Sorcha Faal

American Troops By The Tens-Of-Thousands Flood Into Pacific Region

A tersely worded new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today confirming the 2017 prescient warning of President Putin that “the nation that leads in artificial intelligence will be the ruler of the world”, states that the United States and Peoples Republic of China are now careening towards a catastrophic war with each other in their bid to prove this “Putin maxim” (a short statement expressing a general truth) true—the latest event of occurring just hours ago with the dramatic escalation of the US-China trade war that saw the Americans slamming the Chinese with punishing new tariffs Beijing is vowing to retaliate against—but has nothing actually to do trade, as its main conflict point is “which of these two nations will be world leaders in technologies like 5G, artificial intelligence and robotics”—and is a conflict the US is preparing to win at all costs with the over 85,000 military troops it has flooded into the Pacific Region. […]

Sorcha Faal

Over 5,000 American Troops Will Be Killed In Opening Minutes Of Looming “Pistachio War”

Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) commander Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari directly threatened Western powers by declaring “you should be afraid of the day that our precision-guided missiles roar and fall on your head”—the first of whom they fall upon being the nearly 8,000 US troops stationed in Bahrain just minutes away from Iranian missile launch sites, 5,000 of who are estimated will be killed—but none of whose grieving wives, children, parents or loved ones will know that these needless deaths were due to a commercial dispute known as the “Pistachio War”.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia Floods Southern Border With Troops After American Spy Capture

The outlines of this “Deep State” plan to provoke war with Russia, this report continues, began to become clearer this past year with the FSB arrest of Frode Berg—a 62-year-old Norwegian citizen who admitted that he was in Russia as a courier for the NATO-Norwegian intelligence service, and when captured, was found in the possession of two envelopes with €3,000 to be posted to a women named Natalia—and whose further FSB counterterrorism investigation of led to the 28 December capture of the American spy Paul Whelan in Moscow—both of whom are charged under the Article 276-Espionage Law of the Russian Criminal Code, which allows for sentences of up to 20 years in prison. […]

Foreign Affairs

Russia Ponders Troops To Cuba After Trump Revival Of Monroe Doctrine Sends Shockwaves Around World

According to this report, and though little known to the American people, the foundation upon which the entire foreign policy of the United States has been built is known as the Monroe Doctrine—that refers to the 2 December 1823 address made to the US Congress by President James Monroe that articulated his nation’s policy on the new political order developing in the rest of the Americas and the role of Europe in the Western Hemisphere—and whose three main concepts of the doctrine are—separate spheres of influence for the Americas and Europe, non-colonization, and non-intervention, that were designed to signify a clear break between the New World and the autocratic realm of Europe. […]

Sorcha Faal

American People Kept Blinded As Russian Leaders And US Troops Both Agree World War III Is But Months Away

According to this report, known to both Russian and American military forces alike, the dying demonic beast most commonly referred to as the Democrat Party has spent the last past year conspiring with their leftist globalist European allies to ignite the world in the flames of total war they mistakenly believe will save them from destruction—all of whose provocations, though, to start World War III, so far, have been successfully countered—but whose most hoped for provocation to war are the upcoming 2018 Midterm Elections that might catapult them into power from where they can then unleash their satanic fury on a world they believe it is their right and destiny to rule over. […]

Sorcha Faal

Russian Troops Prepare For Saudi Arabia Deployment After Disputed Camel Race Leads To “Deep State” Plot To Overthrow Saudi Crown Prince

According to this report, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman, this past June, traveled to Russia to meet with President Putin—and whose main purpose for this meeting saw MBS describing to Putin his growing fears of the massive global spying and intelligence organization being created in the UAE by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed—known as “The Academy” and headed by former “Deep State” aligned CIA deep cover operative Lawrence Sanchez—and whose growing forces are now being filled by hundreds of former CIA and FBI officers fleeing America over their fears of President Trump. […]

Sorcha Faal

Western Powers Send Massive Fleet After US Troops Seize Syrian Oil Fields

The worst condemnation of the illegal US-led strike on Syria, though, this report details, came from the world’s largest nation China—who pointed out the United States “arrogant record of launching wars on deceptive grounds”, with their further declaring that this arrogance “breeds risk and danger”—and who gravely warn: “Washington’s attack on Syria where Russian troops are stationed constitute serious contempt for Russia’s military capabilities and political dignity. Trump, like scolding a pupil, called on Moscow, one of the world’s leading nuclear powers, to abandon its “dark path.” […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia Prepares Norway Blitzkrieg As Turkish Troops Ready Attack On US Forces

According to this report, with the American Civil War—“it’s here, it’s real, its now”—now threatening to engulf the entire world in its flames of hatred against President Donald Trump, late last year Norwegian leaders began to question why US Marine forces were suddenly flooding into their country—but whose true purpose for being there was shockingly revealed by US Marine Commanding General Robert Neller—who, during the past fortnight, arrived in Norway and told his forces “there’s a war coming…prepare for a big-ass fight”. […]

Benjamin Fulford 

U.S. troops deploy worldwide with 10,000 sealed indictments to take down Khazarian mob

There are also many extra-judicial killings going on.  “The liberal sanctuary city mayor of San Francisco, Edwin Lee, dropped dead after an illegal alien was found not guilty in the murder of Kate Steinle even after his confession,” one source notes.  “Lee’s death is a message to the Democrats and sanctuary city mayors like Rahm Emmanuel of Chicago and Bill De Blasio of New York City,” the source warns. […]

Sorcha Faal

Putin Orders All Russian Troops Out Of Syria During Surprise Visit After Iran Issues Ultimatum To US

President Putin has just made a surprise stopover at Khmeimim Airbase where he has ordered the withdrawal of Russian troops from Syria—whom just 5 days ago, on 6 December, the General Staff announced had liberated Syria from the Islamic State (IS/ISIS/ISIL/Daesh), with Iraq quickly following suit by proclaiming their total defeat of these barbaric ISIS terrorists, too—but with Putin’s “main/central” motivation for issuing this order being Iran having just warned the United States to immediately pull all of its troops out of Syria, “or the doors of hell will open up”. […]


Trump Refuses To Back CIA As Russian-Chinese Troops Prepare To Retake Libya

While General Khalifa Haftar believed that the US would support him in rebuilding Libya once Muammar Gaddafi was deposed, this report says, he became enraged when Hillary Clinton began secretly shipping Libyanweapons and ammunition out of Benghazi to ISIS terrorists in Syria—thus causing his then turning to Russia to support his war torn nation—and who now provides General Haftar with political support and military assistance enabling his Libyan National Army (LNA) forces to maintain control over the eastern part of Libya—with Russia, also, helping him to wreck the sham UN-led Libyan Agreement of 2015. […]

Cloak and Dagger

Russia Issues “Fake News” Alert After 14 US Special Troops Obliterated In Syria

According to this report, between 24-26 September, MoD intelligence operatives “tracking/tracing” the movements of the top leadership of the Ha’yat Tahrir al-Sham radical Islamic terror group in Syria reported that they had all been gathered for a meeting with their US Special Forces handlers in the Idlib Governorate of Syria—but that was quickly ended, just hours ago, when Aerospace Forces completely obliterated this meeting site killing five Ha’yat Tahrir al-Sham field commanders identified as Abu Sulman al-Saudi (chief of southern sector in Idlib Governorate), Abu al-Abbas Anadin (emir on financial issues), Abu Hasan (adviser to military minister Abu Muhammad al-Djulani), Walid al-Mustafa (aide to spiritual leader Abdallah al-Muheisni) and Abu Mudjagid (sharia judge)—along with their US Special Forces handlers that could have numbered as high as 32, or 37.  […]


With US Troops Embedded With ISIS, Russia Warns: “Leave Syria Now, Or Die”

In his meeting with Defense Secretary Mattis, however, this report says, Defense Minister Shoigu stated that Russian military forces operating in Syria would not make such distinctions about which American “entity” should be retaliated against (either US military or CIA), and his warning that all of them would be targeted—and that caused the key American military base in Syria’s southwestern desert region (Zeqaf Base) to be rapidly abandoned and destroyed by fleeing US military forces and their Islamic terror allies, and further battlefield reports showing the American’s are rapidly planning to abandon and destroy their Al-Tanf Base in Syria too. […]

Cloak and Dagger

Putin Orders “Direct Strike” On Americans As US Troops Not Sure Who’s In Charge

According to this report, this “direct strike” upon American forces in Syria authorized today by President Putin is in response to the Trump administration warning last week that they are planning for the next stage of this warthe Americans describe as “a complex fight that will bring them into direct conflict with Syrian government and Iranian forces contesting control of a vast desert stretch in the eastern part of the country”.

Further necessitating this “direct strike” upon American forces in Syria, this report continues, was the US, yesterday, falsely claiming that Syria was preparing to use chemical weapons against Islamic terror forces ravaging their country, and that the United States threatened to retaliate against—with Trump’s United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley stating: “Any further attacks done to the people of Syria will be blamed on Assad, but also on Russia and Iran who support him killing his own people”. […]