Hillary Clinton

Was Seth Rich the DNC Leak? Ask John Podesta

Podesta: “I’m definitely for making an example of a suspected leaker whether or not we have any real basis for it.” In the first week of August several news boards alleged that Huma Abedin was the leak, and that she had Seth Rich contact Wikileaks and Anonymous. Wikileaks has offered a $20,000 reward leading to the capture of Rich’s killer(s). Yet another source, SVR intelligence analysts, claim that the hit team was captured in a shoot out with the FBI on July 12, 2016. […]

Hillary Clinton

On Obama’s “Executive Order for a Peaceful Presidential Transition”

The May 6, 2016 executive order is an amendment to an order made in 1963, as a result of President Kennedy’s assassination. Was it meant for Hillary’s installation? The facts are as follows:

According to leaked documents from the DNC they had already decided Hillary would be their nominee as early as May of 2015, perhaps earlier.
Obama amends post-Kennedy assassination “Executive Order for a Peaceful Presidential Transition”one year later, after Bernie Sander’s surprising rise in popularity and primary wins threaten Hillary’s nomination.
Attempt already made on Trump’s life in Vegas, two incidents of  Secret Service perimeter breaches in Sanders CA campaign. […]

Cloak and Dagger

Was the Corporate Media Framing a False Flag Assassination Attempt?

According to one Secret Service agent, someone even "above Soros" came storming into the White House and began discussing a plan was to stage an attempt on Hillary's life and then blame it on Trump.  Any supporting evidence? Consider the following: Before this happens, a controlled, state media will often  frame a candidate with a narrative to make the coming false flag plausible. This is likely why so many media outlets began hyping the "Trump encouraging followers to kill Hillary" false narrative. This "Dangerous Donald" tactic is actually outlined in the DNC Trump playbook leak. The same leaks revealed Sanders "Bernie Bros" supporters could be portrayed as violent, too, and they were. […]

Donald Trump

DNC Wikileaks: “Dangerous Donald Trump” Narrative Now Suspect as “Violent” Bernie Bros Narrative

See original at Wikileaks

Please note both are fear-based narratives consistent with the most nefarious psyops and propaganda in politics. A narrative, in political terms, is a fictional story that is intended to frame a candidate in a positive or negative light. In modern attacks they are conveyed by manipulative and deceptive editing of video and/or audio which is then amplified in the media.

It is the opposite of the history of  a candidate, which relies on facts and records. Here, the DNC outlines the framing of Donald Trump and the narrative to be used. they also did this to Bernie Sanders, with that narrative being that he's a commie, crazy, and his supporters are violent, and dangerous "Bernie Bros." The term framing is self-evident: you are setting someone up for something they did not, or do not do. Bernie, in the chair throwing myth, was framed. […]

Hillary Clinton

DNC Leaks Notwithstanding, Hillary Campaign and Media Continue to Attack Third Parties

In fact, just use the search option on the Wikileaks page and type in Rachel Maddow, Chris Matthews, MSNBC, CNN. The results will surprise you. This is the most calculated political undermining of Democracy in US history. Don't be surprised if the media focus is on another mass shooting here or abroad, or any other "terror" event that could distract voters from such a devastating revelation. It wasn't just Bernie that was robbed, you, the American people, were all robbed for the sake of pushing the TPP into law. […]

Hillary Clinton

New leak: DNC plotted to expose Bernie Sanders as an “atheist”

Where have we seen this attempt to use religious bigotry to garner votes before? Oh yeah. With Obama, 2008, when the Clinton camp spread rumors about Obama being a Muslim to stoke terrorist fears. Except Obama was not Muslim. More important than that, however, is that the thousands of emails just released are the smoking gun that will make the ongoing class-action lawsuit against the DNC for secret collusion with the Clinton campaign that much harder to defend against in the courts and in the court of public opinion. […]

Hillary Clinton

Before You Look for Russian Hackers, Did You Consider Seth Rich?

What had drawn the concern of murdered DNC official Seth Rich… was his discovery of a “pay-to-play” scheme that involved people seeking jobs with a new Hillary Clinton presidential administration. The scheme would funnel money to the Clinton’s through their foundation with various US federal government positions being designated by the dollar amount it would cost to buy them. […]

Donald Trump

Urgent Apppeal to REINSTATE Secret Service Protection for Sen. Bernie Sanders

It should be no surprise that so many in the Bush cabinet are supporting Hillary now: Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, and Karl Rove. Notes on how the Clintons collaborated with Karl Rove and tech guru Mikey Cunnygnham to rig 2000, 2008, 2016 election. Appeal to reinstate Secret Service protection for Sen. Bernie Sanders over highly credible threat to his life. A pattern emerges: notes on Donald Trump assassination attempt in Vegas in late June.  A brief background on May 6, 2016 amendment to 1963 post-Kennedy assassination executive order for a peaceful presidential transition,  Obama's Executive Order — Facilitation of a Presidential Transition. Hillary's "Bernie bump" fails to materialize, Hillary actually drops in polls, below Trump, after Bernie's coerced endorsement. […]

Hillary Clinton

Fraud: Class Action Lawsuit Against DNC Filed, RICO Lawsuit

DNC Donald Trump Report  Leaked. Notes on the strategy for Installing Hillary. In addition to voter suppression and major exit poll discrepancies that two Stanford studies confirm are consistent with fraud, there is now actual material leaked evidence of election fraud and DNC collusion, rigged Primary; the Guccifer 2.0 Files. Here they are. [UPDATE] DNC, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, CA Sec of State Alex Padilla served for election fraud. […]

Donald Trump

GOP Pushing For Weakest Candidate, Betting Against Horse With Fractured Leg

Author and journalist H.A. Goodman raises a good point when he points out that if she even tried to get a job at McDonald's, and they did a background check, she would not be hired because she is at the center of a criminal FBI investigation. The GOP knows this full well, but will allow and encourage, in contained glee, for the Hillary camp to push her nomination and will do everything possible to ensure this. Afterwards, when it is too late to change horses, they will go all out on exposing this simple fact and much more, along with a major media campaign demanding an indictment. […]

Clinton Foundation

FBI Reveals DNC Itself Complicit in Racketeering

Hillary’s coronation was strange indeed. From the beginning, the DNC was ruthlessly suppressing all challengers, and even members of Congress who supported Sanders were warned not to, or else. Only four known Democrats in Congress, out of hundreds, are not supporting Hillary Clinton. That’s a shakedown. That is the essence of racketeering: cooperate, or else. That’s why otherwise reasonable people say Hillary’s phony lead is “insurmountable.” But for the hundreds of delegates who announced their support before Sanders even ran, willing and unwilling, and those pledged now and are in any way tied to the Hillary Victory Fund, this would be a good time to distance themselves from ground zero. […]


Fake News: How a Media Monopoly Actually Affects Free Will

In cults, members are prevented from contact with the outside world. When you control the flow of information that is what what you’re doing; you are preventing members, or in the national sense citizens,  from making informed decisions about the world around them, and that denies free will. This is a totalitarian concept. That isn’t just what Hitler would do, but what he pioneered on a state level. […]