Inside the Abortion Clinic (WARNING: Graphic Content)

Pictured is Ana Rosa Rodriguez, a late-term abortion survivor. If you look closely, you’ll notice that this child is missing her right arm. That’s because her arm was ripped off in the process of an abortion on New York’s Lower East Side in October of 1991. Ana Rosa was 32 weeks old at the time of the abortion. Rosa, Ana’s mother had told Dr. Abu Hayat that she had changed her mind and didn’t want to go through with the abortion. […]

Gratuitous Impiety

Lindsey England’s Ass Face Cookies

This week, Nabisco announced controversial plans to use Lindsey England’s face as a cookie mold for Butt Munch “ass cookies.” The cookies, graham crackers shaped like human buttocks, were on the drawing table for years and many thought the new product would never see the light of day. […]

Gratuitous Impiety

Ann Coulter- My Life as an Ex-Man

"Ann, your recent columns attacking a proposed Martin Luther King memorial were, if I dare say so myself, a little over the top. What can you offer as proof that blacks not only loved slavery, but that Africans often boarded the slave ships to enter America illegally?" […]


Televangelist Pat Robertson Advocates Assassination

“We have the ability to take him out, and I think the time has come that we exercise that ability. We don’t need another $200 billion war to get rid of one, you know, strong-arm dictator. It’s a whole lot easier to have some of the covert operatives do the job and then get it over with.” […]

Gratuitous Impiety

Political Doublespeak Translator Pro

Never be Fooled Again! Impious Political analysts use only the best software when it comes to researching politicians, and we’d like to take this opportunity to thank the programming team that made the PDT (Political Double-Speak Translator) possible. The Impious Digest’s Political Doublespeak Translator® is an open-source program designed to reveal the true intent and wording denied to constituents when addressed by politicians. It uses a special algorithm based on Newspeak principles defined in Orwell’s “1984”. […]


Revelation Prophecies Fullfilled in World War II?

“Whoever today still doubts the real existence of demonic powers has widely misunderstood the metaphysical background to this war. Behind the concrete, behind material perceptions, behind all factual, logical considerations stands the irrational, i.e. the battle against the demon, against the emissaries of the Anti-Christ…” From 4th of 6 White Rose leaflets. Members of White Rose, a German anti-Nazi student movement, were beheaded for distributing these leaflets. […]

Gratuitous Impiety

Fuck Yoo Very Much

Fuck Yoo very much indeed. John Yoo, that is. He was a chief architect of Bush’s torture policy. In the video above he is teaching a class of Berkeley law students, apparently, the fine points of detainee torture. […]


Norm McDonald’s Fatal Attraction

Resigned, Norm sighed and wrote another poem to be stacked among the undelivered, tacit sentiments that weighed so heavily upon his heart. But glancing curiously over his shoulder, I saw the poem titles alone discouraged further inquiry: “Killing Me Softly with his Dong”, “I’m Your Crack, Baby” and “Cum into My End Zone. […]

Gratuitous Impiety

Rush Limbaugh’s Erectile Dysfunction

With his ejaculate dripping from a bedroom ceiling lined with posters of Karl Rove, discerning minds soon realize that Rush is faking erectile dysfunction for effect, much like the orgasms he fakes by spitting on Sean Hannity’s back… […]

Gratuitous Impiety

How to Make DaVinci Cry

"All descriptions of artwork, architecture, documents, and secret rituals of this novel are accurate"…one of the most questionable "facts" Dan Brown lists in the opening page of The DaVinci Code. […]


In Defense of Apocalypto

If our hands are bloody through needless wars and dehumanization, despite all our advances in science and human understanding, if our own sense of right and wrong is ambiguous as it was since man began, why expect the Maya to be any different? Regardless of the controversy surrounding the alleged historical inaccuracies, I liked the film. It had me on the edge of my seat, I liked the characters I was supposed to like, hated those I was supposed to hate, and I would certainly recommend the film to anyone, particularly the squeamish and anyone prone to faint at the sight of blood. Muahahaha. […]


Flight 800: You Don’t Deserve to Know

Judge Grants Immortality to Presidential PrivilegeMissile Shrapnel in the Victims (PDF) What they found they will contest in court before telling you… because apparently, unproven theoretical “accident findings” are a threat to national security. There was a history of undue, criminal secrecy and obstruction of justice that preceded the present administration. […]