Sorcha Faal

Democrats Running Psyop Against Trump Warned Are Walking Into “Directive 51” Trap

A truly foreboding new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing key findings made by the General Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces (GRU) regarding the 2020 United States Presidential Election, says foremost of concern to these military intelligence analysts was them noting that the socialist Democrat Party isn’t running an election campaign, rather they are conducting a psychological warfare operation (Psyop) to defeat President Donald Trump—a psyop being commanded by disgraced former US Army General Stanley McChrystal through his socialist Democrat Party funded aptly named Defeat DisInfo organization—that uses a military grade artificial intelligence algorithm to discover pro-Trump and pro-America social media messages, videos and postings—and when found, are immediately set upon by an army of over 3.5-million highly paid “influencers” using AI computer generated fake counter-narratives to destroy.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Convention Deadly Aftermath Leaves Biden-Harris Democrats Circling The Drain

An interesting new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing 2020 Republican National Convention aftermath events, that’s otherwise been branded as the “Trump Convention” and the “Culture War Convention”, says first to notice was the last night of this convention occurring at the same time a 17-year-old teenage child named Kyle Rittenhouse had to defend himself against Biden terrorists by killing two of them and shooting the arm of another before he himself was killed—Biden terrorists that were looting, rioting and burning buildings in Kenosha-Wisconsin in support of 29-year-old Jacob Blake, who was shot while resisting the police officers that were trying to arrest him for the horrific violent sexual crime he’d committed—and last evening, saw these Biden terrorists rushing into upscale neighborhoods in Kenosha to order its terrified citizens “Out Of Your House And Into The Streets”—thus making it explainable why the attorneys for Kyle Rittenhouse put out a statement defending him saying: “A 17-year old child should not have to take up arms in America to protect life and property…That is the job of state and local governments… However, those governments have failed, and law-abiding citizens have no choice but to protect their own communities as their forefathers did at Lexington and Concord in 1775”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Rebel Military Leaders Call For Trump Overthrow—Barr Fires Back Durham Bombshell

An interesting new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the telephonic conference held yesterday between Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and his counterpart US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, says the US side indeed raised the issue of alleged collusion of Russian intelligence services with Taliban fighters in Afghanistan, with Minister Lavrov describing these statements as “dishonest speculations having nothing to do with reality”, and when he asked Secretary Pompeo to produce evidence that Washington had, “they provided as usual nothing”—and while this was occurring, saw a real threat emerging when American rebel military leaders retired United States Army Lieutenant-Colonel John Nagl and retired United States Army Lieutenant Colonel Paul Yingling sent a letter to Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff US Army General Mark Milley titled “All Enemies, Foreign and Domestic: An Open Letter to Gen. Milley” demanding that he overthrow President Trump—an overthrow demand based on these rebel military leaders’ claims that: “We do not live in ordinary times…The president of the United States is actively subverting our electoral system, threatening to remain in office in defiance of our Constitution…Mr. Trump’s electoral defeat, his assault on the integrity of our elections, his impending criminal prosecution, and his creation of a private army will collide on January 20…If Donald Trump refuses to leave office at the expiration of his constitutional term, the United States military must remove him by force, and you must give that order”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump “October Surprise” Roswell And Durham Revelations Warned Will Plunge America Into Chaos

An at first seemingly ordinary Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the four major generals President Donald Trump has just nominated for promotion to lead the United States Space Force, becomes absolutely mind-blowing when this transcript reveals the contents of a document prepared by the General Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces (GRU)—a document placing great significance on former National Security Agency (NSA) tech chief Bill Binney exposing that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) fabricated all of its Russiagate evidence—that this document says explains why the George W. Bush Presidential Center has just had pay a ransom in exchange for the apparent destruction of stolen data—stolen data containing the most secretive files held by former President George W. Bush, that were hacked though protected by the world’s most formidable private computer security firm Blackbaud—thus leading the GRU to assert that this hack could only been accomplished by a nation state intelligence service like the NSA—the main objective of which the GRU concludes is part of what is called an “October Surprise” event US Attorney General William Barr this past week vowed to expose before the November election regarding the criminal probe being led by US Attorney John Durham into the coup plot to overthrow President Trump. […]

Sorcha Faal

CIA Idaho Plane Crash “Message Murders” Said Target Ghislaine Maxwell Ties To Nike And 9/11

A grimly disturbing new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first discussing the shocking findings discovered by the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) pointing towards demonic socialist elites in America buying missing children to use as sex slaves through Wayfair furniture advertisements, sees this transcript showing Security Council Members next discussing the SVR findings related to the CIA commando assassin team, who after inventing the capture fable of murdered child sex slaver Jeffery Epstein’s “madam” Ghislaine Maxwell, then exploded a plane in Idaho killing 8 last week—a discussion classified at the highest level “Of Special Importance”—but whose limited portions of permitted to be openly commented on by various ministries, sees the SVR stating that the intended “message murder” victims of the Idaho plane explosion crash were a 15-year-old girl child named Sofie Olsen and her 11-year-old brother Quinn Olsen—and though horrifying, is an acceptable practice of intelligence agency assassins to target children of persons having critical information not able to be elsewhere obtained. […]

Sorcha Faal

“You Reap What You Sow” Drama Sees Elmer Fudd Disarmed And Prince Andrew Nearing Arrest

A somberly worded new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting how the United States has supported destabilizing ideas and dividing groups against each other around the globe for decades, says it was more than correct for Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova to observe about the American riots: “By sowing chaos abroad, they’ve got chaos at home…everything they’ve been embedding into the world’s consciousness…they’re reaping it now”—a world’s consciousness that’s now had thrown into it the demented socialist forces in America disarming the beloved Looney Tune cartoon figure Elmer Fudd of his shotgun so he can no longer hunt down his nemesis Bugs Bunny, as well as the United States Department of Justice by-passing Buckingham Palace and filing a “mutual legal assistance” request to the British Home Office demanding Prince Andrew be handed over to answer for the crimes he committed with child sex slaver Jeffery Epstein—both occurring in world where the British people are ignoring the coronavirus quarantine because they know it’s rubbish, and enraged Italians are abandoning their masks while denouncing the pandemic as a scam—while in America itself, and after disarming Elmer Fudd, its socialist forces have become real life “Loony Tunes” characters demanding such things as all fictional television police shows be immediately cancelled and ordering people to decolonize their bookshelves by removing all books written by white authors—the latter of which is causing it now to be warned “we’ve reached the book burning phase of 2020 riot wokeness”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Communist Chinese Saboteurs Destroy US Fighter Jets Worth Over $420-Million At Florida Base

A highly disturbing new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing military related issues occurring in the “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, notes with alarm the Ministry of Defense (MoD) revealing that President Donald Trump has just ordered the emergency deployment of the nuclear armed aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt to confront Communist Chinese harassment of US spy planes and ships—an emergency deployment so sudden this aircraft carrier has left behind 1,800 of its sailors and is sailing with a scaled-back crew of about 3,000—and came within hours of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD) reporting on an urgent meeting they had just concluded with the FBI Office-Moscow—a meeting that began with FBI officials handing their MVD counterparts a United States Department of Justice document titled “Attorney General William P. Barr and FBI Director Christopher Wray Announce Significant Developments in the Investigation of the Naval Air Station Pensacola Shooting”—that was followed by the MVD being grimly informed by the FBI that two of the most expensive fighter aircraft operated by the US Air Force have been destroyed in the past 5-days—an F-35 fighter aircraft that costs $89.2-million and an F-22 that’s the most expensive fighter aircraft in the world costing over $334-million—both of which crashed for unknown reasons and were destroyed shortly after taking off from Eglin Air Force Base in Florida—and like Naval Air Station Pensacola trains Saudi pilots to fly these fighter aircraft, Eglin Air Force Base trains Saudi technicians to perform maintenance on them—training specifically done by the Field Training Detachment 19, 372nd Training Squadron whose stated mission is to “Train, Inspire, and Develop Higher Levels of Maintenance Competencies in U.S. and Allied Warfighters”—and all of whose currently under training Saudi maintenance technicians the FBI urgently requested the MVD immediately undertake an investigation to probe any possible links they may have with Masood Azhar—the most feared terrorist in the world having ties to both ISIS and al-Qaeda—has traveled throughout the world and Middle East raising funds for his terrorist activities—is known as “The man who brought jihad to Britain” and is “India’s most wanted terrorist”—but most fearful to the United States, is best known in the world for his being “China’s Favorite Terrorist”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Baffling Quagmire To War Strategy

An interesting new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today focusing on events occurring in the United States during this current stage of “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, notes with grave concern the shocking admission just by made by Ambassador James F. Jeffrey, the United States Special Envoy for the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS, that his role was not to fight radical Islamic terrorism in Syria, rather he said: “My job is to make it a quagmire for the Russians”—a shock admission responded to by Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov questioning US military biological activities in various parts of the world and asking “what is really going on there”—while adding: “We have to state that even in the conditions of a pandemic, our American colleagues and their allies do not abandon their attempts to escalate confrontation, to use the current situation to impose their point of view, their vision of world order, which they call an order based on rules…As you know, they invent the rules themselves”. […]

Sorcha Faal

“Assassination By Disease” Plot To Make Pelosi President Discovered

A mind-blowing new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the most terrifying event yet to occur in the “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, says that during yesterday’s telephonic conference held between President Putin and Prime Minister Boris Johnson, a “frank” discussion was held between these two leaders involving Prime Minister Johnson’s dire health battle against the coronavirus that was so severe it had his doctors preparing to announce his death—a discussion wherein Prime Minister Johnson revealed that the British Secret Intelligence Service (SIS-MI6) could not give him a positive assurance that he wasn’t deliberately infected with the coronavirus as a means to assassinate him, but which he said under British law would have meant his Conservative Party would still remain in power if he had died, as they would have just chosen a new leader—but thereafter saw Prime Minister Johnson expressing his fears to President Putin that this same type of leadership didn’t apply in the United States—fears based on the US having what is known as the 25th Amendment that the sets forth the succession of leadership if President Donald Trump was struck down by death or disease—which would then see Vice President Mike Pence taking power—though if both Trump and Pence were struck down at the same time, all power would go to radical socialist Democrat Party leader US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. […]

Sorcha Faal

Suicided New York City Doctor Believed to Have Witnessed Coronavirus Patients Being Murdered

A truly disturbing new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the latest developments emerging from the front lines of the still raging “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, states that the Communist Chinese threat to economically retaliate against Australia unless it stops its “dangerous” investigation into the coronavirus pandemic, should have been expected by the Aussies to come at them from a China desperately trying to hide its massive 20% unemployment numbers—as also the United States should have expected the Communist China attack slamming the American’s response to the coronavirus and their “desperate” attempts to pin blame on China, and them asking “What’s the US hiding?”—an at first glance laughable question coming from a Communist China that for a single 13-day period hid from the world at least 45,500 coronavirus deaths whose corpses were incinerated and returned to their families—but is a question that now becomes concerning after President Donald Trump himself claimed the socialist Democrat Party stronghold New York City is inflating its coronavirus death toll—a claim supported by shocking new evidence proving that New York City added 3,700 victims to the coronavirus death toll even though these decedents were not tested. […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump And Putin Take Humanity To The Final Battle Crossroad—Now It Gets Biblical

A mind-shattering new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting President Donald Trump has just sacked the traitorous US Navy captain who colluded with socialist Democrat Party leader US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to take out of action the USS Theodore Roosevelt as it was confronting Communist China, says it’s equally important to notice that President Trump has now unleashed the full power of the US military to go after and destroy his Deep State enemies “Drug Cartel Piggy Bank” in Mexico—a new front being opened by President Trump in the “Coronavirus Pandemic War” he began in mid-March with the capture of over 600 top Mexican cartel drug leaders—that itself was a retaliation by President Trump against the Deep State for their execution of a top US Attorney, their executing a DHS whistleblower who was investigating the coronavirus, as well as their having tapped the White House—and whose new war front is opening in a weak and corrupt Mexico where the coronavirus pandemic is set to explode in a nation of 130 million peoples whose health care system has fewer than 50,000 hospital beds, fewer than 2,500 ICU beds, and just 5,523 ventilators—a grim reality President Trump responded to a few hours ago by his suspending the seasonal work visas for Mexicans seeking work in the US—but all combined are war actions that pale into insignificance because of what President Trump did 5-days ago on 29 March—which was when President Trump took full control over the Federal Reserve to fulfill his electoral promise of taking private banks out of the US public affairs, ending a century of exploitation of the American citizens—after which President Trump put in charge of the United States economic system the infamous Blackrock investment group and ordered them to start buying important corporations for the Federal Reserve—meaning that President Trump is now nationalizing large chunks of the US economy, while avoiding the crash of the market by implicating important private investors in the deal—a path long forged by President Putin in the same battle against these godless demonic globalist-socialist forces targeting President Trump—thus meaning that President Trump and President Putin have now decisively taken humanity to what is being called “The Final Battle Crossroad” in the war against the New World Order—a final battle of which it’s being correctly said: “We’re in the terminal phase of the New World Order that will not recover from the Russian roulette game it has been playing, for Vladimir Putin handed it a loaded gun and it pulled the trigger”—and with President Trump now joining this final battle, it’s now being warned “This Might Get Biblical”. […]


Coronavirus War Leader Trump Throws Afghanistan To Wolves To Protect His Own “Zero Risk” Pampered Herd

A very intriguing new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting that President Putin still plans to participate in an emergency G-20 leaders video conference on the coronavirus tomorrow, says the timeliness of this decision is due to the explosion of violence occurring in Afghanistan, where over the past few hours radical Islamic terrorists belonging to ISIS laid siege to a Sikh religious complex in Kabul killing dozens—an explosion of violence coming 48-hours after President Donald Trump ordered his Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to secretly travel to Afghanistan and immediately obliterate $1 billion in aid to this war torn nation—a literal “throwing to the wolves” sacrifice of Afghanistan necessitated by “coronavirus wartime leader” President Trump having to turn his focus inwards towards his own nation as this global disease pandemic has exposed just how broken the American economy and society are—and most particularly is an American society living in a Western world populated with tens-of-millions of people having a pampered herd mentality demanding “zero risk” for everything facing them, none of whom are able to see true things any more—best exampled in the coronavirus panicked peoples living in the United States stripping their stores bare of bottled water, while at the same time they leave their store shelves full of water purifiers and jugs—but more ominously is exampled by these “pampered herd” peoples in America being forced to believe against all logic and reason the bogus coronavirus data sets created by radical socialist Democrat Party activists designed to scare local and State officials into making rash, economy-killing mandates—all of whose dire predictions have already been proven to be wildly wrong—and has led to it now being warned about these bogus coronavirus data sets: “How they became a ubiquitous resource across the country overnight, suggests something more sinister”.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Two Of Worlds Richest Men Meet At US Strategic Command After Trump Makes Over 600 Arrests—One Doesn’t Survive

A mind-blowing highly-classified “Of Special Importance” new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting a nearly 3-week period of events that saw DHS whistleblower Phillip Haney being assassinated after he talked with Russian disease expert Olesya Krasilova about the coronavirus outbreak in Iran, that was followed by the assassination of US Attorney Timothy Delgado, along with his wife Tamara Delgado, who was investigating the contract murder of Haney, and President Donald Trump ordering the take down of a CIA narco plane after he discovered the White House communication system had been hacked, says that the series of events immediately following these Trump-Deep State skirmishes presage a much more brutal conflict soon to come—a series of events that began on Wednesday-11 March when Trump’s Department of Justice announced the arrest of over 600 Mexican drug cartel members known to be working with rogue elements of the CIA, as well as the shock revelation that Trump’s FBI had been secretly wiretapping a former top Obama Clinton Regime official in the DEA—that continued into Thursday-12 March when Trump met with Prime Minister Varadkar of Ireland in the White House—a meeting made notable because it was also attended by Anne Tatlock, who is the main trustee for the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and aside from her medical institute being a global leader in the investigation of coronaviruses, Tatlock is a first-generation Irish-American whose parents were born in Ireland, thus making her being at the White House no surprise—but in the earlier morning hours of Friday-13 March, saw Tatlock flying from Washington D.C. to Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska where she was met by the world’s 4th richest man Warren Buffett—both of whom then went into the secure US Strategic Command bunker complex, where they were met a few hours later by the world’s 2nd richest man Bill Gates—the same Bill Gates who in 2018 warned “The world needs to prepare for pandemics just like war”—and after his emerging from this secure bunker meeting he held with Tatlock and Buffett, then saw Gates making a shock announcement that he has immediately resigned from the board of the Microsoft company he founded, as well as from his position on Buffett’s company’s board of directors—the greatest significance of though, is that what has just occurred happened previously during the last time a US national crisis was underway—and occurred on 11 September 2001 when America was attacked—an attack of suspicious origin that saw then President George W. Bush immediately flying to Offutt Air Force Base—and upon his entering the secure US Strategic Command bunker complex, saw him, like Gates yesterday, being confronted by Anne Tatlock and Warren Buffett, both of whom were already there waiting for him.  […]


Scorched Earth Oil War Unleashed By Saudi Arabia Devastates America—Russia Says Call Us In 6-10 Years

An alarming new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that the “scorched Earth oil war unleashed by Saudi Arabia” against the United States for its attempted coup against King Salman has led to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman detaining up to 20 princes involved in this coup plot, as well as his halting all international travel into the country and his sealing off the Shia Qatif region next to the Persian Gulf where US troops could stage an amphibious invasion—the results of which have crashed the price of oil by 30%—a crash that, in turn, has now created a “perfect storm” in which panicked investors are ravaging markets across the globe—most particularly in the US that just saw its 10-year Treasury yield plunging to a new record low of 0.3469%—a global bloodbath Russia reacted swiftly to by saying it’s ready for oil prices to crash even lower to $25 a barrel—and when the Ruble hit a four-year low against the US Dollar as oil prices crashed, saw the Russian Central Bank, also, reacting swiftly to suspend purchases of foreign currency on the domestic market for the next 30 days—all of which was followed by the Ministry of Finance (MoF) issuing a declarative statement [English] essentially telling the rest of the world to bugger off and call Russia if need be in 6-10 years—whose exact diplomatic-speak words putting Russia beyond this crisis said:  “The value of liquid assets of the NWF and funds in the account for additional oil and gas revenues stand at more than 10.1 trillion rubles ($150 billion) or 9.2% of GDP…These funds are sufficient to cover the shortfall in income from falling oil prices to $25-30 per barrel for 6-10 years”.   […]

Sorcha Faal

United States Unleashes Military Coup In Saudi Arabia After Russia Ignites Oil Price Armageddon

An astounding new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today adding a new and fearful chapter to The New Great Game reality of our world, makes it no wonder why top American energy security expert Samantha Gross has just stated with alarm “I’m a little shocked frankly because the Russians are really playing with fire”—a response Gross made to a series of pivotal moves occurring in this “New Great Game” yesterday that began with the United States blocking the United Nations from supporting a Russian-Turkish ceasefire in Syria—that Russia quickly countered by igniting a global “Oil Price Armageddon”—a term describing how Russia made a dramatic turn away from the Saudi-led OPEC+ and refused to cut production to hold up the price of oil—which cratered the price of oil to its present price of $41.57 a barrel—a catastrophic price for US oil producers who need a barrel of oil to cost as much as $65 to break even—and are the same US oil producers who were warned late last year that “2020 Will Be The Year Of Oil Bankruptcies”—a warning that swiftly became true yesterday as evidenced by what happened with the CBOE Volatility Index (VIX), otherwise known as the “Fear Gauge” or “Fear Index”—a creation of the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) that is a real-time market index that represents the market’s expectation of 30-day forward-looking volatility—and that yesterday caught a large American financial entity disastrously betting everything they had on global oil prices being stabilized—the reaction to which saw shocked US market traders saying such things as “Someone Big Was Utterly Blown The Fuck Out”—“Someone Big Literally Doesn’t Exist Anymore”—and “The Fed Must Now Step In Or A Catastrophic Crash Is Inevitable”—but to prevent such a catastrophic crash from happening, saw Saudi Arabia having paid $500 million to the US to move thousands of American military troops into their oil rich nation—American troops who yesterday, and joined by thousands of US troops stationed in neighboring countries, rapidly moved into combat readiness to protect vital Saudi government facilities and oil production centers—immediately after which, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman placed in detention his main rivals for power Prince Ahmed bin Abdulaziz, the younger brother of Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud, royal cousin Prince Nawaf bin Nayef and former interior minister Mohammed bin Nayef—who were then accused in court of attempting a coup and are now under threat of lifetime imprisonment or execution—but whose real crime was their opposing the lost revenues caused by Saudi oil production cuts—production cuts whose main beneficiary are American oil producers needing a higher price per barrel—and due to Russia now having blown up the OPEC+ cartel, are Saudi oil production cuts sure to accelerate before an “inevitable crash” occurs.  […]