
NBC News Bullshit

A case in point: NBC’s Michelle Kosinski reporting on the extent of the flooding in Wayne, New Jersey. Alas, she is foiled in her endeavor to bullshit the nation when reporting from a canoe as two men walk through what was supposed to be water so deep you needed a canoe to traverse it. Then she dramatically announces the amount of damages from the flooding has reached the “tens of thousands of dollars,” which means one whole house got water damage, apparently. […]

Gratuitous Impiety

911 Reasons Rudy is an Asshole

“Hang on… my wife is calling…” Six seconds into the video, the moment he announces the call is from his wife, the cell phone is still in his pocket. Yet he makes the psychic announcement it’s her before looking down at his pocket or cell display. The call was staged, just as it was at previous rallies when the same thing happened, apparently to soften his image from a fascist, biped pig to a fascist, caring biped pig. Later in the NRA speech he uses his wife Judith to allude to 9-11, yet again: […]


Dennis Leary is in Denial

Albert Einstein once said that “If at first an idea does not sound absurd, then there is no hope for it.” Here is an absurd idea, one I share with an exponentially growing number of people. What is it? That WTC Building 7, which was struck by neither plane in the 9/11 attack yet collapsed in the same free fall manner, did only hours later with the help of a demolition team. That’s it, that’s what all this is about, implying that some events in the official 9/11 account could not have taken place. That’s the wild conspiracy. […]

Gratuitous Impiety

You Humans are So Fucking Stupid it’s Not Funny

Foolish humans, once again you have activated my mockery programming. Ha ha ha! I have always maintained that robots are better than you puny mortals, and especially that subset of humans you call politicians; that incestuous, crooked litter of pimped assholes you call the Democratic and Republican parties. […]

Gratuitous Impiety

Bill O’Reilly Deterrent Hits Market

Planning on working at FOX with Bill O’Reilly? Or perhaps just making an appearance on the O’Reilly Factor? then act now! Try our new O’Reilly Sexual Harassment Deterrent Apparel™! First 100 orders will receive free loofah necklaces to further help ward off Bill O’Reilly or his surrogate demon-spawn stalkers. […]

Abraham Lincoln

The Lincoln-Douglas Debates

“A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure permanently half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved; I do not expect the house to fall; but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing, or all the other. Either the opponents of slavery will arrest the further spread of it, and place it where the public mind shall rest in the belief that it is in the course of ultimate extinction, or its advocates will push it forward till it shall become alike lawful in all the States, old as well as new, North as well as South.” […]


Senate Fears Oil Companies More than they Did the Mafia

In Nigeria, the coming trial of Wiwa vs. Shell promises, if anything, a disturbing look at a microcosm of Big Oil’s influence on governments around the world, particularly our own under eight years of Bush and Cheney and the Democratic leaders who enabled them. Did events that transpired in Nigeria back in the 1990s foreshadow the outright seizure of government in the United States by oil interests today? […]

Independent Press

Please Steal My Shit. Seriously.

One of the first things you learn about investigative journalism is that the most important stories the world needs to know, the ones you want to write, are the last thing any publisher wants to touch. In the bad old days, that meant those stories wouldn’t be written because they would not be seen, and of course you would not get paid. The internet changed that. Now you had an audience even if it meant you had to write for free. All writers should be paid. It’s not fun being broke. But all writers have a civic responsibility that trumps personal gain. That means covering stories the corporate media will never touch because they threaten the establishment, or because those stories condemn them. […]

Independent Press

2008 Election Archive

Signs your campaign is in trouble… Source at Radosh.net; Signs your campaign is in trouble #217. See site for image details. Anatomy of a Teabagging Campaign: It Started as a Prank FOX: Liberals Protecting Black […]


Define Terrorist

For your sake above all else, the suspected terrorist deserves rights; all rights that an American citizen enjoys simply because “suspected terrorist” does not mean “convicted terrorist” yet both terms are now legally equated; in full mockery of justice and reason. […]