Cloak and Dagger

Veteran Intelligence Officers Prove DNC Leak Doctored to Incriminate Russia

SUBJECT: Was the “Russian Hack” an Inside Job? Executive Summary: Forensic studies of “Russian hacking” into Democratic National Committee computers last year reveal that on July 5, 2016, data was leaked (not hacked) by a person with physical access to DNC computers, and then doctored to incriminate Russia. Key among the findings of the independent forensic investigations is the conclusion that the DNC data was copied onto a storage device at a speed that far exceeds an Internet capability for a remote hack. Of equal importance, the forensics show that the copying were performed on the East coast of the U.S. Thus far, mainstream media have ignored the findings of these independent studies. […]

Donald Trump

Russian Conspiracy Cult Intervention for Bad Journos

“This is a sex cult masquerading as a political movement. The idol, as in phallocentric cults and religions of long ago, is not the penis but the vagina. In this cult, the underlying belief system cynically objectifies women by focusing not on their status as the mothers of all men and women, as life-giving and wise leaders, but merely as political tools to be celebrated and feared because their genitals are different than that of men. Males are the evil patriarchs, but ironically, also the hidden hand of this so-called liberation movement.” […]


Local Man Can’t Wait to Share Wisdom Gleaned from Cable News Panel

Local man Haywood Tapper, 34, excitedly told reporters today that he just can’t wait to tell his friends and family about what he learned from listening to pundits overnight. “I am just so glad there’s much smarter people out there who can do my thinking for me, people to tell me what I should worry about because honestly, I shouldn’t have that right in a world this complex. I know, thanks to these beneficent fellows, that I need to be afraid of Russians and that Putin is a bad, bad man. From all the time they spend on it I think it’s more important than jobs, the economy, health care, even my life.” […]

Independent Press

The Church of “Jesus Said to Hate Your Enemies and Pray Only for Democrats”

Though they were praying over fears of an assassination; praying for the well-being of the President and nation “borders on heresy.” Keeping it classy?

“It is a form of theological malpractice that borders on heresy. When you can p-r-a-y for a president and others while they are p-r-e-y, preying on the most vulnerable, you’re violating the sacred principles of religion. You know, there is a text in Amos Chapter 2 that says religious and moral hypocrisy looks like when a nation of political leaders will buy and sell upstanding people when they will do anything to make money, when they will sell the poor for a pair of shoes, when they will grind the penniless into the dirt and shove the luckless into the ditch and extort from the poor. That is an actual text.” So sayeth Dr. William Barber, who is clearly very l-o-s-t and u-n-r-e-a-d, particularly in the b-i-b-l-e. […]

Donald Trump

Fooled by Spoof Book: Confirmation Bias Hits The New York Times, Pelosi

SMH. Project Icarus Rex, the “top secret” DARPA/CERN time travel project commissioned by President Trump claims another gullible lawmaker, and The New York Times. As of yet, no retraction.

Confirmation bias is simply this: sometimes you get so hung up on finding data to support your belief that you grasp at anything, and that means anything, that could possibly support your conclusion. Sometimes, that means you fall for bullshit, just because you want to believe it so badly.  The corporate media has a confirmation bias against President Trump, and it is rabid. They have already decided that President Trump and 63 million Americans are beyond redemption and through their ignorance and impudence, need their vote nullified. They have openly, and tacitly, called for a revolution. This is not hyperbole. The corporate media is attempting a coup to overturn the results of a democratically elected president. […]

Cloak and Dagger

McCain: 60 Million Americans Colluded With Russians “because fuck you, that’s why”

In a stunning development, Sen. John McCain has asserted that 60 million American voters may have colluded with the Russians to deprive Hillary of the presidency she was rightfully entitled to “because fuck you, that’s why.”

Sen. John McCain, who is scheduling hearings on the matter, told reporters that “We have damaging evidence that these 60 million, mostly Republican voters directly colluded with Russia to elect Hillary. As proof, we have ballots, actual ballots showing that they voted for Trump, and not Hillary, and that’s treason, if not collusion, according to the Washington Post, CNN, The New York Times editorials. These nefarious conspirators shared unflattering memes and information regarding Hillary Clinton. Because this is what Putin wanted, we clearly have a smoking gun. The egg beater does not lie, Doctor Watson, this is an existential threat to American fish bladders that requires boots on the ground beef to send a clear message to Putin. Do not bippity boppity the oven mitt for two birds in the bush, this is an outrage.” […]


Thousands of Male Models Mass Suicide Over Rumors of Joy Reid Marriage, Assange on Suicide Watch

According to Reid, Julian Assange on suicide watch “after I got him to spurn celebrity babes like Pamela Anderson for false hopes of my sweet booty.” How did she do it? She texted him that she was married, which Assange did not know, and “he was ruined instantly.”

Unfortunately, word spread fast, and there were unintended and catastrophic consequences. Over 20,000 male models, and a few hundred very attractive women, perished today in a mass suicide over this false rumor that drop-dead gorgeous, beauteous vixen MSNBC anchor Joy Reid was married. But she went further. She really felt it was time to “twist the knife and break Julian” and call him “gross.” […]

Cloak and Dagger

Trump Offers Photographic Proof of Election Meddling, Putin Silent

A stern President Trump met with President Vladimir at the G20 with irrefutable proof of Russian election meddling. “You put Debbie Wasserman-Schultz up to rigging the primary. Can you deny this is you celebrating with Debbie, Podesta, and Mook after you heard Rich died? Didn’t you rig the primaries against Bernie so you could continue with more uranium deals after you managed to get 20% of ours with Hillary? You secretly wanted her to win. It was the perfect set up. You continued to pay her through the Clinton Foundation and more deals would be made to undermine our nuclear deterrent. Podesta would be Secretary of State and he already had business worth 35 million in Russia. You’re busted, Mr. Putin.”

President Putin was speechless, and hung down his head in shame. “It was Podesta the Molesta’s idea.”


Donald Trump

The Mar-a-Lago Incident: Behind the Scenes with Low I.Q. Crazy Mika, Psycho Joe and Trump

Trump suddenly dropped his fork and winced as he glanced at a growing red stain on the tablecloth.

“Low I.Q. Crazy Mika, hey, the table! Oh come on! REALLY, Mika? Really? Go home! Your face-lift is bleeding all over  the table! We’re trying to eat here!”

Worse, not too long ago it was a bunch of creepy texts from Psycho Joe to the President, but this is a bit of an escalation. “Cry for help maybe?” the agent asked. […]


Rachel Maddow’s Greatest Hit

“Donald Trump has to be taken out before he ruins our country,” Rachel Maddows tweeted on January 23, 2017. Since then some forensic psychologists have argued this language and dehumanization actually radicalized Rep. Steve Scalise’s shooter, James T. Hodgkinson, 66, who had fallen hook, line and sinker for a red-baiting narrative. In fact, in the Milgram Obedience experiment, good people were persuaded to harm and potentially kill people they actually met simply because a man in a white lab coat, an authority, told them to. For older Americans, the television set is still an authority. The shooter had created a hit list of high ranking Republicans to take out with an assault rifle. Scalise is the No. 3 House Republican leader. […]