Party Cabals: Drug War’s Only Winners

The recent news of a CIA torture jet crashing with four tons of cocaine in Mexico was a sobering reminder that the drug war as we know it benefited both the Clinton and Bush dynasties, all the while bringing the United States incarceration rate to the point we have 25% of the worlds prisoners while being only 5% of the global population; this according to Kara Gotsch of the American Civil Liberties Union.

Excerpt: Obstruction of Justice – The Mena Connection (1996) On August 23, 1987, two teenage boys, Kevin Ives, 17, and Don Henry, 16, stumbled upon a CIA drug smuggling operation in Mena, Arkansas and were brutally murdered at the scene. Their bodies were laid across nearby railroad tracks and mutilated by a passing train. Obstruction of Justice: The Mena Connection gives us a vivid insight into the cover-up of these and many other Arkansas murders, and offers a chilling look into the “Dixie Mafia” of corrupt prosecutors, spooks and drug dealers who would claim among its ranks an Arkansas governor and future president Bill Clinton; as well as federal officials in the George H.W. Bush administration.


Obstruction of Justice – The Mena Connection (1996)

If Clinton didn’t win the 1992 primaries and, say, Paul Tsongas became the Democratic candidate and possible president, ongoing investigations into the CIA drug trafficking would continue.

But if  Clinton was elected in the primaries, the GOP couldn’t lose. Clinton, having been mired in the drug smuggling scandal in Mena, would immediately drop the investigations into the Iran-Contra scandal and coke smuggling operations; thus protecting himself and the GOP cohorts. And if Bush was re-elected, the investigations would also continue to be stymied. Either way, Democratic and GOP cabals involved in the drug trafficking would be spared.

The GOP Connection

Mary Matlin, a far-right GOP political strategist,  and her husband, James Carville, Clinton’s “Democratic” campaign manager. Under Carville’s watch, the GOP took both Houses and kept them for 12 years, which insured all legislation introduced and signed by Clinton was written by, or approved by a Republican Congress.

Hillary’s Sopranos Spoof  This ad, a spoof of the fictional Sopranos Mafia family, is too close to the unsettling reality of the Dixie Mafia; at least for those who still remember the events in Mena, Arkansas.

The Proposed Clinton Dynasty in Planning

If Clinton didn’t win the primaries and, say, Paul Tsongas became the Democratic candidate and possible president, ongoing investigations into the CIA drug trafficking would continue. But if  Clinton was elected in the primaries, the GOP couldn’t lose. Clinton, having been mired in the drug smuggling scandal in Mena, would immediately drop the investigations into the Iran-Contra scandal and coke smuggling operations; thus protecting himself and the GOP cohorts. And if Bush was re-elected, the investigations would also continue to be stymied. Either way, Democratic and GOP cabals involved in the drug trafficking would be spared


Dixie Mafia 101: Buy the Coroner, Conceal Murders or Frame Enemies

A critical player in any corrupt administration is the coroner, whom can make the difference as to whether or not a homicide will be prosecuted or even known. Malak’s ruling that the boys deaths were accidental was contradicted by stab wounds on Don Henry’s back and the fact that Kevin Ives face had been crushed with a rifle butt before being laid on the tracks.  Not only did Clinton back Malak, who suggested the boys got stoned and fell asleep on the tracks, he approved  a raise at the height of the uproar over the corruption. The deaths were eventually ruled homicides. This was one of many instances where the coroner fabricated the cause of death to protect federal officials, Clinton cronies and Clinton himself.

Some of the rulings he came up with were an outright mockery of justice. For example, James “Dewey” Milam, a man who had been murdered and decapitated, was ruled a death by natural cause: an ulcer. Milam’s head was missing, and according to Malak he tested the family dog and found that he had eaten it. Weeks later, however, Milam’s missing head turned up and it was revealed the head had been severed by a sharp blade. Apparently, the dog had taught himself to use a Ginsu and was so hungry at the time he ate the skull as well.

In another case, Raymond Albright, who was shot five times, was declared a suicide by Malak, and similarly, was eventually reversed and declared a homicide.

At the time, Malak’s superior was the Director of the Arkansas Department of Health, Jocelyn Elders. She not only backed Malak but gave him a 41% raise. President Clinton would later reward Elders with a job as Surgeon General of the United States. To quote Mara Leveritt’s Feb. 12, 1999 column in the Arkansas Times “A Selective Passion for Truth”:

“Last week I suggested that, rather than probing ad nauseum the president’s lies about his extra-marital alliance(s), Washington could do us a favor by turning its investigative lights onto a question with some genuine national significance, to wit:

“Precisely what was the relationship between various branches of the government, particularly the CIA, and this country’s super-cocaine kingpins, such as Arkansas’s own Barry Seal, during the 1980s? The column did not exactly provoke a stampede to pick up the gauntlet. As I had outlined, there are powerful, bipartisan reasons why the questions about Seal have languished. Republicans don’t want to touch them for fear of where the answers might lead. The trail already points to the offices of former presidents Ronald Reagan and George Bush. Likewise, Democrats are not keen on kicking up a lot of dirt about Barry Seal, a major cocaine smuggler who, for reasons that remain a mystery, was allowed to base his multi-million-dollar operation in Arkansas, under the very eye of the Arkansas State Police, for four years while Bill Clinton was governor.”

In regards to the unwinnable “War on Drugs” and the incarceration of millions for the brain’s vulnerability to addiction, there will be no justice under any Clinton administration, because unearthing what happened in Mena, Arkansas will be, for Hillary, a huge conflict of interest just as much as when her husband was president, and as it is now for the present Bush administration.

Why the GOP wanted Clinton to Win the 1992 Democratic Primaries, and why they want Hillary to Win in 2008 if the GOP Candidate Can’t

Did then-Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton have ties to the CIA-Contra coke trafficking that ensnared Oliver North and the Bush administration?

Did his participation help him gain the presidency, with tactical GOP support during the Democratic primaries? If it sounds absurd, consider this: if Clinton didn’t win the primaries and, say, Paul Tsongas became the Democratic candidate and possible president, ongoing investigations into the CIA drug trafficking would continue. But if  Clinton was elected in the primaries, the GOP couldn’t lose. Clinton, having been mired in the drug smuggling scandal in Mena, would immediately drop the investigations into the Iran-Contra scandal and coke smuggling operations; thus protecting himself and the GOP cohorts. And if Bush was re-elected, the investigations would also continue to be stymied. Either way, Democratic and GOP cabals involved in the drug trafficking would be spared.

James Carville, Clinton’s campaign manager, was and is married to Mary Matlin , who worked for George H. W. Bush’s 1992 campaign for re-election. So Clinton’s “Democratic” campaign manager was sleeping with a Republican “enemy” that had enough influence to use GOP resources to help Clinton defeat his opponents in the Democratic primaries, and tacitly position him as Democratic candidate. Moreover, if she so chose, those same resources could be used to undermine and defeat Bush if he ran against Clinton. Leaks, sabotage, covert funding could all come into play.

Assuming Carville asked his wife to help him get Clinton into office, and she agreed, it’s obvious that Matlin’s influence was invaluable but came at a price, a sobering one. As time passed, the world came to realize that Carville was clearly the number one reason the Republicans took both houses in 1994, just two years into Clinton’s presidency, and why the GOP controlled  both houses for 12 years, which insured all legislation introduced and signed by Clinton was written by, or approved by a Republican Congress.

A telling instance of Carville’s true colors was after the Democrats’ victory in the 2006 midterm election, when the Democrats finally took both Houses back. Carville criticized Howard Deann , the DNC Chair and actually called for his ouster after doing the job Carville was entrusted with since 1992.

More GOP Chums

In another instance of GOP strategists and power players going to bat for the Clintons, consider Rupert Murdoch’s fund raisers for Hillary Clinton this year. The motives here may be entirely different though. It’s likely he’s convinced she’s the easiest candidate to beat, and is trying to use his media assets to quietly position her as the Democratic candidate for president.

And then, once the GOP candidate is chosen in the primaries, whom will almost certainly be Rudy Giuliani, he will open fire…

Eve Goldberg’s “Prisons of Profit” mp3

We have 25% of the world’s prisoners but we’re only 5% of the world’s population. This brood of vipers is now feeding our prison economy with the cheapest labor possible- prison labor, hoping to eliminate the need for undocumented workers. The prison labor will be those arrested on minor drug charges in our current “War on Drugs” and that means another American generation of youth. And when these youth come out as scarred and angry men, do you think they will be “rehabilitated” or vent that anger on a society that allowed this obscenity to occur?


Judge Jim Gray on Failed Drug Laws mp3“If we can’t stop the sale of drugs inside our own prisons, how can we expect to stop it in our streets?” Jim Gray, Superior Court Judge. The groups who are winning in the “drug war”: drug lords , politicians, terrorists funded by the black market profits of drug prohibition. Who’s losing? everybody else.

Click to enlarge

Think Drug Prohibition Works? So did these Guys

From dumb asses, dumb ideas…. the Klan lobbied fiercely for prohibition laws that ultimately, led to the greatest epidemic of organized crime and political corruption in US history. And why did they go after alcohol? to stop alcohol related crime!

The National Security Archives obtained the hand-written notebooks of Oliver North, the National Security Council aide who helped run the contra war and other Reagan administration covert operations, through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed in 1989. North is now a “respected” pundit for MSNBC. Not bad for a major coke dealer.Whistleblower Mike Ruppert on CIA and Drug Running Click here for video.


Law Enforcement Against Prohibition

Click here for video.

From the source site: Many police officers are asking the question: if prohibition didn’t work for alcohol, why are we in denial about it working for other things? LEAP is a major initiative now, and gaining steam. Check out for more. Filmed and narrated by Mike Gray Produced by Common Sense for Drug Policy

How Both Parties Terrorize Americans

There’s more than one way to instill a sense of terror in Americans. The most effective and common is “the elephant in the bedroom” type of  terrorism wherein those clearly responsible, such as corrupt authorities, are ignored by  the press. Americans thus believe they have no one whom they can voice their legitimate grievances to, no objective press bold enough to take their cause.

To present the illusion of watchdogs serving a public interest, to conceal their role in protecting legislators who knowingly enrich terrorists and drug lords, to conceal the bipartisan cabals feeding a prison economy by ensuring the disproportionate incarceration of an addicted generation of American youth, media companies focus their attention on relative political misdemeanors or even non-criminal acts such as the firing of federal prosecutors, or presidential infidelity to to his spouse. Here is an example of how the Drug War will affect you directly if you remain silent:

If you think immigration is a problem, just wait until your children become victims of the “War on Drugs” and are incarcerated, on mandatory sentences, to work in the same fields once worked by illegal immigrants. It’s already happening in Colorado, a product of neo-eugenicist masons like Tom Tancredo and the like. This brood of vipers is planning to feed our prison economy with the cheapest labor possible and thus eliminate the need for undocumented workers. The prison labor will be those arrested on minor drug charges, another generation of our American youth. And when these youth come out as scarred and angry men, do you think they will be “rehabilitated” or vent that anger on a society that allowed this obscenity to occur? According to Kara Gotsch of the American Civil Liberties Union:

“We have 25% of the world’s prisoners but we’re only 5% of the world’s population.”

Further, author Eve Goldberg writes:

“Like the military industrial complex, the prison industrial complex is an interweaving of private business and government interests. Its twofold purpose is profit and social control. Its public rationale is the fight against crime.”

Eve Goldberg

One thinks, at first, that no misdeed escapes the radar of the media. That is, until they realize the crimes against humanity the press has clearly  chosen to ignore. The “War on Drugs” is designed to reap the illicit black market profits of prohibition, the blood money shared by Democrat/Republican cabals and drug lords. Prohibition favors the drug dealers and always has, making those who support the drug war justly suspect conspirators in the criminal enterprises of the drug lords they claim to defend us against. That many indignant and conscientious Americans in law enforcement and the judiciary know this is without question, but also without question is that the mass media refuses to address the obvious, the elephant in the bedroom. Another example is major political assassinations clouded in undue secrecy and blatant obstruction of justice. This is textbook psychological warfare, abetted by major papers and news agencies who immediately portray the obvious criminals as above reproach, and whom unite to slander and repress the speech of whistleblowers with the temerity to question them.

“The prestige of government has undoubtedly been lowered considerably by the prohibition law. For nothing is more destructive of respect for the government and the law of the land than passing laws which cannot be enforced. It is an open secret that the dangerous increase of crime in this country is closely connected with this.”

Albert Einstein My First Impression of the U.S.A. (1921)

Behold the photos on the right. What did Al Capone and the Klansman have in common? both favored the nation’s first drug prohibition law, the Prohibition Act. The KKK, in fact, was instrumental in passing the alcohol Prohibition laws that led to the greatest spike in organized crime our nation had ever seen. And why was Prohibition passed? to reduce alcohol related crime!

The fact of the matter is, whenever you see a politician that favors drug prohibition laws, you’re seeing a man whose policies favor organized crime. He knows this and he takes you for a fool. So ask yourself if there’s something in it for him, just as there was for corrupt Chicago politicians bootleggers put or kept in power. Ask yourself sincerely if your support for such a man actually empowers drug lords, and if you voted for this person, ask yourself if the ass reaming you just got from him was worth the false sense of security.

“White-collar” cabals that keep the black market profits obscenely inflated via prohibition-modeled legislation. The latter insures they get a good cut. Why else would they so earnestly try to defend an indefensible prohibition model that is the equivalent of a dog returning to its vomit?

In fact, drug cartels would suffer a devastating financial blow if marijuana was legal, regulated and taxed. Marijuana, unlike cocaine, doesn’t have to be processed. It grows anywhere. Making it legal would deprive cartels the black market profits of a key cash crop. This is why marijuana is listed as a Class 1 narcotic, as opposed to cocaine, which is listed as Class 2. The latter means that there are limited uses for cocaine and thus, it is perceived by the FDA as less dangerous than marijuana. But ask any doctor or policeman which is the more dangerous of the two, in terms of addiction, overdose, and crime, and see what they tell you. These people don’t give a damn about your kids or crime. These wolves in sheep’s clothing parading about as if they had any interest for anyone but themselves.

To understand the true motives of the neo-Prohibitionists, you have to understand greed has no limits in Washington DC. The lure of untraceable funding for anything from political campaigns to waging war is one too tempting to ignore. Consider the time the CIA sold coke on our streets to fund the Contra war.

To refresh your memory: a piece of the Eric Umansky article reads as follows…

Oliver North’s diary contained at least two extraordinary entries:

From a July 12, 1985, meeting with Richard Secord, North’s boss in the Reagan administration:

“$14M to finance came from drugs.”

This entry, which was given in part to the Kerry Committee, was first reported in NEWSWEEK. North claimed he did nothing wrong and said the Kerry Committee was “just playing politics and dragging out wild charges.”

And this entry on Aug. 9, 1985, which was submitted as part of the Iran-Contra special prosecutor report:

“Honduran DC-6 which is being used for runs out of New Orleans is probably being used for drug runs into U.S.”


Law Enforcement Against Prohibition ; War on Drugs, Howard Woodridge

  • Medical Marijuana Bad, Right Wing Death Squad Coke Good
  • The CIA-Contra-Crack Connection, 10 Years Later LA Times