The Kim/Trump summit, the Rothschilds and the financial war are all linked
The summit meeting this week between U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean strongman Kim Jong-un was preceded by a tidal wave of high-level public and secret diplomacy, because this is no ordinary meeting, multiple sources agree. The summit will not only discuss peace in the Korean Peninsula, but also the future of the financial system and thus the future of the world, according to North Korean, Pentagon, Illuminati, and other sources.
The public meetings this past weekend were the G7 (now G6 following the U.S. de facto withdrawal) summit meeting of Western leaders and a summit meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (a.k.a. the Eurasian Alliance). The secret meetings were the Bilderberg meeting in Italy, and meetings between Asian royals and representatives of the White Dragon Society (WDS) held in Japan, according to Asian secret society sources.
The Bilderberg meeting was presided over by high-level financial fraudster Henry Kissinger and included, apparently for the first time, a representative of the Vatican, Cardinal Pietro Parolin. The top of the agenda was “populism in Europe” …
… which means peasants with pitchforks rising against this satanic elite in the UK, in Italy, in Hungary and pretty much everywhere else in Europe. As things are going, it will not be long before these child-killing mass murderers are dragged out of their houses and hung from the nearest lamppost, as famously predicted by George Bush Sr.
In fact, last week “the Bush cabal was decimated as its top loyalist and Carlyle founder Frank Carlucci met his maker,” Pentagon sources say. They also note that the “Department of Justice Inspector General report comes out on June 14 as the number of sealed indictments exceeds 35,000 and the DOJ has added 300 prosecutors.” Furthermore, “the Senate’s August recess was cancelled so Trump’s federal judges and other nominees can be confirmed,” they note.
A message was sent to the Bilderberg-founding Dutch royal family on June 7th, the day the meeting started when the sister of Queen Maxima, Ines Zorreguieta, was “found hanged in Argentina in a message to pedo royals,” Pentagon sources say. This happened as 160 children were liberated from an Atlanta child trafficking operation, they noted.
Dutch queen’s sister Inés Zorreguieta found dead at home in Buenos Aires | World news | The Guardian https://t.co/yubj5KOaxy
— Editor (@impiousdigest) June 11, 2018
Also, in England riots broke out over the imprisonment of Tommy Robinson on charges of reporting about a mass pedophile trial.
Watch As Chaos Erupts At Tommy Robinson Protest; Police Chased Down Street As 1000s Rage | Zero Hedge https://t.co/Jpk4cDcOGQ
— Editor (@impiousdigest) June 11, 2018

Supporters of Tommy Robinson #FreeTommy attacking Police officers and the officers legging it.
Btw “Let’s not bring race into this” but imagine this was carnival 🤔🤔🤔
Why the police be running? pic.twitter.com/MDv2uOzl7f— Wale Gates 🇳🇬🇬🇧 (@walegates) June 9, 2018
However, it was Sweden where the real action could be seen. Here the government “mobilized its home guard and reserves to purge Muslim rapefugees,” Pentagon sources say.
Top U.S. General Joseph Dunford flew to Finland last week to meet his Russian and Finnish counterparts “to help the Swedes in their Trump moment,” the sources say. Austria also kicked out a group of Salafist pseudo-Muslim radical preachers last week, prompting Turkish President Recep Erdogan to warn this would lead the world to “a war between the cross and the crescent.”
Erdogan warns Austria imam crackdown will lead to holy war | The Times of Israel https://t.co/EQmiPGIWME
— Editor (@impiousdigest) June 11, 2018
Of course, the Rothschild public servants gathering at the G6 meeting in Canada last week did not mention any of this in their communiqué and instead rambled on about things like “gender” (something Mother Nature already figured out at the dawn of time).
The G6 also made it clear they want to keep their control of the world financial system via the fraudulent “CO2 causes global warming” scam by stating that “Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the European Union reaffirm their strong commitment to implement the Paris Agreement.” Pope Francis also made it clear last week who his real boss was (hint: not God) by supporting this unscientific fraud whose real aim is to perpetuate financial control by Khazarian (Rothschild, etc.) bloodlines.
Trump made his true feelings about the G6 and the EU known in a meeting with Rothschild slave President Emmanual Macron: Macron told him “Let’s work together, we both have a China problem,” and Trump responded, “the EU is worse than China.”
Trump told Macron the European Union is “worse” than China on trade – Axios https://t.co/qUWMlwpKx8
— Editor (@impiousdigest) June 11, 2018
This leads to the inside story of the summit meeting between Trump and Kim in Singapore this week, where the real topic of discussion will be deposing the Khazarian controllers of the G6 financial system, several sources concur.
The part of the Kim/Trump summit that involves the financial system concerns the rights to ownership of Manchu (Qing) dynasty gold, according to Manchu heir Zang Seungshick (張勝植) and one other Manchu royal who prefers to remain anonymous.
Both sources, who were unaware they were simultaneously contacting the WDS, provided documentation to show Manchu gold was put under the control of the Rothschild family in Switzerland in 1947. They claim the gold was misappropriated by the Rothschilds and used to finance the Marshall Plan after World War 2. The gold also financed the founding of the CIA and the country of Israel, they claim. It still funds the G6, they say, but it did not fund the development of East Asia as promised. The gold is hidden in the mountains behind Basel, Switzerland and the 70-year period after which it is supposed to be returned ends in July of this year, Zang claims.
The sources say that then Chinese President Chiang Kai-shek, Japanese Emperor Hirohito, and South Korean President Syngman Rhee were all involved in this scheme. Former Japanese Prime Minister Kishi Nobusuke, the grandfather of current Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, was also in on this scheme, Zang claims. The current Rothschild manager of these misappropriated funds in Japan is Finance Minister Taro Aso, he says. “The Rothschilds are supposed to be bankers who were supposed to be handling other people’s money, and instead they misappropriated it,” Zang claims.
Trump was given this information by Kim when they met in secret at the Panjunmon peace village on the North and South Korean border last November, Zang claims. Pentagon sources have previously told this writer that Kim and Trump did meet in secret then.
Zang says he was jailed in South Korea shortly after meeting this writer in 2015. He says he was released only because President Park Geun-hye, a “Rothschild agent,” was imprisoned this April.
Also, Zang now claims that Kim Young-hee (金英姫), who came with Zang to meet this writer in 2015, is the daughter of Kim Jong-un’s executed uncle Jang Song-thaek and is thus a first cousin of Kim’s. Jang was executed because he was working for the Rothschilds, Zang claims. We were unable to contact Kim Young-hee (the character for Hee 姫 means princess) to confirm this, but we hope she will contact us upon reading this article.
U.S. National Security Adviser John Bolton and U.S. Vice President Michael Pence are also “Rothschild agents” who are trying to block the rights of the Manchus (North Koreans) to their gold, Zang claims. Certainly Bolton has been trying hard to derail the summit, as can be seen by his public actions such as claiming in public North Korea would be treated like Libya.
These claims by the Manchus are interesting in that it was the G7 countries who benefited from the Marshall Plan and it is they who, with the exception of the Trump regime, have been trying to derail the Kim/Trump summit. It is also interesting to note that these countries, together with Pope Francis, as mentioned above, support the Paris Agreement as a way of keeping the financial system under bloodline control. Trump, we note, left the G7 meeting before the discussions on the Paris Agreement began.
Judging from the expressions, the photograph at this link may well be showing Rothschild servants freaking out after Donald Trump showed them documents asserting the North Korean (Manchu) rights to the gold that ultimately backs the G7 (now G6) and Israeli financial systems.
The other Manchu royal, who shuns publicity, is going to present bonds to the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo, Japan and demand that the Federal Reserve Board honor its commitments by monetizing the bonds, he says. The WDS will back his claims, as will Asian secret societies, the Illuminati, and other powerful groups, secret society sources say. The aim will be to liberate humanity by ending the Khazarian mafia’s stranglehold on the financial system, the sources agree. “This will be the fall of Babylon, as thieves should not be in charge of banks,” was how the Manchu (Qing) royal put it.
Already, U.S. Jews, though still thoroughly brainwashed, are starting to wake up and now disagree with Israeli Jews on many key issues.
Also, the Iraqi Jews seem to have figured out that Israel is a satanic con job and have started to return to their real homeland in Mesopotamia, the true setting of much of what is in the Old Testament.
Of course, finishing the liberation of the United States will be the key to making sure all of this happens. On this front, “anti-Christian liberal Jewish hag Ruth Bader Ginsburg (the notorious RBG) and crypto-Jew [satanist] Sonia Sotomayor… have been targeted by Trump for removal from the Supreme Court,” Pentagon sources note.
The Khazarian mob, of course, is not going to give in without a fight and have been actively “suiciding” whistleblowers recently. On that front the Pentagon sources note that handbag designer Kate Spade (sister in law of actor/comedian David Spade) and celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain were “suicided” by hanging because they were about to expose “pedo rings.”
On a final note, in something unrelated to the rest of this article but interesting nonetheless, we were contacted by an NSA whistleblower last week who told us the game Pokemon Go was developed by the NSA to turn game players into camera-wielding spies. The idea is to put rare monsters in places “where suspicious people hang out,” or where for other reasons they need photographs. This explains the rash of Pokemon Go players entering restricted areas around the world and taking photos.
Below is the original report about Manchu royals Zang and Kim that is mentioned in this week’s report.
Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis 2015-05-04
Chaos in U.S. as international bankruptcy of U.S. Fed faction sinks in
By Benjamin FulfordChaos is increasing inside the United States as the US Khazarian-controlled faction of the Federal Reserve Board continues to be shunned by most of the world. In response, the Khazarians are desperately trying to provoke race riots or otherwise get arms-bearing US citizens to fight the U.S. armed forces and police. At the same time, the U.S. armed forces and agencies are moving against both Israel and their U.S.-based Khazarian proxies, notably the Bush/Clinton/Rockefeller crime family.
In what Pentagon sources say was a direct message to the Rockefeller family, Dave Goldberg, the Chief Operating Officer of Facebook, died in mysterious circumstances at age 47 last week.
http://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/03/business/dave-goldberg-47-surveymonkey-chief-and-sheryl-sandbergs-husband-dies.html?hpw&rref=obituaries&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&module=well-region®ion=bottom-well&WT.nav=bottom-well&_r=1Facebook is owned by David Rockefeller’s grandson Mark Zuckerberg. Pentagon sources say this was a message by the armed forces to the Silicon Valley oligarchs that from now on the high tech industry in California would be under military control.
To understand the frenetic power struggle now taking place in the U.S. it is worth taking another look at the secret history behind the ongoing U.S. corporate government’s bankruptcy. More of this was revealed at a meeting last week between representatives of the White Dragon Society and Chinese royal family members. The Chinese royals presented documentary evidence that will force a change of how 20th Century history is written. The documents describe secret agreements between U.S. Presidents Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman, Chinese Nationalist ruler Chiang Kai-shek, and members of the Manchu royal family. The documents show how Roosevelt, Truman, and U.S. Secretary of State George C. Marshall, over time, took 20 ships laden with Manchu gold to the U.S. and fraudulently used the bullion to finance Roosevelt’s New Deal and the Marshall Plan.
The gold was taken to the U.S. starting in the 1930s under the promise it would be used to finance the development of East Asia and the creation of a federation that would include Manchuria, China, Korea, and Japan, the royal family sources said. The Americans also gave the Manchurians plates to allow them to print U.S. dollars.
The two current heirs to the Manchu gold are Kim Young-hee (金英姫) and Zang Seungshick (張勝植). They claim there have been numerous attempts to kill them and replace them with lookalikes, so as a security measure, they have asked that their pictures be published, as seen below:
Photographs of their ears have also been taken as an extra precaution.
The reason these two people claim they are being chased is that they have the legal rights to gold worth about $30 trillion.
What is happening is that at the highest level of global finance, paper and numbers written on bank computers are not accepted as currency. The owners of the U.S. branch of the Federal Reserve Board (Bush/Clinton/Rockefeller, etc.) are being asked to pay their debts to the rest of the world in gold. For that reason they are desperate to try to stake a fraudulent claim to the Manchu gold they stole all those years ago (and have long since used up). They will not get it because the whole world is sick and tired of their criminal antics.
In fact, looking through a gold lens sheds a whole new light on many recent historical events. First of all, the Lehman shock of 2008 came because the corporate government of the United States failed to make a gold payment that was due. That led to a temporary cut off of U.S. trade. The U.S. corporate government then managed to get a large gold loan from the Ming Dynasty faction in Asia on the promise that Barack Obama would be made president and the U.S. would reform itself.
After Obama’s actions showed that he was no better than George Bush Jr., the Ming gold dried up. The U.S. cabal staged events since that time have all been in search of gold and financing. The red shirt movement in Thailand, for example, was really aimed at getting custody of the huge historical Thai royal gold stash. The “Arab Springs” in Tunisia and other Arab counties were also aimed at the gold stashes these countries had. The invasion of Mali was staged to seize gold mines there. The tsunami and earthquake attack on Haiti was also aimed at getting gold mining rights. The invasion of Libya was an unsuccessful attempt to steal Colonel Muammar Khadaffi’s gold. The March 11th, 2011 tsunami and earthquake attack on Japan was also aimed at extorting Japanese imperial gold.
So now the cabalists are frantically hunting royals with claim to historical gold troves. The reason the Obama regime has suddenly been sucking up to Iran so vigorously is because the Persian historical gold trove is worth $46 trillion, according to the current heir to the Persian throne. The Iranians have responded to this U.S. foot-kissing by publicly blaming the U.S. government for 9/11 and telling many other truths. In any case, the heirs to the Persian fortune have made it perfectly clear that the U.S. cabalists will never get their hands on their gold.
One recent new indicator of the worldwide boycott against the U.S.-based Khazarian cabalists was the report of the National Association of Credit Managers that successful U.S. loan applications since the end of March fell by more than 40% year on year. The fall was almost entirely due to a stoppage of trade credits, according to the association. The U.S. government later forced them to “revise” away this ugly truth.
http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-05-02/did-tap-shoulder-prevent-us-economy-sliding-recessionHowever, the fact that over 6,000 U.S. retail shops have recently been closed illustrates how the U.S. corporate government and their American debt slaves can no longer borrow money to buy trinkets from the rest of the world. More proof of bigger than Lehman U.S. economic collapse can be found here:
http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-05-01/we-just-broke-2008s-record-fastest-economic-unravelingThat is why rent-a-mobs are being paid with Fed funny money to try to start race wars in Ferguson, Baltimore, Seattle, and elsewhere. The Feds are hoping to use the unrest to trigger a civil war in order to distract attention from their own problems.
There was also a big push on the Internet to use cabal-controlled websites to push “Jade Helm,” a psychological warfare operation against the American people and the U.S. military. There was further what seems to be an attempt to give some credibility to widely discredited fake opposition blogs and radio shows by staging what appear to have been murder attempts against two of them: Stew Webb and Jeff Rense.
http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2015/04/attempted-murder-of-two-radio-show-hosts-within-24-hours-alternative-media-strikes-back-3146208.htmlJust before the apparent attack on Webb, somebody contacted this writer and told me Webb (whom I had never heard of) slandered me by calling me a “disinformation agent.” My response was to quote the Arab saying, “The dogs bark but the caravan rolls on.” However, in retrospect it now seems this was an attempt to get me to say something hostile about Webb just before the “attack” on him. Jeff Rense has also highly discredited himself with all the nonsense he has spewed out about Fukushima. However, I tried to contact him to confirm if he had really been attacked, only to find out I was no longer allowed to email him. My understanding, based on a lot of different evidence, is that Rense is a front for the Bush family and, until I hear from him otherwise, that is line I will take. Nonetheless, as a journalist who has had many colleagues killed and who has personally survived multiple assassination attempts, you may be sure I am vigorously opposed to the murder of journalists and even propagandists.
These two “murder attempts” by the way, came at around the same time a scheduled major U.S. radio broadcast by me on the show “Caravan to Midnight” was cancelled at the last minute due to a “major server attack.”
In any case, these increasingly clumsy attempts by cabal agents to start race riots, promote attacks against the military, and spread confusion in the alternative media are all signs of desperation.
The desperation is becoming palpable now because of what just happened to Saudi Arabia, one of the US Khazarian faction’s last sources of money. The Pentagon and the Iranians forced Saudi’s new King Salman to fire Crown Prince Muqrin and Saud Al Faisal (who has been Saudi foreign minister for the past 40 years). They were fired to remove Bush influence from the Saudi regime and to force an end to the attacks on Yemen, Pentagon sources say. The Pentagon sources are saying they are still seriously thinking of allying with the Yemeni Houthis to carry out a complete regime change in Saudi Arabia.
The other cabal slave regime that is in trouble is Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s government in Japan. As predicted, Abe read a humiliating speech in front of the U.S. Congress and Senate last week that made it clear he was not a Japanese Prime Minister, but just a U.S. cabal-paid actor reading a script. The U.S. military needs to hurry up and clean up its act in Japan or else lose the regime there to Chinese control. The Pentagon knows who to contact to prevent that.