DNC Chair Donna Brazile to Write Political Thriller About 2016 Election
Bitch. […]
Bitch. […]
Seth Rich’s social media handle was “panda” and it was known among his friends in the DNC. Did Hillary publicly threaten to “shoot the panda” in a Vanity Fair article of January 24, 2016? Julian Assange has already strongly suggested it was Seth Rich. Kim Dotcom, through whom the data was passed, is willing to testify it was Rich. Hillary’s campaign manager John Podesta, who threatened to make an “example” of leakers whether or not they were guilty, works for The Washington Post. Worse, in clear mockery of the shooting of Seth Rich, a memorial bike rack at the DNC headquarters in Miami refers to the Panda. The DNC also hired a “spokesman” to gaslight the grieving family and to attack investigators of an unsolved murder case, which they treat as closed. […]
As should be clear from my conduct, and the emails we exchanged, I do not wish to cause any distress for the family. But nor can I sit idly by without communicating what I know to the appropriate authorities. I will, through my legal team, progress the necessary arrangements with the authorities. As I have repeatedly stated, while this process is ongoing, I do not intend to make further public comment. However, I now find myself in the invidious position where, out of deference and respect to the family, I have declined to make further public comment but now find my reputation and credibility under attack from the family. If I am forced to respond publicly to these incorrect and unfair allegations, it would have the opposite effect of what the family has asked me to do and I have sought to accommodate. […]
Podesta: “I’m definitely for making an example of a suspected leaker whether or not we have any real basis for it.” In the first week of August several news boards alleged that Huma Abedin was the leak, and that she had Seth Rich contact Wikileaks and Anonymous. Wikileaks has offered a $20,000 reward leading to the capture of Rich’s killer(s). Yet another source, SVR intelligence analysts, claim that the hit team was captured in a shoot out with the FBI on July 12, 2016. […]
30 pieces of silver in hand is better than the mere promise of them, but we all know the dubious reward that it brought one certain individual. It’s as if Bernie Sanders, like Judas, gave Seth Rich and Shawn Lucas their last kiss before betraying them to the George Soros “Caiaphas,” and surrendered their souls to Hillary’s doomed campaign. Five DNC heads were fired over the rigging of the primary. There is an ongoing class action lawsuit against the DNC for fraud. Trump didn’t steal my vote. Hillary did. We know a lot of awful things about Trump, but we do know he doesn’t have a “Clinton mafia,” to use Colin Powell’s own words. Sanders is spitting on Shawn Lucas and Seth Rich’s grave. […]
One thing is indisputable: members of the DNC stand to make millions if Hillary is elected, while they stand to lose millions if she isn't. Seth Rich (worked on Scott Kleeb's campaign, DNC staffer for voter engagement, deceased) and Mark Weiner (Democrat fund raiser, invested 5% in green energy firm Energy Pioneer Solutions, deceased). What is the goal of the Clinton Foundation and Clinton Global Initiative? Andrew Tobias admits that Clinton had been giving "insider tips" to friends within the DNC about a company called – you guessed it – Energy Pioneer Solutions. Now Andrew also admits that he went all in on this company ($1,000,000), even suggesting that was a lot of money for him, so the tip was given with a great deal of confidence in return on investment. […]
What had drawn the concern of murdered DNC official Seth Rich… was his discovery of a “pay-to-play” scheme that involved people seeking jobs with a new Hillary Clinton presidential administration. The scheme would funnel money to the Clinton’s through their foundation with various US federal government positions being designated by the dollar amount it would cost to buy them. […]
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