
What it’s all about…

Not too long ago a friend invited me to her daughter’s birthday party. I had a wonderful time, but as I watched the children play a sadness fell upon me. The cognitive dissonance was over. I had learned a few things over the last few weeks about human nature, about power and secrecy, about monsters portrayed as heroes and heroes portrayed as monsters. […]

Gratuitous Impiety

Agent Joe Mahma

Joe Mahma, Impious Digest staff writer, stars in his first feature film set in 1960s Mexico. Here’s a clip from “We Hope You Don’t Speak Spanish.” […]


Attempt to Rewrite Nixon as Heroic Foiled

Recently, The Miami Herald pulled off such an insult to its 13 readers (most of them staff writers), such a jaw-dropping, crass deception you can only wonder if the short yellow bus has a terminal at the newspaper’s offices. After you read Kevin G. Hall’s article, watch the clip and listen to the Nixon tapes. […]


Censored Brady Bunch Episodes

Not every Brady Bunch episode made it past the zealous censors of 1970s television. Even this, the most innocent of shows, the most wholesome, managed to somehow offend the sensibilities of anal retentive network censors. Here now, for your perusal, the lost classics… […]


Miley Cyrus is Creeping Me the Fuck Out

You know the whole scandal about Miley Cyrus' twerking at the Video Music Awards wasn't even about her, at least not as far as I'm concerned. Sure, she's creepy and she's so lost in the Hollywood abyss of sexual depravity she thinks fetishes like furries, that is people dressing up like furry animals to have sex with each other, are mainstream. […]


Chris Elliot’s “Thwacker”

I had only read the first chapter, which the author refers to as “Chapter the First”, before I was wondering aloud if it was the funniest book ever written.This chapter alone was even funnier than Real Ultimate Power, by Robert Hamburger (an ode to a young teen’s masturbation unto all things Ninja). That’s no small feat, as Hamburger’s book is one of the most cherished books on my very lonely bookshelf. The first chapter of Elliot’s book is available for download as a PDF file. To see it, link here. Or better yet, buy the damned book. […]


How to Time Travel with a Rubber Band

Let’s say you have two telescopes: a regular one, and another that views faster than the speed of light. To our right we have a regular-ass telescope. I won’t embarrass the garage door manufacturer adorning its entrance or university it comes from by naming it, but I will gives you a hint: it rhymes with University of Schmalabama. This telescope is pointed at a solar system of let’s say, 300 years away, at Planet A. This telescope relies on light to reach its lens and it will take 300 years to get here. […]


Donnie Hoyle is Back!

For more on the creators of You Suck at Photoshop, check out their profile in Time magazine.

Also, after five long years, Donnie Hoyle is back! Check out the 2012 season episodes. […]


LBJ Reloaded

Every element of this game is based on actual events and political realities as they existed between 1963-1973. In painstaking detail, this game teaches players how Lyndon Baines Johnson assumed power by coup and in doing so, examines the national consequences of JFK’s assassination 40 plus years later. […]

Gratuitous Impiety

L. Ron Hubbard Scientology Audio Proves he’s Batshit Crazy

Now this is Hubbard in his own words, his own lectures. They have not been tampered with and are consistent with member accounts. Video features artwork of L. Rick Vodicka and actual Hubbard audio describing the history of Earth, the evil galactic overlord Xenu, how souls (thetans) came about after he drugged trillions of earth inhabitants, stacked them by volcanoes into which he then dropped h-bombs. […]


The Asch Experiment: How People Believe Obvious Lies

The Asch Experiment, or we the Sheeple: a sobering conformity experiment on how people believe obvious lies. There have been wild allegations of highly sophisticated CGI use in this video and that the subject in the experiment is internet cult icon Maddox. It has even been suggested that his likeness was superimposed. The matter is being investigated. Maddox, incidentally, is fucking awesome. He is most worthy of praise. […]


We Have Met the Enemy and it is Us

We have met the enemy and it is us. A controversial experiment demonstrates how easily evil that is in us all can be tapped by authority figures; even just a guy in a lab coat. It was controversial not just for its findings, but for the post-experiment effects and stress on participants administering the potentially fatal punishment. They discovered evil was their choice and couldn’t be passed off as “following orders” when they were volunteers. They could have stopped at any time, but continued when persuaded but not forced by a perceived authority figure. […]


When Moderates Are Impediments to Justice

“First, I must confess that over the last few years I have been gravely disappointed with the … moderate who is more devoted to ‘order’ than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says ‘I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can’t agree with your methods of direct action;’ who paternalistically feels he can set the timetable for another man’s freedom…” Martin Luther King, Jr. “Letter From The Birmingham Jail” April 16, 1963 […]