Sorcha Faal

Putin Prepares “Fortress Russia” After Trump Admits “He Had To Do It” Defense Bill Outrage

An interesting and very informative new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting President Putin revealing that this past week was the worst for global oil markets since 2008, says the nation most affected by this market turmoil is the United States whose shale oil drillers need a miracle to keep their production from falling—a miracle, however, not being seen on any horizon coming to their rescue any time soon, as America is continuing to outrageously pour the bulk of their national treasure into their military forces—an absurdity as Russia’s new hypersonic weapons have now made gargantuan spending by other nations on military deterrence programs meaningless—to include a Russia that has cut its defense budget so much it now ranks just seventh in the world in military spending—thus enabling Putin to prepare a “Fortress Russia” to “create conditions so that NOBODY wants to fight us”—the reality of which is known to the US military who are racing to catch up with Russia on hypersonic weapons—most particularly their Commander-In-Chief President Donald Trump—whom Putin just stunningly stated about” “Donald told me that they have adopted an insane military budget for the next year, $738 billion…He told me that the costs were too high, BUT HE HAD TO DO IT”—with Putin, also, amazingly stating about Trump: “He actually advocated disarmament”. […]

Sorcha Faal

West Virginia Starts Legal Process To Free “Peoples And Territories” From Socialist Dictatorship Commonwealth Of Virginia

January 23, 2020 West Virginia Starts Legal Process To Free “Peoples And Territories” From Socialist Dictatorship Commonwealth Of Virginia By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers A grimly worded new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today commenting on United Nations Secretary General […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump “Spring Spectacular” Said Is Reason US Continues To Block Release Of Secret Documents Proving No Russia Collusion

An intriguing new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting that US-Russia trade has increased to $27 billion under President Donald Trump from its low of $20 billion under former President Barack Obama, all despite sanctions Trump intends to keep in place, states that this issue, coupled with the growing alarm about NATO military activity near Russian and Belarusian borders as this Western war alliance prepares for its largest European exercises in 25 years involving over 20,000 US troops, has led to the decision that it’s premature to talk about a thaw in Russia-US ties—ties which were gravely damaged due to the provably false accusations that Russia interfered in the US presidential election occurring in 2016—but is proof the US will still not allow the release of as its permission is needed to publically reveal these top secret communications between the Obama Regime and Moscow—a fact Foreign Minister Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov pointed out in Washington yesterday when speaking to American reporters when he told them Moscow wanted to publish this cache of communications that cleared Russia of allegations it interfered in the 2016 US election, but that the United States has blocked their release—and whose reason for Trump blocking these top secret documents from being released, was explained in January-2018 to Russia’s three top intelligence chiefs who made their historic and unprecedented trip to Washington to meet with top Trump intelligence agency directors—where they were told that these top secret documents proving Russia didn’t interfere in this election would be released when they could cause “the greatest political damage” to those who perpetrated this lie in the first place—now expected to be in the Spring of 2020—which begins with the April-2020 trial of the Russian company comically slammed with a “joke indictment” for interfering in the 2016 election, that still hasn’t seen Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s prosecutors presenting before this trial’s presiding US Federal Judge what laws were supposed to have been violated—and when this so-called Russian collusion case goes down in flames in full public view, it will then be followed by criminal indictments being issued against these Trump coup plotters by US Attorney John Durham—which yesterday US Attorney General William Barr revealed he expects to happen “in the late spring or early summer”—thus comporting to the master showman style of Trump, whom one can rightly suspect is eagerly awaiting the chance to put on this “Spring Spectacular” spectacle before the American people.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Opens “New Portal Of Hell” For His Deranged Democrat Enemies Writing Political Suicide Notes

An interesting new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today mocking the leftist mainstream propaganda media establishment in the United States for its hysterical revision of Russian history—a butchering of historical facts caused by their insane reaction to President Donald Trump suggesting that he might attend the 9 May V-Day celebration in Moscow next year to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the defeat of Nazi Germany, but which these demented leftists insanely claimed was a military parade celebrating the 1 May communist event that was last seen in Moscow over a half century ago in 1968—says that even more demonic displays of insanity like this can be expected to occur after Pope Francis renounced the central tenant of Christian faith with his denying the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead—a denial of Christianity that the socialist Democrat Party in America has now acted upon by their stunningly writing a series of “political suicide notes” in advance of the peoples of their nation lowering them into the grave of the 2020 US Presidential Election—with the first of these political suicide notes coming from the entire socialist Democrat Party in a death document titled The Green New Deal that will saddle every American household with a staggering $600,000 in debt to pay for its $93 trillion price tag—that was followed by the death document political suicide note written by socialist Democrat Party presidential candidate US Senator Elizabeth Warren disguised as a health plan costing over $53 trillion and will cover all illegal aliens—then saw socialist Democrat Party presidential candidate US Senator Kamala Harris writing her death document political suicide note demanding that all American children be imprisoned in their indoctrination camps called schools for 10 hours a day—and in socialist Democrat Party presidential candidate US Senator Bernie Sander’s death document political suicide note, sees its words being contained in his just released immigration plan that calls for the dismantling of all borders, elimination of all US border police and agencies, and halting deportation of all illegal aliens he says have a right to free health care—a plan fully supported by top socialist Democrat Party leader US Senator Dick Durban who has now told all US citizens that “American Families Must Accommodate The World’s Ambition To Be Part Of America”—but all of whom now have to contend with a “New Portal Of Hell” just opened up for them by Trump himself—which are the actual words being used by deranged leftists to describe a rap contest called #MAGACHALLENGE for America’s black youth being sponsored by Trump—a contest supported by their nation’s top black rap artist icon Kanye West, who just told his tens-of-millions of black followers: “Own your power…Your power is not to just vote Democrat for the rest of our lives… That’s not the power”—and to those black peoples in America fearing Democrat Party retribution against them if they don’t do what they are told, saw Kanye West telling them he’s been there and done that with the words: “I’ve been canceled before.  That was canceled culture.  Who told you that my career would be over?   The same people that are telling you that you can’t have a right to say who you will vote for are those people who will soon take Jesus out of school.  Those people will be soon to remove Jesus, period, from America, which is the Bible Belt.  Those people will be so mad.  Come on, man.” […]

Sorcha Faal

Top Hillary Clinton US Navy Admiral Warned Preparing “JFK Head Shot Execution” Of President Trump

Retired US Navy Admiral William McRaven who organized Operation Neptune Spear to assassinate al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden deep behind enemy lines in Pakistan—was labeled by Trump as “a Hillary fan”—yesterday wrote an article for the leftist New York Times newspaper titled “Our Republic Is Under Attack From the President” wherein he openly called for the military to overthrow Trump—thus exposing a catastrophic division between Trump and elements within his own military establishment not seen since the early 1960’s when President John F. Kennedy also battled against these same warmongering forces—but was a battle Kennedy lost on 22 November 1963 when his head was blown off in a public execution designed to show who was really in charge of America—a public execution which occurred on Kennedy’s 1,036th  day in power—and is the exact number of days Trump will have been in power when he sets foot in Chile next month. […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Impeachment Plot Goal To Put Hillary Clinton In Power Warned “Could End Our Republic”

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov responded to the hysterical claim made by top socialist Democrat Party leader Nancy Pelosi that Russia has a hand in her nation’s Trump impeachment charade by his saying “It’s paranoia, and I think it’s obvious to everyone”, states that for anyone wanting to find out what Pelosi and her socialist comrades are really in terror about, all they need to know is that after making her wild claim against Russia, she followed it by screaming that US Attorney General William Barr “has gone rogue”—whose stunning truth behind what’s placing these demented socialists in fear shows Barr hasn’t gone “rogue”, but rather is in Italy on “official business” investigating and interviewing its spies who conspired with Obama’s CIA Director John Brennan to start the Russiagate coup plot against Trump—and explains why bookmakers are taking more bets on Hillary Clinton being the 2020 Democrat Party nominee than any of the announced candidates—because as everyone knew was going to happen, Clinton and her socialist forces are using this impeachment plot to put her in power before Trump and his forces can destroy them—that Trump is responding to by going to war with the rogue US intelligence operatives involved in this impeachment plot supporting Clinton and her socialist forces—and is a war between Trump and Clinton that former Republican Party South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford is now warning “Could End Our Republic”—a grave warning needing to be heeded because Sanford is a member of the most powerful and secretive organization in America known simply as “The Family” whose ultimate goal for the United States is “Jesus plus nothing”.  […]

Sorcha Faal

President Trump Said Ready As “Great Upheaval” Begins With Top American Bank Nearing Collapse

A truly heart-pounding new Ministry of Finance (MoF) report circulating in the Kremlin today confirming global banking giant Goldman Sachs warning that world stock markets “are about to get wild in October”, states the more accurate word they should have used to describe what is coming would be catastrophic—and is due to one of America’s largest banks so near to collapsing, the Federal Reserve is rushing to keep it afloat with a staggering $1.5 trillion emergency bailout—an emergency bailout, however, the Federal Reserve is spreading out with $75 billion daily payments until 10 October so as not to alarm and place into panic their nation’s citizens—but is now “sowing chaos deep inside the plumbing of the entire US financial system”—most particularly because this bank nearing collapse has yet to be officially named, thus causing it to be said “the Fed better figure out who they are… before some financial reporter does, prints their name for the whole world to see and starts what may soon be the biggest bank run since the financial crisis”—and whose collapse would join it with the 566 other US banks that have failed over the past 24 months—all of which French President Emmanuel Macron, on 27 August, told the world to expect with his warning that the “Great Upheaval” has begun, and his stating that “the international order is being shaken in an unprecedented manner by the great upheaval that is undoubtedly taking place for the first time in our history, in almost every field and with a profoundly historic magnitude”—a warning Macron specifically aimed at the United States by telling them that their age of ruling world has come to an end like those of the French and British Empires who came before them—a fact known by President Donald Trump, who has more than readied himself for this most critical event that will define the rest of the 21st Century—best exampled by his stating in a barely noticed interview he gave in March-2015, months before he decided to run for president, “we used to have a very, very solid country because it was based on a gold standard”—and to make happen would see him having to invoke the unlimited powers granted to him under the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA)—which nearly a month ago, Trump proclaimed he had an “absolute right” to invoke any time he so chooses.  […]

Sorcha Faal

“Deep State” Destruction Test Run Begins After Largest US Bank Hit With Criminal Enterprise Indictment

Yesterday in the United States US Department of Justice (DoJ) forces loyal to President Donald Trump stunningly slammed a criminal enterprise indictment on their nation’s largest bank JPMorgan Chase—the proverbial atomic bomb of indictments solely used to target only the largest of criminal organizations —and in this case sees Michael Nowak, a JPMorgan veteran and former head of its precious metals trading desk and Gregg Smith, another trader on JPMorgan’s metals desk being charged with masterminding a criminal scheme to manipulate the price of gold and silver—stunningly is an indictment filled with aggressive language embraced by prosecutors that reminds legal experts of indictments utilizing the RICO Act—a law allowing these prosecutors to take down “criminal enterprises” like the mafia by charging all members of the organization for any crimes committed by an individual on behalf of the organization—in this particular case seems to be these prosecutors using a sledgehammer to kill a gnat—unless, that is, this JPMorgan criminal enterprise indictment is being used to fine tune the intricate legal tactics Trump’s loyal forces will need to use in prosecuting the “Deep State” operatives who tried to overthrow Trump—an overthrow attempt so bungled and inept, it now even sees the final case prosecuted by Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s “witch hunt” leftist minions collapsing into a comical farce—as evidenced by their appearing yesterday in the courtroom of  US District Judge Dabney Friedrich to astonishingly claim that she misinterpreted an indictment brought against a Russian company charged with funding a troll campaign to manipulate the American public during the 2016 presidential race—which in turn left Judge Friedrich “baffled” and this Russian company’s attorney shockingly stating that “even 18 months in we still don’t know what we’re charged with”—but saw Judge Friedrich making clear to Mueller’s leftist minions that she has no intention of catering to any suggestion to slow proceedings and this case would move toward the proposed 6 April 2020 trial date—with her further stating: “We are not going to let this case go for another year…I think if I left it up to you all I would be trying this case in 2021”—which is exactly what the “Deep State” wanted all along, as they knew this joke indictment was doomed from the start, and didn’t want it to explode in their faces during the 2020 election.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Curtain Sets To Rise On Trump Revenge End Game Masterpiece

Former top US Attorney Joe DiGenova shockingly revealing in his review that it concludes that all four FISA warrants the Obama Regime used to spy on the Trump campaign “were illegally obtained”—all of which were signed by the disgraced and fired for lying former top second-in-command  FBI official Andrew McCabe who is now reported walking around with a “target on his back” as his criminal indictment nears—a criminal indictment the leftist cable “fake news” outlet CNN knows full well about, but who just hired him anyway—a hiring that conforms to these leftists’ plans best articulated by one of their main mouthpieces named Jennifer Rubin who has just declared, as only a maniacal and demonic socialist is able to: “The Republican Party Must Be Burned Down In Order To Save It”.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Joins With Supreme Court To Destroy Left—Biden Responds With Call For Civil War

A jarringly interesting new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today commenting on the unprecedented 24-26 June trilateral security summit between Russia-United States-Israel to be held next week in Jerusalem in a “last gasp” bid to stop World War III, states that while Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov is castigating the Americans warning that they have “a deliberate policy to instigate war”, and his further declaring that “Russia is ready to repel US attacks, but will not be first to deploy missiles”, the true igniter of a global conflagration are the events now occurring in the United States—that currently sees the US Supreme Court having yesterday issued a final ruling affirming that America is not one separate nation, but one comprised of “two sovereigns” giving equal power to the US federal government and its country’s 50 individual States—a ruling President Donald Trump near immediately acted upon by his declaring, just hours ago, that the US federal government “will begin removing millions of illegal aliens next week” and which the States in rebellion against him can do nothing to stop—which was shockingly met by Democrat Party leader former Vice President Joe Biden openly calling for armed civil war and declaring that “a physical revolution is needed to deal with Republicans”—the final outcome of which was revealed by Biden-acolyte and Democrat Socialistleader Candi CdeBaca, who after winning office last week in the Democrat Party stronghold of Denver-Colorado, openly declared that she and her socialist Democrat Party allies are “excited to usher in communism by any means necessary”.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Kremlin Ponders American Threat To Attack “Unhackable” Russian Power Grid

Ambassador Anatoly Antonov’s assessment that improvement of Russian-United States relations requires efforts on combating Russophobia, states that this racist anti-Russia “mental disorder” permeating America is displaying itself once again via a New York Times article claiming that US defense-intelligence agencies have planted some kind of computer code into Russia’s electrical grid to bring it down—an “act of war” if true, but stands against the fact that this grid is impervious to any kind of hacking as it operates solely on non-computer analogue electronicsand electromechanical control systems—and was a propaganda incitement screed so devoid of truth, even President Donald Trump himself railed against it a few hours ago by stating: “Anything goes with our Corrupt News Media today. They will do, or say, whatever it takes, with not even the slightest thought of consequence! These are true cowards and without doubt, THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!”  […]

Sorcha Faal

American Troops By The Tens-Of-Thousands Flood Into Pacific Region

A tersely worded new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today confirming the 2017 prescient warning of President Putin that “the nation that leads in artificial intelligence will be the ruler of the world”, states that the United States and Peoples Republic of China are now careening towards a catastrophic war with each other in their bid to prove this “Putin maxim” (a short statement expressing a general truth) true—the latest event of occurring just hours ago with the dramatic escalation of the US-China trade war that saw the Americans slamming the Chinese with punishing new tariffs Beijing is vowing to retaliate against—but has nothing actually to do trade, as its main conflict point is “which of these two nations will be world leaders in technologies like 5G, artificial intelligence and robotics”—and is a conflict the US is preparing to win at all costs with the over 85,000 military troops it has flooded into the Pacific Region. […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Readies For First “High Profile” Coup Plot Arrest

Overflights of the United States this week showed massive movements of US military combat forces, that American commanders categorized as an “internal tactical deployment”—an explanation MoD experts say could be true as these US military forces may be deploying to the US southern border—but that the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) states are more likely related to the equally massive movement of FBI tactical arrest teams in both Washington D.C. and New York City “highly suggesting” that President Donald Trump is preparing to make a “high profile” arrest of one of the coup plotters who sought to bring him down—the most likely of whom some SVR analysts believe will be former CIA Director John Brennan whose frantic actions show him “coming apart at the mental seams”—but other SVR analysts believing it will be Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta and/or his brother Tony Podesta—both of whom were swept up in the Mueller Investigation prosecution of Paul Manafort for his ties to Ukraine—and is where bombshell revelations have just been made showing that the Hillary Clinton coup plot to destroy Trump was first started, and was, also, secretly financed by George Soros.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Barges Into “Deep State” Saloon—“Barr Fight” Ensues

According to this report, in early 1876, legendary American gunfighters Bat Masterson and Wyatt Earp became law officers in Dodge City-Kansas in a bid to rid this town of its vile and corrupt criminal element preying upon citizens—and whose counterparts today are President Trump and Attorney General Barr, likewise, trying to rid Washington D.C. of its corrupt and corrosive element called the “Deep State”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Hillary Clinton Recoils In Terror As Trump Revenge Gets Atomic Powered “Barr Boost”

Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is, without doubt, recoiling in terror today after Republican Party US Senator Lindsey Graham revealed yesterday that US Attorney General William Barr is “pretty upset”  that nobody in her criminal e-mail investigation went to jail for lying about the process, “because there was no process”—a finding that previous analysis confirmed as being true as neither Barr or President Donald Trump are going to give her a pass for her crimes—most particularly with grave new evidence emerging showing how she colluded with Ukraine to try to win her election against Trump. […]