Video Proof Obama Never Flipped Hillary
March 18, 2013
Just when you think mainstream journalists have superseded insentient excrement on the evolutionary ladder, they tumble back down a few rungs below the origin of feces. A case in point: Andrew Malcolm of the Los Angeles Times.Today he embarrassed himself and his paper by falsely asserting Obama flipped off Hillary, and as you may...
Trump Mysteriously Splits FBI Into Two Parts—Then Gives It Control Over Guantanamo
August 11, 2020
An interesting new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today revealing that Russia is the first country in the world to register a COVID-19 vaccine and mass production will soon begin, follows this revelation by noting President Donald Trump intends on inviting President Putin the next G-7 Summit due to be held after the American election scheduled for 3 November—two agenda items that are then followed by a...
FBI Sweep Puts US Media In Terror As Trump Prepares To Jail Top Reporters
February 15, 2017
Knowing of what his own intelligence agencies were preparing to do against him once NBC News fired the “first salvo” against him, this report continues, Trump, aided by former US Army General Michael Flynn (who was the US military's top spy master), deployed a classic “Canary Trap” maneuver against these “spy actors” and their journalist...
How Fanatical Atheism Gave Us the Tea Party
October 15, 2013
There is a very strong, tactically palsied movement by fanatical atheists today to crush religion, particularly Christianity. The way this movement is led, unfortunately, is as a militant movement that demeans and ridicules people of faith. The common wisdom is that once an idea is sufficiently mocked and ridiculed, then that is the moment the...
Secret treaties signal massive world changes as early as March
February 11, 2019
Intense negotiations are taking place now at the highest levels of world power both in secret and in public, multiple sources agree. These could result in earth-changing announcements as early as March, they say. The power struggle in Washington, D.C. is also heading for some sort of climax, as can be seen by U.S. President...
The Nag Hammadi Library
November 6, 2018
The Nag Hammadi library is among other things, an important account of what happened with Jesus Christ after his death, and an account of the teachings He left thereafter. The library includes the Corpus Hermeticum, the wisdom of Hermes, and Plato's The Replublic. In 1945, twelve leather-bound papyrus codices buried in a sealed jar were...
QAnon Arises To Counter Chinese Claim Americans Are Eating Coronavirus Dead
May 27, 2020
A mind-blowing “You Just Can’t Make This Stuff Up!” new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today wondering about the societal-sanity of peoples living through the current “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, questions the wisdom of Communist China this past week having had their main broadcaster China Central Television (CCTV) air a movie called “Soylent Green”—a dystopian thriller film produced in America in 1973 wherein its main character Thorn discovers...
Worlds Most Feared Secret Society Emerges From Shadows To Protect Trump From Mueller
March 23, 2019
An absolutely mind-blowing new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today states the most significant event occurring yesterday when Special Counsel Robert Muellerstunningly released his report proving conclusively that President Donald Trump had in no way whatsoever colluded with Russia to achieve his historic victory over Hillary Clinton, is the date it occurred on, 22 March—that in the American custom of placing the month before...
Opening Episode Of Season Four Of Trump Presidency Sees Bomb Fuse Lit On Dems And Leftist Media
January 17, 2020
A fascinating new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the just completed arms control talks held between Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov and US Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Ford in Geneva-Switzerland, says their mutual “decision to continue the Strategic Security Dialogue and begin expert-level engagement on particular topics...
Trump “Spring Spectacular” Said Is Reason US Continues To Block Release Of Secret Documents Proving No Russia Collusion
December 11, 2019
An intriguing new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting that US-Russia trade has increased to $27 billion under President Donald Trump from its low of $20 billion under former President Barack Obama, all despite sanctions Trump intends to keep in place, states that this issue, coupled with the growing alarm about NATO military activity near Russian and Belarusian borders as this Western war alliance prepares for its largest European exercises in 25 years involving over 20,000 US troops,...
CIA Assassins Dismember Body Of Hillary Clinton-Ghislaine Maxwell Linked Money Launderer
July 15, 2020
A mind-bending highly-classified “Of Special Importance” new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today continuing to document the recent activities of an elite team of Special Activities Center (SAC) commando-assassins from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) responsible only to President Donald Trump, CIA Director Gina Haspel and Deputy Director of CIA for Operations Elizabeth Kimber, says most critical to be noticed about events occurring...
Agent Joe Mahma
September 22, 2013
Joe Mahma, Impious Digest staff writer, stars in his first feature film set in 1960s Mexico. Here's a clip from "We Hope You Don't Speak Spanish."
The Remarkable Improvement in Satellite Technology Since 1962
February 14, 2015
One would think given the explosive nature of events in the Ukraine, you would see something a little more sophisticated, and detailed, than 1960's technology. But one would be wrong. Behold the latest from Geoffrey "You Suck at Photoshop" Pyatt, US Ambassador to the Ukraine, as he tries to undermine the cease fire for the...
TPP Makes Your Vote Officially Worthless; Monsanto Can Sue Your Nation for Banning It
October 5, 2015
The TPP allows multi-national corporations like Monsanto to sue America for lost profits in private courts. This means an end to any nation's self-determination, and the abolition of US citizen rights if they threaten corporate profits. See why it's so secret?
Trump Activates War Fortress Raven Rock, Gives US Army Control Of Doomsday Planes
October 3, 2020
A sobering new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the highly-classified “Of Special Importance” assessment of President Donald Trump just completed by military intelligence analysts within the General Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces (GRU), grimly notes that the world’s highest-profile coronavirus patient, first expected to stay in hospital “for the next few days”, is now said...
Pentagon Insider Warns of False Flags in US, Berlin and Paris in mid-August, 2016
August 9, 2016
ANON: "The next Wiki Leak will deal with Clinton Foundation. Quid pro quo. Cicada 3301, which you hear about, is connected to Wikileaks. There are former and current FBI agents who are leaking, not Russians. There are internal battles afoot, and the White Hats are using a segment of Cicada 3301 called PI MOBI to...
Who is Capable of Preventing Nuclear War before the Olympics?
January 9, 2018
A petition appealing to the DPRK’s authorities to stop testing weapons of mass destruction (WMD) during the Winter Olympic Games in Pyeongchang has recently emerged at
A huge number of athletes and sports fans eager to live in peace and harmony have initiated this kind of petition. Their emotional distress is quite justified. The fact...
Haitian Economy Rebounds as Hillary Orders 63 Million Voodoo Dolls to Kill Trump Voters
September 14, 2017
In her new memoir What Happened, Hillary Clinton writes that "I was tempted to make voodoo dolls of certain members of the press and Congress and stick them full of pins." However, while making the rounds and finding herself more unpopular among Democrats and progressives in her Blame Everyone Tour, she has decided to use the...
Child’s Secret Message From Trump To Putin Halts Russia’s Planned Destruction Of US Warship
January 20, 2019
The planned electronic-destruction of the USS Donald Cook that’s just sailed into the Black Sea was ordered halted by President Putin after the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) analyzed as “highly probable” a warning issued by top President Trump associate Roger Stone that a coup to throw Trump from power and install Hillary Clinton as president is underway—a plot, however, whose doubts about were raised within the SVR during the confirmation hearing for Trump’s new US Attorney General William Barr when...
Indoctrination vs. Education
September 15, 2013
The differences between indoctrination and education. How to spot textbook propaganda one can easily overlook.
Russia Prepares For Strikes On Saudi Arabia After Chemical Weapon Attack Fears In Yemen Grow
April 15, 2018
Russia is in the process of preparing for military strikes upon Saudi Arabia over its use of chemical and biological weapons in Yemen—that is due to the apocalyptic situation in Yemen about to get much worse after Jaysh al-Islam terrorists leaving Syria are now flowing there in massive numbers, and who in the past have...
Sen. John McCain: Putin is a Russian Agent
April 3, 2017
Warhawk and Lindsey Graham life partner John McCain declared this morning that Russian President Vladimir Putin is a Russian sympathizer and possibly a spy, citing a trusted source he obtained from gay dating app Grindr.
Actual Supreme Court Rulings Consistent with Illuminati Doctrine
May 7, 2014
Imagine Supreme Court rulings consistent with an Illuminati doctrine written over 200 years ago; a doctrine calling for a totalitarian world government run by a cabal of international bankers. Imagine rulings also consistent with the 24 protocols of the more infamous work based on it but falsely attributed to an entire people, The Protocols of...
FBI Divers Recover Human Bones In Waters Off Epstein “Orgy Island” As “Deep State” Meltdown Accelerates
August 13, 2019
An “appalled and angry” US Attorney General William Barr owed “no one complicit in Epstein’s crimes will escape punishment”—crimes which now may include murder after an elite team of FBI investigators and divers invaded Epstein’s “Orgy Island” fortress in the Caribbean yesterday—whose most stunning discovery are believed to be human bones of young children found in the...
Former President of Iran Pens an Open Letter to President Trump
May 10, 2017
"Terrorism is an anti-human tool in the hands of global powers in order to cause insecurity and rifts, as well as to impose their will and policies on nations and governments. I regret to remind you that most of the known terrorist groups across the contemporary world have either been or are formed and reinforced...
Tracy Morgan: "I am Joy Reid, y'all! That kind of stupid is comedy genius!"
March 2, 2018
In Brief
New York City Skyline Bathed In “Electric Blue” After Mysterious Tesla Machine Unearthed
December 28, 2018
As Trump’s uncle was the only person to have been given full access by the US government to all of Tesla’s research, it stands to reason that one of the most important devices Tesla ever built would be known by him, and whose knowledge of would, also, now be known about by President Trump himself—and today the world knows as the Tesla Tower that was built over...
“Mark of The Beast” White House Intruder Linked To Mysterious CIA Recruiter
March 13, 2017
Important to note about Jonathan Tuan Tran, SVR analysts in this report write, was that he was employed as a Product Engineer at the Germany company known as International Rectifier (INFINEON)—whom Russian intelligence has long refered to as the “Mark of Beast” company for its efforts to have the entire population of the European Union...
Secret war centers on SWIFT after George Bush Sr. is executed
December 10, 2018
Since the death of Nazi Fourth Reich Fuhrer George Bush Sr., the battle for control of the world’s financial system, and thus of the process of deciding humanity’s future, is now centering on control of the SWIFT international interbank electronic transfer system. A final battle is taking place between the 13 bloodlines which have traditionally...
Russia Stunned After Obama’s Private Interpreter Revealed To Be At Donald Trump Jr. Meeting
July 18, 2017
According to this report, of the now estimated 8 people to have attended this meeting between Trump Jr. and Veselnitskaya in June 2016, was Anatoli Samochornov—who until last week was listed as a Project Managerfor the US State Department’s Meridian International Center, and one of whose “central/main” duties was acting as an “interpreter at high level UN and private sector meetings for the Secretary...
Article Slideshow of all Impious Digest stories. A virtual roulette of impious foolishness with a spattering of more serious content.