Actual Supreme Court Rulings Consistent with Illuminati Doctrine

The oligarchy that is pushing a Bush-Clinton dynasty is not lost on mainstream news assets as well. Even Time Magazine covered it on May, 2014: “A 2016 Bush-Clinton Match-Up? Gag Me.”

Consider the obscene income inequality prescribed in the protocols, the neo-serfdom, which we are facing now, over 100 years later. We are under the most corrupt Supreme Court in the history of the United States and this, too, bows to the will of Wall Street. Above Wall Street are the main puppeteers, the federal reserve, a system of private banking in which the nation’s system of credit is privately concentrated in a handful of men the media naturally portrays as blameless or ignores altogether, exactly as writ in Protocol 20 by the men who printed the money then, and print it now:
“A loan is — an issue of government bills of exchange containing a percentage obligation commensurate to the sum of the loan capital. If the loan bears a charge of 5 percent, then in twenty years the State vainly pays away in interest a sum equal to the loan borrowed, in forty years it is paying a double sum, in sixty — treble, and all the while the debt remains an unpaid debt. From this calculation it is obvious that with any form of taxation per head the State is baling out the last coppers of the poor taxpayers in order to settle accounts with wealthy foreigners, from whom it has borrowed money instead of collecting these coppers for its own needs without the additional interest.”

That’s the federal reserve and International Monetary Fund, that is central banking, everything our founding fathers and greatest minds fervently opposed as the greatest threat to our democracy.

Ronald Reagan

“A coalition of multinational corporate executives, big-city bankers, and hungry power brokers… want to give you George Bush… their purpose is to control the American government.”

– Ronald Reagan, 1980.

President Ronald Reagan did not want George H.W. Bush on the ticket in 1980. It took threats and a lot of persuading, and after that, with the bad blood out in the open, we had this. The man who shot Reagan and several others, John Hinkley, came from the Hinckley family; a very wealthy supporter of Bush, Sr. when he ran against Reagan for the Republican nomination… Rhawn Joseph writes “Another ‘coincidence.’ In the days before the assassination attempt, plans had been made for Vice-President Bush to assume the presidency on March 31,1981, should Reagan die or be killed. Reagan was shot at close range on March 30, 1981. As recalled by Bush ally, James Baker—one of the ‘Texans’ mentioned by Nixon when discussing the Bay of Pigs-Kennedy Assassination—: ‘there had been a FEMA [Federal Emergency Management Administration] exercise scheduled for the next day on presidential succession.'”
Clarence “White Like Me” Thomas: Monsanto made it to the top 25 censored news stories of 2013: At 24: Widespread GMO Contamination: Did Monsanto Plant GMOs Before USDA Approval? At 21: Monsanto and India’s “Suicide Economy”
Clarence “White Like Me” Thomas: Monsanto made it to the top 25 censored news stories of 2013: At 24: Widespread GMO Contamination: Did Monsanto Plant GMOs Before USDA Approval? At 21: Monsanto and India’s “Suicide Economy

Global March: Protests around world against Monsanto

The “unseen hand” that put Protocols No.5 into effect, literally. It called to establish monopolies of industry and trade to provide political force to industrialists, and through that, “help to oppress people.”
The “unseen hand” that put Protocols No.5 into effect, literally. It called to establish monopolies of industry and trade to provide political force to industrialists, and through that, “help to oppress people.”

Reagan was right. The Bush Dynasty is responsible for the most compromised Supreme Court the nation has ever endured: Alito, Thomas, and Roberts were seated by the Bush family, which fully illustrates the destructive power of political dynasties when it comes to filling the Supreme Court with extensions of corporate will, not just men sympathetic to them. In simpler terms, 1/3 of the Supreme Court is owned by the Bush dynasty and its corporate and banking alliances. This cannot be more certain. The Bush family, since Prescott Bush’s failed 1930s attempt to overthrow FDR in the Business Plot, had made it their business to turn America into a fascist state controlled by Wall Street bankers.

The rulings of the justices have been 100% consistent with that objective; such as seating George W. Bush as president in a fraudulent election, ruling that corporations are people to undermine fair elections, equating money with free speech to perpetuate a fascist oligarchy, destroying the Writ of Habeus Corpus to allow for the secret and indefinite detention of citizens, dismantling the Voting Rights Act, removing the last vestige of campaign contribution limits, and countless other rulings consistent with the terrifying protocols to be discussed herein. Again, capital’s Supreme Court, for it is not ours but that of international capital; is a court which defined corporations as people rather than business contracts which they really are, but the person-hood given to corporations, particularly oil companies and banks, makes them not just people; but a special type of people that cannot breathe, walk, talk or bleed; that can own no conscience or soul, cannot go to jail, that pay no taxes, that may defy the law fearing no more than a paltry fine no matter how deadly or grievous the offense, be it fomenting a civil war here and abroad, political assassinations, dumping toxic wastes into our drinking water, money laundering for drug cartels, war lords, black market arms dealers, et cetera.

For a false flag war on terror perpetrated by corporate terrorists, we have lost our Writ of Habeus Corpus. With the Supreme Court's approval of the NDAA of 2012, the military can now arrest anyone, without charges, indefinitely. Under a just President that is at war with corporate powers and bankers that have committed treason, this could serve a purpose. Under a corrupt President serving them, it could destroy everything the Constitution stands for.
For a false flag war on terror perpetrated by corporate terrorists in the oil and banking cartels, we have lost our Writ of Habeus Corpus. With the Supreme Court’s approval of the NDAA of 2012, the military can now arrest anyone, without charges, and detain them indefinitely. Under a just President that is at war with “untouchable” corporate powers and bankers that have committed treason, this could serve a purpose. Under a corrupt President serving them, it could destroy everything the Constitution stands for, and lead to civil war.

The NDAA Explained in 3 Minutes


Again, capital’s Supreme Court, for it is not ours but that of international capital; is a court which defined corporations as people rather than business contracts which they really are, but the person-hood given to corporations, particularly oil companies and banks, makes them not just people; but a special type of people that cannot breathe, walk, talk or bleed; that can own no conscience or soul, cannot go to jail, that pay no taxes, that may defy the law fearing no more than a paltry fine no matter how deadly or grievous the offense, be it fomenting a civil war here and abroad, political assassinations, dumping toxic wastes into our drinking water, money laundering for drug cartels, war lords, black market arms dealers, et cetera.


Prescott Bush, George H.W. Bush's father, is said to have stolen Geronimo's skull. He also led the Business Plot to overthrow FDR in the 30s while financing the Nazis.
Bonesman Prescott Bush, George H.W. Bush’s father, is said to have stolen Geronimo’s skull. He also led the Business Plot to overthrow FDR in the 30s while financing the Nazis.

Any sane man could tell the difference between a piece of paper; a business contract that is a corporation, and a human being, but not this august body of men cherry-picked by the Bush Dynasty. Their robes would imply they were honorable men, and they are not, it would imply they represented the interests of the American people or humanity in general, and they do not. Their positions would imply they have character, and they have none, else they would not have been seated. At the risk of proffering an ad hominem attack, it can be seriously argued these men are psychopaths. Why? For starters, psychopaths have no problem killing innocents.


At least 4% of over 3,000 men on death row are innocent and many have been killed already. Just 4% is 120 innocent men, and the study noted that is a very conservative estimate. It may be as high as 10%. That makes any justice who supports a system that kills 120 innocent men little more than serial killers. If you deliberately ensure innocent men are killed when you are tasked to interpret justice honorably, that is psychopathic behavior. You can justify it any way you want but at bottom it is taking an innocent human life for personal gains that are mostly political, but also ego driven. One often hears that the most successful business leaders tend to be psychopaths, and Forbes even did an article on this.

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