk; Updated With DNC Trump Playbook

Congratulations, President Obama. You just made history. You endorsed the first presidential candidate under a criminal FBI investigation over another candidate, Sanders, that has a better chance of beating Trump. What a remarkable legacy to end eight years. What an amazing addition to your presidential library! You put a political party before your country, your legacy, your honor.

But in Warren and Obama, did we see an endorsement, or did we see fear?

Hillary Clinton

Proof the Russians Have Hillary’s Emails From Illicit Private Server

This is separate from the DNC emails, but likely more incriminating. The emails from Hillary’s private email server describe her working with Stratfor in the Ukrainian coup plot, as we saw in her correspondence with Victoria Nuland. They confirm what our intelligence experts noted all along, that the Russians, and other nations, hacked her server. Even if Obama gave her the green light to plan this coup, it would lead us to events that nearly caused a nuclear confrontation with Russia. Because these actions were hidden from Obama, it can be strongly argued she acted, willfully, without his knowledge and authority. This is why, among other reasons, the matter is incredibly serious. We already know, for a fact, that Russia has them (at least 22,000): they were used in a court case in Russia earlier this year […]

Hillary Clinton

The Question of Presidential Authority in Executive Decisions, and Who Actually Had It: Hillary or Obama?

This is not so much about the private emails as much as what was in them, on who's authority major state decisions were made, and the fact the servers were hacked and compromised national security. The illicit emails, and the way the establishment is handling it, suggest Obama was or is subordinate to Clinton, and is protecting her for that very reason.  If this is true, the office of the President of the United States is a sham. Why? It means a wealthy private citizen, be it herself or George Soros, can make decisions regarding state matters without oversight or consequence, decisions only the President of the United States can make, particularly arms sales and in her case, coup plotting in the Ukraine. […]