Benjamin Fulford 

Supreme Court Justice, World Bank President, and another Rothschild fall as revolution continues

Now that top-level satanic Khazarian cabalists have fallen, second-rank officials like Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim, and Serena Rothschild (widow of Jacob Rothschild) are being removed as the war to liberate humanity continues. Ginsburg “has gone missing and may be dead or still in NY hospital, missing two weeks of oral arguments at the Supreme Court, or the entire month of January, with no proof of life, setting the stage for U.S. President Donald Trump to name another Justice,” Pentagon sources say. […]

Benjamin Fulford 

Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid next cabalist to be executed as military tribunals begin

The Bundy Ranch villain and traitor, former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, is going to join John McCain and George Bush Sr. and be executed for treason, Pentagon sources say.  Like McCain, Reid will officially die of cancer and be allowed, as condemned men are, the right to a few last words, the sources say.  Reid chose to badmouth U.S. President Donald Trump. […]

Benjamin Fulford 

If we all push, 2019 will see final victory against the Khazarian mafia

Many signs indicate that 2019 will be a breakthrough year in the battle against the satan-worshiping Khazarian mafia.  Not only have mass arrests begun, but the mass-murdering part of the pharmacidical/medical establishment is finally being taken out as well.  Another obvious sign it is no longer business as usual comes from the fact that the U.S. military is being withdrawn from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, and elsewhere.  And this time the U.S. government shutdown may actually result in formal bankruptcy procedures against the illegal corporate government that has occupied Washington, D.C. since 1871. […]

Benjamin Fulford 

Western civilization heading for a reboot over the holidays

Many signs and confirmations from highly placed sources indicate that a reboot of Western civilization is being planned for 2019.  The shutdown of the U.S. government over the holidays, for example, has nothing to do with building a wall, and everything to do with a financial reboot and upcoming military tribunals. However, what is coming is about much more than just rounding up the criminals who hijacked and bankrupted the U.S. government—it is about fixing the problems besetting monotheism.


Benjamin Fulford 

Secret head of world finance, Cardinal Pell, fired and big changes coming

Last week Cardinal George Pell was found guilty of sexually abusing children by an Australian court and was subsequently fired by Pope Francis because he was “elderly.” This is huge news in the secret world of finance, because Pell was the person in charge of financial matters at the Vatican and thus was a secret controller of most world government leaders, P2 Freemason and CIA sources say.  This is because when most world rulers take power, they get a visit from an official of the Vatican Bank who hands them a bank book with an astronomical number written in it (a billion dollars or more for big countries;  less for smaller countries).  They are then told, “Welcome to the world of the rich,” and are gently reminded that if they refuse to accept the money they will be “removed.” […]

Benjamin Fulford 

Secret war centers on SWIFT after George Bush Sr. is executed

Since the death of Nazi Fourth Reich Fuhrer George Bush Sr., the battle for control of the world’s financial system, and thus of the process of deciding humanity’s future, is now centering on control of the SWIFT international interbank electronic transfer system. A final battle is taking place between the 13 bloodlines which have traditionally controlled the planet, and the meritocratic Gnostic Illuminati who control the U.S. military-industrial complex, multiple sources agree.  The battle is heading for a climax of sorts now that George Bush Senior has been “executed,” as confirmed by both Pentagon and CIA sources. […]

Benjamin Fulford 

In historic move, P2 Freemasons—the Black Sun worshipers—sue for peace

In what future historians will look back on as a huge watershed event, the P2 Freemasons—worshipers of the Black Sun and creators of both fascism and communism—are suing for peace, White Dragon Society sources say.  This, coming with the removal of the Rothschild family from control of central banks, means the world is about to enter uncharted historical waters.

The “sons of the Black Sun” refers to the P2 Freemasons, who give orders to the Pope and the world’s 1.5 million or so Catholics.  The “sons of big Horus” refers to the eye at the top of the pyramid on the U.S. one-dollar bill, presumably referring to non-P2 Freemasons such as the Scotch Rite and Grand Orient who control much of the English- and French-speaking world.  The “sons of the Dragon” refers to Asian secret societies who control most of East Asia. […]

Benjamin Fulford 

Rothschild rule ends after 250 years; new era to begin

It was in 1769 that Mayer Rothschild, the founder of the dynasty, first started to manage money for royalty.  Now, seven generations later, his descendant Alexandre de Rothschild has been forced out of the business by multiple international criminal investigations that are zeroing in on this criminal family, Pentagon sources say.  It means that for the first time in 249 years, the Western financial system is freeing itself from Rothschild financial control. […]

Benjamin Fulford 

Archcriminal Netanyahu seeks immunity by squealing on his bosses

Mass-murdering war criminal and Satan-worshiping Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is trying to reach a plea deal to save his own life by squealing on his Rothschild masters, Mossad sources say.  The impending fall of Netanyahu means the final collapse of the Khazarian mafia is now in sight and it will not be long before the French and Swiss branches of the Rothschild family and their hidden allies are brought to justice. […]

Benjamin Fulford 

Saudi Arabia to be broken up; Israel must choose between Netanyahu and Tel Aviv

The dismantling of the Khazarian mafia control grid continues with ongoing takedown of the leadership of Saudi Israelia, say Pentagon, CIA, and other sources. In particular, negotiations are now taking place between Russia and the U.S. to divide Saudi Arabia into a Sunni zone controlled by Iran and a Shia zone controlled by Turkey, according to CIA and FSB sources. […]

Benjamin Fulford 

Message to the banking elite: Trick or treat

It is going to be an especially haunting Halloween for the Khazarian mafia banking elite, because they have been given an October 31 deadline to return the gold they stole or face being systematically hunted down and exterminated, say Asian secret society, CIA, and White Dragon Society sources. After that deadline, bounties of gold will be placed on senior bankers starting with the heads of the EU Central Bank, the Bank of Japan, the Federal Reserve Board, and the BIS, the sources say. […]

Benjamin Fulford 

Saudi-Israeli “axis of evil” being taken down by international alliance

The battle raging at the highest levels of world power is reaching a climax of sorts, with an ongoing operation to take down the governments of Israel and Saudi Arabia and end their control of the petrodollar system, multiple sources agree. The so-called murder of Nazi Muslim Brotherhood agent and Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi Arabian consulate in Turkey was staged to provide cover for this ongoing operation, the sources add. […]

Benjamin Fulford 

The fall of the Zionist house of Saud plus possible coup attempt in Russia

World events are quickly coming to a head, with a major move against the house of Saud and a possible coup attempt this weekend against Russian President Vladimir Putin, say Pentagon, CIA, and FSB sources.

First, the murder (or psy-ops staged murder) of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi is part of a move to remove the Zionist/Satanic house of Saud from control of Saudi Arabia and Middle Eastern oil, according to Pentagon and CIA sources. The operation is also aimed at grabbing funds to keep the bankrupt U.S. afloat, CIA sources say. […]

Benjamin Fulford 

The world is about to learn about Khazarian mafia crimes horrific beyond imagination

The Khazarian mafia have been torturing, murdering, and cannibalizing children on a horrific scale, and the world is about to find out as military tribunals begin. Some very disturbing images and testimony sent by the New York Police Department and the CIA show just how evil the Khazarian mafia really is. These people are beyond truth and reconciliation and do not deserve even a quick death. […]

Benjamin Fulford 

Desperate Khazarian mafia is plotting fake alien invasion as Trump assassination fails

The Khazarian mafia is planning a fake alien invasion after their most recent attempt to assassinate U.S. President Donald Trump failed, say Pentagon and CIA sources. The assassination attempt came in the form of a missile that was shot at Air Force One by an Israeli submarine, Pentagon sources say. “Life imitates art, as the hunt for red October may mean Israeli and cabal submarines are sunk. The October surprise may be bloody,” the sources add. […]