Deep State War: Quick Run Down

• Insider anons are reporting that the Podestas have been selling children to Saudi Princes, those who have just been arrested / ousted from power. These princes control everything. • They are saying the pedo parts of this won’t get to the MSM without us, and are asking us to GO!!! Quoting Q- “SHOW US WHAT YOU CAN DO”. • Q Anon’s questions are connecting REAL dots that we have always known and have researched but have never linked it all together. • Everything PG. Vegas 911, Cabal is connected to SA. • The Saudi Princes are huge donors to the CF et al and the CF has been using them for money laundering. • These Saudi’s are in the class above Soros. Soros is worth 10B, these Saudi princes together were worth 2T. Not even dose. […]


Deep State War: 4Chan Alert on Podesta, Arrests, Antifa

Rest assured, the safety and well-being of every man, woman, and child of this country is being exhausted in full. However, the atmosphere within the country will unfortunately be divided as so many have fallen for the corrupt and evil narrative that has long been broadcast. We will be initiating the Emergency Broadcast System (EMS) during this time in an effort to provide a direct message (avoiding the fake news) to all citizens. Organizations and or people that wish to do us harm during this time will be met with swift fury – certain laws have been pre-lifted to provide our great military the necessary authority to handle and conduct these operations (at home and abroad). […]

2017 JFK Files

Declassified JFK Files: Multiple Shooters, FBI Paid Oswald, CIA Makes Fake News, LBJ Was Coup Linchpin and in KKK

While yesterday’s pre-planned release of JFK files was significantly neutered at the request of the CIA and FBI, enraging Lou Dobbs among others, the 2800+ files which were released have been poured over extensively, revealing evidence of a second shooter, a massive CIA infiltration of the MSM, a tipoff phone call received 25 minutes before the assassination, and Soviet intelligence indicating the assassination was a coup involving LBJ among other things.

Summary of findings so far:

Two shooters, one escaped: […]


Deep State War: 4Chan: 650k of NYPD Recovered Files from Weiners/Huma’s Computer

Just want to be clear… you’re not getting 650k of pizza related files. You’re getting 650k of NYPD recovered files from Weiners/Huma’s computer that will mostly focus on their EXTENSIVE international/Terror funding and fueling crimes and as you read through the files, yes, you’ll see a bunch of creepy Podesta-style, back and forth files/communications, sprinkled in between. PLEASE don’t let yourselves get so excited over pizza, that you completely miss the actual fucking happening you’re being given in this release. […]


Las Vegas Massacre Declared “Tipping Point” As Russia Orders Nuclear Forces To Full Alert

President Putin has authorized the immediately deploymen to combat alert status of Strategic Missile Forces (SMF) troops and their intercontinental thermal nuclear missiles in response to a Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) warning that the warring factions of those loyal to President Donald Trump, and those loyal to the “Deep State” opposing him, have now reached a “tipping point” due to the CIA’s “false flag” “Pyramid Sacrifice” massacre in Las Vegas—and whose “official” narrative about this CIA operation has been completely destroyed, thus leaving these “shadow government” leaders in America more vulnerable to exposure than they have ever been before—and who are now fully prepared to lash out with total war in order to protect themselves. […]


Deep State War: 4Chan Chatter Regarding Vegas

“I will confirm that the 3 disclosures have been discussed and vetted thoroughly, for the last several months, here. Ok. fine… and while “pizza” is on the menu, it’s not one of the 3 pending releases. Not in the way you want it to be. It will be discussed and Hollywood specifically will take a MASSIVE HIT in the very near future. Harvey was the first lowhanging takedown so just imagine how high-level this will go. But I assure you. while Hillary, the Clinton campaign/staff, Obama admin, establishment (both parties) and DNC as related to election fraud, etc. will eventually fall for epic crimes, you’ll never see Hillary in an orange jumpsuit, for actual pizza.” […]


Shock Discovery Reveals White House Given One Week Warning Of Las Vegas Massacre

According to this report, at approximately 07:00 -4 GMT (local time) on Sunday, 24 September, an American citizen named Timothy J. Bates presented himself at the White House Southwest Appointment Gate where he informed uniformed officers of the Secret Service that he needed to talk to US Navy Admiral Mike Rodgers (Director of the National Security Agency) about a planned CIA “false flag” operation being planned for later that day on innocent concert goers attending the Life Is Beautiful-2017 concert in Las Vegas,  that then, in turn, would be blamed on “white supremacists”—with subsequent investigations proving that known CIA gun runner Stephen Paddock had, indeed, been planning to attack this concert. […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia Kills 3 CIA Spies After “Most Powerful Bomb In World” Obliterates ISIS Command Bunker

A “special weapons attack” conducted by the Russian Air Force (AiF) in the Deir ez-Zor Governorate of Syria completely obliterated one of the Islamic State’s (ISIS/IS/ISIL/Daesh) most critical command-and-control centers killing over 40 of this terrorist groups leaders—most importantly being the US-trained ISIS “Minister of War” Gulmurod Khalimov, and who was killed along with 3 of his American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) “handlers”—with eyewitnesses to this event describing an atomic bomb like explosion that could only have resulted from the use of the world’s most powerful bomb—known as the “Father Of All Bombs”.  […]

Cloak and Dagger

“You know you done fucked up, right?”

Julian Assange: #Boston: 20k protest against “free speech” today. GOP controls gov+congress+supreme+cops. Give them the only thing you have left? Smart. “Reflexive control is defined as a means of conveying to a partner or an opponent specially prepared information to incline him to voluntarily make the predetermined decision desired by the initiator of the action.” The door is now open to shut down anti-government speech upon racist grounds, be it real or not. Free speech cannot be limited without being lost. […]

Abraham Lincoln

Hacked Government Emails Details “Fake News” Plot Destroying US

“Television determines the agenda…the methods that I am talking about create a world view, something that’s called a “reality”…a reality is created for us….and if we see this reality the way it is brought to us by television, then we act in accordance with this reality. Chaos is the key word…all of it is done to create a stable association in our minds…it is an old mythologem — Chaos as a protoplasm from which the gods will then create the world…and it absolutely does not matter how much the real picture corresponds with the media picture. An overwhelming majority of television viewers have never been and will never travel there. And they make their judgment based on the television picture and not on what happens in reality”. […]

Cloak and Dagger

How to Deal With Terrorists Calling for the Murder of Julian Assange

Be careful what you wish for. Julian Assange is a nice guy. But Assange has a lot of friends, and some ain’t so nice. They don’t like to see their friends threatened for trying to do the right thing. They may not be as forgiving as Assange, and they will not ask him for permission if anything happens. Why? because you fucking killed him, that’s why. Martin S. Friedlander, Nathan Hale, Jonathan Levine, Michael Grunwald, et al, you made Santa’s naughty list. Knock that shit off, Santa hates terrorists. These plebeians will have to weigh their own influence versus that of the target. That said, let’s see how the Russians, Israelis, and our own spooks deal with terrorists, since you want to play with the big boys by killing someone under diplomatic protection. […]

Cloak and Dagger

Putin Orders “Direct Strike” On Americans As US Troops Not Sure Who’s In Charge

According to this report, this “direct strike” upon American forces in Syria authorized today by President Putin is in response to the Trump administration warning last week that they are planning for the next stage of this warthe Americans describe as “a complex fight that will bring them into direct conflict with Syrian government and Iranian forces contesting control of a vast desert stretch in the eastern part of the country”.

Further necessitating this “direct strike” upon American forces in Syria, this report continues, was the US, yesterday, falsely claiming that Syria was preparing to use chemical weapons against Islamic terror forces ravaging their country, and that the United States threatened to retaliate against—with Trump’s United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley stating: “Any further attacks done to the people of Syria will be blamed on Assad, but also on Russia and Iran who support him killing his own people”. […]

Fake News

CNN’s Fake Russian Conspiracy Part of Ongoing Media Pretext for Major War

Let us first define fake news: fake news is “advocacy journalism.” Advocacy journalism is news that relies on the reporter’s confirmation bias, a logical fallacy, to spread stories that fit a common narrative. Fake news is literally destroying us, and this stooge above personifies fake news, or he wouldn’t be so angry. Bombing Syria to protect Americans, or to avenge the world for “gas attacks,” that is another narrative you will hear often. The western reporters, and anchors, will rely on their own confirmation bias to divert them from the unpleasant reality that they themselves are now making the deaths of innocents inevitable, including Syrian children we were supposed to protect from Assad. They will cherry pick any data that supports the false notion that a violent regime change will not create more carnage. This is war advocacy, and it’s a favorite of the neocons. A media that pushes for war on a false pretext is an enemy of the people, it is a very deadly enemy of the people and enemy of all of mankind. Of course the thinking man fucking hates you. […]

Fake News

White House Relents, Gives CNN’s Jim Acosta a Seat at the Table

After much criticism, gnashing of teeth, tantrums, and holding of his breath, CNN’s Jim “Pajama Booties” Acosta has prevailed against President Trump in his battle for White House access. Trump at last relented to his stern demands and offered the reporter “a highly coveted seat at the table.” Here, a proud Acosta announces the breaking news to a global audience. A night of hard-hitting news would follow. The first was Juice-box Gate. “Everyone here got one juice box, ” Acosta said solemnly, tears welling in his eyes, lips slightly quivering as he relived the traumatic moment. “President Trump got two juice boxes and even a crazy straw. He got two. It makes you wonder about the fairness and character of the man, and where the nation is going.”

Later, at a CNN panel discussing the “controversial breach in White House protocol,” the panel nodded in sober, unanimous consent. “It’s time for an independent investigation of the matter, perhaps led by Maxine Waters,” Don Lemon argued. “We’ve seen this before. It’s a disgrace to our country. Russia’s hand in this scandal is clear to all.” […]


Penis Suicide Rates Explode After CNN Chief Jeff Zucker Comparisons

CNN Chief Jeff Zucker was never easy on the eyes, but now a rash of penis suicides has hit the nation as male genitals are bullied online with taunts of “Jeff Zucker head”, “Butt Fucker Zucker,” “Zuck face”, “CNN is Fake News!”, “CNN is ISIS!” and “Mother Zucker” that in best case scenarios, only resolves with years of therapy; but in worst cases, ends in suicide and tragedy. The report, “Penile Suicide and Jeff Zucker’s Ugly Bitch Ass Face: A Twin Tragedy” was conducted by the University of Jeff Zucker Can Go Fuck Himself, and just published today. […]


Trump vs. Anne Frank Rap Battle: Washington Post Hoax “Exposes” Trump’s Top Secret Time Travel

The Washington Post bravely risks it all to reveal that by 2016, Donald Trump used his access to Gen. Michael Flynn to quietly direct DARPA, then in secret works with CERN in Switzerland, to commission the first  time machine ever constructed.  Billions had been spent on Project Icarus Rex by DARPA alone. A handful of Swiss and American scientists had initially planned to intervene in a past timeline to prevent World War Three, prevent the African famines, etc. As for President Trump, his first stop was World War Two, but he wasn’t there to stop Hitler. Trump was there to “talk shit about Anne Frank and challenge her to an epic rap battle.” […]