Donald Trump

GOP Pushing For Weakest Candidate, Betting Against Horse With Fractured Leg

Author and journalist H.A. Goodman raises a good point when he points out that if she even tried to get a job at McDonald's, and they did a background check, she would not be hired because she is at the center of a criminal FBI investigation. The GOP knows this full well, but will allow and encourage, in contained glee, for the Hillary camp to push her nomination and will do everything possible to ensure this. Afterwards, when it is too late to change horses, they will go all out on exposing this simple fact and much more, along with a major media campaign demanding an indictment. […]

Clinton Foundation

FBI Reveals DNC Itself Complicit in Racketeering

Hillary’s coronation was strange indeed. From the beginning, the DNC was ruthlessly suppressing all challengers, and even members of Congress who supported Sanders were warned not to, or else. Only four known Democrats in Congress, out of hundreds, are not supporting Hillary Clinton. That’s a shakedown. That is the essence of racketeering: cooperate, or else. That’s why otherwise reasonable people say Hillary’s phony lead is “insurmountable.” But for the hundreds of delegates who announced their support before Sanders even ran, willing and unwilling, and those pledged now and are in any way tied to the Hillary Victory Fund, this would be a good time to distance themselves from ground zero. […]

Hillary Clinton

Indict Now, Obama, Regardless of Risk; Updated With DNC Trump Playbook

Congratulations, President Obama. You just made history. You endorsed the first presidential candidate under a criminal FBI investigation over another candidate, Sanders, that has a better chance of beating Trump. What a remarkable legacy to end eight years. What an amazing addition to your presidential library! You put a political party before your country, your legacy, your honor.

But in Warren and Obama, did we see an endorsement, or did we see fear?

Cloak and Dagger

On the Day Russia Releases Evidence Implicating US in ISIS Trade, We Have an “ISIS” Attack in San Bernadino

The evidence presented essentially proved collusion between our government and Turkey's in the transport of stolen oil which was the lifeblood of ISIS. Nor can we say there is no evidence of collusion, as we know John McCain had personal contacts with ISIS leaders he had set up to help topple Syrian President Assad. That should put things in perspective: the San Bernadino shooters had no known personal contact with ISIS leaders, but Sen. John McCain did. Another thing to note is that another major and ancient religion having nothing to do with Islam or Judaism or Christianity may have played a significant role. […]