Cloak and Dagger

Pre-censored CBS News: San Bernadino shooters 3 white men in military attire

You’re certain that you saw three men?’ the news anchor asks.

‘Yeah,’ she replies, as she continues to describe the THREE WHITE MEN, their muscular build, etc.

After she leaves the line, the anchor insists ‘and of course we’ve just learned that one of the suspects was actually a woman.’” The same thing happened in Paris on November 13th. The shooters at La Belle Equipe restaurant were not brown-skinned Muslims; they were “white, clean shaven…They looked like soldiers or mercenaries and carried the whole thing out like a military operation.” […]

Cloak and Dagger

Everything You Need to Know About Illuminati History and Rituals (Excerpt)

"It was not my intention to doubt that, the Doctrines of the llluminati, and principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more truly satisfied of this fact than I am. The idea that I meant to convey, was, that I did not believe that the Free Masons in this Country had, as Societies, endeavoured to propagate the diabolical tenets of the former or pernicious principles of the latter (if they are susceptible of separation)…" George Washington, 1798 […]


Israel buys most oil smuggled from ISIS territory – report

Kurdish and Turkish smugglers are transporting oil from ISIS controlled territory in Syria and Iraq and selling it to Israel, according to several reports in the Arab and Russian media. An estimated 20,000-40,000 barrels of oil are produced daily in ISIS controlled territory generating $1-1.5 million daily profit for the terrorist organization…. […]

Cloak and Dagger

UK Guardian Fabricates Doctors Without Borders Hospital Bombing

We have long been asking ourselves, why is there an MSF or “Doctors Without Borders” makeshift hospital at every ISIS command center? This isn’t a coincidence or simply altruistic “human shield” activity, it is something far darker with ties to the intelligence agencies and complicit governments that are ISIS. We are talking about Turkey and Saudi Arabia which means we are really talking about Israel… There has been a bit of a covert war between not only the US but other nations as well who cite “Doctors Without Borders” as a propaganda organization as much as a medical one, an organization with strong ties to Israeli intelligence services, one that gives out as much propaganda as it does aspirin. […]


NEO UPDATE on Captured Israeli Colonel in ISIS Golani Battalion

He added that the IDF colonel “had participated in the Takfiri ISIL group’s terrorist operations.” He said the colonel was arrested together with a number of ISIL or IS terrorists, giving the details: “The Israeli colonel’s name is Yusi Oulen Shahak and is ranked colonel in Golani Brigade… with the security and military code of Re34356578765az231434.” […]

Cloak and Dagger

Washington to Host Moderate Terrorists, Moderate Child Molesters Summit

What's the difference between a rebel and a 'moderate' rebel? a rebel is what you saw in the US Civil War, an actual soldier, but a 'moderate' rebel is a terrorist that beheads Christians and Muslims alike and not too long ago, was the enemy in Afghanistan and Iraq .

This will be a key subject of discussion as  ISIS, The American Coalition of Rapists, the American Society for the Appreciation of Chainsaw Massacres, The American Child Molesters League, and FOX and Friends are scheduled to meet soon to celebrate their mainstream media acceptance via neo-con political spin. According to the event organizer, "we remain true to ourselves, and after celebrating the blatantly dismissive attitudes of our very nature by Washington officials, we intend to rape, behead, and dismember every apologist reporter on the scene." […]

Cloak and Dagger

FNC: Snowden Busted!

From FOX News, new photographic evidence that Edward Snowden armed ISIS in 2013, helped develop their infrastructure and oil economy, orchestrated the air drops to Iraqi units, ordered US planes to dump bombs on empty targets, and other really mean and un-American stuff only someone like, say, a senator obsessed with Syrian oil, personal profit, and regime change could pull. […]


Fake News: How a Media Monopoly Actually Affects Free Will

In cults, members are prevented from contact with the outside world. When you control the flow of information that is what what you’re doing; you are preventing members, or in the national sense citizens,  from making informed decisions about the world around them, and that denies free will. This is a totalitarian concept. That isn’t just what Hitler would do, but what he pioneered on a state level. […]


Fake News- How the Washington Post Censors the News

"Recall how the Post saved us from the truth about Iran-Contra. Professional conspiracy exorcist Mark Hosenball was hired to ridicule the idea that Oliver North and his CIA-associated gangsters had conspired to do wrong (*1). And when, in their syndicated column, Jack Anderson and Dale Van Atta discussed some of the conspirators, the Post sprang to protect its readers, and the conspirators, by censoring the Anderson column before printing it (*2).“ […]

Cloak and Dagger

What Rothschild, Murdoch, Cheney, and Israel Love Most About Syria

Besides sounding like the introduction to a wince-worthy conspiracy quip, the most elementary answer is also nauseatingly cliche as an explanation for the penchant the U.S. government displays for inserting itself in the domestic affairs of nearly every country in the Middle East: Oil. Afek, a subsidiary of New Jersey-based Genie Energy, Ltd., announced the discovery of a large liquid oil reservoir and requested an extension of its exploration license for areas in “Northern Israel.” […]

Gratuitous Impiety

Who’s Your Daddy, Lady Cameron?

112,000 signatures on a petition to debate Israeli Prime Minister's status as a war criminal after slaughter over 2,200 civilians in Gaza over the suspicious killings of three Israeli youths. He gets a hero's welcome, because to these "elites" that is exactly what he is. We caught up with Cameron as he walked bow-legged from Bibi's room, ecstatic and very clearly in love. […]