Benjamin Fulford 

Khazarian mafia seeks Chinese protection as military tribunals loom

The satan-worshipping Khazarian mafia is in a frenzy of fear as military tribunals loom.  As a result, they are offering the world (as if it were theirs to give) to China in exchange for protection, according to Gnostic Illuminati and Asian secret society sources.  In addition to this, they are threatening to unleash pandemics, blow up the Yellowstone Caldera, set off a massive EMP attack, and cause other mayhem in a futile effort (as these attempts will be neutralized) to blackmail themselves out of the reach of long-delayed justice.  Also, they are carrying out a foolish and widely derided smear campaign to derail the appointment of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. […]

Benjamin Fulford 

MI6 says cabal rule could collapse within three months

“Kavanaugh is poised to be confirmed after Yom Kippur on September 20 and on the same day, U.S. President Donald Trump may send texts to all cellphones to reach even more people than Twitter.”  Furthermore, the sources say FEMA will also test the emergency broadcast system on all televisions, so this, when combined with wireless text alerts, “will allow Trump to spread real news in real time and drop truth bombs.” […]

Benjamin Fulford 

“Good side” of Rothschild family says Trump will stage financial reset

The satellite shoot-down was first reported by the mysterious blogger “Q” and has been independently confirmed by three separate sources.  “On August 30, CIA satellites and supercomputers were taken down and likely seized by [U.S. President Donald] Trump’s new space force, and GCHQ [British Intelligence] was removed from the NSA database to also render cabal elements in the UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Japan, France, Germany, and Israel deaf and blind,” Pentagon sources explained. […]

Benjamin Fulford 

U.S. civil war stalemate to end soon; Next phase of planetary liberation to begin

The death, probably by execution, of the traitor John McCain, signals a new phase in the removal of the criminal cabal that has controlled the U.S. since 1913, Pentagon and agency sources agree.  “Traitor McCain may have been the first death penalty by military tribunal, allowed to die with honor like Rommel to protect the Navy’s reputation while spooking the deep state,” is how one Pentagon source described the situation. […]

Benjamin Fulford 

Issues simmering over the summer may lead to war in the autumn

Several issues could trigger a brief, sharp war inside the U.S., in the Middle East, and possibly even in Japan this autumn, multiple sources agree.  The key issue remains 9/11, a mass-murder event that remains unpunished and officially unacknowledged to this day.  The 9/11 war crime was used as an excuse for the mass murder of Iraqi, Syrian, Afghan, and other peoples.  Furthermore, if you dig deeper, it ties into the Kennedy assassinations of the 1960’s, the murder of Martin Luther King, as well as the December 26, 2004 and March 11, 2011 human-induced tsunami mass-murder attacks among many other crimes against humanity. […]

Benjamin Fulford 

China’s AI “Goddess” and the East/West AI competition

Last year, Russian President Vladimir Putin said whoever leads in AI (Artificial Intelligence) “will control the world.”  The Chinese took these words seriously and are investing huge sums of money in an effort to create an AI “Goddess.”  They hope it will give them unprecedented powers and help them in their bid to form a world government, according to members of Asian secret societies. The West, for its part, is building a quantum-based financial system they hope will allow them to continue to control the main source of world power—the international financial system. […]

Benjamin Fulford 

Secret societies, secret services and religions: The current balance of power

The first thing people must understand when looking at this issue is that in the real world, spy agencies, secret societies, and armies are subservient to religions.  The reason for this is that even though Mao Tse-Tung said, “Power grows from the barrel of a gun,” it really grows from the mind of the person holding the gun.  So the battle for the planet earth is really a battle for the hearts and minds of the people who really count during a power struggle—the warriors. […]

Benjamin Fulford 

The secret history of the planet Earth from 2000 to 2018

The best place to start is still the U.S. election of the year 2000, which was a coup d’état against American democracy that started the Nazi Fourth Reich headed by Fuhrer George Bush, Sr.  That election was between two Western secret government factions:  Faction 1—the Nazis, who wanted to kill 90% of humanity in order to “save the environment”;  and Faction 2—the Global Warming faction, who said this could be accomplished by using “global warming” as an excuse to impose a carbon tax and a world government. […]

Benjamin Fulford 

Khazarian mafia doomed as a result of Putin/Trump secret agreement

These days, reading The New York Times and other Khazarian mafia corporate propaganda is like reading Pravda just before the fall of the Soviet Union. Nobody believes their lies. Yet even they are being forced to report that the Soviet Socialist European Union is in deep trouble. That’s because U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin have agreed their common enemy is the Khazarian mafia. They are acting on this in many ways, as we shall see below. […]

Benjamin Fulford 

Will the Jews finally be freed from Khazarian mafia slavery as Israel is liberated?

The world is headed for a new age, not a New World Order.  As a part of this, the Jewish people—high-level slaves of satan-worshipping Khazarian gangsters—are about to be freed from thousands of years of Babylonian slavery.  That is why the rogue state of Israel is now under full martial law as the Khazarian-controlled government there faces an ultimatum to surrender and free their Jewish and Arab hostages, according to Russian FSB and Pentagon sources. […]


Arrests in August; 9/11 announcement in September; and Jubilee in October?

The good guys are continuing to win the secret battle for the planet earth in a big way, multiple sources confirm.  As things now stand, there will be a new wave of mass arrests in August, official government disclosure about 9/11 in September, and some sort of “major economic announcement in October,” Pentagon sources claim. Behind the scenes, meetings involving the Knights of Malta, Russian FSB officials, Asian secret societies, and others are preparing the way for an economic announcement that could well be a genuine jubilee accompanied by a new financial system, according to sources involved in the negotiations.  Since the negotiations are ongoing, the details have yet to be hammered out, but a general consensus does exist, the sources say. […]

Benjamin Fulford 

The revolution continues as old regimes collapse in Mexico and the EU, plus secret space program disclosure

The criminal cabal that has been ruling the planet earth is being systematically removed from power, with the latest being regime change in Mexico and soon the EU.  Furthermore, the power struggle in Washington D.C. is definitely being won by the good guys. Also, apparently some real disclosure is occurring about both the Roswell “UFO” incident and anti-gravity technology.  The two links below were sent to us by Japanese military intelligence and they say they are genuine (although this is not an area in which this writer has much expertise).  One appears to be a patent application for an anti-gravity craft, while the other claims to be a top-secret document stating that alien bodies and alien spacecraft really were recovered by the U.S. government.  We leave it to experts to determine if they are real.  If they are, though, it won’t be long before flying saucers appear in the showrooms. […]

Benjamin Fulford 

Western civilization continues to implode as old paradigms cease to function

The old regime in the U.S. and Europe is collapsing in a way that is now becoming obvious even to the most brainwashed and illiterate Westerners.  This collapse ultimately stems from the social instability cause by extreme concentration of wealth in the hands of a very small clique of closely interbred oligarchs now known as the Khazarian mafia.  Fortunately, a revolution has begun that will soon liberate the West, and the rest of humanity, from these self-appointed, war-loving social engineers. […]

Benjamin Fulford 

Rebirth of Manchuria plotted as Europe faces summer of discontent

Once again the world faces a long hot summer of discontent, with the major action likely to be in Europe and East Asia this year.  The EU is likely to experience regime change due to popular anger as warm weather brings in yet another massive wave of mostly male Muslim immigrants.  In the Far East, the summit meeting between U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean strongman Kim Jong-un has led to serious plotting to revive a Manchurian empire straddling from Mongolia to Northern China to Korea to Japan, according to multiple independent sources, including CIA and Japanese military intelligence. […]